World of Warcraft Murloc City Guide

Chapter 189 The Golden Horse

"Who is the missing envoy? Why are so many forces involved, and even Jaina, the leader of Theramore, is so concerned about this matter.

Mengfan frowned slightly, and she gently touched the [Jaina's Emblem Ring] on her hand. For Mengfan, the other attributes of this ring are not important. What is important is that this ring represents a pass to and from Theramore.

On the other side is Okaz Island. This island is very large and densely covered with jungle. It is not easy for Yang Yi and the others to find someone on it. Fortunately, Marisa had been here with the tauren Mr. Punch before, and she knew that there were some wooden houses built deep in the jungle, where Dr. Wavell, who claimed to be the greatest criminal in the world of Azeroth, was hiding.

It wasn't until dark that the two of them arrived at their destination.

"Be careful, there are many weird robots around here, all made by Dr. Wavell." Marisa reminded in a low voice.

Yang Yi carefully hid behind a big tree. Not long after, he saw a bipedal robot walking more than ten meters ahead.

He looked at it with the eyes of the lord. The four-meter-tall fat robot was called [Security Robot], and it was a level 6 machine.

It's obvious that Dr. Wavell released the robot just for patrol and security purposes.

Compared to Marisa, Yang Yi had to be more careful.

Yang Yi's stealth skills are those of his Murloc Ambusher. Currently, his Murloc Ambusher profession is only level 1, so his stealth skills are less effective than those of Marisa, a level 3 stalker. many.

Since there were many security robots and mechanical spider scouts patrolling around the cabin, Yang Yi and Marisa could only carefully wander around the perimeter looking for opportunities to sneak in.

The two of them walked far around the hut, making a complete circle before helplessly returning to the original spot.

"No, Dr. Wavell has placed too many robots here. We can't sneak into those wooden houses without alerting these robots." Yang Yi said.

"It should be because Mr. Punch and I were discovered by them last time when we tried to get into this place to save Vanessa, so security was tightened later. This Dr. Wavell claims to be the greatest criminal, regardless of his own strength or the robot he created. They cannot be underestimated. If these machines are alerted and attract his attention, we will be in danger." Marisa said.

Yang Yi observed again. The patrol robots near the hut in the distance were too dense. This did not include the robots hidden in the house or other places. Moreover, he also found that there were mechanical defense turrets installed on some main passages. It can be said that The defense is airtight.

"The density of defensive robots is too high. Let's get out of here first and then think of other ways."

Yang Yi proposed to evacuate first. His idea was very simple. He could not risk his own life just to save Van Cleef.

Marisa could only nod helplessly and silently retreated with Yang Yi.

The two got out of the dense forest and returned to the coast.

Yang Yi looked around and found a big sea turtle resting on the beach.

Marisa remained silent all the way, and it was obvious that she was still thinking about how to rescue Van Cleef.

"There is no way. Dr. Weiweier is too powerful. We can't even deal with the robots patrolling outside the house. We can't go in and save people with our strength alone." Yang Yi persuaded Marisa to give up.

Marisa lowered her head and remained silent for a while, then raised her head and said to Yang Yi: "There is someone who may have a way to deal with Dr. Wavell's robot, but I don't know if that person is willing to help us."

"Is there such a powerful person?" Yang Yi asked.

"Yes, that man's name is Narian, and he is also a dwarf engineer. He is Dr. Wavell's archenemy." Marisa continued, "Moreover, this Narian may also be able to crack Dr. Wavell's control glasses. "

Yang Yi remembered that he had asked Marisa in prison who could unlock Balon Longshore's control glasses. At that time, she had said that there was someone near the Barrens who might have this ability. They were only willing to tell Marisa after she asked for Vanessa to be released, so the news about Narian was not revealed at that time.

"Where is this Narian?" Yang Yi asked.

"Narian settled in the Steamwheedle Port of Tanaris, south of here," Marisa said.

"That's not close."

"Yes, the distance from Okaz Island to Hotsand Port is twice the distance from Okaz Island to Ratchet Town."

Yang Yi thought about it and realized that he couldn't give up halfway when things got to this point, and it was also related to the rescue of Balon Longshore, so he decided to rest for the night and go to Hotsand Port tomorrow.

Yesterday, Sister Gujiu and Gudong used two plesiosaurs to help find enough materials for ship repair for the Defias Brotherhood that was stranded on the island. Yang Yi also called them and Cookie the next morning and headed south to Hotsand Port. .

