There are no birds in the sky, leaving only a few faint glooms.

Saitama Prefecture.

Several heavy armored vehicles drove in and sped towards their destination, an abandoned church, and Kageyama, who was driving the exclusive locomotive of the Imperial Bee, took the lead!

This is his first major battle under the command of the Phantom Squad, and he is bound to show himself well!

However, reality and imagination are often the opposite!

They soon came to the outskirts of Saitama Prefecture.

An abandoned church that was pulled up by the Saitama Police Station and put on a blockade.

All around exudes a strange, terrifying, eerie atmosphere.

“Team A, blast in from the main entrance, with an alpha formation.”

“Team B, Team C, attack from both sides.”

Kageyama instantly got out of the car and ordered.

Behind him, one of the Phantom’s squads crossed the cordon and sprang into action.

“Mr. Tasho, the people who have troubled you have responded.”

He said again on the same action voice channel.


Immediately afterwards, there was a breathy voice from the headset.

Shuichi Tasho’s troops were ready to attack outside.

The Phantom A Team Ant Soldiers burst the door of the church and rushed in one after another.



Just getting started.

There was a gunshot, several alien insects appeared, and under the strong fire suppression of the ant soldiers, several were directly blasted, but two of them molted, spiders and bats, and immediately entered the super speed.

The ant soldiers who rushed to the church were immediately beaten to pieces.

Seeing this, Kageyama immediately summoned the other ant soldiers to concentrate their firepower and attack.

He then summoned the Imperial Bee Insect Instrument.


While running, install the Imperial Bee Insect Instrument on the knight’s bracelet to complete the transformation.


Burst armor immediately.

Enter the ultra-high speed at the same time as the alien insects, and in an instant, as if they exploded, punching and kicking the alien insects, because in the ultra-high-speed field that ordinary people cannot see, the ant soldiers can only dry stare.

Kageyama was instantly furious.

Let out a low roar.

“My time… It’s coming.! ”

A punch on the body of the spider adult!

Make a dull sound.

Push it back in an instant.

But he’s obviously handsome for no more than three seconds.

Adult bats fly in mid-air.

Rush towards him.


The royal bee was directly knocked out of the super high speed, flew backwards, hit the wall of the church, and made a dull sound, and the knight form also had a certain degree of defense, but compared with the mask form, it was more.

He was not disarmed and transformed without being beaten.

But physical-physical pain, but can not be fake.

Under the mask.

Kageyama gasped instantly.

Eat deflated for a while. I’ve been deflated… Always cool!

Inside the command car.

Observing the battle and preparing to carry out support operations, Shuichi Tasho and Yugetsu Misaki couldn’t help but look at each other, and their faces involuntarily showed speechless expressions, how to say…

If this place is really a nest of alien insects, there are many adult worms that molt, and these two teams rushed alone, it is estimated that they are the ones who deliver vegetables, thousands of miles to send people’s heads, and the gift is light and affectionate!

The royal bee of Kageyama is really very dish.

I still remember that Yache thought that after transformation, it was very strong, and when fighting with molting aliens, it was also clouds and water, and once they entered the super high-speed state, basically by the time they saw the situation clearly, the battle was over.

But Kageyama instantly, the moment he entered the super high speed, he was beaten out embarrassed.

Yuzuki Misaki was calm in her heart.

Fortunately, she was witty earlier and let Natsume come over.

The super-high-speed adult worms did not stop in the slightest, and launched an offensive against the ant soldiers waiting next to them.

“Flash bombs!” (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

“Then retreat!”

Shuichi Tasho gave orders.

The ant soldiers under his department and the ant soldiers of the phantom squad are all in action, and no one wants to die, but the members of the phantom team can’t help but feel a little disgusted in their hearts for their second-generation captain.

Before the start of the war, the momentum was stronger than anyone, and when the war started, it was cooler than anyone.

Kageyama said.

This is not their own reason at all, but the floor of this church is too slippery, and it will slip at super speed! Yes, that’s right, that’s it.


Cold snorted.

The royal bee then entered the super high speed, wasted a lot of strength, and grappled with two alien insects.

【Rider.Sting! (Knight Spurt)]

He cast a killer, as if carrying a tail thorn with endless destructive power, he completely broke through the defenses of the alien insects, the spider was sacrificed to the sky, and the bat, of course, was not far behind, and offered himself as a sacrifice to the land.

Spider sacrifice to the sky, bat sacrifice to the ground!

The world of knights is old tradition~


The knight system of the royal bee emitted a mechanical electronic synthesis sound, and Kageyama’s breathless figure appeared in front of everyone’s eyes at this time, and the royal bee insect instrument fell off.

Kageyama continued to send people into the church.

“Report, there is no life reaction in it!”

An ant soldier reported.

Inside the church, there are cobwebs everywhere, and there is a lot of dust, it looks really dilapidated, no one cleanses, and it is not popular, and it will become like this over time.

But ant soldiers searched everywhere.

But I didn’t see the eggs of the alien worm.

“How so?”

Kageyama exclaimed instantly.

They… Scammed?

Right at this moment.

Another larva, quickly appeared behind Kageyama Instant, sharp claws towards Kageyama Instant’s back, Kageyama Instant, as if discovering the movement behind him.

He was about to dodge to the side, but the battle just now made him exhausted, and his reaction was more than a little slower.

And at this time… (No) Bang!

Gunshots rang out.

Two bullets appeared in a row, like a fire escape, one of which landed in Kageyama’s lower abdomen, and the other landed on the head of the alien.


The ant soldiers of the Phantom Squad shouted, although they disliked, they were their own captains, the adaptors of the Imperial Bee!

“I’m sorry Captain, I tried to save you, but I missed it.”

The man took off his helmet and revealed a face that Kageyama was instantly familiar with, wasn’t this the team member who came to the office in the morning to report to him? He looked at his smile, what was going on?

Kageyama was momentarily stunned.


“Captain purchase?”

He blinked, his face full of innocence.

Kageyama almost vomited blood instantly.

This guy…

Definitely problematic!

ps: I grew a bulge in my heart, went to shoot a color ultrasound, and delayed for most of the day….

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