Worlds’ Apocalypse Online

Vol 2 Chapter 93: Life and death

Numerous thin hairy swords penetrate the entire space, forming a net that cannot be broken.

- Secret sword and star marks!

There was a gust of wind in the dark passage.

The optical network spread out in the wind and swayed in all directions.

Broken hands, head, chest, internal organs, flying over the sky.

The stiff monk was wiped out by a large blockbuster.

However, those monks who are still alive are not moved.

They stood there coldly, staring at the soaring sword in midair with a strange expression.

"It turned out to be the ghost king of Huang Quan who was never born." They said in the same voice.

- Just like a certain existence, speaking to Gu Qingshan through the mouth of all the monks.

Next second.

All the flesh and blood corpses that were killed were all back flying back, and they fell on the door of the scarlet, and they were sucked in silently.

A fascinating red awn is born on the gate.

Oops -

The door slowly pushed away.

The wind is everywhere.

Hundreds of shackles in armor, armed with various weapons, flew out of the door.

We are surrounded by phosphorus fires and are heading towards Gu Qingshan.

Huang Quan Ghost Soldier!

The monks who were killed by Gu Qingshan’s sword passed through this Zhuhong gate and directly turned into a ghost of Huangquan!

The rest of the monks showed a strange smile, the same voice:

"The legend that Huang Quan Ghost King can control all the dead, I do not believe it, come and let me try your two."

If Gu Qingshan did not smell it, he would wave a giant white sword.

All the ghosts and screams screamed, and did not avoid the flash, and rushed toward the sword.

Dangdang Dangdang Dangdang!

The swordsman squatted on them and made countless crosses.

The ghosts were sluggish by Jianmang, and they could not help but spurt a yin.

In the meantime, they are completely turned into shadows, and giant swordsmen penetrate their bodies and fly toward the sky.

The monks proudly said: "Ghosts can be born to penetrate the world, I will see how you respond."

As soon as the voice fell, Gu Qingshan even took the sword in his hand and suddenly disappeared.

He appeared in the intensive place of the monks.

"Looking for death!" the monks shouted.

"Ah, ah, ah, ah--" Gu Qingshan suddenly gave a violent drink.

A strong storm violently erupted from him, turning into a black airflow visible to the eye, and slamming into all directions.

The power of the dragon dragon blood!

In order to prevent this overbearing force from infecting others in the past, Gu Qingshan always used his dark silence to cover his breath.

After seeing the injury on Su Xueer, Gu Qingshan has left anger and does not want to take care of anything.

Since the opening of the world, the power of a dragon has been completely surrendered, and it is slowly transforming into his power.

- Gu Qingshan has been able to drive this power!

I saw a black air flow into the body of many monks, making them tremble.

The various techniques in their hands were extinguished.

The power of the overbearing dragon is eroding them and changing them.

This is the most overbearing power of the dragon!

This is the strongest soul of the ancient people!

No matter Gu Qingshan himself or even the first strongest person in the world, there is no good way to deal with the erosion of this power. In the end, it can only be slowly removed by the dance of the sentient beings.

How do these monks from different circles know how to cope?

Their eyes have returned to the clear, but soon they can not withstand the power of this kind of scream.

Perhaps after a period of pain, they will have the seeds of the power of the dragon, greatly speed up the practice, and the various abilities will be developed rapidly, and the strength will rise.

But they have no future.


Gu Qingshan spit out a word.

The brilliance of the brilliance of the brilliance, flying on the sword, countless swords and shadows, such as the stunned electric shot.

More than a thousand monks still alive are killed!

Numerous light and shadows were turned into trickles, and they immediately flew back and fell into the body of Gu Qingshan.


Gu Qingshan closed his eyes and made a sound of unbearable pain.

Those monks who had just become the blood dragons of the dragons were completely killed by him, so their spiritual power, soul power, and qi and blood power were all absorbed by Gu Qingshan.

On the God of War interface, the line of fireflies is refreshing quickly:

"You killed 1,968 people."

