World of Warcraft Murloc City Guide

Chapter 229 The decisive battle between the two kings

No matter how hard Varian tried to recall, his mind was still blank.

Gradually, his head began to hurt.

Varian held his head in his hands. His brain was in severe pain again at the memory, which forced him to give up.

"What happened to me..." Varian gasped in pain and asked Yang Yi, "What happened to me? Why did I lose my memory?"

"A lot of things happened. If what I know is correct, it all started when Jaina, the human leader of Theramore, prompted you, the king of Stormwind City, to meet secretly with the orc warchief of the tribe." Yang Yi said slowly.

Next, Yang Yi told everything he knew, including the mysterious black-robed woman who deliberately revealed King Varian's secret mission to the outside world, and the maintenance man who claimed to be the greatest criminal mastermind and planned the kidnapping case. Dr. Weir, the Defias Brotherhood involved in the kidnapping, and what happened on Orcaz Island.

"On Okaz Island, the woman in black robe used a spell to split you in two. Then Naga suddenly appeared and disrupted everything. The woman in black robe transformed into a black dragon, and even the other mages around her also Transformed into a dragon, Naga and the black dragon started fighting, and powerful dragon breath and magic were everywhere."

"Because it was too dangerous, I didn't stay longer and left first."

"You know what happened later. It was Cookie who rescued you from the sea. Then I took you back to Ratchet Town when we passed by Okaz Island."

After Yang Yi finished speaking, he took a long breath. He finally told Big Chin the truth, and his heart suddenly felt much more relaxed.

Varian listened carefully. This time he no longer forced himself to recall the past, and his brain gradually recovered from the painful state.

"So, there is another 'I', and that 'I' is still missing," Varian said.

"Yes, people only know that the King of Stormwind City is missing, but they don't know that the King of Stormwind City has been divided into two." Yang Yi said.

"If what you said is true, then I must retrieve my lost memory as soon as possible." Varian's eyes were firm. "I must return to Stormwind City as soon as possible. That is my responsibility."

Yang Yi did not stop him, he said: "Ratchet Town is willing to do its best to help you return to Stormwind City, King Varian."

"King Varian." Varian smiled slightly, "I suddenly found that I seemed to prefer the title 'Big Chin'."

Yang Yi also smiled: "Okay, big chin."

Varian stood up and looked outside the inn. His eyes seemed to be able to penetrate the walls and crowds of the backwater village and fall directly on the Beast King Rexxar.

"Before I returned to Stormwind City to retrieve my memories, I still had a big chin."

"Now, Big Chin is ready to fight!"

Facing the powerful orcs and the beast king Rexxar, Yang Yi chose to turn around and enter the backwater village and disappeared from people's sight, which made the scene full of boos.

Slack came out and choked, which reduced the number of boos on the scene and made the scene quiet for a while.

Everyone was waiting, but because Yang Yi didn't appear after disappearing, the boos gradually started again.

Slowly the boos started to spread, even louder than at the beginning.

Many people are suspecting that the fishman mayor left the other fishmen as a shield and slipped away long ago.

The female orc Black Thorn's eyes were fixed on the place where Yang Yi disappeared. She hoped that the fishman mayor would not run away, so that she could have a chance to take revenge today.

Of course, if the fishman mayor has run away, then we will first conquer the backwater oasis today. Next time she will gather more orcs and go directly to Ratchet Town to find the fishman mayor to settle accounts.

Facing the increasingly louder boos, the fighting murlocs still maintained their defensive formation under Slark's command.

Even though no one believed in the fishman mayor, the fishmen in Ratchet Town firmly believed in their mayor for no reason.

Yang Yi led the Ratchet fishmen from scratch to grow stronger little by little, defeating enemies that were originally considered invincible by the fishmen again and again. All these things make most Ratchet fish people worship Yang Yi, and some even reach the level of fanaticism.

Such a fanatical attitude is like a fanatical believer's belief in religion. They no longer need any reason to explain. They will choose to trust Yang Yi unconditionally at any time.

Yang Yi did not betray the Ratchet Murloc's trust. He walked behind the tight defense line formed by the fighting Murlocs and made a heroic leap without waiting for the Murlocs to give him a passage.


Amid the boos from the audience, Yang Yi suddenly appeared on the stage with a big jump.

"I'm just going in for a while. What's the fuss? Are you going to reincarnate in a hurry!?"

After Yang Yi appeared on the stage, he pointed at the orcs and cursed angrily, his attitude still arrogant.

