Worlds’ Apocalypse Online

Vol 3 Chapter 100: Close!

The radiant sacred flame filled everything where it was, releasing endless spells.

The world is overwhelmed by endless spells.

Amid the frequent roar, only a faint sword light could be seen.

Gu Qingshan is holding two swords, sometimes cutting out an afterimage, sometimes turning into a sword light to shuttle back and forth, traversing endlessly in a spell like pouring rain.

At a certain moment.

He suddenly stopped on top of a palace, motionless.

The whole world was silent.

Countless screams followed.

I saw that all the gods had been swept across their bodies by the sword light, falling into a state of entropy destruction.

In the sky, a divine king with a fiery radiance stared at Gu Qingshan, and said with regret: "Doom... why do you want to destroy our world..."

Gu Qingshan looked at him and didn't know how to answer.


He used the original sequence item: Xingmie attached to the sword light, chopped over millions of gods, and plunged them into eternal destruction.

——So this is indeed a destruction.

The flames of the **** king gradually dimmed.

It did not wait for the answer, and fell into eternal destruction along with all the gods.

The world has also been destroyed.

Except where Gu Qingshan stood, all other places on the earth were constantly turning into dust, floating in the void and becoming mists.


Gu Qingshan took a deep breath and shouted, "Get out of here!"

A dead silence.

The mist was scattered in the void, all over the darkness, but no one appeared.

Gu Qingshan sneered and said: "If you don't come out, then from this moment on, I will always interfere with you, not let you create any civilization, let alone guide them to break the barriers of the world-everything about you The scheme will then fall to nothing."

His voice spread far in the void.


The shadow finally appeared.

It stared at Gu Qingshan without saying a word, and put his hands together gently.

Gu Qingshan immediately shouted: "Wait a minute!"

——Apostle magic, strike up a conversation!

As expected, the black shadow froze, and temporarily stopped, waiting for the words behind him.

Gu Qingshan showed a smile on his face and said, "Why do we have to fight and kill? Actually, we can discuss something, maybe we can reach some consensus?"

He said frankly: "I am always very reasonable. As long as you tell me what you think, I can find our common interests and form cooperation."

"--Why don't we live in peace?"

After listening to the black shadow quietly, he pinched a mysterious seal on his hand.

In an instant, three light curtains appeared behind it, and each light curtain was several stories high.

Immediately afterwards, another light curtain appeared, neatly arranged in rows and columns with other light curtains.

Nearly a hundred light curtains!

I saw a microcosm of the world in every light curtain.

Those worlds are full of sentient beings.

All kinds of sentient beings are born, multiply, and create civilization in the world.

——Hundreds of worlds, hundreds of civilizations!

The black shadow pointed towards Gu Qingshan and said, "Death."

Before the words fell, the situation in the field changed suddenly.

Gu Qingshan saw the opportunity very quickly, and the whole person turned into a sword light, and instantly traversed the long void and chopped off towards the shadow.

Unexpectedly, Sombra's hand skills changed accordingly.

A light curtain flashed in front of it, and the sword light was collected in it.

Gu Qingshan appeared in the light curtain and looked around, only to see that this was a complete world, and a civilization belonging to the magical side was flourishing on the earth.

A line of small fireflies reminded:

"You were thrown into a world."

Gu Qingshan's figure flashed, turned into a sword light again, broke through the sky, and appeared in the dark void.

Opposite him, Sombra changed his hands several times.

I saw those light curtains slowly build up, interlocking with each other, turning into a look similar to a Rubik's Cube, and starting to change wildly.

One by one, life forms leaped out of the "Civilization Rubik's Cube", stood in front of the dark shadow, and looked at Gu Qingshan.

Humans, protoss, beasts, mutants, creators, gods, demons, monsters, mechanical life...

These life forms are among the most outstanding groups of civilizations.

"That is the end?" A human pointed to Gu Qingshan.

"That's right, in the legend, the guy who turned into a human appearance is the end." The monster beside him muttered.

"Today, all our civilizations are united and we must overcome this doomsday." Xingling said.

"Yes, we must never let the doomsday destroy everything."


