Knock knock.

There was a knock on the door.

“Come in.”

After putting on a suit and combing his hair into an adult’s appearance, Kageyama carefully put the knight transformation bracelet of the Imperial Bee on his wrist, and sat in the position that Yacha had thought of in the past.

One pushed open the door and walked in.

Dressed in the costume of an ant soldier.

But I didn’t wear a helmet.

He looks handsome, if Natsume is here, he will definitely recognize his appearance, exactly like Shirou Kanzaki of Kamen Rider Dragoon World!

“Captain, there is a new mission at the headquarters, let’s join forces with Mr. Tasho’s squad to eliminate the alien insects.”

He said with a very excited look and handed the document in his hand to Kageyama.

Kageyama took the document instantaneously and read it carefully.

This is indeed a document delegated by the headquarters, allowing them to act jointly with the two “703” teams, the Phantom team is the main attack, and Shuichi Tasho’s team is responsible for tactical support, and goes to an abandoned church on the outskirts of Saitama Prefecture.

According to Zect’s intelligence.

It was very strange over there, many people went to the Saitama police station to investigate, and encountered the attack of strange people halfway, and the ant soldier squad stationed there was also seriously damaged.

That side has become a nest of alien insects!

Headquarters will certainly not sit idly by.

There is friction between humans and protozoa, but most of the time it is still the same hatred when dealing with alien insects.

Saitama Prefecture is less than a hundred kilometers from the city.

The ant soldiers will arrive soon.

“Prepare quickly, I still have to inform Mr. Tasho.”

Kageyama instantly put down the file and said.


The man who resembled Shirou Kanzaki walked out of the office, in the empty white corridor of the Phantom Squad base, the corners of his mouth gently raised, revealing a weird smile, and disappeared in a flash.

Kageyama Instant called Shuichi Tasho, and this matter was notified together, but as a colleague who was about to cooperate, Kageyama Instant still felt that he should have a good relationship.

His connections are not as good as Yacha.

Tiansho Shuichi Division.

He summoned all the elites under his command, Kagami, Yuzuki Misaki, and Renka Takatori, and the three of them were now Shuichi Tansho’s right hand.

“Today I’m going to Saitama Prefecture to encircle and suppress the nest of the alien worm, Misaki, your injuries are okay, right?”

Shuichi Tasho asked.

“No problem.”

Yuzuki Misaki replied.

“That’s fine.”

Shuichi Tian rubbed his eyebrows, if he was there, he could also relax, while observing various instruments, he also had to command the action, even if he himself was a protozoa, he couldn’t withstand it.

I couldn’t help but rub my eyebrows.

For some reason.

He always felt that this operation was a little strange, as if there was some conspiracy hidden behind it, but he was sent out and knew very little about many news about the headquarters, and if he thought about it, he didn’t come up with a reason.

That’s it!

For the alien worm, he will kill, since there is a task, then do it, lest anyone suffer the scourge of the alien worm.

Now it is still far away to kill all the alien insects.

Probably kill some is some.

As a protozoa.

Shuichi Tasho is a good one, he is not like the Negishi them, hiding evil intentions! He likes this planet and humans, so he personally led a squad of ant soldiers to fight at the forefront.

Kagami looked a little excited.

Destroying the nest of alien insects must be able to kill a lot of alien insects, right?

Yuyue Misaki pondered for a moment and said:

“Saitama Prefecture… It’s still a little far from the city, do you want to inform Natsume about them? ”

Gao Bird Lianhua’s eyes lit up, and her heart was very good.

She stood by with a smile and did not speak.

Shuichi Tasho snorted and nodded in agreement.

If it was Yachi who worked with him, it was okay, they had known each other at headquarters before, and he knew what kind of person Yachi was, but now Yachi left Zect, and the Phantom Team was taken over by Kageyama.

He really didn’t have much confidence in Kageyama. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Even if you transform into a royal bee, this is the same!

“Huh? Let Natsume and Tendo go too? ”

Kagami was stunned.

Yugetsu Misaki immediately went to the side and called Natsume to explain the situation.

Hanging up the phone and coming back, Asadasho Shuichi said, “Okay.” ”

The latter nodded.

Immediately let Kagami go and sound the alarm of the base, let the ant soldiers prepare first, and then they have to start operating…….

“Miss Misaki and Xia Junior seem to have a very good relationship.”

Gao Tori Lianhua teased.

She had been looking for an opportunity to contact Natsume, but unfortunately only the last time she was at the supermarket, and after that she also went to the Bsitro.Salle restaurant, but unfortunately she was unlucky and met.

“It’s fine.”

Yuzuki Misaki said with a smile.

“Miss Misaki and Natsu are not dating, right?”

Misaki Yugetsu shook his head.

Didn’t speak again.

Now, there is definitely none.

Kuriyama Park.

Children’s area.

At this time, there were no children to play, Natsume was sitting on the slide, and after receiving a call from Yuzuki Misaki, he called Tendo and asked him to come here first and go to Saitama Prefecture together.


Natsume stretched.

Pat yourself and stand up.

At this time, a little boy with strange behavior suddenly appeared, standing not far from Natsume, looking directly at Natsume with a pair of empty eyes, but he couldn’t see any look.

Natsume took a deep breath.

Brow furrowed.

The perception of alien insects brought by the dark space jumped out an extremely strong warning.

Of course he knows what this situation is.

This means.

The boy in front of him is not a human, but a humanoid worm, although he knows that after the alien worm arrives, in order to lurk in the human world, 3.9 does not do evil, regardless of young and old, men and women, all must mimic.

Do whatever you want.

But small children and the elderly …

Natsume was a little angry.

Placing the Dark Emperor Rider Drive on his waist, his belt extended back, clicked, connected, and held in his hand, which was obtained by challenging the daily projection in the early hours of the morning.



[Kamen controls eternity! ] 】

When the electric sound is played.

A knight dressed in white, with his arms stained with blue flames and a black cape, stood proudly in place, all surrounded by an extremely terrifying aura! It’s especially scary:

PS: Thank you for your monthly pass support!.

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