Biquge, the fastest update of the shocking maid: Doctor Concubine is not good to mess with the latest chapter!

"This is Wang's study, let's go in."

Ming Zhen exited the yard after speaking, leaving Jiang Yingxue alone outside the door.

Jiang Yingxue stepped on his toes and glanced into the study, where the candlelight was bright.

Su Yuzheng is sitting at the desk and looking at something.

Jiang Yingxue stood outside the door, didn't go in, and still didn't know how Su Yuzhen would torture her.

"Why are you standing outside and not coming in?" Suddenly, Su Yuquan's voice came from the room when Jiang Yingxue hesitated.

"What are you afraid of? The soldiers came to cover the water and cover the soil. I have never been afraid of words in Jiang Yingxue's dictionary!" No wonder!

She opened the door and walked in. She looked up and met Su Yu's eyes. "My lord, a big mansion where you are so big, is there such a waiter for me?"

Su Yuxi put down her book and stood up to look at her. "My king doesn't care about your offense to my king before. You lost important clues to your king. Now my king gives you a chance to lose your power."

She had offended him before, and the one who clearly suffered was her, **** is a jerk, she got cheap and sold well!

"The opportunity said by the Lord is to let me be your maid and serve you?"


"If I do well, the king will let me go?"

Su Yuzhen stepped forward and stared at her. "Where do you want to leave this way?"

Jiang Yingxue blinked and did not look at him. "Master Wang also knows that I am here to marry someone in Huizhou City. Naturally, I would go to my husband to leave the palace."

Su Yu's dark eyes froze slightly, saying that Miss Jiang really loved him and hoped that he would return triumphantly and marry her, but now less than two months ago, he was thinking of other men who had never met him. Now, Jiang Yingxue, you really let the king see through!

"As long as you serve my king, my king will let you go."

Jiang Yingxue's eyes lit up. "Is this true?"

"My king has said nothing, and it is difficult to chase a horse."

"Then this is good, there must be a standard."

Su Yuzhang turned and walked back to the desk. "My King's words are standard."

Jiang Yingxue frowned. "No, at that time, I will do everything clearly, what can you do if you say it's not good? I don't agree."

Su Yuxi sneered. "Jiang Yingxue, the king did not ask you to discuss the conditions with the king. If you do not do it, the king will now order someone to return you to the former yard."

If you go back to the previous courtyard, this metamorphosis will definitely strengthen the defense. It will not be so easy for her to escape in the future. The girl can flex and stretch, I can bear it!

"Come here and polish the king." Jiang Yingxue took a sip in his heart, but walked forward honestly.

All of a sudden the study room was quiet and there was only the sound of scratching.

I don't know how long it took, Jiang Yingxue yawned in a sleepy state, and just when she was about to fall asleep, Su Yuzhen finally moved.

"Master, it's not early, you'll hurt your kidneys by staying up late, you should rest early." She was almost sleepy!

Su Yuzhen stood up. "Back to Morning Star Pavilion."

Finally relieved!

"Congratulations, Wang."

Su Yu stomped slightly and turned to look at her. "Jiang Yingxue can't keep up."

Jiang Yingxue froze, what? Will she follow? !! When does Su Ba Pi make people sleep?

I don't know if Su Yumin did it on purpose. From the study to Chen Xingge, they walked for half an hour.

Jiang Yingxue and Su Yuyi stood in the room. Jiang Yingxue watched him walk to the bed, and secretly said that she could finally sleep now.

"You will sleep on the soft collapse in the future." Su Yuzhang took off her robe and lay down on the bed in a white coat.

Jiang Yingxue's steps to leave were stiff, and he looked back at what he said was soft, and it was clearly a bench that was only half a meter wide and 1.5 meters long!

Although she is malnourished, she still has a size of about 1.6 meters. This **** let him sleep on this 1.5 meter bench!

"If you don't sleep, stand in the room."

The words did not end, Jiang Yingxinxue was already lying on the soft couch.

Su Yuzhang picked up a stone and gently waved his fingertips, and the room was suddenly dark.

Jiang Yingxue lay on the soft couch, thinking that she couldn't sleep anymore, but when her head was leaning on the couch, a drowsiness struck, and her eyelids fell into her dreamland within a moment.

Su Yuxi listened to her steady breathing and closed her eyes slowly.

"Get up." The cold, low voice made Jiang Xue wake up from her dream. As soon as she opened her eyes, she caught up with Su Yu's black eyes without temperature.

She sat up swiftly from the soft couch, and subconsciously glanced at her chest to see that she was wearing the girl-in-law suit before going to bed, exhaling secretly in her heart, and looking out the window, the sky was bright outside. Already.

His actions made Su Yuchi coldly. "Even if you get rid of it, in front of King, King will not look at you more."

Shame, shame of Chiguo!

"My king is going to do morning exercises and give you a quarter of an hour to clean up."

