World of Warcraft Murloc City Guide

Chapter 102 Copper Mine News

Ratchet Village is busy collecting the big tusks of the Steelmane Quilboar, and the murlocs of the Blackfin Clan are also busy dealing with the invading Northern Castle army.

The soldiers of the Northern Castle are well-trained and well-equipped, but they don't have many options when facing the blackfin murlocs.

Blackfin murlocs live on the coasts and islands of Dustwallow Marsh. As soon as the soldiers from the Northern Castle arrive, all the murlocs hide in the sea.

The water is dominated by the murlocs. Even if the human soldiers are good at swimming, they dare not fight the murlocs in the water, so they can only vent their anger on the murloc huts on the coast.

Moreover, the coastline of Dustwallow Swamp is not all sandy beaches that are convenient for humans to march. Many places are covered with man-eating swamps. Murlocs can move freely through the swamp, but human soldiers cannot march in the swamp on a large scale.

What's more, the settlements of the Blackfin clan's large tribes are all on islands in the sea. If the Northern Castle fleet is not willing to pay a high price, it will not be able to land on these fish-man islands.

In the past few days, the soldiers of the Northern Castle had killed some blackfin murlocs on the Dread Coast, but it did not achieve the effect they expected. Therefore, they continued to add troops to the Dread Coast, which gave the Canyon Murloc Village a sigh of relief.

Currently, there is only one squadron of soldiers stationed in the Northern Castle near the Canyon Murloc Village. The main responsibility for dealing with the Canyon Murloc Village has been transferred to the adventurers of Rumeng Guild.

Ever since Mengfan retrieved the heart of Isavak last time, the people from Rumeng Guild have established a relationship with the Northern Castle. Later, the people of Rumeng Guild were attacked by the Blackfin Murlocs, causing considerable losses, but it was a blessing in disguise. After that, their relationship with the Northern Castle became even closer.

The Canyon Fishman Village finally got a chance to breathe, and they immediately sent out envoys to ask for help.

At noon that day, the courier from the Canyon Murloc Village came ashore again from the beach near the Jingtooth City Pier. This time, the courier from the Murloc Murloc Village didn't even dare to take the land route, which showed that the situation had reached a very dangerous point.

Soon after the messenger from the canyon fishman village arrived, a fishman went to report to Yang Yi. Yang Yi asked the fishmen in the village to bring the messenger to the village.

This messenger is a murloc with expertise in negotiation, and he is considered one of the smarter murlocs among the murlocs in the canyon.

Yang Yi took the letter and read it, and found that the letter was written by the murloc prophet from the murloc village in the canyon.

The content of the letter is very simple, asking Ratchet Village to send murlocs to attack the soldiers and adventurers stationed in the northern castle near the murloc village in the canyon. As for how the murlocs in Ratchet Village will attack, there is no mention of how the murlocs on both sides will cooperate.

Look between the lines. This is still an order letter from the murloc prophet of Canyon Village to the murlocs of Ratchet Village, not a letter asking for help.

"How many murlocs did your canyon murloc village send to deliver the message this time?" Yang Yi asked the messenger after reading the letter.

"Many," replied the messenger

"Then how many murlocs are there who are responsible for delivering messages to our Ratchet Murloc Village?" Yang Yi asked again.

"There are many, too," replied the messenger.

Sure enough, Yang Yi's guess was correct. The murloc prophet in Canyon Village sent more than one murloc messenger so that his letter could be delivered to Ratchet Village smoothly.

"Isn't this deceiving?" Yang Yi was speechless. Currently, there is only one fishman messenger who has come to Ratchet Village. The other messengers have probably been intercepted by soldiers from the Northern Castle or people like Meng, so it is basically certain that they knew about the letter earlier than Ratchet Village. content.

"How is the situation in your canyon murloc village recently? How many fighting murlocs are there in the village? The transport ship that attacked the northern castle last time should have received a lot of good weapons and a lot of food, right?" Yang Yi tried to find out something useful from the messenger. Something comes out.

The fishman messenger kept silent after hearing Yang Yi's question. When he came out, he was told by the fishman prophet in person that he could not reveal the village's information.

Yang Yi had dealt with fishmen a lot and had already gained experience. Seeing that the fishman messenger insisted on remaining silent, he had an idea as soon as he rolled his eyes.

"You guys, hurry up and arrange for some delicious food to be brought over. The messenger from the canyon fishman village has worked so hard along the way, how can you let him go hungry?"

Yang Yi asked the fish people in the village to arrange food.

Soon after, several fishmen brought a sea fish, a piece of clam meat and some seaweed from the village's warehouse, including meat and vegetables. This was a delicious meal for the fishmen.

"Come, come, have something to eat first." Yang Yi greeted the fishman messenger enthusiastically.

The envoy from the canyon murloc village was so excited when he saw the food that he risked his life to break through the siege. He didn't dare to stop for a moment along the way, so he ate nothing at all. Suddenly he saw this big meal. I was moved to tears.

"Recently, you have been besieged by those nasty Northern Castle soldiers and alien humans. Your canyon murloc village has injured a lot of fighting murlocs, right?" Yang Yi planned to seduce them step by step.

"Yeah, yeah." The fishman messenger nodded as he stuffed food into his mouth.

"I heard that the human weapons and equipment in the Northern Castle are all made of fine iron. They should be very useful, right?"


"Why don't the fishmen in your village get such good weapons and drive away those northern castle soldiers and outsiders? Is it because there are not many fighting fish in the village?"

The fishman messenger nodded and then shook his head again and again.

After seeing the fishman messenger's reaction, Yang Yi smiled softly, "Even with your little intelligence, you still want to hide it from me."

Even if Yang Yi got the information from the fishman messenger, he could guess almost everything. Even if he got the information, he couldn't think of anything that could be used.

"By the way, how is the copper mining in your Murloc Village going recently?" Yang Yi suddenly asked.

"Copper mine!?" The fishman messenger was shocked when he heard this, and he quickly shook his head in denial. "No copper mines, no copper mines."

"It seems that this fishman messenger still knows something about the situation. We can't let him go back now. If the two armies are fighting, I'll keep him here and entertain the head office with good food and drinks."

Yang Yi looked at the fishman messenger and smiled evilly.

If this fishman messenger refuses to tell the truth, then he will ask Benbolba, a naughty boy, to be responsible for entertaining him.

In the hands of Benbolba, even the prophet leader of the blackfin murlocs and the steel-bristle thornweaver of the wild boar people have to spit out what they know honestly, let alone a little murloc messenger.

Copper is an important strategic resource, and Yang Yi has been coveting the copper mine in the Canyon Fishman Village for a long time.

When he first went to the Canyon Murloc Village, Yang Yi suspected that the other party had found a copper vein. However, the Canyon Murloc Village did a good job of keeping it secret. Yang Yi had never discovered the location of the copper mine.

This time, since the fishman prophet from the canyon fishman village took the initiative to send clues, Yang Yi was not polite.

The fishman messenger quickly stuffed all the food into his stomach. After eating, he wanted to leave, but he was enthusiastically kept by the fishmen of Ratchet Village. He heard that he could eat and drink this fish for free. The human messenger also happily followed the fishmen from Ratchet Village.

Although this fishman messenger is a bit smarter than the average fishman, his IQ is still worrying. Whether his future life will be miserable or happy depends on his performance.

Yang Yi left the courier from the Canyon Murloc Village behind. He casually threw away the letter from the Canyon Murloc Prophet ordering reinforcements. The Canyon Village Murloc Prophet still had such a tough tone. It seemed that they had captured the north this time. The castle can last for a while after having enough food. .

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