World of Warcraft Murloc City Guide

Chapter 173 No Cooperation

The humans who came to the Backwater Oasis were adventurers, and the leader was Mu Xiaolan from the Qin Kun Society. Next to her was Blood Blade, the leader of the Blood Blade Mercenary Group.

It turned out that this time it was Lu Xiaoming and the others who told the Kokar centaur information about the construction progress of the village in the backwater oasis, and Lu Xiaoming was always open-minded. Mu Xiaolan, who was also a member of the Qin Kun Association, soon found out. Got the news.

Mu Xiaolan knew that the centaurs were coming to the backwater oasis, and she knew that the tauren Bain was still here, so she began to organize the people of the Qin Kun Association.

However, the current Qin Kun Association's people were not enough in number or personal strength to fight against the centaurs, so she contacted the people from the Blood Blade Mercenary Group. The Blood Blade Mercenary Group was very close to the orcs, and knew that Serrag Blackthorn and the orcs happened to be in the Backwater Oasis, so the people from both sides joined forces and came to the Backwater Oasis.

As soon as Mu Xiaolan and the others arrived, they happened to see the centaurs surrounding the tauren Bain and the orc Thrag and firing arrows at them.

"Sister Blood Blade, the situation with the tauren and orcs is not going well. What do you think we should do?" Mu Xiaolan was the first to speak.

The majority of the adventurers who came were from the Qin Kun Society, and this operation was also initiated by Mu Xiaolan, so it stands to reason that she should take the lead. However, the members of the Blood Blade Mercenary Group were stronger individually, so Mu Xiaolan still asked the Blood Blade for his opinion first.

"You and I both know the speed of the centaurs. Once they get close to us, it will be difficult for us to escape. With our current strength and equipment, we cannot gain any advantage in fighting the centaurs."

Blood Blade briefly analyzed it and did not give any direct opinions.

"If we rush in together, casualties are inevitable, but I don't know whether the death is worth it or whether we can save people."

Mu Xiaolan expressed her thoughts. She wanted to save the tauren Bain and the others. The only consideration was whether the price paid was worth it.

Xue Ren was speechless after hearing this. She actually wanted to save people.

Blood Blade named his organization the Mercenary Group, and of course it followed the mercenary route. Therefore, the Blood Blade is very familiar with the details of the tribe's mercenary recruitment in the Barrens. The female orc Serrag Blackthorn, who is currently besieged by the centaurs, is the main person in charge of the tribe's recruitment of new soldiers and mercenary recruitment.

Bloodblade learned that Serrag Blackthorn was very powerful when he was drinking with an orc official. Even Thrall, the chief of the tribe, thought she was a talent.

In addition, among the drunken orcs, Serrag Blackthorn is also called "disgusting shaman", "petty female orc" and other derogatory names.

This is an orc that even the chief of the tribe is in the eyes of, and the Blood Blade is worthy of being a target of great value.

Seeing that Xue Ren did not speak, Mu Xiaolan was not in a hurry and just stood quietly.

"Xiaolan, what will happen if we lead the team and rush to the tauren village on the mountain with all our strength?" Blood Blade waited for a while and then asked Mu Xiaolan.

"It's relatively safe if we can rush to the mountain. But if we rush all the way, half of our people here will die." Mu Xiaolan replied calmly.

"Well, I guess that's the case as well. Half of them will die." Blood Blade nodded in agreement.

Listening to the two women talking lightly about half of the people in the team dying here, the scar-faced Ajie who was following them looked indifferent, he listened to Mu Xiaolan.

Angelina, the female thief on the other side, raised her voice and said, "Sister, the last time I rushed into the quilboar crypt to rescue the orcs, many brothers and sisters in the group died, and some of them have just been resurrected. I'm afraid they will have objections."

"Tell them that the mercenary group will double their compensation this time." Blood Blade said.

"Sister, what about me?"

"Stinky girl, I will help you get the [Swift Strike Dagger] you want."

"Hehe, it's a deal, sister, don't go back on your word."

After Angelina got the promise from Blood Blade, she ran to the back to explain the situation to the members of the Blood Blade mercenary group. On the other side, Scarface Ajie also received instructions from Mu Xiaolan to explain to the people from Qin Kun.

The death penalty for adventurers in the world of Azeroth is to return everything to zero, and there is no guarantee when they will be resurrected. It doesn't matter to adventurers with lower levels, but those who have invested a lot of energy will suffer a big loss if they have to be resurrected.

After all, adventurer guilds and groups are different from centaur or orc armies. They have not yet reached the point where they can issue an order and the people below will carry it out unconditionally. Many times it is necessary to communicate and strive to reach the greatest consensus, otherwise internal complaints will continue and the team may break up at some point.

