World of Xianxia

Chapter 96: Daughter of the Peak Master

Ye Yun and Su Ling could not have imagined how Luo Wencheng had such a plan. You know, when you entered the tomb before, Ye Yun could clearly hear Yang Qingfeng said that the disciples who entered the tomb did not need to surrender the treasures as long as they could survive. Will get focused training.

However, this Luo Wencheng actually started to kill and wanted to kill people and win treasures. Is this what he meant, or did Ouyang ask God?

Ye Yun looked at Su Ling, eyes full of anger and doubt.

Su Ling seemed to hear the anger and perplexity in Ye Yun's heart, and shook his head full of fear.

"This should not be the meaning of Uncle Ouyang. It must be the decision made by Luo Wencheng after losing the jade rune."

"Sapphire rune? What blue light are you talking about?" Ye Yun lowered his voice and asked Su Ling's ear.

Su Ling nodded: "Uncle Ouyang gave each of his ten disciples a jade rune. This rune was made by Uncle Ouyang himself. It contains the power of heaven and man to build the foundation. The power is huge. One shot is equivalent to building. Ji San's power to solidify the Yuan Dynasty. For Luo Wencheng, they almost have an extra life, but they were wasted on this yellow sand giant. "

"So he angered our disciples outside and wanted to kill Duobao?" Ye Yun was very angry.

"This ... this I will never let him do this." Su Ling did not know how to answer, after hesitating for a moment, said such a sentence.

Ye Yun took a deep breath, knowing that he couldn't be angry with Su Ling anyway.

"Let's go!" Watching Luo Wencheng's three men marching cautiously, looking around from time to time, Ye Yun took Su Ling's hand and slowly backed away.

"Brother Luo and I have also met a few times and should not treat us like that." Su Ling said hesitantly.

Ye Yun shook his head, his voice slightly cold: "I don't think that a person like him will take into account the sentiments. Not to mention that there are a lot of good things about us now."

Su Ling was dumb, and he didn't understand softly: "But I didn't feel that Huangsha Giant would cause irreparable harm to them just now. I don't know why Brother Luo would sacrifice jade jade."

Ye Yun groaned and said, "We are not within the attack range of the Yellow Sand Giant. We just feel the irresistible coercion it emits from afar. Luo Wencheng, who is in the center, may really be unable to resist or dodge. The yellow sand giant's attack was forced to sacrifice the jade rune.

Although Ye Yun was not as good as Su Ling, he had far surpassed Su Ling in actual combat experience such as on-the-spot battles, but only a little thought, he understood the key.

In fact, Luo Wencheng was unable to escape the attack of the giant Huangsha, but he could not take it with half a grasp, if he did not sacrifice the jade rune at that time, he would not die under that palm. It also needs to be seriously injured, and it is still the kind of serious injury that completely destroys the talent. In the future, there is a great possibility that the practice will stop here and no further advance.

Therefore, in that case, although he was reluctant and had a deep hatred in his heart, he had no way but to sacrifice the jade rune, break up the yellow sand giant, and survive under its palm.

"This space is about to break. The rules are extremely unstable. You two search carefully to see if there are any treasures. Remember, if you find traces of other people's actions, you must find them, presumably their bodies should be There will be a lot of treasures, but this is the second floor of Huayun's hidden treasure, or that person's tomb, how can it leave ordinary things. "Luo Wencheng looked around, his eyes were sharp, he seemed to be able to see everything.

He didn't hide it, his voice spread far away in the vast desert, and fell into Ye Yun's ears.

Su Ling was moving forward, was suddenly pulled by Ye Yun, and then fell down.

Ye Yun put his finger on his lips, signalling that Su Ling might be holding his breath and not making a noise.

Sure enough, after the two fell to the ground, Luo Wen's eyes turned like electricity, and he swept around, then a night pearl appeared on his palm, and then slowly rose, emitting white soft light, brightening the square. , The slightest result.

Luo Wencheng talked aloud intentionally just now, in order to attract the attention of others in this tomb. If there is someone nearby, there must be two reactions when he hears his words. One is to escape, and those who break the first floor Outsiders who entered here after the ban. The other one doesn't care at all, it comes from other masters.

However, he glanced around, and his consciousness slowly turned the circle of dozens of squares, then his face was gloomy.