To get to Steamwheedle Port from Orcaz Island, you need to go south through Theramore in Dustwallow Swamp, and then continue south along the cliff coast east of the Shining Plains of Thousand Needles, and finally reach Tanaris.

Fortunately, Steamwheedle Port is located in the northeast corner of Tanaris. Once you arrive at Tanaris, you will arrive at Steamwheedle Port quickly.

The journey was too far this time, and the turtles and plesiosaurs needed time to rest and recuperate, so even if Yang Yi and the others tried their best to hurry up, it still took them more than ten days to reach the Hot Sand Port of Tanaris.

Tanaris is a large desert covering a large area of ​​southern Kalimdor. It is a hot land filled with quicksand. Most of this land is deserted, and it is said that the great desert of Tanaris holds many unknown secrets.

The Steamwheedle Port on the seaside of Tanaris and the desert center city of Gadgetzan are two industries of the Steamwheedle Consortium.

Steamwheedle Port is a relatively peaceful neutral seaport, home to goblins, gnomes, and trolls who spend most of their time fishing and fighting pirates in the South Sea.

Yang Yi and others carefully walked into the Steam Sand Port. Fortunately, this was a neutral city, so the residents here would not attack them because they were humans and fishmen.

After entering Steamwheedle Port, Marisa asked several goblins and dwarves on the road. The dwarf Narian was a celebrity in Steamwheedle Port, and soon they learned where Narian lived.

Yang Yi observed carefully along the way and found that Hotsand Port was full of deep wells of different sizes, water collectors of various shapes, strange-shaped equipment like cannons, and even a large machine connected by a water pipe. Looking at the sea.

After asking, I found out that those are equipment for artificial rainfall and desalination of seawater.

Because they are located in the desert, the daily life of the residents of Hotsand Port and Gadgetzan involves collecting water, or making equipment to improve the way of collecting water.

However, residents here have been complaining that the desalination equipment is constantly malfunctioning and needs repairs, and it is said that it only operates effectively occasionally. The success rate of artificial rainfall using sky cannons is even more pitiful, because most of the time there are no clouds floating in the sky at all.

Yang Yi paid more attention to how the residents of Hotsand Port overcame all difficulties to collect water in the desert, because the life of murlocs was more inseparable from water than that of goblins. In places without abundant water sources, it is difficult for fishmen to live for a long time, which greatly limits the expansion of fishmen. Many of the ideas of these goblins are worth learning from.

Soon after, Yang Yi and his party arrived at Narayan's residence, which was a dwarf workshop.

There are only two dwarfs in the workshop, one is Narian who Yang Yi is looking for, and the other is Narian's best friend and assistant Stuart.

Narian has a black moustache, wears a red robe and a red turban. His outfit is very festive and dwarf style. The amazing thing is that there is also a white owl that is using Narian's hair as a bird's nest and is sleeping comfortably on top of his head.

"Hello, Master Narayan. We are here to find you, hoping you can help us." Marisa stepped forward to talk to Narayan.

Yang Yi and his party, except Marisa, are all murlocs. The murlocs are notorious, so Marisa is mainly responsible for communicating with others.

"What can I help you with? The tall human, and... two big and two small fish people." Narian said happily after seeing Yang Yi and the others.

Before Yang Yi arrived, he was worried that this dwarf engineer, like those legendary and powerful scientists, would be withdrawn and difficult to communicate with. Unexpectedly, Narian was surprisingly enthusiastic.

"Stop talking!" Narian suddenly and mysteriously stopped Marissa who was about to ask for help, "Let Narian guess! You are here for the Ember Sword, right?! Right... uh... no. ! Sorry. Narayan is at your service! I guarantee it!

"Master of Divination? Are you not an engineer?" Marisa asked.

"Oh, this tall lady is right. Narian is an engineer, but I have retired and am now a divination master." Narian proudly introduced his divination master to Marisa and Yang Yi. In the middle of the introduction, he suddenly turned around and screamed at his assistant: "Stewart, what are you doing here? Why don't you hurry up and get my divination crystal ball? Didn't you see a guest coming?" Look, the divination crystal ball is stained with dust. You must have not wiped it carefully today, you lazy fool!"

"Okay, okay, I'll do it right away. Stop yelling!" Stewart covered his ears with both hands and ran over complaining.

Stewart seemed unwilling to be chased around by Narian, but he still went to pick up a crystal ball on the table. The dwarf was smaller, so he looked like he was holding a big white watermelon.

