Kuriyama Park.

After Natsume and they left, the field near the tennis court was still empty, because of the news of the ‘weirdo’, no one dared to come here for the time being, in fact, except for witnesses, others did not know the specific situation, basically relying on hearsay.

But who can be sure if it’s true or not?

Tokyo has always been a city legend of weird people.

In recent years, many people have indeed died of mysterious causes.

Either a gas explosion or a car accident.

Seven years have passed, and it has almost become a daily routine.

In case there are really weirdos, go over by yourself, wouldn’t it be a food delivery?

I like to watch the lively melon, which is normal.

But the premise must be based on their own security, and the vast majority of people are still very desperate.

Soon after.

Several cars carrying ant soldiers slowly drove in from outside the park.

Yachi drove the locomotive of the Imperial Bee and was at the forefront.

Stop when you come to the site.

Empty, uninhabited.

Yacha wanted to frown and look around.

The ant soldiers of the Phantom Squad got out of the car fully armed and began to search the scene, they did find traces of the appearance of the alien worm, but unfortunately it was only the special liquid produced by the explosion after the alien worm was defeated.

Xenomorphs, more than one!

But now there is no point in saying it anymore.

“Brother Yache, one adult worm, three larvae, have been confirmed to be completely destroyed.”

Chiki mercy… No, it was Kageyama Instant, trotting up and saying.


Yacha wanted to take a deep breath and muttered to himself.

“Let’s go ahead and clean up the battlefield, by the way, what about Kagami?”

“The guy said he wanted to find himself and go back to his original unit.” Kageyama instantly mentioned Kagami and was angry, “It’s so annoying to jump on both sides like that.” ”

Yacha wanted to wave his hand, signaling that the matter was over.

Kageyama didn’t say more.

Continue with your Phantom Squad companions to collect the bodily fluids left behind by the explosion.

Yachi wanted to stand where he was.

Look into the distance.

Fists clenched, not knowing what to think.

‘The Insect has been defeated, the other knights… Is it a Jia Dou, or a Dark Emperor Rider? ’

In his heart, doubts lingered.

Yache, who has always prided himself on being ‘perfectly harmonized’, unknowingly fell into a certain cycle of quagmire, unable to extricate himself, when did it start?

The one he was defeated by Nogi Reiji’s domineering?

That encounter with Heavenly Dao?

He felt.

Now, it is necessary to make a break.

Let’s start with the armor…


D-5 area.

Shuichi Tasho led the ant soldier squad to fight several alien insects, the ant soldiers lined up in formation, the machine gun in his hand constantly poured bullets towards the alien insects, covered by firepower, even if the larvae had a hard carapace, they could not move forward.

Before the worm molts, even the ant soldiers can kill it.

This is how the Ant-Soldier troops fought enemies when Zect’s Knight system was not operational for the past seven years.

“The heat rises! It’s time to molt! ”

Inside the command car, Yuyue Misaki, who had been observing the data, shouted.

There are three alien insects in total.

At this moment, all the alien insects entered the molting state.

“Abominable, smoke grenades, the squads retreated in an orderly manner.”

Shuichi Tasho immediately ordered.

Without a knight system, in the face of adult insects that can enter ultra-high-speed movement, ordinary ant soldiers can choke even if they face one, let alone molt three together.

Just when the adults want to go further, they will kill all the ant soldiers who hinder them.

A red mechanical unicorn appears.

The successive impacts limited the movement of the insect.

Not far away.

The two drove the locomotive over.

Tendo Division!

Kaga Mishin!

Tendo grabbed his ‘future’ and placed the Jia Dou Insect Instrument at the junction of his belt.


【Henshin! 】

The belt emitted a mechanical electronic sound, and heavy armor covered the body.


【Change.Beetle! (beetle morphing)].

After the transformation.

Tiandao did not stop much in the masquerade form, directly chose the explosive armor, turned into a streamlined knight form, and drove the exclusive locomotive of the armor bucket to flick its tail and flutter, knocking the three alien insects into the air.

And in this instant.

The insect immediately made a decision and immediately entered a super-high-speed movement.

After a little discussion, they attacked towards Jia Dou together.

Jia Dou’s reaction is not slow either.

The right hand slapped the induction device on the lower waist, and itself also entered the ultra-high-speed movement, the bitter gun was transformed into a sword form, short dagger appearance, was held in the hand by the armor bucket, when the insect rushed in front of him, the jia dou swept the circle with the bitter sword, and the arc-shaped sword light shone, directly repelling the insect.

He was back on the rise.

The faster-than-light particles converged on the Ku Wu Sword, and the armor bucket threw it directly, and the Ku Wu Sword was thrown out by him in a straight line, directly piercing into the body of an adult worm, and the destructive power contained in the blade of the sword in that instant directly caused the alien insect to explode.


Tiandao read a number casually.

A second worm appeared in front of him.

Jia Dou didn’t look at it.

With both hands clenched into fists, he quickly shot out, like a Wing Chun fast fist, pouring all the power into the body of the alien worm, and every attack of the armor fell in the same place.

The insect was blasted again.


The Heavenly Dao is still counting.

The last insect, seeing that his companion was burst, did not have the slightest posture of wanting to escape, but suddenly attacked from behind the armor.

Jia Dou had no intention of looking back.


He pressed the full-speed switch on the insect meter.

Endless arcs of electricity converged on the right leg.

【Rider… Kick! 】

Turn around, kick!

As if attracted by gravity, the rushing insect crashed straight into the knight kick of the armor fight, and exploded again.

【Clock.Over! 】

Jia Dou raised his index finger and pointed to the heavens.

It’s a momentary rush.


Instead, get on the locomotive.

“Hey, Heavenly Dao, or you will join Zect with me.”

Kagami brought up the matter again.

Tiandao took care of himself and got on the locomotive.

“I’m not bored enough to walk alongside you guy.”

“Now to do the vital thing, go back and make lunch for my sister.”

He said casually.

Galloping away.


Who will be the friend that Shuhua said on the phone?

He also knows….

Could it be Nanako Kamiki who was hanging out with Shuhua today?

Kagami looked at Tendo’s distant back.

“What, that guy from Heavenly Dao…”


PS: Thanks to ‘し□veヾ屴吢’ for the great monthly pass support!

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