World of Warcraft Murloc City Guide

Chapter 272 Rescue the Cow

After seeing off Lu Xiaoming and Gui Hao, Yang Yi walked out of the hotel and came to the lakeside of the backwater oasis.

The main goal of building the city wall in the Backwater Village was to defend against the Kokar centaurs. Centaurs were not good at wading, so no city wall was built on this side of the lake.

"Should we also build a wall in this direction of the lake, even a row of wooden walls, to prevent people like Gui Hao from taking advantage of the deficiencies in defense and sneaking into the backwater village by swimming."

After Yang Yi came to the lake, he thought about it and decided to build a village-level log fence here, leaving only one entrance and exit as a side door to the lake.

The lake water has been purified by the tauren, and the black oil on the lake has disappeared. Yang Yi stood by the lake and could see fish jumping out of the water from time to time on the rippling lake.

However, this lake is still not peaceful, and the snap-mouthed turtle in the lake is still irritable for some reason.

The Backwater Village sent a team of ten fighting murlocs to guard the edge of the lake. As long as a snap-jawed turtle dares to come ashore from the direction of the Backwater Village, these murlocs will immediately come forward to kill them, pry their shells and peel them off and eat them on the spot.

During this period of time, the fishmen in the Backwater Village have killed many snap-jaw turtles, and a pile of snap-jaw turtle shells have accumulated on the shore.

Yang Yi walked to the pile of snap-jawed turtle shells and could see that the surface of these turtle shells was covered with strange spots. It seemed that these snap-jawed turtles had some kind of infection. Perhaps this was how these usually gentle animals became manic. The reason for getting up.

Yang Yi was observing the strange spots on the shell of the snap-jawed turtle when an earth-shaking rumble came from the distance.

It was Bain who ran towards the lake on a Kodo beast.

"Bain, are you riding the Kodo to leave the backwater oasis?" Yang Yi asked.

"Yes Poseidon, I want to go to the Stonetalon Mountains." Baine said.

"Stonetalon Mountains? What are you going to do?"

Ever since Yang Yi learned from Bain that there was a dwarf engineer in Stonetalon Mountain, he had been considering whether to go to Stonetalon Mountain. Unexpectedly, Bain also said that he was going to Stonetalon Mountain.

"Poseidon, do you want to come with us?" Bain asked.

"Go on your kodo?"

"Of course not, this is still too slow. Let's go to the crossroads and ride the wyvern to the Stonetalon Mountains."

"Ride a wyvern! Great!"

Yang Yi had never made a flying mount when he came to the world of Azeroth. He had always fantasized about the pleasure of riding in the air after sitting on a flying mount.

Hearing that he could fly to the Stonetalon Mountains with a wyvern, Yang Yi immediately decided to go to the Stonetalon Mountains with Bain.

Leaving the matter of Backwater Village to Slark, Yang Yi climbed onto Bain's Kodo and headed to the crossroads together.

Crossroads is the largest town of the tribe in the Barrens, with a permanent population of more than 30,000, mainly orcs, tauren and trolls, with the majority of orcs among them.

Since the tribes compete with centaurs, wild boars, and harpies for land resources in the Barrens all year round, more than three thousand tribal soldiers are stationed at the crossroads.

Since the two conflicts between the murlocs in the Backwater Oasis and Ratchet Town, the tribe's soldiers have become increasingly disgusted with the murlocs. Some orc soldiers saw Yang Yi, a murloc, entering the crossroads and shouted at him. A series of low roars.

Yang Yi didn't care at all. He followed Bain and walked through the streets at the intersection with great force.

When they arrived at the wyvern's enclosure, there was already a person waiting for them.

This person is Mu Xiaolan from Qin Kunhui.

"Mu Xiaolan, have you found Kaya?" Bain asked anxiously after seeing Mu Xiaolan.

"Found it, our people found her at a Horror Totem sentry in the Giant Wood Valley. She was kidnapped by Grudig Black Cloud." Mu Xiaolan replied.

"Great, let's set off right away!" Bain said.

When Yang Yi was on the road, he already knew that Bain rushed to the Stonetalon Mountains this time to save a tauren. The tauren was the daughter of Makaba Flathoof, the head of the Deadwater tauren village.

So Yang Yi stood aside without asking any more questions.

Bain was in a rare hurry, and the three of them quickly paid the wyvern administrator and got on the wyvern.

Bain was riding a flying dragon alone, and the flying dragons that Yang Yi and Mu Xiaolan were riding were controlled by an orc sitting in front.

Wyvern mounts are no better than ordinary ground mounts and are important assets to the tribe.

Only a person like Bain can fly around alone on a wyvern. Yang Yi and Mu Xiaolan can only fly behind a wyvern controlled by a dedicated person, and they can only fly with two specified wyverns. Fly between flight points on a fixed route.

Even so, Yang Yi still got Bain's credit, otherwise he wouldn't be able to rent the wyvern if he came alone.

The bipedal flying dragon flapped its huge wings vigorously a few times and then rose into the air.

It was the first time for Yang Yi to ride a flying mount. When he was shaken violently during the lift-off, he was so frightened that he tightly grabbed the shoulders of the orc in front of him with both hands.

The orc sitting in front looked at them with disdain, thinking that the fishmen were indeed a cowardly and despicable race.

When the flying dragon rose to a high altitude, its huge wings spread out and began to fly while gliding. Yang Yi, who was sitting on the back of the flying dragon, finally felt stable.

"Wow! The Barrens is so big. It looks like a red land from the air. It's really spectacular."

Yang Yi braved the howling strong wind to admire the scenery of this barren land.

Several wild beasts ran across the red ground beneath their feet, a burst of wolf smoke rose in the distance, and a red sunset hung over the distant mountains.