The onlookers could tell that the murloc Slark's choking words just now were probably learned from the murloc mayor.

I saw the fishman mayor come back again, and he was still so arrogant and arrogant. Everyone watching knew that the show was about to begin again.

So people cheered for the fish-men, even covering the shouts of the orcs.

The female orc Black Thorn looked at the murloc mayor who was still pretending with disdain, thinking that he really didn't know whether to live or die. The beast king Rexxar would let the murlocs know what their real strength was later.

"Mayor Murloc, you are finally going to appear in this duel." The female orc Blackthorn sneered and said disdainfully.

Yang Yi didn't want to pay attention to the female orc at all. He straightened his body and looked around.

Then he slowly raised his head and announced loudly to everyone: "I have already said that if you want me to appear in person, you must defeat my men first!"

Yang Yi was still pretending to be cool, but he was already at this point anyway, so pretending would be useless.

The fish-man mayor's "true character has not changed", which fully aroused the curiosity of the onlookers. People wanted to see why the fish-man mayor was still so arrogant even after his death.

Yes, although many onlookers were on the side of the fishmen, this was mainly due to sympathy for the weak and the fact that the fishman mayor had always been arrogant and coaxing without fear of powerful enemies.

Even the Beast King Rexxar was surprised by the performance of the murloc mayor. Could it be that there is a character hidden in this murloc village who can fight with him.

"The challenger is here!"

A shout came from the backwater village, and no one asked about it before seeing it.

Immediately afterwards, a man jumped out from behind the fish crowd.

There was another thud.

This man fell from the sky, his feet firmly planted on the open ground of the duel field.

"Big Chin, come and challenge!"

Big Chin imitated Yang Yi and started with a heroic leap. He appeared on the duel field with a big jump.

Yang Yi nodded secretly. Big Chin's performance was remarkable. The two of them had not rehearsed in vain just now.

"What, a big chin?"

"I've never heard of a powerful person with this name."

"What kind of 'big chin'? How could a powerful person have such a name?"

"I thought I was serious this time. Isn't it just a joke?"

As soon as they heard that Big Chin announced himself as a family member, everyone started talking about it. Many people even thought that Big Chin was just doing a joke.

But when the big chin's gaze passed in front of everyone's eyes, this discussion immediately disappeared.

Although the big chin was covered with a mask, his whole temperament at this time was completely different from that in the hotel just now.

His wolf eyes were so fierce and sharp that those who came into contact with them felt their eyes hurt and couldn't help but avoid their sharpness. Such eyes were simply unparalleledly sharp.

Those who had doubts before looked at Big Chin and closed their mouths. As soon as Big Chin stood there, everyone had only one feeling, that is, this person is a master.

Glory's Xie Fei, Guns and Roses' Chen Nanfeng, Qin Kunhui's Mu Xiaolan, etc. The heads of various adventurer forces present, large or small, all focused their attention on the masked Big Chin. This is the first time so far that they have been so serious together.

Ouyang, who has always been called a great master by Yang Yi, also paid serious attention to Big Chin for the first time. Although the previous two duels were both exciting, the victory was mainly determined by skills, so A martial arts master like Ouyang naturally found it boring.

But the masked man who just came out gave Ouyang a completely different feeling.

Ouyang's years of hard training gave him an intuition. He could tell if the other person was a martial arts master just by looking at him, and the person in front of him was that kind of real master.

The big chin was full of aura when he came out. Although the appearance of the level 2 ordinary quality [high-quality epee] he held in his hand was a bit poor, the flaws were not concealed, and he shocked everyone at once.

The appearance was also made with a heroic leap. Yang Yi's appearance caused a few cheers, but Big Chin's appearance shocked everyone instantly. This is the difference between a real master and a fake master like Yang Yi.

Beast King Rexxar saw the big chin behave like this, and the fighting spirit in his heart burned.

Beast King Rexxar walked to the vacated space in the duel arena and roared: "Rexxar comes to challenge."

Rexxar's roar was not full of anger like other orcs, but sounded calm and steady, as if he was not going to a duel, but a martial arts competition between friends.

"The duel begins!"

"The duel begins!"

Both of them were very straightforward, no one was delaying, and the duel began immediately.

As soon as they heard the words "The duel begins" from the two of them, two figures flashed across the duel field and collided with each other in an instant.

The two started at the same time, like two shells out of the barrel, colliding with each other.

With a clang, the two men's weapons clashed together, and the sound spread throughout the audience.

Too fast!

Too fierce!

So hot!

Everyone present held their breath. .

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