"I don't think there is really no one. How can I make up for the loss of the jade rune if I can't find the treasures in this desert of yellow sand?"

"Brother Luo, this desert seems to have nothing, all yellow sand."

"Yes, this yellow sand desert is the second layer? It shouldn't be."

Luo Wencheng glanced at the two of them, and then glanced around, except for the rolling yellow sand, nothing could attract his attention.

"Impossible, this is definitely the second layer. You breathe and sense the aura in it. Compared with the first layer, it is difficult to refining after absorption, or even impossible to refining at all. There is a lot of aura here, and it allows us to absorb and refine at will, even if it is better than the Samsung Gathering Team of my absolute sword peak, so this must be the second layer. "Luo Wencheng shook his head, With firm eyes.

The two inner disciples looked at each other. They were frightened by the giant Huangsha just now. If this danger is everywhere in the second floor, let alone them, it is Luo Wencheng, or they will be forced to sapphire runes. Sacrifice and save your life. So what they said was that they wanted to affect Luo Wencheng secretly, so they could just leave and go back to life.

However, Luo Wencheng lost the sapphire rune, and how he was willing to leave, he took the lead and walked forward, holding the sword tightly in his hands, carefully. The two inside disciples could only look at each other and kept up silently.

Ye Yun and Su Ling lay down on the yellow sand, and let the sand blow over, gradually covering the two, afraid to move a little, for fear of an accidental noise, they would be found by Luo Wencheng.

Finally, Luo Wencheng's back was already outside the thousands of feet. Ye Yun pulled Rasu Ling and stood up.

"Let's go, now is the best time." Su Ling watched the change of space, and then pulled Ye Yun towards the place where the light and shadow were split.

For the understanding of the space matrix method, Ye Yun couldn't catch up with Su Ling because he was smashing horses. Since the girl said so, then she followed the gallop.

How they cultivated, it took only a few minutes to travel across dozens of miles, and they were about to reach this place where the space was broken.

However, at this moment, two figures appeared in the eyes of the two who should not have appeared in theory.

Luo Wencheng, and two other inner disciples flashed out from the side, blocking Ye Yun and the two.

Ye Yun and Su Ling were startled, stopped suddenly, their eyes were incredible.

"I just said, how could there be no one in this space? If there were no one, how could the frontal eyes be broken, making the space unstable, and then we would be cut open." Luo Wencheng looked at the two, smiling. Said.

"Brother Luo is very talented and has a great plan."

"Yeah, I didn't understand why I had to go back here and keep around in a circle. It turned out that Brother Luo is really clever. Everything is under control."

The two insider disciples smiled proudly ~ ~ The exits are all words of compliment.

Ye Yun's face was gloomy. Compared with his calculations, he and Luo Wencheng, who have been in Tianjianzong for 20 years, seem to be worse.

"Brother Luo, I'm Su Ling. You let us go out." Su Ling stepped forward from behind Ye Yun, watching Luo Wencheng slowly said.

Luo Wencheng froze, his eyes brushed, his brows frowned slightly: "Su Ling? How are you, why are you in the tomb? The disciples who entered the tomb this time came from Tianzhu Peak, and what has it to do with you? ? "

Su Ling whispered, "I'm just curious, come in and see."

Luo Wencheng had some difficult choices for a while. He frowned at Su Ling and asked, "Su Ling, what treasure have you got in this big tomb?"

He asked so nakedly, regardless of the feelings of the other party.

Su Ling froze and said, "Does this have anything to do with Brother Luo?"

Luo Wencheng snorted, ignored her, turned to look at Ye Yun, and asked, "What about you? Leave things, I can consider letting you leave."

Ye Yun frowned suddenly, Su Ling replied like this, it was the equivalent of telling each other that he had got the treasure in it.

Knowing that there was no escape, his eyes narrowed suddenly, and he was ready to shoot.

"Luo Wencheng, do you really want to kill the same door?" However, at this moment, Su Ling was in a hurry and stopped in front of him.

Luo Wencheng laughed: "There are so many people who died here, who knows how to die."

"you dare!"

Su Ling also sneered, Shen said, "I am the daughter of Wu Yingfeng Su Hao, do you dare to kill me?"


An inner disciple named Yin Tianxing behind Luo Wencheng exclaimed, "Master Wuyingfeng?"

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