Worlds’ Apocalypse Online

Vol 3 Chapter 108: the truth!

   "Because half of me has become evil, so I actually mastered some sorcery, but the above evil arts... some of them are indeed unseen."

  Dugufeng Road.

  "Want to hear the details." Gu Qingshan said.

  Dugu Peak stared at Yuan Xu, and suddenly reached out and held a seal.

  In a moment, a light curtain appeared in front of the two of them.

  I saw the scene of a world on the light curtain——


  Free Federation.

  The night view of the huge city is brilliant.

  The crowd is rolling, the stream is endless, and the traffic is busy; it is no different from the original world.

  "First of all, the technique of parallel worlds, and then, in order to control everyone——"

  Dugufeng handprints gradually change.

  The light curtain spreads, covering the two of them.

  They stood on the street and looked around, only to see the same illusory rune above everyone's head.

  "One person will live forever?" Gu Qingshan asked.

   "That's the case, but it's not enough. In order to prevent someone from suddenly discovering the falsehood of the world, we must use the technique of ignorance of all souls." Du Gufeng said.

  The two looked towards the street, only to see a man in a military uniform looking at the sky, and said in confusion: "Outside the world...what should it look like?"

  Dugu Peak changed his handprints again.

  The man's companion patted him on the shoulder, and smiled: "Of course it is the universe, how did you go to class back then."

   "Of course I know it is the universe, but is there any other intelligent life in the universe?"

   "Then I don't know, technology has not yet developed to that point."


  The two passed by Dugu Peak and Gu Qingshan, and left far away.

  "This is the art of ignorance of all souls." Gu Qingshan said.

   "Yes, control the level of civilization within a certain range to prevent them from knowing the truth." Dugufeng said.

  "This is the secret of Yuan Xu?" Gu Qingshan asked.

   "No, this is a secret that I have discovered a long time ago, and there are multiple phase imprisonment locks on this original void——"

  Dugufeng handprint changed again.

  I saw the whole world leave the two people, re-turning a light curtain.

  On the outside of the light curtain, a barrier full of powerful forces emerged, protecting the entire world and isolating the world.

  "The sorcery I have never mastered... is this multi-phase imprisonment lock. Now it seems that it can create a powerful barrier to each world, and the sentient beings in it will not just go to other worlds."

  Dugu Peak continued to swing his handprints.

Along with his actions, a light curtain appeared around, showing completely different world appearances. Some became magical worlds, some became wild worlds, and martial arts, minds, primitives, etc. All kinds of worlds.

  All the worlds quickly gathered together to form an ever-expanding Rubik's Cube.

"Multi-phase magic—this is the first time I have obtained such a high-level witchcraft in so many years—it makes all worlds begin to produce multiple changes, connecting the three basic arts into a series of forms, which can evolve thousands of worlds , And then use a barrier to prevent people with insufficient power from traveling between the world and the world—"

  Dugufeng said this, as if he realized something, opened his mouth, but made no sound.

  Everything is silent.

  Around him, countless light curtains are suspended in the air, showing signs of civilization development in various worlds.

  This scene is so weird and strange, as if eternity exists in the void.

  Gu Qingshan was speechless for a while.

  The answer is almost ready, but Gu Qingshan and Dugufeng are silent, as if they don't want to admit that answer, or they have a trace of luck, hoping that their cognition will be broken by the other party.

  It wasn't until a long time later that Gu Qingshan spoke: "So...our views should be the same."

   "Yes." Dugufeng said bitterly.

  The dust settled.

  The truth has been confirmed.

  Even Gu Qingshan, at this moment, his heart is cold.

  The next moment——

  Dugu Peak suddenly swelled with a powerful and unparalleled aura, as if the previous power was awakening again.

  Gu Qingshan took a look and said, "The future I have awakened your power... What are your plans next?"

  Dugufeng sighed: "If the truth is this, then no matter how strong we are, what is the point?"

  Gu Qingshan was silent for a while.

  ——It turns out that all sentient beings and the world are created by demons.

  In the endless time, no matter how hard sentient beings work hard, no matter how many epochs have passed, sentient beings have never defeated demons!

  That's it! ! !

   "But... this is strange." Gu Qingshan said.

   "Where is the strange?" Dugufeng asked.

   "Evil demons have clearly created hundreds of millions of worlds and countless epochs, why should the doomsday destroy them again?" Gu Qingshan thought.

   "Only when we find the truth about the doomsday, we will know the answer." Dugufeng said.

   "...Yes, what you said makes sense." Gu Qingshan nodded while thinking.

  Rumble rumbling——

  The mountain shook for a while.

  Gu Qingshan's thoughts were interrupted and couldn't help asking: "What happened outside?"

