World of Warcraft Murloc City Guide

Chapter 182 Murloc Farmer

After listening to Yang Yi's idea, Slack remained silent and said nothing. He neither agreed nor objected to Yang Yi's idea. For humans, Yang Yi's thoughts are normal, but for Slak, a murloc, this is the first time he has heard of it.

Where have I heard that the adult fishmen of the fishmen clan have to educate the little fishmen and fishmen fry? Is there any fish-man who was not born to be raised and raised by his own efforts?

After hearing this, Scola could not turn his head around. For a fishman, it was good that he was not shocked after hearing this.

"Lord, there are too many underage murlocs in the town, and most of the adult murlocs have things to do. I'm afraid there is no way to manage them. Moreover, there are no suitable murloc talents in the town to manage these underage murlocs. More importantly, The problem is that the food supply is insufficient. The population of the town is increasing rapidly, and the small fishmen are growing rapidly. The food harvested in the town every month can only guarantee the food of the fishmen in the town," Scola said after being silent for a while. Get rid of the part you are worried about.

There are currently more than 3,000 adult fishmen in Ratchet Town, and the number of minor fishmen is almost twice that of adult fishmen.

The current situation in Ratchet Town is that the proportion of adult murlocs is originally low. Among the more than 3,000 adult murlocs, after deducting the fighting murlocs and various murloc occupations, there are not many murlocs left. Then the main task of these remaining murlocs is to go out to forage to fill the food vacancies in Ratchet Village, so manpower is even tighter, not to mention selecting suitable adult murloc talents.

So Slack was right to worry. Ratchet Town really lacked adult murlocs who were free and qualified for the job. If they were all like the female murloc with a broken arm that Yang Yi met in the sea today, with one adult murloc leading a dozen minor murlocs, it would not only be difficult to manage, but also difficult to ensure that every adult murloc would do their part.

There is also the problem of food supply. There are more and more murlocs in the town, and the appetite of the small murlocs has also increased rapidly after they grow up. It is no longer easy for the town to fill the bellies of so many murlocs. Nowadays, the murlocs living in the bay outside the town mainly rely on themselves to find food. If they are managed centrally and the food is supplied uniformly, it will be a big challenge to the food supply.

Food is always the biggest problem for the fishmen, and it is also the main reason why the population of Ratchet Town cannot increase rapidly.

"In this way, my lord has an idea to try it in the town first. You can find an area in Ratchet Village and lock all the little fishmen in it. This will make it easier to manage." Yang Yi said.

"Lock up all the little fishmen and manage them? The same way you manage slaves?" Slack was puzzled.

"It's not like we treat slaves. We just arrange the little fish people together and ask them to eat and sleep together. There are no other restrictions."

"Just eat and sleep together? That's it?"

"Yes, that's it. You are right to listen to this lord."

Yang Yi swears by it because he partially copied the management methods in the real world. Will this be called the Fishman Nursery from now on? Or call it a fish-man orphanage?

Yang Yi's idea is to use this method to help Xiaoyu people learn to be punctual and disciplined, and cultivate a collective spirit.

It is not easy for fish people to keep time and rules, so Yang Yi initially only asked that the fish people can eat and sleep at the same time. If the plan goes well, the fish people can be arranged to learn and train uniformly in the future.

Since Yang Yi has already decided, Silk will comply.

After understanding Yang Yi's thoughts, Slack went to find a fishman who could do the job and rearranged the fishman hut in Ratchet Village.

If you want to rebuild a murloc hut that can accommodate so many small murlocs, this cannot be completed in a short time. Fortunately, except for a few of the murloc huts in Ratchet Village that are awarded to elite murlocs, most of them belong to Ratchet Village. Therefore, there is no need to build a new murloc hut, just set aside a large area and let the murlocs who originally lived there move to another location.

As for the murlocs living in the sea, because they all live in the sea and have not yet developed their wisdom, it is even more difficult to manage them. We can only wait until later.

After the matter was decided, Yang Yi asked Silak to handle it.

Now, as the head of a town, Yang Yi cannot and does not need to do everything himself. He leaves many things to the people below to complete. Of course, a very important reason is that Yang Yi finds it troublesome.

"I heard people say that 'governing by doing nothing' is the highest state of management. So being a 'hands-off shopkeeper' is also the ultimate goal of this lord, haha." Yang Yi made a good excuse for Ji.

Unfortunately, it was not easy for Yang Yi to be a hands-off shopkeeper, and soon new things came to his door.

There's something wrong with the red-spotted mushrooms growing in Ratchet Village.

