The night was getting deeper.

After Natsume washed, he skillfully entered the system space, ready to brush the copy, calculate the time, and when he brushed the copy almost the same, the daily projection should be refreshed.


Natsume’s knight powers allow you to fight three battles in each of the duel arenas, which is given by the system for free, and if you are lucky, you will drop some very useful objects.

The fantasy of empty my belt is realized.

The power of light of Agituo.

Mirror world, dimensional wall…

These forces Natsume are very hungry.

Since the system was rebooted and he was able to gain points and abilities through fighting, Natsume has been particularly interested in the more special powers of these knight worlds.

You can’t use it, but you can’t do without!

“So I might really have a hobby of philately?”

Natsume fell into deep thought.

In his previous life, he didn’t seem to have it, right?

[Defeat Kamen Rider Empty Me Projection, Reward None]

“Here it comes!”

The corners of Natsume’s lips twitched.

However, he had already been mentally prepared, when the projection of the system space challenged, except for the initial thousand points, the rest of the items, such as 19 tube bloodline props or abilities, had a low chance of dropping.

It’s a matter of luck.

If it is Ou Huang, there is only a one percent chance, and it can often enter the soul at once, and if it is not a chief, the ninety-nine percent chance is also very likely to overturn.

Natsume’s luck is clearly average.

Good times and bad times.

That’s it.

The long challenge begins!

It’s almost twelve o’clock in the morning.

Natsume makes the settlement.

【Light Power Seed x1】

【Light Power Seed x1】

【Faiz Mobile】

“Today’s harvest is good!”

Natsume will probably complete the challenge, only to look at the settlement reward, just the power of light seed x2, in fact, Natsume is already content, this luck is simply bursting!

To know.

Ten Light Force Seeds can be fused into a complete Light Force!

Natsume himself was ready for a long battle.

Who ever thought of good luck.

Now there are four in total.

“Also, Faiz Phone…”

Natsume put it in his hand.

There are two patterns in total.

They are: mobile phone form, mobile phone blasting gun form!

It can be used to make phone calls on weekdays.

It can also be converted into a weapon.

Natsume himself has a card-box gun, and a superpower that can release light bullets, which is not needed for this weapon, but it seems to be very good to give it to the girl for self-defense?

Natsume thought to himself.

【Daily projection has been refreshed, is a new projection extracted?】 】

The system’s prompt sound, at the moment of refreshing at twelve o’clock in the morning, appeared in Natsume’s ears, as if it resounded throughout the system space.


As his words fell.

The virtual knight pattern rolls, fast as a phantom, dazzling, and almost unresponsive.

Natsume’s gaze was like a torch.

Falls on the screen where the projection is extracted.

Gradually, the scrolling slowed down.

In the end, it froze on a familiar figure of Natsume.

Ole, third uncle!

Kamen Rider Denio Projection!

“Sure enough, today is very lucky, this is not, the knights of the old decade, get together.” The corners of Natsume’s lips rose and he said to himself, remembering the K touch screen that he had rewarded earlier.

God Lord form, isn’t this there?

It’s a pity that the purple lantern war ghost form is still only an experience card, and Xiaoming can only use the power after accepting his identity as a world destroyer, and there is not much performance in the original work.

Natsume didn’t bother that much.

Either challenge the Emperor Rider projection, drop it from the Emperor Rider’s projection, turn it into a card, and Natsume can easily use it, or buy it in the system mall, the price is not close to the people at all!

Therefore, now Natsume only has an experience card that was originally rewarded. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )


The surrounding duel scene changes, entering the space of the Sands of Time, and not far away there is a tram paved with tracks, but then it seems that time has stopped and the time train has been frozen.

Natsume inexplicably felt that this was a bit like a cutout scene, somewhat sloppy.

But he didn’t care too much.

Wait for the virtual shadow of the electric king to condense.

Natsume placed the Dark Emperor Rider Drive around his waist.

“So, ShowTime has arrived.”

He chuckled.

Transform into a card and send it in!


And when Natsume was fighting with the knight projection in the system space, in the corner room on the second floor of the villa.

“I can’t sleep at all…”

Monya Xiaoye wore a white gauze nightdress and rolled left and right on the big bed.

She didn’t actually recognize the bed.

But today, too much has happened.

Expectant, excited, moving, humiliating…

It can be said that it has everything!

“At this time, what is Brother Natsume doing? It’s so late, I should have slept, hmm…”

She wrapped her body in a quilt.

Girl Huaichun…


Just at this moment, dark clouds obscured the moonlight.


Inside the photo museum, Monyaji and Onodera Yusuke were already planning to rest, they first arrived today, and 893 did not deliberately look for too much news, and went to take pictures on the edge of the ruins of Shibuya.

After eating some more, I came back.

They plan to rest first.

Then tomorrow investigates all kinds of news about this world in the best condition, it is not easy to travel the world, since embarking on the trip, nine parallel worlds, including the negative world.

They haven’t had much rest yet.

But right now!

Drip, drip, drip…

The alarm sounded.

Shi and Onodera instantly became energetic, looked at each other in unison, and then their eyes fell on the ant soldier equipment given to them by the world, opened the pager, and a male voice came out:

“Gather at Harajuku Hospital, and there are alien insects appearing.”

This is the convening signal of the zect organization.

“Hah… Why is it so late, zect’s ant soldier troops, are they all model workers? ”

Yusuke Onodera complained while getting dressed.

Taxi came interested.

“So, let’s stop by and take a look.”

Fiddling with the pink Polaroid camera.

The taxi changed his clothes in an instant.

The other hand holds the helmet.

This is the elite ant soldiers of the Phantom Squad…

PS: Thank you for your monthly pass support!.

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