Instant Kageyama: ????

Slowly put a question mark.

What the heck!

As a member of the Phantom, not only does he not help, but he also specifically captures his appearance when he is deflated? After being stunned for a moment, the royal bee immediately burst into armor and entered a super high speed.

At this time, the royal bee was quite like a serf who turned over and sang!

In a state of anger, one’s own strength is also blessed!

The adult worm that went on the rampage and made him eat deflated, as if he was no longer his opponent, Kageyama continuously threw punches at the alien worm, like a tiger and a tiger, looking terrifying.


The Queenbee’s actions at super high speeds have reached their limits! Seeing that he was about to exit from the super high speed in an instant, Kageyama instantly pressed the full-speed switch on the Imperial Bee Insect Instrument, and he was sure to kill!

【RiderSting! (Knight Spurt)]

Accompanied by the sound of electricity.

With incomparably powerful faster-than-light particle fluctuations blooming on it, the royal bee stepped forward two steps, completely pouring the knight’s spike full of power into the adult worm.


At the moment of exiting the super high speed, the terrifying power, almost instantly, poured out on the body of the adult worm, how can the adult worm at this moment have the arrogance of suppressing the royal bee before? 483

It retreats repeatedly.

It finally turned into explosive fireworks!

Dissipated with a bang.

All that’s left is the fleeting fireworks.


After solving the alien worm, Kageyama did not lift the transformation, but walked in the front first, and in this underground parking lot, there was an extremely terrifying darkness hidden.

This worm may just be an appetizer!

He looked at Menyaji.

Cold snorted.

Step forward.

“Shi, you are underestimated.”

Haidong Dashu said happily.


Shi pouted, not caring!

Only, it’s good not to be underestimated by you…

More and more inward!

Loomingly, it seemed that an eerie power came.



The strange roar of the alien insects echoed in the parking lot.

“Here it is.”


Menyaji, who was fiddling with the pink camera, raised his eyes and said.

Immediately after that, just as his words fell.


As if something, at a very short distance, (bjcd) at an extremely fast speed, broke through the air strike, the royal bee caught the enemy’s trajectory from the compound eye, again a super-high-speed adult?

Because he had killed an adult worm before, Kageyama was instantly confident at this time.

The ant soldiers who ordered the phantom squad to shoot freely, and then shot the induction device on the side of the belt, and the whole person entered the super high speed, and there was more than one adult waiting for him in the super high speed field.


Kageyama secretly gasped for air, how can this be played? In the state of super high speed, everyone’s actions are not much different, almost equivalent to not turning on such a special power, it is easier to hit one, it is okay to hit two, and it is okay to fight three.

But now, there are ten adults alone.

Even if it is just an ordinary adult worm, it is not a mutant, but with this alone, it is already a very powerful force that should not be underestimated.

The royal bee is in the embarrassing situation of being beaten!

He used the Knight Spurt.

But this time it was not used to attack, but to defend against the attacking adults.

【ClcokOver! 】

Forced to accelerate the end.

The royal bee’s whole body flew out upside down and hit the wall again, but this time it was different, without the thick metal armor of the mask form as a buffer, the damage he suffered directly produced a critical hit!

Fell into a mess.

Subsequently. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

The royal bee fell down in embarrassment, lying on the ground, huffing heavily, and the royal bee insect instrument broke away from the knight’s bracelet, covering Kageyama’s instantaneous armor, and of course disappeared.


Kageyama instantly gritted his teeth and wanted to get up and fight again, but his body was already pineapple and pineapple because of the repeated impacts, and even if he didn’t have the strength to stand up again, let alone transform.

Adults also exit from hypervelocity.

With a proud posture, standing not far away.

Those eyes are full of ferocity!

Calculated it carefully.

In the underground parking lot of Harajuku Private Hospital, there are eleven alien insects hidden, which is not a small number, and this place is also very close to the ruins of Shibuya, what are the alien insects planning?

This is food for thought!




After the defeat of the Queenbee, the ant soldiers immediately took their positions and shot at the face of the alien worm, although in their hearts, they were not very convinced by the current captain Kageyama, but they still did not choose to escape.

Defeat without a fight, this is not their Phantom Squad’s style!

Kageyama instantly pounded the ground with his hand.

Stand up through gritted teeth!

But there is still no way.

Menyashi stepped forward and threw the helmet of the ant soldier into the hands of Kageyama Instant, who had just stood up, and Kageyama Instant’s face was confused, what is this person going to do?

“Ah, it seems that I still need to get out of the horse.”

In his hand, there was an extra white emperor riding drive.


【KamenRideDecade! 】

【KamenRideKabuto! 】

The Emperor Rider Transformation Card, as well as the Armor Bucket Card obtained from the parallel world, were read separately and rushed towards the adult worms, even if the other party was ten adult worms, the Gatekeeper who had traveled through multiple worlds was not afraid at all.

Although tens of millions of people, I will go!

Adult worms are dispersed.

Carrying the firepower output of the ant soldier squad, he rushed straight forward, the phantom team members could only retreat one after another, Kageyama looked gloomy and uncertain in an instant, and the knights with the dark emperor only different colors…

Mrs. Haidong also took out the transformation card.

Send it to the final riding gun for reading.

【KamenRide! Diend】

Become a blue knight.

He shot at the alien worm from a long distance, and looked at Yusuke Onodera with a saber machine gun next to him who was struggling to deal with the alien worm, and said speechlessly: “Don’t you change your body?” ”


When Yusuke Onodera heard Haito’s words, he remembered that he was a knight, and he was empty?

The weapon in his hand flicked.

Put your hands on your waist and put the belt of the Yamadam Spirit Stone into shape.



The empty self appears.


Kageyama, who was on the edge, opened his mouth wide.

Shocking inexplicable.

How can this phantom squad have three members who are knights?

ps: thanks 17637: . Great monthly pass support! Six tomorrow, make up for the missing chapter.

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