The place where mushrooms are grown in Ratchet Village was arranged by Yang Yi under the cliff of Thorn Ridge Highland in the northwest. It was originally a large gravel pit covered with grass and shrubs.

Later, in order to cultivate mushrooms, Yang Yi asked the wild boars to plant thorn vines in the gravel pit. The vitality of the thorn vines was extremely strong. After a few months, it was already a small-scale thorn vine forest.

Yang Yi took the small murlocs with leadership skills, and together they came to the thorn vine forest in the northwest. Several murloc peons brought a few mushrooms to him.

The mushrooms in the hands of the fish-men peons were only about the size of thumbs, and some of the mushroom caps had not even been opened. If you weren't paying attention, you might have thought they were just a few grass roots.

If all the mushrooms planted this time are like this, the harvest will be reduced by at least half.

"These are the red-spotted mushrooms harvested this time? The red-spotted mushrooms were not grown well last time, so why did they become like this this time?" Yang Yi asked.

The mushrooms in Ratchet Village have actually been harvested once before. Yang Yi used red-spotted mushrooms and poison-cap mushrooms to trick the Kokar centaur. It was just that it was the first time Ratchet Village tried to grow mushrooms. At that time, the thorn vine forest was not big enough and there were not many mushrooms grown in the experiment, so there were very few mushrooms produced.

This time Ratchet Village expanded its mushroom cultivation, but something went wrong for some unknown reason.

"Mayor, I don't know." The fishman peon held the mushroom and shook his head.

"Before the wild boar steel-maned geomancer left, were you not taught how to deal with this situation?" Yang Yi asked.

In order to grow mushrooms, Yang Yi made a deal with Tuya, the wild boar man, and exchanged some food and alchemy potions for the wild boar man to teach the murlocs to grow mushrooms.

Previously, the wild boar tusk sent several steel-bristle wild boars who knew how to grow mushrooms to teach the fishmen how to grow mushrooms. One of the steel-bristle geomancers was the main person in charge of teaching mushrooms to the fishmen. He could be regarded as a teacher. The technical person in charge of mushroom cultivation by fishmen.

Later, the mushrooms in Ratchet Village were harvested, and the wild boars left.

"The wild boar people don't know how to deal with it." Hearing Yang Yi's question, the murloc peons shook their heads.

"The Wild Boars have been growing red-spotted mushrooms, but they can't deal with problems like this?" Yang Yi didn't understand.

"The wild boar people said that if the planting is not good, just change the place and plant bigger." A fishman slave replied,

"Damn, this is indeed a good idea from the wild boar people." Yang Yi was furious. He had only invited these steel-whispered wild boar people in exchange for food and alchemical potions. As a result, no technical personnel were invited. If a problem occurred, all they would do was move to another place and try again. This is no way to solve the problem.

Speaking of which, although the society of the steel-bristle boars is stronger than that of the murlocs, they are only a semi-civilized race like the murlocs. Therefore, the method of growing mushrooms by the Wild Boars is also very extensive. Their methods of growing mushrooms are all based on words and deeds, word of mouth, and experience.

What the Steelmane Wild Boars can teach the Murlocs is how to collect mushroom spores, what conditions are suitable for planting, etc. Of course, these seemingly simple things require the accumulation of a lot of experience. The same is true for growing mushrooms. Whether you have experience or not has a huge impact on the yield.

In fact, the steel-maned geomancer said this for a reason. For the wild boars, instead of trying to solve the problem, it would be better to plant in another place. After all, thinking is not the strong point of the pig head on the neck of the wild boar. Anyway, the thorn jungle they live in is so big that there is plenty of space.

However, Ratchet Village currently only has a small forest of thorns and vines. This forest of thorns and vines still needs time to grow, and it is impossible to change the place.

Yang Yi held himself back and did not get angry. He then asked: "There are thorns and vines in this area of ​​Ratchet Village right now. When the steel-maned wild boars encounter this situation, do they have no other option but to change places?"

"The wild boar also said that if it's hard to grow mushrooms, just plant something else, and mushrooms will come back in a few years." The fishman peon replied. This was the experience of the wild boar that the steel-maned geomancer had said.

"Yes, if you fail to grow red-spotted mushrooms, then you can plant something else. As long as it is edible, you can plant anything. What other things do you think would be suitable?"

Several murloc peons looked at each other, but no murloc seemed to remember what the steel-maned geomancer said about what they could plant instead, until one murloc peon bravely spoke up: "Maybe... red-leaf potatoes ? It seems to be called that."

