Stopped factories.

Kagami entered alone over the wall, holding the pistol equipped with Zect in his hand, and at this time, like a lone gunman, walked towards the silent and uninhabited factory.


Every time the footsteps sounded, they were very clear.

Inside the factory.

Kagami encounters a gathering colony of alien insects, and a child named Ah Makoto, in order to protect the child, Kagami is willing to act as bait and escapes outside after being chased by the alien insects.

And the alien worm that mimics the worker again imitates his appearance.

It was a green tarantula adult.

Kagami shot while dodging.

Soon we came to the outside of the factory.

The royal bee took a few phantom team members forward, with the heavy fire of the saber machine gun to suppress the action of the worm, the armored royal bee fought with the adult worm, and several alien insects caught up around also surrounded in the direction of the ant soldier.

Click, click!


The sound of bullets gushing resounded on the spot.

The Queenbee charged up and punched forward.

The menacing punch was about to bombard the adult tarantula’s body, but at this moment, the adult tarantula suddenly entered a super-high-speed state, and then gave the royal bee a blow with a backhand.

070 Kageyama was instantly stunned.

Right at this moment.

The adult tarantula withdrew from the super high speed, and the combo of pear blossom rainstorm followed.

In the blink of an eye, he was sent flying out.

Fall to the ground, so as not to be embarrassed.

The ant soldiers continued to shoot.

That’s right.

It’s not strange, everything is afraid of forming habits, and habits are actually very scary, at first they were surprised that Kageyama was instantly deflated, after all, when Yacha wanted to use the Imperial Bee before, he was very expressive.

But with the passage of time, every time they transform, the royal bees do not eat deflated, and they even feel uncomfortable in their hearts?

Kageyama Instant: Gan!

He didn’t want to either…

And at this time!

One of the alien insects was blasted by the fierce fire of the ant soldiers, but immediately after, two of the remaining larvae were already about to enter the molting state and soon turned into adults.

The remaining larvae continue to attack the ant soldiers.

The adult worms, like the adult tarantulas, are close towards the royal bee, and the ant soldiers cannot cause them much trouble, only the Kamen Rider system, so they decide to kill the royal bee first.

After that, everything is good to say.

Xenomorphs are not without intelligence.

Royalbees and adult tarantulas are still at war.

Hearing the exclamation of the ant soldier, I suddenly had a bad premonition in my heart, at this moment, after molting, the adult worm that suddenly accelerated up, went straight to the back of the royal bee, the royal bee noticed them and wanted to dodge, but its own reaction speed could not keep up at all.

I could only bear the impact silently and be thrown out again.

The Natsume family villa, in the dark, senses the appearance of alien insects.

Natsume’s eyes froze.

Standing up and swinging his little feet on the sofa, Xiao Ye said: “Xiao Ye, I want to go out here, I put the spare key on the coffee table, you can also go out to play.” ”


Monya Xiaoye nodded, and immediately asked suspiciously, “Is there anything important about Brother Natsume?” Do you need my help? ”

“No, if you really want to say it, you can save people.”

Natsume said with a smile.

“Okay, then Brother Natsume, stay safe, little night… Waiting at home for you to come back. She said with a sweet smile, and carefully helped Natsume tidy up her somewhat messy collar.

It’s like seeing off a wife who says goodbye to her husband and goes out.

Her face was also flushed.


Such a choice is already very bold for her.

“Don’t worry.”

Natsume touched Xiaoye’s head and said with a smile. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )


He walked outside the house, the whole figure was swallowed by the darkness, entered the dark space, and after entering a (bjdj) dark and strange dark space, the spatial coordinates of the incident location became extremely clear.

Natsume’s mind moved, and the figure was illusory, obviously jumping over in space.

In the living room.

Menya sat on the sofa at night, and his two hands quickly patted his cheeks to cool himself down.

Just now, I was so bold…


Natsume walked out of the purple-black whirlpool and looked around, empty, except for the ant-soldiers, royal bees, and alien insects that were fighting, there was no one else to see.

He probably already knew where this was.

A factory that turns into a nest of alien insects!

In addition to the adult larvae guarding the town, there are also many worm eggs stored, and when the alien eggs are fully hatched, they will definitely become a powerful help, and this place, even Nogi Reiji and Rina Mamiya who are currently the leaders of the insect side pay special attention!

They know that their current selves are not invincible.

Therefore, being able to add companions to his side, maybe there are new mutants appearing, Mamiya Rina’s planning for the leadership of the insect is not yet visible.

The twelve zodiac signs are the cadres of the title, at this stage …

One doesn’t.

It should have been possible, but because of the relationship of the Dark Emperor Rider, it was all easily eliminated.



A figure, like a cannonball, flew out not far from Natsume, rolled on the ground several times, the armor could no longer withstand that restriction, the Imperial Bee Insect Instrument automatically fell off the knight’s bracelet, lifting the transformation.

Kageyama instantly lay helplessly on his back, his eyes blank.

He’s already working hard.

Can eat the deflated curse, it seems to recognize him, the dark emperor horse for the time being, armor fighting, thunderfly, sword scorpion, these knights who belong to the zect family, only he eats the most times.

Kageyama Instant: ╮(╯▽╰)╭

Uncomfortable, want to cry.

“It’s like I’ve come at the right time.”

Natsume said with a chuckle.

Glancing at Kageyama.

Step by step.


Kagami was stunned, and at this moment, the insect took advantage of his lack of attention, the sharp limbs were about to fall quickly, Natsume flicked it casually, and a transformation card spun and flew out.

Spun, jump, I’m closed…


The card seems to be particularly sharp, hitting the insect, splashing sparks and blocking the insect’s desire to attack.

Subsequently, the card flew back into Natsume’s hand.

This hand is like magic.

The pattern on that card also came into view.

Kamen Rider…


PS: Thank you Star Dragon for your great monthly pass support!.

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