Worlds’ Apocalypse Online

Vol 3 Chapter 96: The destruction of civilization

  There is no wind.

  The whole world exudes a sense of decay, as if isolated from endless years.

  A dead silence.

  Gu Qingshan stood on the edge of the broken ladder, took a few breaths carefully, and finally decided to go down in person.

  He slipped silently into the rubble, looking around.

  This is a city.

  —At least before destruction, it was enough to be called a heroic city.

   Row upon row of tall buildings, the streets are wide and open, and the roads are lined with dense steel shuttles, covered with thick dust.

  Everything proves that this was once a world of technology.

  Gu Qingshan's Spiritual Mind was released to sweep hundreds of thousands of miles, and dozens of such majestic cities were found on the ground.

   "Strange...Is the ruin tomb a technological product?"

   He muttered to himself, and suddenly disappeared from where he was.

  Next moment.

  Gu Qingshan appeared directly in the core area of ​​the city center.

  There are a large number of human bones in the open square.

  They fell neatly on the ground, showing that they had gathered here according to certain disciplines and orders before they were born.

   Opposite the square, there are seven or eight aircraft loaded with various weapons, and they are responsible for guarding and protecting them.

  Unfortunately, they have all been deformed, broken, and cracked. Obviously they have suffered some kind of accident.

  In the middle of these aircraft, a super-large flying shuttle hovered on the ground.

  Gu Qingshan naturally sees the importance of this flying shuttle.

  He landed on the shuttle, carefully observed for several breaths, squatted down, and wiped away the thick dust on the windshield with his hands.

  In the cockpit, two skeletons fell to the ground, maintaining a twisted posture, as if they had suffered a sudden blow before dying.

  Gu Qingshan pointed it into a sword, slashed open the windshield, and jumped down.

  He stood in front of the two bones and felt a little.

  ——It seems that there is a strange breath, still hovering on the bones, even after endless years, it still has not dissipated.


  Gu Qingshan squeezed a trick, and lightly pressed against the two skeletons in the air.

   Abnormal change suddenly grows——

  I saw a gray mist rising into the air from the bones, and rushed straight towards Gu Qingshan.

  Gu Qingshan wanted to avoid it, but suddenly felt something in his heart and stood motionless.


  The gray mist fell on him, undulating like a burning flame.

next moment.

  The aura of destruction surged crazily on him, and even triggered the sword qi in his body, mixing with each other, turning into an extremely tyrannical air current, sweeping in all directions with an unrivaled force.

  Take a breath.

  Two breaths.

  Three breaths——

  Gu Qingshan floated gently in the air, looking around blankly.

  I saw that the entire ruined world had turned into a vast expanse of flat ground, with no end in sight.

  On the ground.

  All the ruins of the city were destroyed.

  The world is dark.

  The whole world has no trace of civilization.

   "Why... is this?"

  Gu Qingshan whispered, his eyes cast to the void.

  I saw lines of fireflies popping out quickly:

   "You are the God of Chaos."

  "Amidst the chaos, all mysteries will follow your orders and be manifested as corresponding sequence items according to your will for your use."

  "You have obtained the original sequence item: shape extinction."

   "This sequence destroys all tangible bodies."

  "Explanation: This is the most primitive chaotic sequence. Although its power is already very meagre, it can still destroy all enemies."

  On the interface of Chaos God of War, a new mystery rune was quickly condensed.

  This rune is juxtaposed with "God of War Art", "Name of God of War", "Entropy Destruction", and "Source"——

  Obviously, it is the original sequence item: "extinction".

  Gu Qingshan pondered: "Interface, what is the original sequence item?"

  "This interface only knows that they are the initial sequence items." Chaos God of War interface responded.

  Wait for Gu Qingshan to ask in detail, the interface did not respond.

  Gu Qingshan sighed and looked around again.

  The whole world has been completely destroyed.

  All the relics were destroyed by the "Extinction" triggered by him, and there was no clue on the ground.

  But this is hard to beat Gu Qingshan.

  He grabbed the Definite Excalibur from the void and yelled softly: "Appear!"

  The sword shook.

  See you, let's go!

  But seeing infinite light and shadow converging from the void, once again condensed and formed, revealing everything that has happened on the earth.

  In the illusory light and shadow, time began to go backwards.

  The ruins of the city suddenly appeared, followed by the actions of Gu Qingshan when he arrived just now.

  Time continues to go backwards.

  Gu Qingshan's trail disappeared, and the ruins returned to a dead silence.

  Deadly still.

  Deadly still.

  Deadly still.

  Dingjie Divine Sword said: "In the extremely long years, nothing has changed here."

   "Skip these and directly show the scene when this civilization existed." Gu Qingshan said.

   "Okay!" Dingjie Divine Sword responded.

   Silently, the flow of time began to accelerate.

  Suddenly, the whole city took on a brand new look, countless shuttles flew rapidly under the stars, bustling street scenes appeared, and crowds shuttled back and forth.