Yang Yi flew up for the first time and couldn't help but smile while looking at the beautiful scenery in the air.

This feeling of freedom flying in the air is awesome!

"Murloc, don't look around. I won't be responsible if the strong wind blows you down." The orc in front saw Yang Yi moving around and shouted dissatisfied.

Yang Yi glanced at his feet carefully. He must have flown to a height of 100 meters now. If he fell, he would definitely be shattered to pieces.

Yang Yi started to worry when he thought about it, and he was always afraid that he would fall from the sky.

Facts showed that Yang Yi was overly worried. Under the leadership of Mu Xiaolan, three bipedal flying dragons flew directly to a terrifying totem post on the edge of the Giant Wood Valley.

Normally, the bipedal flying dragon could only fly to the Sun Stone House in the Stone Claw Mountains, and then a few people walked from the ground to the Giant Wood Valley.

With Bain there, the three wyverns landed directly in the open space of a Horror Totem sentry post.

Yang Yi was shocked by Bain's decision. He didn't know whether this Bain was brave because he was a skilled person, or he was too young and too kind.

On the way to the crossroads, Yang Yi learned from Bain that the members of the Grimtotem in the Stonetalon Mountains were probably the murderers who attacked Makaba Flathoof's village. If this was true, then the ones who kidnapped Makaba were The daughter's Grudig Black Cloud was the mastermind of that massacre.

Faced with such a situation, Bain actually decided to land in the open space of the Horrible Totem Sentinel openly, which made Yang Yi dumbfounded.

"Bain, didn't you say that both the Horde and Thunder Bluff have launched an investigation into the Grimtotem Clan, but haven't even issued a wanted order?"

"The investigation is not over yet, and we are not sure yet whether they did it or not."

"Then it must be confirmed that they kidnapped Makaba's daughter!"

"Yes, so we are here to save people this time."

Baine dismounted from the wyvern, then took his halberd from his back and held it in his hand.

Yang Yi was speechless. He felt that if Bain's father was as upright as Bain, the tauren would fall into the hands of the Grimtotem clan sooner or later.

"Suddenly, I feel that the future of the tauren is quite worrying. Ratchet fishmen should not fall into the wrong trap." Yang Yi thought to himself.

Yang Yi had no choice but to follow Bain with the sea monster harpoon.

Mu Xiaolan also took out a light crossbow and followed Bain and Yang Yi.

Three bipedal flying dragons descended from the sky. They first attracted the attention of the Horrible Totem Minotaur at the sentry post, and soon a group of big black bulls surrounded them.

"Bain, what are you doing here?" A tauren with a horror totem walked at the front, holding a large two-handed wooden ax in the style of a tauren.

This tauren is Grudig Blackcloud, chieftain of the Grimtotems, at least in name only.

"Grudig, I'm here to pick up Kaya Flathoof. Her father has been waiting for her to return." Bain directly explained the purpose of his visit.

"Kaya is not here with me." Grudig Heiyun denied.

"I know Kaya is at this sentry post. I guess she is in the wooden house in front." Bain pointed to a large wooden house in front, which is where Grudig Black Cloud lives.

"Yes, Kaya is in the cabin. You can never take her away." Grudig Black Cloud's big nostrils began to spit out white air, and the big black cow began to get angry.

Yang Yi listened to the side and was very puzzled. If the tauren leaders were as upright as the two of them, how could this race survive in such a cruel continent of Kalimdor.

"This big black bull named Grudig probably snatched Makaba's daughter to be his wife. If that's the case, it would be hard to take this person away." Yang Yi looked at the big black bulls coming up from all around. , the number has already exceeded a hundred, and it would be difficult for the three of them alone to break through, let alone rob people.

Yang Yi was secretly worried over there, but the two tauren, Bain and Grudig, were talking and preparing to start a one-on-one duel.

"I never heard that tauren also like duels."

Yang Yi could only watch the duel between two burly tauren.

In Yang Yi's opinion, the two tauren fought in a typical straight-forward manner, and they fought head-on.

Bane's weapon is a long halberd, Grudig's weapon is a large wooden axe.

Bang bang bang bang!

In a fierce battle, Bane was injured but managed to knock out Grudig and win.

Yang Yi felt relieved when he saw that the big black bulls around him didn't riot after Bain's victory.

"I'm taking Kaya away."

Bain said and walked towards the big wooden house.

The tauren of Grimtotem did not forcibly stop Bain. Bain pushed aside a few black cows that happened to be blocking the road and walked straight towards the big wooden house.

Kaya Flathoof was indeed in the big wooden house, and Yang Bao saw that it was a cow with black and white spots.

"We must leave quickly, otherwise Grudig will wake up from his coma soon. I will have someone escort you back to your father Makaba. He will be very happy to see you back safely." En said.

"Grudig fainted? I want to see him." Kaya said anxiously.

"Mu Xiaolan, you escort Kaya to die in the Buffalo Minotaur Village." Bain seemed not to have heard Kaya's words, and he firmly told Mu Xiaolan to send Kaya away.

Under Mu Xiaolan's "escort", she and Kayak rode on a bipedal flying dragon and flew away.

Yang Yi and Bain didn't stay long. After seeing Mu Xiaolan and Kaya taking off, he and Bain rode the same bipedal dragon and left the Horrible Totem Sentry Post.

Yang Yi didn't interfere in the whole process, just watched.

"There is still a story between Kaya and Grudig. Could it be that this is not an ordinary kidnapping case, but there is an adultery involved."

"It seems that Bain is not that upright. This tauren is quite sinister. After seeing Kaya's concern about Grudig's performance, he actually sent him away without any care."

Yang Yi, who was flying in the air, was thinking nosily.

"It seems that the tauren are not as big and thick as they appear. The tauren can still be saved.".

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