  Dugu Peak closed his eyes for a moment, and said: "Someone is fusing the original world with the spiritual world--is this your idea?"

   "Yes, if you can make everyone stronger, then become stronger."

  Gu Qingshan finished speaking, but gave a bitter smile again.

What's the point of becoming stronger?

   "Everything is the means of demons, and even all living beings are created by demons. How can it be possible to win?" He sighed.

  Dugu Feng muttered: "Your words are not accurate either."

   "Oh?" Gu Qingshan said.

  "For example, beings are extremely fragile in themselves, but they can create extremely powerful weapons. This is the nurturing method in the law of causality—since demons have bred all living beings, they may also be stronger than demons.” Dugufeng said.

   "It makes sense, it seems we are going out to challenge." Gu Qingshan said.

"and many more."

Dugu Peak stepped forward and said with a serious face: "Now that the apostles of earth, water, fire, and wind have all awakened, and I have some demonic skills in my hand, I can hide in the dark and cope with everyone. So don't go on it."

   "Yes, as a sentient being, my strength is actually the weakest." Gu Qingshan agreed.

Dugufeng put his hand on his shoulder, and said solemnly: "Gu Qingshan, you are an apostle of chaos, and you have the interface of chaos **** of war. Your life experience is even more of a mystery-as you are, you should do it more importantly. Thing."

  Gu Qingshan said: "You mean—"

  "To find the ultimate secret of the doomsday, only by finding it can we know why the evil spirits created all living beings and realms, but use the doomsday to destroy all of them." Dugufeng said.

  Gu Qing thought for a while, and said, "The battle will be left to you."

   "Don't worry, I will use various magic techniques to help everyone in the dark." Dugufeng said.

  He waved his hand and said, "I will send you back."

  Suddenly, the surrounding scene changed.

  Gu Qingshan returned to the high platform beside the underground lake, replacing the previous Gu Qingshan.

  There are no people around the high platform.

  There are no genetically modified monsters in the underground lake.

  Zhang Yinghao stood in front of the railing, looking blank.

   "What's wrong?" Gu Qingshan asked.

   "Just now, there was a loud voice, the gene beast was about to eat that person-suddenly, everything disappeared." Zhang Yinghao said.

Gu Qingshan patted him on the shoulder and said: "It's nothing strange, it's just a double image of a parallel world. In fact, at this real moment, all kinds of apocalypses have come again, and those people will no longer be thinking about it. Gambling here."

   "In other words, we entered a parallel world from the beginning?" Zhang Yinghao said in disbelief.


  Gu Qingshan thought for a while and added: “When you say that other worlds are parallel worlds...other worlds also treat us as parallel worlds.”

   "Well... You have a philosophical flavor to say that." Zhang Yinghao said.

  The two walked all the way back to the elevator, pressed the elevator, and returned to the ground.

  Stepping out of the dusty and deserted casino, Zhang Yinghao couldn't help but look back at the door.

  The clock on the door disappeared.

   "Let's go." Gu Qingshan whispered.

  He crossed the street, entered the cafe, and sat down beside Feiying.

   "See the Apostle of Water?" Fei Ying asked.

   "Yes." Gu Qingshan said.

   "Great, what's the specific situation? Has he decoded the sorcery in the original void?" Fei Ying said with joy.

  Gu Qingshan groaned: "Feiying...Is there anyone spying around?"

   "No." Fei Ying looked at the Silk of Destiny in his hand and said.

   "That's right." Gu Qingshan said inexplicably.

   "Have you found the truth?" Fei Ying asked.

  Gu Qingshan looked at her, looked at her, and said solemnly:

   "Feiyue... If I told you that all sentient beings and the world are just illusions, what would you think?"

   Fei Ying showed an unbelievable color and couldn't help but whispered: "Ah? Unreal! You mean, all of us don't exist?"

  Gu Qingshan said the matter again, and then looked at Fei Ying quietly.

Feiying's expression kept changing, and finally said: "I really can't believe it--but seriously, there is nothing in the void--this sentence is the opening sentence in the oldest book in Void City. ."

   "So this billions of worlds and countless sentient beings really only existed later." Gu Qingshan said.

   Feiying frowned and said, "But..."

  "But it's too hard for people to accept?" Gu Qingshan asked.

  Feiying was silent.

Gu Qingshan rested for several breaths, shook his head, and continued: "The truth of the doomsday is indeed very important, but... I always have a question in my heart... If I don't solve this question, I can hardly accept the truth, let alone find it The truth of the doomsday."

  At this point, he had settled his thoughts and stood up slowly.

   "Go away, Feiyue."

"where to?"

   "I can't say it for the time being, but I promise it is more important than fighting against demons."

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