In fact, this episode is not a big deal, just a mediocre slash.

Even Natsume did not bless the attack skill of the Dark Emperor Rider on this attack, and the power of light was naturally included.

However, dealing with lava dopings is not a difficult task.

So that’s it.

No need to do too much.

No more.

Natsume’s strength is not so faceless, if the opponent is a relatively powerful cadre strength, maybe Natsume will slowly entangle with it.

But now, what appeared in front of his eyes was just a rookie chicken doped, and his strength was not strong, and Natsume didn’t have so much idle work to play the family game with him.

This slash is also extremely strong.

At least it’s not a lava doper that can touch porcelain, at the moment in the eyes of Yosuke Togawa, who transformed into a doped.

Natsume’s slash was far from ordinary as it seemed.

In the opinion of Yosuke Togawa.

Natsume’s slash is a bit of a mysterious posture, which is completely unusual.

No matter which direction he dodged in 22 directions, the final result was that it was not good.

An attack that can’t be avoided?

In his heart, he also felt a little more apprehensive because of this.

This is also too scary?

Before that.

After he purchased Gaia’s memory, he also shot several times, although he did not encounter Kamen Rider, but the power derived from the inside out also made him more inflated.

Think you have embarked on the road to invincibility.

But the truth is a heavy blow!

He was in front of the Dark Emperor Rider.

There really isn’t a single card to speak of, huh.

Obviously, he was directly blasted!

This sword slashed at him.

The sting is incomparable!

But this is not the end, the ordinary sword cast by Natsume may not have any attack buff blessings.

But in terms of lethality, it is definitely not weak.


One sword only. Natsume followed with a flickering sword light like a rainstorm of pear blossoms.

With just one sword, the lava doping could not resist.

Not to mention more sword light.

The result, without a doubt, is all the same, needless to say!

In the eyes of Narumiya Shuzi and W, the attack and defense of the Dark Emperor Rider and the Doping Body are actually very simple.

It can’t be said that it is an exchange of attack and defense.

After all, it’s just that the doping body has been beaten all the time, and Togawa Yosuke wanted to move, but he didn’t even touch the corner of the dark emperor’s clothes.

It can only be said that there is nothing to do.

Fear and anger.

These two very different feelings are intertwined, which makes Yosuke Togawa entangled.

“Shotaro, he’s strong.”

Philip said suddenly.

“Ah, I know.”

Shotaro nodded.


He looked at the Dark Emperor Rider, that guy, he had never heard of it in the wind capital for so many years.

Is it except for them and the uncle of the year.

In this world, are there other Kamen Riders?

But that’s too deep.

Shotaro smashed his tongue.

Some helplessness.

To be honest, Shotaro still had many doubts in his heart about Natsume, who had never heard of it but suddenly appeared.

Narukaiya Shuko, who was standing on the side, was silent.

Of course, even if she wanted to, there was nothing she could do.

She didn’t understand.

It’s helpless…

However, it was said that on Natsume’s side, he was as light as if he was stepping on Lingbo’s microsteps, and the lava doped body could not keep up with his attack rhythm at all.

If Natsume wanted to.

At the beginning, you can directly kill the doped body.

“The finale!”

Natsume shook his head and said to himself, and then took out the Dark Emperor’s killer card from the card box.

【FinalAttackRide! DarkDeDeDeDeDecade] (Read violent novels, go on the Feilu Novel Network!) )

In a split second.

Dark card phantoms emerged, and in the middle of each card phantom, it seemed that isolation coincided with dimensions.

Like a bridge.

The two ends are connected!

At these two ends, it is the dark emperor riding and lava doped, and at this moment, Togawa Yosuke is panicking.

Because of intuition.

From Natsume’s body, he sensed danger, and it was extremely terrifying.

Natsume didn’t care what he was thinking at the moment.

Take a leap.

He passed through the heavy cards, and in the blink of an eye, he landed on the doped.

The terrifying power burst out in an instant.

The direct shroud covered his whole body.

It exploded.

It was as if at this moment, there were countless dimensional forces spreading within his body.

The eight veins of the Odd Meridian will not be absent.

Directly annihilate it in one go.

The three knights designed by the overhaul card.

The Dark Emperor Ride, the Emperor Ride, and the Final Ride, in some ways, all have certain particularities.

They can control the cards of the remaining knights and use them for their own use.

As you can imagine, this is a very powerful phase.

And with the use of the power of other knights, even weirdos, it leads to some other problems.

They have strange properties.

That dimensional destructive force, as long as it is a weirdo in the knight universe, can easily annihilate it.

Moreover, the method used cannot be said to be ordinary.

They were able to simulate a specific approach specific to them, defeating the lava dope.

You can vaguely see Yosuke Togawa lying on the ground with a purple face, obviously not in a good condition, as if the broken Gaia memory sucked away the essence of his body.

Alive though.

Natsume didn’t have any thoughts of killing them all. 410 because, there is no need.

Again no points.

Why increase the killing?

Natsume’s ears.

At this time, a pleasant sound sounded, which was the reward obtained after killing the lava doped.

Maybe not much.

But of course, Natsume did not refuse to come, and grandma’s, originally obtained by himself.

How can there be any reason to give up?

Natsume certainly won’t!

[Defeat the lava dope and reward 100 points!] 】

When you kill a xenozoa or protozoa.

The first character.

It’s basically kills!

They are not human, so Natsume killed them, and he didn’t feel anything, but the doping weirdos of the wind capital are basically human beings.

To kill or not to kill.

For Natsume, it all depends on the mood, but these guys don’t mess with him like the original insect.


How it is, or see how it should be operated after that.

And also… One hundred points.

Natsume took a breath.

Sure enough, similar to what he guessed, it is estimated that in addition to the real cadres, most of the memories sold in general and the points awarded are in this range.

And when Natsume is ready to lift the transformation and leave.

A new mission alert sounded, but suddenly sounded…


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