Yang Yi watched from the side. He was not interested in divination and crystal balls. He suddenly felt that the dwarf technician from Narrian was quite unreliable. This guy has jumped directly from a scientist to a magician. With this magician, he can solve the security robots on Okaz Island and Dr. Wavell's control glasses?

Marisa also felt that this Narian was unreliable, so he asked directly: "We are in trouble. A dwarf named Dr. Vivier has captured our friend. He also has a kind of glasses that can control other people. "

"Oh, my God! You mean Vivier, my biggest enemy Vivier, his troubles have found me again!"

When Narian heard Marisa mention the name Dr. Wavell, he immediately blew his beard and stared with excitement, and jumped up all over. The owl that was taking a leisurely nap in his nest was frightened. It flapped its wings a few times in protest, then clucked several times unhappily and flew away.

Next, Marisa told in detail about Van Cleef being trapped on Okaz Island by Dr. Wavell, as well as the security robots on Okaz Island and Dr. Wavell's control glasses.

"I knew it, I knew it, Weiweier started playing his old tricks again!" Narian shouted angrily.

"So Narian Master of Divination. Can you help us? Can you solve the problem about those security robots and strange glasses?" Marisa asked carefully.

"Of course I can solve the things created by Vivier. When Vivier and I were students at the Gnomeregan Artisan Academy, my grades were always first, and Vivier's grades were always miserable. In the end, he was even beaten by the craftsmen. School is dismissed." Narian said proudly, and then he changed the subject: "I am very busy now, even pirates come to me to do fortune telling for them. Do you know how many people line up to wait for me every day? Not being nosy, if you want my help, I have to fill my stomach first, and you go bring me a 500-pound chicken.”

"A 500-pound chicken?" Marisa thought she heard wrongly. One pound is about 0.45 kilograms, and 500 pounds is nearly 225 kilograms. How could there be such a heavy chicken in the world.

"Yes, 500 pounds. This is what I want to eat." Narian confirmed by patting his belly with his little hand.

"Then...where are we going to find this 500-pound chicken?" Marisa asked again.

"Oh, it's your business where to find the 500-pound chicken. I just eat it." Narian said, "Now, you can leave here. Don't block the door and hinder the fortune-telling master's business."

Narian drove Marisa and Yang Yi out. Marisa and Yang Yi looked at each other. Is there such a big chick in the world of Azeroth?

"I think there is something wrong with this Narian. You see, no one here comes to him for divination, let alone queues. And even if there are such big chickens in this world, it is impossible for his small body of a dwarf to eat so much. Big chick." Yang Yi pointed at his fish-man head, feeling that this dwarf magician must be confused.

"I once read in a book when I was at the Arcane Academy in Stormwind City. It is rumored that there is a dark chicken of death in this world. It is said that no one can come back alive after seeing this chicken, but now there is no Such a chicken." Marisa recalled carefully. In order to save Van Cleef, even though she thought Narian's words were nonsense, she still worked hard to find the answer.

"Such a powerful chicken, even if it still exists, we can't defeat it." Yang Yi said.

Yang Yi and Marisa looked at me and I looked at you, unable to find a solution. Cookies beside them were also spinning around anxiously.

When several people were helpless at Narayan's door, Cookie suddenly raised his head and sniffed the air.

"The aroma is the aroma of barbecue. What a wonderful aroma. This is no ordinary meat, it's so delicious!" Cookie said. This aroma fascinated him as a fishman chef.

Yang Yi and the others also smelled it, and sure enough, there was a strange and alluring fragrance wafting over them.

Yang Yi looked around and found a carriage slowly driving towards them in the distance.

This is a carriage pulled by a single horse. A man is sitting on the horse with a calm expression. The horse under his crotch is tall. What's even more exaggerated is that the horse's whole body is covered with silver scales. Leaving several locations such as the horse's eyes and nostrils exposed. And each piece of silver scales has been carefully polished. When the horse moves, these scales shine in the sun and are dazzling.

This type of horse is rare on the continent of Kalimdor, but is abundant in the Eastern Kingdoms.

In the eastern logging camp of Elwynn Forest in the Eastern Kingdom, adventurers have long discovered the human horse farm in Stormwind City, where such horse mounts are sold. If you want to buy this kind of horse, you not only need to achieve a high reputation in Stormwind City, but each horse also sells for as much as a thousand gold.

Therefore, such a horse is called a "thousand-gold horse" by adventurers. .

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