Worlds’ Apocalypse Online

Vol 2 Chapter 39: The secret of the world

The battle between the gods and a group of dead gods and demigods is fierce.

Battlefield center.

The **** of life and the screamer of the soul are constantly screaming.

Both of them have lived for countless years and have a natural affinity for combat.

So while they fought, they turned their attention to the coffins that had just fallen.

If you find that the atmosphere in the coffin is too strong, they will desperately shoot and immediately destroy the coffin.

In this way, the coffin will become a virtual shadow and disappear temporarily.

However, as time goes by, the coffins will reappear, and together with the coffin that is coming, it will fall like a tide, gradually letting the gods overwhelm.

The corpse that came out of the coffin began to form a siege.

The **** of life and the screamer of the soul had to back to back and help each other, barely maintaining the balance of the battle.

In the face of life and death, any contradiction can be temporarily put down.

Besides, they also understand that they are being played.

despite this.

They don't have much time.

At this time, Gu Qingshan and his boss held a black umbrella and came to the edge of the battlefield.

The boss frowned and looked at the gods and muttered: "No, these are not only the bodies of the gods in the world, but also those I don't even know..."

Gu Qingshan asked: "Do you know the gods in the world?"

"I know all the 80,000 true gods." The boss is sure.

"What is stronger than the true God?" Gu Qingshan asked.

"The king of God just had a breath in the coffin. The two guys desperately attacked the coffin, and the coffin disappeared temporarily. It is estimated that it will appear in a while." Old Avenue.

Gu Qingshan said: "So the question is where the gods you don't know come from."

He quietly floated up, close to a coffin, and looked carefully.

"This seems to be the coffin that comes with the technique."

Gu Qingshan Road.

After he finished speaking, he was shocked.


Is there any way to control these thousands of gods and demigods?

There are even gods!

It is simply ridiculous.

Gu Qingshan shook his head and was about to deny this idea, but he listened to the boss and said: "Yes, I also feel it. This is a technique, you see those gods."

Gu Qingshan released the thoughts in the direction pointed by the boss.

I saw the coffin that was closest to them, and a half-god body came out.

"Look carefully." The boss whispered.


Gu Qingshan responded.

He was sensed by God.

On the body of this demigod, there are several silk threads that are as thin as hair, affecting the body and hands and feet of the body.

A closer look reveals that these threads are not real silk, but the dark light that condenses together with some strange runes.

That's right, this is the technique!

Gu Qingshan and the boss looked at each other and saw the shock in the eyes of the other party.

One of them is the master of salvation in the world, the ghost king of Huang Quan, the **** of the four pillars; the first one in the crown of stars, the master of the abyss, the king of infinite power, can be described as well-informed.

But neither of them has ever heard of any kind of technique that can manipulate the bodies of thousands of gods.

In the eyes of the boss, there is a confused color: "What kind of technique is it that can call out all the gods from the mausoleum, I really have no clue."

Gu Qingshan indulged for a moment, said: "The place of Anshun Township... is just a residence of descendants of the gods?"

The boss asked: "What did you think of?"

Gu Qingshan said: "The **** of life is clearly informed, and has been hiding in the soul of the soul, I guess it may have something to do with this technique."

The boss revealed the color of his memories, saying: "When the world was destroyed, the bodies of countless war dead were spurted toward the void."

"The seven surviving gods gathered the bodies of those who died, and established a mausoleum in the emptiness of the void, which is guarded by the **** of life."

"The **** of life later placed his descendants near the mausoleum and established a world, the peace of mind you know."

Gu Qingshan is ashamed of it.

It is no wonder that it is called the Soul of the Soul, which is close to the tomb of the dead.

Gu Qingshan couldn't help but say: "What kind of world is the world, why is it destroyed?"

When the boss saw his seriousness, he said: "The world is a special place to keep the parallel worlds invisible and to ensure that there are voids that can separate the parallel worlds."

"Perhaps the parallel world will split in countless historical nodes, thus forming a new parallel world."

"But there is only one in the world."

"If the world is destroyed, the parallel world and the emptiness of the void will gradually become chaotic, and various problems will occur."

Gu Qingshan asked: "For example, before the parallel world and the end of the battle, and finally fall into the eternal abyss?"

The boss sighed: "Yes, the world has been destroyed by the end, so the parallel worlds have begun to mess."

Gu Qingshan fell into meditation again.

"The world is not completely annihilated, I remember there are people coming again..." Gu Qingshan.

"Yes, but the soul is reborn in the emptiness of the void, and the crisis is heavy. Only a few gods have this ability."