Yang Yi looked at the fishman who spoke. This fishman was still holding the failed mushroom in his hand. Yang Yi's question just now was mainly answered by this fishman, and his expressive ability was pretty good.

Yang Yi took a look at the attributes of this fish man.

[Name]: Murloc hard worker

[Qualification]: E

[Level]: Level 3 Murloc

[Race]: Miscellaneous fish people

【Gender】: Male

[Ability]: Knowledge (Plant 6/10)

[Expertise]: Diligence

Knowledge-based abilities can be learned in school. Smarter fishmen can learn a wide range of knowledge such as natural knowledge and ocean knowledge. Some not-so-smart people can also learn plant knowledge, fish knowledge, algae knowledge, etc. and other small branch knowledge.

Yang Yi nodded slightly after reading the attributes of this fish-man. Being able to learn plant knowledge shows that this fish-man's head can still be used. In particular, this fish-man has the specialty of "hardworking". The fish-men are mainly lazy and lazy. It is really rare to have such a hard-working specialty, even though this fish-man only has E-level qualifications.

Yang Yi then made a decision. He said to the fishman: "Then plant red-leaf potatoes instead. You will be responsible for this matter. If you need to find a wild boar man or need any other help, you can ask this little fishman. , she will try to help you."

Yang Yi pointed at the little fish-man behind him who had intelligence and expertise. She was the little fish-man Empty Wine Barrel who was designated by Yang Yi yesterday as the leader of these little fish-men with leadership abilities.

"Yes, Mayor, I will definitely work hard." The little fishman promised with his empty wine barrel and his big round head.

"I, I, I'm responsible?! Mayor, I don't understand..." When the fishman peon heard that he was responsible for planting red-leaf potatoes, he was so frightened that the mushrooms in his hands fell to the ground.

"What are you afraid of? If you don't understand, just learn slowly. There is always a first time. If you grow well, I will give you a name in the future." Yang Yi put on a leadership posture and patted the fish laborer on the shoulder.

"Walalalalal (excited and shouting), name it, I'm responsible, I'm responsible."

Hearing that the mayor might reward him with a name in the future, the fish laborer shouted excitedly, and all other worries were thrown out of his mind, and he immediately agreed. .

In this way, Yang Yi handed the task of planting red leaf potatoes to this fish laborer.

After dealing with wild boars for so long, Yang Yi still has some understanding of red leaf potatoes.

The wild boars have several main sources of food. In addition to hunting and robbing, they also raise wild boars and coyotes to provide meat, but those are not the main sources of food.

There are several main types of food for wild boars. In addition to hunting and robbing, wild boars often eat fungi such as red spotted mushrooms growing in thorny jungles. In addition, the red leaf potatoes grown by wild boars themselves are also their main rations. Sometimes when the harvest is poor or they don't get enough food, the wild boars will even eat ragweed on the roadside. However, the wild boars' tough stomachs still can't effectively digest ragweed, so eating ragweed can only temporarily relieve hunger. Many wild boars have bloated stomachs after eating ragweed, and they can't defecate, and finally suffocate to death.

The difference between the two is that the planting requirements of red-spotted mushrooms are relatively simple, but they depend on the weather. Sometimes when the climate is right, a lot of wild red-spotted mushrooms will grow naturally in the thorny jungle, but sometimes there is no harvest.

The planting of red-leaf potatoes is different from that of red-spotted mushrooms. It requires a special crypt and people who know the planting technology to take care of it, and it takes more effort.

So in the wild boars' thorny jungle, red-spotted mushrooms are planted everywhere, and red-leaf potatoes are planted in crypts.

Red-leaf potatoes are planted in crypts, and red-spotted mushrooms are planted on the ground. There is no contradiction between the two.

Yang Yi decided to plant both crops in the thorny vines. Anyway, whether the crops are good or bad, the fishmen in the town can gain some experience. Maybe he can also find out the reason why the red-spotted mushrooms are not growing well.

"I don't believe that fishmen can't grow something on land. It's so difficult to train a fishman farmer." Yang Yi was stubborn.

At present, the fishmen in Thorn Village have only successfully planted one kind of land plant, that is, ragweed planted in the fields. Other farmers regard this kind of ragweed as a weed that invades the fields and it is too late to deal with it. It is obviously not a regular crop. The seaweed and clams farmed in the bay do not need to be taken care of by fishmen farmers. Basically, they grow naturally.

So until now, the number of fishmen farmers in Thorn Village is still zero, which makes Yang Yi feel uneasy. .

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