These Xeons talked, and their killing intent gradually rose.

Gu Qingshan's heart sank, only to find that these strong men couldn't see the dark shadow at all.

The black shadow hides behind the strong, and once again changes hand seal.

In an instant, in the darkness behind it, countless "civilized cubes" began to appear.

——This is the power that transcends parallel worlds!

More and more powerhouses appear.

Although they look exactly the same, they both turn a blind eye to it.

"No, this can't be done at all!"

The Definite Sword Monster cried.

Before Gu Qingshan could say anything, a card flew out of his body.

——Xie Shuangyan's card!

I saw that the mermaids on the card no longer chased, but instead pointed the orb in their hands at Gu Qingshan.

The beautiful mermaid who was in the lead said: "The defeated game is broken!"

All the orbs released a dazzling light, revealing cards, and wrapped them around Gu Qingshan.

In an instant, the powerful people all over the sky, countless "civilized cubes", and even the dark shadow, all turned into light and shadow to circulate quickly.

All changes in the entire void have been erased.

Gu Qingshan was startled.

He found himself still standing in the barren wilderness, with nothing else around, let alone any life.

The mermaid card flew around him for a week, and suddenly disappeared.

"My son, what happened?" The mountain girl hurriedly asked.

Gu Qingshan was silent for a few breaths, and said, "The card left by Xie Shuangyan believed that I would be defeated in the previous battle, so I solved the shadow technique of separation of destiny."

"That technique-can it really hurt you?"

"Yes, I have endured all the causes and effects of the past era, so if no one solves the technique, I must continue to bear the consequences of that battle."

Gu Qingshan said, looking towards the void.

I saw lines of small fireflies floating in the air:

"Xie Shuangyan's card: The Asylum of the Time Orb has been activated."

"It unlocks the magical skill of the apostle: the shadow of the separation of destiny, so that all cause and effect and destiny are turned into illusory bubbles and disperse from you.

"Therefore, you no longer have to endure the cause and effect and fate of any past era."

Gu Qingshan sighed.

It's too strong, the black shadow's methods are beyond imagination.

——It uses the infinite world as a technique to fight against itself.

Even the doomsday cannot defeat such a technique.

Because the power of the doomsday has an end, and the world is endless.

Gu Qingshan was lost in thought.

In silence, Divine Sword of Delimitation complained: "That card is really annoying. If this is the case, you will return without success. You have not discovered any secrets of the shadow. The only gain is that you know a few more things. Powerful demon art."

The mountain girl interjected: "But that card saw the bad luck of the son and knew that he would lose in the end, so I did this-anyway, the son's safety is more important than the secret."

"Doom is just bad luck. I think Gu Qingshan should stick to the situation just now, otherwise what should I do? After all, it is extremely dangerous to learn the true secrets of demons. It is almost impossible not to take risks." World God Sword.

"Okay." Gu Qingshan said.

The two swords closed at the same time.

Gu Qingshan continued: "That card is right. I can feel that the shadow is gaining power. Soon it will find itself in an illusory technique. It will definitely find a way to break that technique. , And thus was truly born-it will never let me stop that technique."

"In this way, the clue is interrupted." Dingjie Shendao.

Gu Qingshan shook his head and said: "There are endless spells in all realms, and there are endless possibilities. I feel that we are very close to the secret, but we still need some means..."

He slowly raised the Six Worlds Shenshan Sword.

The long sword shook, and four kinds of rays of light circulated endlessly on Gu Qingshan.

The power of the past apostles!

"Come on, come on, give me a place to rely... This is the key to unlocking the secrets of demons..."

Gu Qingshan whispered.

On the interface of Chaos God of War, the methods of the apostles in the past emerged one after another.

The endless spells and powers refreshed one after another, flickering in the void, let him choose.

Gu Qingshan looked at it for a long time, then suddenly shouted, "Stop!"

In the void, a mystery technique suddenly stayed in the void.

Lines of small fireflies show corresponding instructions.

Gu Qingshan stared at the explanatory text, reading it several times without blinking.

"Yuan Xu? What is this..."

He muttered to himself in doubt.

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