The boss continued: "Without 10,000 gods, there will be a **** king. There are only 80 gods in the world. There are only eight gods. The king of the gods is the **** of the gods. She is responsible for controlling the whole world."

"At that time, the world was destroyed, the emperor lost to the end, and he was severely wounded and did not know where to go. The Eight Gods died in battle, and six of them knew nothing, and the soldiers retreated."

Gu Qingshan listened with enthusiasm and tried to recover his thoughts: "We still have to explore what this technique is."

The boss thought and said: "What can make the **** of life afraid is not only a simple method, but also related to what it has done."

"Innumerable years, it has been shrinking in the soul of the soul," Gu Qingshan quietly said: "So we can be sure that first of all, the soul of the country is safe for it, so what it has done must be related to the soul of the soul. ”

"If there is one thing that scares it, it must come from outside the country."

"It has been hiding in the Soul, so what has it done about the outside world?"

The two thought about counting.

"Not a order card," Gu Qingshan concluded. "There is no problem with the card. I can prove this."

"There is only one thing left." Old Avenue.

The two together look to the **** of life.

Its body is a black snake, with a purple helmet on its head, a black hand, and a tail that can divide into infinite tentacles.

Yes, only the monster is left.

The **** of life takes this monster's body as its own.

The strange thing is that the gods can't kill this monster. How does the **** of life occupy the monster body in one fell swoop?

The more they think about it, the more they feel that something is wrong.

They infer from here one sentence, the situation in the battlefield is more and more dangerous.

The **** of life and the soul screamer are already hurt everywhere.

Another row of coffins fell.

Five corpses of gods came out of the coffin.

The soul screamer can no longer hold back, suddenly shouted: "Come out, Gu Qingshan!"

Gu Qingshan and the boss are a glimpse.

How does this guy know that we are here?

The Soul Screamer continues to scream: "I know you must be nearby, you look."

boom! ! !

It suddenly burst into infinite glory, gradually concentrated on a fist, forming a ray of light.

This is almost all its power.

The boss’s dignified road: “A strong and powerful punishment.”

Gu Qingshan also nodded.

The power of this chaos is completely different from the punishment he had faced last time.

The Soul Screamer evades the attack of the corpse, while loudly speaking:

"I know that you have a deep relationship with the kingdom of thorns."

"I counted three. If you don't use the hidden technique to save me, I will release this punishment and smash the entire kingdom of thorns into a residue!"

"I know that you can borrow my strength, but I can send out the same attack several times in a row. I don't believe you can always borrow my power of punishment!"

Gu Qingshan was a little surprised.

This monster is really thinking, but also really pinched his weakness.

Lola does everything to help herself, and she must not watch her country be destroyed.

The boss worried to see him.

Gu Qingshan shook his head and said nothing.

He calmly looked at the soul screamer.

The sword appeared quietly in his hands.

"Your soul is not enough to kill it." The thick sound of the sword began to sound.

"Know, we only use the Holy Land." Gu Qingshan faint.

He added: "All strength."

"That can." The sword will not scream when it is finished.

At this time, the soul screamer can't resist the attack of the corpses, and loudly counts:




It roared and waved his fist.

Gu Qingshan moved.

God skills, shifting shadows!

During the time, he exchanged positions with the **** of life.

I saw him holding an umbrella and waving the sword in one hand.

The realm of a sword!


The sword is on the soul screamer, and a body of it is going to fly out.

Numerous light and shadow suddenly appeared in the void, and the soul screamer was fiercely set in place.

I don't think it is ready!

However, the one thousand and one times the weight of gravity, coupled with the full force of Gu Qingshan, the soul of the screaming sorcerer's light, suddenly slanted away from its hand, floating above the void.

A sword is out, Gu Qingshan does not hesitate to launch the shifting again!

At the next moment, the **** of life was changed again!

At the same time, the soul screamer has reacted and screamed at the back.

The **** of life still does not know what is going on, and it is slammed, tumbling out and falling into a pile of demigods.

"Ah, ah! You are looking for death!" The **** of life angered.

Suddenly, all the sounds disappeared.

Whether it is Gu Qingshan, the **** of life, or the soul screamer, I forgot to say anything at this moment.

They look upwards.

The light of the gods slammed into the sky, exploding the deep and indistinguishable darkness and revealing something.

An incomparably huge green-haired face is looking down from the darkness of the sky.

The green hair face is wide open.

Countless coffins hang down from its mouth.

The next moment.

The power of divine punishment disappears.

The darkness over the battlefield gathered again to cover the green man's face. . m.

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