“Also, it’s better to choose the day than to hit the sun.”

Natsume nodded.

In itself, he was ready to look for an opportunity to find the Shindai Sword and they were dueling, and now the opportunity was just to send the door, how could Natsume refuse? Not to mention that after defeating the sword scorpion, there are a thousand points.

Even if he goes to look for the alien worm again, the tone is good to find a few, if they are all like the alien insects that exploded just now, even molting is a problem, I am afraid that I can’t get a fraction of a thousand points in a busy night.

Natsume held the cardbox sword and waited for it.

Sword Scorpion holds a sword in both hands.

“I am the man who stands at the top of everything! Even as a Kamen Rider, I have to go to the highest position, I don’t need other knights, all the xenomorphs, it’s up to me to bring down! ”

Shendai Jian said in a condensed voice.

In his mind, at that moment, he flashed back to the memory of his sister when she was killed by an alien insect, and the breath on her body was even more indifferent.

Natsume noticed this.

I also have to sigh that the emotions that burst out of the little young master’s heart are too strong, and what mimics him is a special mutant, and the strength can reach the cadre level, which is stronger than the 16 Nai of the palace.

But even so, he still suppressed the worm heart with his human heart.

He’s also a poor man…

Natsume hates xenomorphs!

But for the Shendai Sword, the mind is very complicated.

The man who wants to kill all the alien insects, when he learns that he is the alien worm that killed his sister, the feeling that the world and faith have completely collapsed, but it is not comfortable at all, and he finally chose to die safely, mostly because of this.

Mourning is greater than the death of the heart.

Natsume took a deep breath.

Don’t think about it anymore.

Condensed said: “Very thoughtful, but little young master, you are not my opponent, you will lose miserably.” ”

“Hmph, this has to be known!”

The sword scorpion gripped the longsword tightly and slashed diagonally towards Natsume.

There was a sound of breaking the air from Hula.

His moves go on a rampage.

This is a heavily armored mask form, which itself is used for recklessness, and Natsume raised his sword to resist, and a huge force came from the blade, which was much stronger than the contact of the dragonfly just now.

However, the Dark Emperor was wearing God-given armor.

Quietly dissolved by Natsume.

All the power was dispersed to the ground.

With Natsume’s standing position as the center, the asphalt ground, spider web-like cracks appeared, Natsume took advantage of the situation to raise his legs, kicked the sword scorpion out, and the power cable on the sword scorpion took advantage of the situation to extend out, rolled the driving card box sword in Natsume’s hand, and pulled Natsume together and flew in one direction.

Natsume borrowed his strength and jerked back.

Pulled out the card box sword.

【Cast.Off! 】


Arcs of electricity traveled on the body of the sword scorpion, and with the cold electronic synthesis sound, the bloated armor on the sword scorpion’s body exploded, revealing its original figure.

Flexible and changeable, you can use the power of ultra-high-speed movement.

This form is the real regular combat form.

The Kamen form has strong defenses and sufficient strength, but its reaction is too slow, and when facing an alien bug that can Clock.Up, it can only be a live target most of the time.

After bursting armor.

The speed of the sword scorpion became faster, and with a volley, it suddenly appeared behind Natsume, and the long sword in his hand was about to stab straight towards Natsume, but Natsume’s reaction was also very agile.

Transform the card-box sword into a card-box gun.

Then he turned around.

There was even an attack harness card read.

A series of actions, like moving clouds and flowing water, are completed in the blink of an eye.

【Attack.Ride.Dark.Decade.Blast! 】

Pull the trigger.

The card box gun seems to cast a shadow doppelganger.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The dark purple energy bullet poured out like a waterfall.

Plus the energy separated by the skill card is superimposed.

It’s double the joy.

The sword scorpion, which was about to attack Natsume’s back heart, suddenly suffered a violent impact.

Countless energy bullets fell on him.

Sparks splashed and took several steps back.

“My lord, times have changed!”

The corners of Natsume’s lips raised slightly. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )


The Shindai Sword was angry.

It’s just…

Don’t talk about martial virtue!

At this time, he was already very close to Natsume’s position, and the arrow sprinted up, swinging his sword and slashing at the same time, the device with a head like a scorpion’s tail suddenly spewed venom towards Natsume.

In the dark blue compound eyes of the Dark Emperor Rider, the figure of the sword and scorpion charging was reflected.

Dimensional vision captures all attacks.

Natsume tilted his head slightly, dodged the incoming venom, and then saw the timing, Guna shot, grabbed the right wrist of the sword scorpion with one hand, constantly adjusted the position of the body, lowered his body and used force, and directly threw the sword scorpion out.

The sword scorpion supported the ground with one hand and landed firmly on the ground.

Natsume pulled out the card of the armor.

【Kamen.Ride.Kabuto! 】

The Dark Emperor Rider transforms into the appearance of an armor fight.

I used a black armor bucket before, but now I use a armor bucket, even if the rain and dew are all wet, right?

【Clock.Up! 】

The sword scorpion enters the ascending state.

Natsume’s movements are the same.

The 717 sword scorpion quietly slashed down with a sword.

Natsume resisted with a bitter sword.


One moment inside the ultra-high-speed, the other outside the ultra-high-speed.

Constant in and out.

The Jindai sword itself is a foreign insect, born with strong physical fitness, and the peak of human beings is not a limitation for him, but Natsume is not an ordinary person, and it seems to be evenly matched.

It looks like a stalemate for a long time.

But the sword scorpion took the initiative to break the deadlock.


Special moves.

The sword scorpion slashed towards Natsume.

Natsume did not hard-connect.

Deftly avoided.


【Rider.Kick! 】

Intertwined with blue electric arcs, a kick full of energy, kicked the body of the sword scorpion, unspeakable power, poured into the knight armor, the mask form can also be hard-connected, but the crispy knight form is not so thick defense.

The sword scorpion fell to the ground.

Armor collapse.

The little young master who had never lost opened his mouth and closed his eyes, and his heart was shocked.

This guy…

So strong!

Natsume shrugged and lifted the transformation.

In my ears, I remembered the sound of the system…

ps: One more, please order first! Thank you for riding a snail and soaking a girl for your big monthly pass support!.

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