  The world is back to life!

  Although knowing that this is just an illusion of a bygone era, Gu Qingshan is still a little moved.

  He saw a few people lightly floating in the air, moving forward in a flashing manner. There were even powerful humans, wearing a light helmet with them, performing various tasks purely with the power of consciousness.

  This technological civilization...several times stronger than the original world, and even has mastered some spiritual powers.

  The development of the entire world has entered the level of space research, but it has also flew out of the world, seeing the existence of the world barrier.


  The eve of destruction, the last day.

  World leaders delivered speeches, announcing that civilization has entered an important stage of trans-space.

  A spaceship took to the sky, using their advanced mind-like technology to open the world barrier.

  Grey mist suddenly fell from the sky.

  This is the Doomsday of the Worlds Online·Extinction!

  Its power is so powerful that the entire civilization fights desperately, and still has no escape from extinction.

  In the end, it was the scene that Gu Qingshan saw.

  ——On the earth, there are only the ruins of cities.

   "...It turned out to be like this."

  Gu Qingshan retracted the long sword, all the light and shadow disappeared immediately.

  The whole world has returned to barrenness and silence.

  He stood alone in this civilized tomb, thinking about everything quietly.

  Dingjie Divine Sword buzzed: "It seems that the civilization here was destroyed by sequence."

  Gu Qingshan said: "You are right, but there is a problem here."

  Dingjie Shendao: "What's the problem?"

  Gu Qingshan showed doubts and whispered: "According to the prompt I got...Sequences should be used to save sentient beings. Why does this happen?"

   "Is the sequence really used to save sentient beings? Isn't it a destructive force?" asked the Deing Divine Sword.

  Gu Qingshan fell silent.

  It’s correct to say that, but I always feel that there is something wrong...

  I still remember that when I first became the God of Chaos, there was a prompt on the interface:

  "As the Chaos God of War, you can dispatch all sequence items to form a chaotic destruction combination: the doomsday of the worlds is online, so that it spreads the worlds and saves all living beings."

  Save all beings.

  It is obviously to save sentient beings, why has it turned into destruction again?

  This is totally a contradiction.

   "I have seen the secret here, do we want to leave?" Dingjie Divine Sword asked.

  Gu Qingshan thought for a moment, then shook his head and said, “Among all the clues, this ruins tomb is the weakest. It has no consciousness, so we can enter.”

   "What do you want to say?" Dingjie Excalibur asked.

   "You can't walk easily, and the matter here is actually not over yet." Gu Qingshan said.

He flattened the Divine Boundary Sword, and said: "My master showed me his trapped state, and I got clues from it. It seems that he also entered a certain ruins tomb back then and saw that he was trapped. The civilization trapped here..."

   "But this secret is incomplete!"

  The long sword shook, and layers of light and shadow erupted again, spreading out in all directions.

  Supernatural powers, see you!

   "What else do you want to look at? Look at the origin of that civilization?" Dingjie Divine Sword asked.

   "Let's cross that civilization and see what happened here before that civilization." Gu Qingshan said.

"it is good!"

  All the lights and shadows condense, turning into countless flashes of pictures.

  Time flows back again.

  It didn't take long for all the images to stabilize suddenly.

  Dingjie Divine Sword said: "Look, this is the scene before that civilization was born!"

  Gu Qingshan looked at the screen.

  I saw huge towers connecting heaven and earth in heavy light and shadow.

  Astral beings wearing various robes, back and forth between the giant towers.

  ——This is another prosperous civilization!

  Their form is composed of the power of stars. The power type they use is pure mind, but the power of mind is easier to break through than other external powers.

  So this civilization has almost reached the level of mystery in just a few hundred years.

  The iconic event was a simple space-like spell released by a Protoss.

  All the stars cheered.

  They have been longing for knowledge and unknown secrets since they were born.

  The desire for the mystery of space has spurred the entire civilization to develop by leaps and bounds once again.

  They also looked beyond the world barrier.

at last.

  The entire civilization is determined to break the world barrier and see what is beyond the world barrier.

  They urged huge towers to rise from the ground and fly toward the depths of the sky.

  The moment the world barrier was broken--

  Grey mist poured down again.

  Even though the civilization established by these protagonists is stronger than the later technological civilization, they still have not escaped the fate of extinction.

  Everything is destroyed.

  Gu Qingshan couldn't help sighing when he saw this.

   "Looking at it this way, I am really trapped here..." He fell into deep thought, "But why does Sequence do this?"

  Xie Guhong discovered all this.

  What is the root of all this?

  Gu Qingshan closed his eyes, and countless thoughts flashed quickly in his heart.


  He swings the long sword again.

   "Define the boundaries, continue to cross time, let me see if there are other secrets before this civilization."

"it is good."

  The sword shook.

  In the void, all the lights and shadows flashed and began to flow endlessly again.

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