Jiang Yingxue got up furiously, a small soft bed, her body was sore when she slept, and the table was already equipped with toiletries. After washing, she went to the dressing table, looked at her head like a chicken nest, and simply sent all the hair out. He was all solved, and he took a silk ribbon and tied a sharp horsetail on his head.

Zhan Wangfu has a large training martial arts field with 18 classes of weapons in it. After arriving at the martial arts field, she knew that it was not only Su Yu's entire Wangfu guards who wanted to come for morning training.



As soon as she walked outside the training ground, she heard training sounds coming from inside.

Su Yuzheng has a separate martial arts arena, which is separate from the guards.

Jiang Yingxue looked at Nuoda's training martial arts ground, and thought that he couldn't miss any opportunity to train himself.

"Master Wang, I feel that since I arrived at the Zhan Palace, I should follow the rules of morning exercises in the Palace."

Su Yuzhang took off her robe and looked at her.

"Do you want to practice too?"

Jiang Yingxue nodded. Su Yuzhang tickled his lips.

"Okay, my king allowed it."

Jiang Yingxue was happy. "Thank you, Grandpa."

Jiang Yingxue went to a relatively far place and raised her limbs. After leaving the capital, she never practiced again. Let's start with the most basic warm-up.

Su Yuzhang watched her move her limbs strangely, and began to run around the training ground, lap after lap.

"Ms. Jiang, what are you doing?" Ding Xiang and Ding were standing beside the training ground. Ding Xiang watched Jiang Yingxue circle around the field and wondered.

Ding is shaking his head. "Maybe you want to faint Lord Wang?"

Ding Xiang nodded sternly. "you're right."

This training was really slack, and Jiang Yingxue was so tired that he hadn't run too many laps. "It's terribly fatal, when will I be like this when I return to the pinnacle!"

After Jiang Yingxue warmed up, he looked at the weapon rack and walked towards it.

The weapons on the weapon rack refracted dazzling golden light in the sun. "Wow, this knife is so handsome!" She looked at the big knife in front of her, and reached out to get it off the weapon rack.


I thought it would be easy to pick up the big knife, but she couldn't shake the big knife by exhausting her milk!


Even Dadao bullied her, didn't she?

None of this Zhan Wangfu is a good thing!

Just when Jiang Yingxue decided to die with this big knife to the end, a long slender hand crossed it, and picked up the big knife on the shelf just like picking up a rag.

Jiang Yingxue looked at that hand, shame and shame!

Su Yuchen looked at her sideways. "Maybe you can pick this handle."


Jiang Yingxue pierced his villain ten thousand times in the bottom of his heart, and finally set his sight on the weapon rack ... on the small stool next to it!

Can't lift the weapon, isn't she good enough to lift a stool!

She picked up the stool, took a step on the field, raised and lowered the stool in one hand, and then raised and lowered, and repeated nearly ten groups.

She is good at melee. In addition to her skills, she needs absolute strength, otherwise all her skills are useless.

Su Yuzhang practiced a set of big swords and saw Jiang Yingxue still holding a stool.


"It's really exhausting." Jiang Yingxue lowered his stool, and his arms were too weak to lift up.

"I said, do you guys have any long ropes? Heavy ones." She asked when they walked to Dingxiang.

Ding Zheng silently fell on Su Yu's body. Su Yu's nodded slightly, and Ding Xiang ran to find Jiang Yingxue with two twine as thick as her arm.

Jiang Yingxue nodded with satisfaction at the thick twine.

"Come, let's play skipping."

"Skip the rope?" Ding Xiang didn't know what skipping was, but he was a little confused about how Jiang Yingxue would jump with such a big rope.

"You, you black-faced handsome guy, jump with this little white face to throw the rope." Jiang Yingxue pointed at Ding Xiang, and then looked at Ding Zheng.

The two powerful guards around King Zhan were so differentiated by her skin color!

"Miss Jiang, my name is Ding Zheng." Xiao Bailian was so humiliating!

"Oh, let's start tossing the rope."

Although unwilling, the two were curious about what she wanted to do, and did as she said.

"I counted three and started to throw away, one, two, three!"

Ding Zheng heard the sound of waving his arm quickly, which was ten meters long and heavy as a hemp rope, and it was not so easy to throw it.


Jiang Yingxue felt that he still overestimated his strength, and Dingzheng threw it over, and almost did not shake her hand!

"What are you doing, jump!"

Ding Xiang looked at the swaying rope and ran in just in time.

"Come, jump a hundred times!"

"Ah, I said you'd slow me down a bit, don't you know I'm a pampering flower?" It wasn't more than a dozen, Jiang Yingxue's hand was about to shake.

Just when Jiang Yingxue was gritting his teeth and holding on, the rope on his hand loosened uncontrollably, and flew down towards Su Yu's where he was ...

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