"Because you have used the erosive power of the Dragon Blood, according to the rules of the Dragon Soul, all their power is yours."

"You have gained 800,000 souls."

“All other kinds of forces are beginning to integrate into the power of the dragon and will continue to improve your strength in the coming days.”

After Gu Qingshan swept his eyes, he looked down.

Those Huangquan ghosts are coming quickly.

But they are too slow compared to shrinking.

"No! Those are my strength!"

On the door of Zhu Hong, an angry voice sounded.

As Gu Qingshan just saw, it needs to absorb everything the monks have before they can turn them into ghosts.

Gu Qingshan only tested a sword and immediately eroded all the monks with the power of the dragon, and then transformed into his own power.

His strategy has changed so quickly that Zhu Hong’s door has not even responded.

Now, Zhu Hong’s door can no longer get those strengths.

"The souls, belong to Huang Quan!"

Zhu Hong’s door was filled with a buzz.

- The only thing left in the field is the soul of those monks.

Thousands of souls rushed to the door of Zhu Hong.

They just didn't know how they died. Now naturally, they have to flee from Gu Qingshan.

Gu Qingshan quietly looked at this scene, whispered:

"If you dare to hurt me, you should not enter Huangquan."

He took out the prisoner's rod.

All the souls suddenly stagnated in the void, unable to move.

Those who have died will honor the command of Huang Quan and Ghost, otherwise the soul will be completely dissipated.

Zhu Hong’s door screamed in the sky: “Ghost King, you dare to be so arrogant, my **** of ghosts wants you to die today!”

The void is strongly shaken.

Light and shadow belonging to the secret corridor are becoming erratic and illusory.

- The whole world is illusory.

The other world is gradually emerging.

God skills, life and death!

Overcast clouds, ghosts and sky above the faint river, is a strange stone barrier.

Zhu Hong’s door stands at this pass, emitting glare and red awns.

"Come on, all go into Huangquan, Ghost King, you and your people will be trapped here by me, never come out!"

I saw far and near, there are countless gods and monsters coming out.

He looked down and saw that Su Xueer and Yan Hao were both drawn into the shadow of this world.

The sound of the sword suddenly sounded:

"Gu Qingshan, think of a way, this is the shadow of the two worlds. Once this method is completed, the shadow of the world will become real, then we will stay in this world completely."

Gu Qingshan said with no expression: "I see it, but I want to say -"

"It dares to let me belong to Huang Quan..."

On the scepter, the eye of the unicorn gimmick released the red awning.

Gu Qingshan whispered: "No matter who you are, now all wake up to me, our war is about to begin."

- the source of the dead!

With this power, Huang Quan Ghost King can communicate with all the dead, and it can make the dead who are in deep sleep wake up immediately.

Immediately, in the fragments of the Yellow Springs world, all the dead who were sleeping in the 18th floor of Hell opened their eyes at the same time.

In the blink of an eye, they understand what is going on.

After countless years, the master of **** finally appeared!

Gu Qingshan slammed the ghost ghost king's stick and yelled:

"Come on, no matter who you have been ruled, what kind of karma has been there, from this moment, **** is under my control!"

- The prison is broken!

This is the power to open the 18th Hell.

The densely dead people began to appear in Huangquan.

They were released from the collapsed **** by the power of the prisoner's king's rod!

"If someone dares to stop me..." Gu Qingshan whispered.

The scepter exudes infinite red awns, which makes the entire Huangquan world start to vibrate.

Next to the big iron fence, the bank of the river was forgotten, and the earth was plunged into violent shaking.

- Six battles!

Hell began to separate from Huang Quan!

Rumble -

The entire eighteenth floor of Hell is being separated from the depths of Huangquan.

Hundreds of millions of dead have made a fuss.

"Long live the ghost king!"

"No one can resist the king of hell!"

at the same time.

The panic of countless gods rang at the same time:

"Remove the process of life and death quickly!"

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