Yang Yi also noticed the arrival of the adventurers immediately. While commanding the fishmen to restrain the centaurs, he observed the movements of the adventurers. When he saw that the people coming were from the Qin Kun Society and the Blood Blade Mercenary Group, he understood the purpose of these adventurers.

When he saw the adventurers arriving, they didn't take any action immediately. Instead, they stopped in the distance to discuss for a while before making a decision.

The adventurer's team began to move quickly towards the direction where the centaurs besieged Bain and the tauren. They did not run at the beginning.

It wasn't until the adventurer at the front was shot by a centaur's bow that the adventurer accelerated forward with all kinds of strange shields or blocking items.

These adventurers were also surprised that when they faced the centaur's shooting, they basically did not make any counterattack, but rushed forward regardless of their lives.

The adventurer did this without causing any damage to the Centaur, but it effectively disrupted the Centaur's attack formation and attracted a large number of Centaur bows and arrows.

Bain and Serrag saw that the Centaur formation was loose, their attacks on themselves weakened, and they accelerated their breakout.

Jerick Gaoshan and Moore Rayhorn, who were halfway up the hillside, took this opportunity to put more pressure on the centaurs blocking them.

Yang Yi saw that the adventurer was willing to sacrifice his life to save others. It seemed like there was something going on this time.

"Raise your shield, pick up your weapon, and charge forward with this lord."

The fighting murlocs in Ratchet Town also began to rush forward.

The centaur leader Stonearm discovered that there were enemies in several directions. When he saw that things in the fishman village had been looted, fires were set, and a lot of orcs were killed, the destination of the trip was almost reached.

Stonearm wasn't willing to fight either. He blew the Kodo horn again and told the centaurs to prepare to retreat.

Under the command of Stone Arm, the centaurs had originally kept a distance from their opponents, but now they began to break away from the battle in an orderly manner and began to regroup.

No one present attempted to hold back the centaur, and the centaur evacuated smoothly.

After the centaurs left, the dust rising above the battlefield was blown away by the strong wind of the grassland, and the backwater oasis slowly became quiet.

The Kokal centaur withdrew from the backwater oasis. Yang Yi brought the fishman, tauren Bain and the orcs to join them. The adventurers who were still alive also came over.

The tauren Baine is the strongest. Although his mane is messy and his fatigue is obvious, his burly body is still upright. He was covered in blood, but most of it was from centaurs killed by his halberd. However, his Kodo mount was seriously injured and was lying on the ground in a listless state.

The situation of the orcs was much worse. Serrag Blackthorn was injured in many places, but it was not life-threatening. She began to use the shaman's healing surge skill to treat other injured orcs.

The accompanying orcs suffered heavy casualties, especially the weakest orc farmers, leaving only a few farmers such as Lardon alive.

The orc Saiyuk fell to the ground. This orc veteran, who had been injured by Brak in the duel, had just rushed to the front to fight the centaurs like other orc warriors. The orc veteran's heroic performance left him injured in many places, and now he still has a centaur's sharp arrow stuck in his body.

The orc hunter Una Wolfclaw squatted next to the veteran Seyuk. He used a first-aid bandage to bandage the veteran's wound and tried to pull out the arrow for him.

On the side of Qin Kunhui and the Blood Blade Mercenary Group, due to the later addition of the fighting murlocs and the fact that the centaurs were not so determined to fight, the casualties of the adventurers were not as high as Mu Xiaolan and the Blood Blade initially estimated. Reach half way.

Even so, more than eighty adventurers were killed by the centaurs' intensive bows and arrows, which was two-fifths of the total number of adventurers.

On the other hand, among the Ratchet fishmen, in this battle, only a dozen of them were injured by stray arrows, and not a single fishman died.

On the other side of the backwater murloc village, the buildings burned by the centaurs were still emitting black smoke. The old blind man was leading the murlocs to get water from the lake to put out the fire.

When Yang Yi saw this situation, he called the fish-man ambusher Swart to come to him.

"Swat, take out some first-aid bandages and healing potions and distribute them to the injured people present."

Brak was also injured during the duel and had difficulty moving, so Yang Yi asked Swart to do the work.


Swart took some low-level first-aid bandages and healing potions from Ratchet. Without saying much, he just walked in front of Mu Xiaolan and Blood Blade and put the things on the ground.

After that, Swart went to deliver some healing supplies to the orcs.

These healing potions and first-aid bandages are now very important to the orcs who have suffered serious casualties. The orc farmer Laerdong wanted to take the healing supplies sent by the murlocs, but the orc behind her was firmly opposed.

"Seyuk will never use fish-men's things, and will never cooperate with fish-men." The veteran Seyuk lay on the ground and shouted bravely, and this shout tore the wounds on his body.

