‘Boom! ’

The knees of the two collided together, and the impact generated instantly made both Koto and Natsume take a few steps back, and finally stabilized their figures.

“Natsume, you guy, it’s unexpectedly good, if you don’t seduce my sister…”

The voice of Tendo came from under the Kato mask.

The corners of Natsume’s mouth twitched inexplicably.

“Hey, can you talk properly?”

Seduce or something….


Tiandao snorted coldly.

No more talking.

Continuing to enter the combat state, Ku Wujian from top to bottom, chopping down, Natsume dexterously sideways to dodge the armor attack, Ku Wujian changed into gun mode, and pulled the trigger at close range.

‘Bang! ”Bang! ’

Bullets poured out.

【Clock.Up! 】

The moment the bullet arrives.

The armor bucket pinched the time and entered the ultra-high-speed movement, for the armored bucket, even if it is a bullet that is close at hand, it can be easily avoided, and Natsume also entered the ultra-high-speed movement.

After being in the same field.

Natsume easily captured the position of the armor fight, and squeezed his fist towards it, this punch condensed a lot of energy, Natsume’s own physique beyond the peak of human beings has also increased, so the strength of the bloom is terrifying, basically equivalent to the knight’s fist that does not contain the fluctuations of faster-than-light particles.

Jia Dou was caught off guard, and was instantly hit in the heart.

Huge force strikes!

The armor bucket flew out directly upside down, broke the guardrail, and slid on the water for tens of meters, but it was in a state of ultra-high-speed movement, and the armor bucket disappeared from the water after being adjusted.

Vacated Shift appears in another place.

Ultra-high speed can do exactly that.

In the blink of an eye, Koto appeared in front of Natsume.

Like the attack of the pear blossom rainstorm, one after another.

One punch, one kick, one palm!

Such a mediocre attack swept towards Natsume with a thunderous momentum, and Natsume responded calmly, defending while counterattacking, but an ‘surprise’ attack like the previous one was not so easy to achieve.

The strength of the two is equal.

It’s all about tricks.

It’s hard to tell the difference!

【Clock.Over! 】

Almost at the same time.

The time limit for the knight system to enter the super high speed has arrived, the physical fitness of humans and alien insects is different, and the alien insects can constantly move at super high speed after molting, but humans transform into knights, but they will be affected by force.

Compared with alien insects, human physique does not know how much worse.

Even people like Tiandao who surpass the limit cannot continue to proceed, they can only withdraw first and wait for the second opening.

“You are really strong, there are very few people in this world who can be equal to me, you are proud.”

Tiandao praised.

A man like him, who is self-centered and ‘walks the way of heaven and is in charge of everything’, such an awkward statement is his words of praise.

“Hehe, I still have spare energy.”

Natsume laughed.

“Oh? Then give it a try. ”


The three buttons of the armor bucket insect instrument on the waist are pressed continuously, and the killing is performed.




【Rider… Kick! (Knight Kick)].

On the right leg of the armor, faster-than-light particles condensed, blooming with a terrifying light.

Natsume’s movements were almost synchronized with it.

The killer card of the black armor bucket is inserted into the drive for reading.


The appearance of the knight’s kick and charge is the same as that of the armor fight.

A blue arc, an orange ….

With the dazzling arc flickering, the momentum on the two of them also climbed at this time, and everything around them, as if everything, became eclipsed in this instant.

Charge is done.

At the same time, attack the other party.

When a knight kick meets a knight kick.

The breath of destruction and terror spreads!

A terrifying fluctuation repelled the two, and an explosion occurred in place, and the aftermath spread, causing the already crumbling guardrail to simply fall completely into the sea and become empty.

A large crater also appeared in the ground because of the explosion.

The power that spreads out makes the flat earth crack….

Jia Dou stood up a little embarrassed.

He was gasping for breath.

From the day he witnessed the protozoe killing and imitating his parents, he worked hard to exercise and constantly surpass himself to become stronger than anyone else! Therefore, in past battles, Tendo has been easily solved every time, and it is the first time that a difficult opponent like Natsume has met.


The blue compound eyes are raised.

Natsume also felt tired, but it looked better than Tendo, and the range of respite was not as great as Tendo.

It seems that Natsume’s physical fitness is better.

Natsume could probably guess what the reason was.

According to the arrangement of the knight fighting evolution system, the physique of the human peak is 10, then the Heavenly Dao has surpassed that number and reached 11, and Natsume’s current physique is 12, and the gap is manifested here.

A picture suddenly appeared in Natsume’s mind.

‘There are limits to human abilities, so I’m not a human jo’!


“It seems that today there is no way to tell the winner or the loser.”

Tiandao said slowly.

“Not necessarily.”

Natsume took out another card.


[Kamen Driving Kindou].

Natsume’s posture changed again.

The armor of the black armor bucket disappeared.

Instead, there is a golden dou called ‘Golden Knight’, still a zect knight, the same as the royal bee, using a knight’s bracelet to transform, and the non-sharp Heavenly Dao noticed the difference in the waist of the golden dou.

“What is that insect meter?”

“Go above and beyond.”

Natsume replied.

【Hyper.Clock.Up! (Beyond Hyperspeed)].

When the armor enters the super high speed, you can only see the phantom.

Natsume casts the True Knight Fist.

One punch knocked out the Heavenly Dao transformation.

The armor on his own body was also lifted, and both of them were sweating profusely.

Tiandao patted the dust on his body.

Although he lost, he didn’t have a mental explosion like Yacha wanted, and looked at Natsume calmly, “The power of transcendence?” ”

Natsume nodded.

“So… Grandma once said that my evolution is faster than the speed of light, and no one in the universe can match the speed of my evolution, and I will not lose next time. Tiandao said seriously.

He is still so confident and brilliant!

“Wait and see!” Natsume smiled, “I’m going to Bsitro, together?” ”


“No, I still have business, let’s forget about it together.”

Tiandao shook his head and refused.

“That’s a shame.”

Natsume spread his hands.

The dark space opened and Natsume walked into the whirlpool, disappearing in the blink of an eye.

Heavenly Dao: …….

Messy .jpg in the wind!

‘That guy…’


PS: New January, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation votes, ask for monthly tickets!

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