Natsume house.

Menya turned over and over on the bed at night, and finally fell asleep with the quilt between them, the dark clouds outside the window dispersed, the light of the moon quietly spilled in, and the sleeping Menya Xiaoye, the corners of his lips raised, revealing a hint of a seemingly innocent smile.

There is still crystal flowing from the side of the mouth…

I don’t know what she dreamed about.

Natsume room.

He withdrew from the system space, he raised his hand, and a strange light flashed in the darkness, and then a small collapse card appeared in Natsume’s hand, and the pattern on it was


“Hey, Bob Happy Card.”

Natsume raised an eyebrow.

Check the card of the electric king, the transformation of the basic form, the holy sword form, the holy rod form, the holy axe form… There are also top forms, super top forms, and tram forms!

“And…” “One-six-three”

Natsume’s gaze fell behind the name of the personal attribute panel, and sure enough, there was an extra note.

Character: Natsume (Specific)

Age: 21 years

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Knight Drive: Dark Emperor Ride Drive

Constitution: 39 (human limit is 10)

Items: Transcendent Insect Instrument, Passion Experience Card x1, Light Force Seed x4, Dark Emperor Riding Bazooka, Faiz Pistol

Special Abilities: Dark Space, Poison Superpower, Flying Superpower, Void Amadam Spirit Stone Characteristics (Remnant)

Points: 93940


The peculiarities on Fate’s side refer to the anomalous world in the story that is separated from the normal timeline, and the exact name should be Singularity, while the singularity of the Electric King is different.

Refers to humans who are not affected by the destruction of time!

Time is destroyed, non-specific points will disappear, and special points will not, and humans who are special points have a name: time wanderers!

Ryotaro is the peculiarity.

After Natsume challenged the Denwang projection and defeated it to get the cards, Xu decided to take the opportunity to challenge three times a day because he had completely collected the Heisei old decade cards.

As for the rest, I’ll leave it to the evening to see if there is time.

Three challenge opportunities, all used by Natsume.

The first two times, there was no reward.

Just when Natsume thought he was going to return in vain, the last challenge was launched, and he acquired a trait called a special point.

Natsume thought it was still very good.

Well… Death matters!

Although Natsume is a Dark Emperor Rider, he estimates that he does not have such a powerful ability, and the talent of Heavenly Dao Reward is not related to this, and other abilities… Even those on the dimensional wall were split out, and Natsume didn’t have much hope.

And these abilities can be described as invaluable.

From the projection duel, there is a chance, but it is all by luck, according to that chance, it is far from as simple as imagined, and there are also in the system mall, but the price is high.

Now suddenly you get a peculiarity, it’s always good!

“Moreover, the time points in a blink of an eye have almost exceeded 100,000.”

Natsume whispered.

What happened at the Harajuku Private Hospital at this time, Natsume didn’t know, and even after Monya Night, the random dimensional wall followed and brought Monyaji and them over.

Eleven adult worms!

Although it is not a mutant, it is also a thousand points small, it is extremely good to watch, but even if Natsume knows, he will not feel regrets, peculiarities and a thousand points, fools know which to choose!

Natsume calmed down.

Go to sleep.

Heavenly Taoist.

Tiandao rubbed his temples and half-sat up from the bed.

“What happened? There’s always some unrest…”

He muttered.

Walk to the window.

By the moonlight, you can see the night scene outside, he took the opportunity to look at the time, it was four o’clock in the morning, stretched, and did not plan to continue sleeping, so he walked to the gym behind the yard to exercise.

Take a shower after a workout, and you can almost cook for the tree flowers. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

This is something that Heavenly Dao must do almost every day.

Before walking into the gym.

Tiandao looked at a certain position in the darkness, for some reason, he had a feeling of being targeted, who was it? Of the people he knew, Natsume was the most likely.

But he knew Natsume well.

Such a thing, Natsume simply did not bother to do……….


The corners of his lips raised slightly, he withdrew his gaze, walked into the gym, and started his daily workout, because his grandmother said that his evolution was faster than the speed of light, and it was useless to get tangled now.

Therefore, the soldiers come to block, the water comes to cover the soil, and wait quietly.

And in the dark.

In the field that ordinary people could not see, a red figure flashed away.

It was dawning soon.

Natsume walked to the living room.

I found that Menya Xiaoye had already made breakfast at this time, all of them were very common meals, and they looked good at appearance and taste, at least better than Yuzuki’s cooking black hole.

People sit at home, and Yugetsu-san Misaki, whose pot came from heaven, expressed that he was very uncomfortable.

“Little night? Waking up so early. ”

Natsume said with some surprise.

Over the years, he has been very self-disciplined.

Therefore, the time to get up has almost become a biological clock, he does not need to deliberately adjust the alarm clock, and when the time comes, he will wake up.

“Hmm… I’m used to it, and I used to be like this, I tried to make breakfast, don’t dislike it. ”

She said with a smile.

Natsume eats porridge with a spoon, and it tastes really good.

“It’s delicious.”

“Xiao Ye has a talent for being a good wife and mother.”

Natsume teased with a smile.


On Menya Xiaoye’s white face, the speed of light turned red at 3.5, like a floating red cloud.


Natsume was playing tai chi in the courtyard as usual, the sun had risen over the horizon, and the gentle morning light carried away the fog that shrouded the city, and Monya sat on the chair in the courtyard and looked at Natsume intently.

Thinking about things.

Strong strength, gentle personality, good cooking, and self-discipline…

Where to find such a treasure boy?

Menya Xiaoye couldn’t help but look stupid.

At this moment, in her eyes, Natsume’s whole person was glowing.

She couldn’t help but think of what Natsume said at breakfast.

Can I really be a good wife and mother? Still have to work hard…

PS: Thanks for the great monthly pass support of Miracle Reproduction!.

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