"These fishmen are cowards and are not worthy of being warriors." The orc warrior was angry.

"The fishmen don't know what glory is, so of course they can't be called 'warriors'." Orc hunter Oona Wolfclaw said bluntly.

The orcs mocked the murlocs one after another. They attributed the casualties of themselves and their companions to the murlocs' escape from battle. They called the murlocs cowards and would never cooperate with the murlocs. Yang Yi also had a bad temper, and he became even more angry after hearing such words. He thought to himself that you orcs should not cooperate with the murlocs. We murlocs are not willing to cooperate with you orcs.

Swart brought things to the orcs. He had originally placed healing potions and first-aid bandages on the ground. Hearing what the orc said, Swart silently picked up all the things on the ground, turned around and returned to Yang Yi, without giving any of the things to the orc.

Yang Yi looked in the direction of the crossroads. There was dust flying there, indicating that tribal reinforcements should have arrived.

When Yang Yi saw the orcs reacting like this, he didn't like to do things that would show off someone else's cold butt. He said hello to the tauren Bain and Gao Shan, and then took the murlocs back to the backwater murloc village. .

Although there were no deaths among the Ratchet fishmen in this battle, the losses were considerable.

The buildings in the Murloc Village are mainly made of flammable vegetation. Most of the buildings in the Backwater Murloc Village were set on fire by the Kokar centaur, and most of them were destroyed.

Looking around, within the damaged walls of the entire Murloc Village, the warehouses had been burned down and were left in ruins, the hotels were still burning in the fire, and only a few scattered Murloc huts were still standing intact.

The old blind man was busy organizing the fishmen to put out the fire in the hotel and began to count the material losses.

"Lord, all the food in the warehouse has been snatched away by centaurs. What should we do?" The old blind man reported to Yang Yi anxiously.

"It's okay, as long as the fishmen are still there, we can bring more food from Ratchet Town." Yang Yi comforted him.

Although Yang Yi said so verbally, he was very unwilling in his heart.

The fishmen were too hasty when they evacuated before, and most of the food was not taken away from the warehouse. Now it was all snatched away by the centaurs.

The food in the warehouse is the rations for three hundred fighting murlocs, murloc peons, and kobold slaves. The centaur returned home with a full load from this plunder. However, the staple food of the Acanthamen is seaweed, so I don’t know if the centaur can swallow it.

"Lord, what should we do next? Will the backwater fishman village continue to be built?" asked the old blind man.

"Build, keep building. Next time, build a food warehouse by the lake. When you encounter danger and hide in the water, remember to take the food with you." Yang Yi was determined.

Yang Yi knew that the old blind man was worried that the centaurs would come again to destroy it, but what he valued was the importance of the geographical location of the backwater oasis. Whenever possible, this place must be controlled by the Ratchet fishmen.

The murlocs were busy putting out fires and rescuing supplies, and Yang Yi walked around the destroyed backwater murloc village.

Because Yang Yi asked the fishmen to spend most of their manpower and material resources on the rush construction of the wall, there were not many buildings in the fishman village originally.

After the centaurs robbed things, they set fire everywhere. Most of the buildings in the fishman village were burned down, but what Yang Yi cared about the most was the two rows of walls that were built so hard.

The third-level fence of the village is composed of closely arranged logs deeply inserted into the ground and diagonal supporting wood on the inside of the wall. The wooden structure cannot withstand the fire for a long time, but the fire intensity on the third-level fence of the village is not as strong as on the third-level fence of the village. It spreads as easily and quickly as on other buildings. The centaurs deliberately set fire to many places on the wall. Because it did not last long, not all of the wall was burned.

Yang Yi carefully observed that even if the walls that had been built before the centaurs were set on fire, at least part of the logs had been preserved, while the walls that had not yet been completed were all burnt to charcoal and nothing was left. Down.

It is obvious that the built walls have good defensive capabilities, but those under construction cannot withstand damage, even if some walls have been built and are about to be completed.

"The land of the Backwater Oasis is indeed difficult to occupy. It is not too difficult to rebuild the Murloc Village, but what will happen if the centaur comes again." Yang Yi had a headache for the Kokar centaur.

If Ratchet Town also had a cavalry team, there would still be a chance for a head-on showdown with the centaurs. The establishment of the cavalry team in Ratchet Town is still far away, and they can only rely on holding on to the fortifications to resist the Centaur attack. This situation of being able to only defend but not attack is the most uncomfortable.

Yang Yi was inspecting the Backwater Murloc Village. Not long after he separated from the tauren Bain and the others, the tribal alliance arrived. Many adventurers also got the news and followed the tribal alliance to the Backwater Oasis. .

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