Worlds’ Apocalypse Online

Chapter 496: Excessive soul power

"You mean, if I want to open the new function of the God of War system, I must accept the call of the thorn bird?" Gu Qingshan asked.

"Yes." System Road.

"This is very good," Gu Qingshan laughed. "If you go to help, you can get the treasures of the thorn bird and at the same time improve your ability. This is a good thing."

"You are wrong." The system is serious.

"How is it wrong?"

"The thorn bird is an extraordinary creature that is extraordinary, and the world that can be treasured by it is not ordinary."

"Once there is a problem with such a precious world, the thorn bird will deal with it first."

"If it does not deal with it by itself, but instead starts to look for help from the outside world, then there must be unimaginable dangers in such a world."

Gu Qingshan nodded.

This does make sense.

The system continues: "In addition, in order to get the treasure of the thorn bird, it is probable that all the participants have a large-scale killing of countless history."

The smile on Gu Qingshan’s face disappeared completely.

When he thought about it a little, he understood the sinisterness.

"The killing between the participants, the thorn bird does not matter?" Gu Qingshan asked.

"The survival of the fittest is the law of nature, and the thorn bird recognizes this."

"This thing... not simple." Gu Qingshan whispered.

"Yes, the thorn bird is a magical creature in the strange area. Even the top powers can't easily offend it."

"Please be serious."

"Well, I will be very careful after I go." Gu Qingshan said.

"No, you still have no way to go."


"The 900 million world-class creatures are qualified to respond to the call of thorn birds, and you are the people of the sporadic world outside the 900 million world."

"A person in a sporadic world can't respond to its call?"

"Yes, you must be in a world among the 900 million worlds to get a universally recognized official identity in order to respond to its call."

“Generally recognized?”

"Yes, the only way the world will accept you and connect with you. By default you are the world."

"...How can it be universally recognized?"

"At least one-third of the people in the world recognize your identity."

Gu Qingshan thought about it carefully and suddenly became stunned.

You must be officially identified to respond to the call of the thorn bird!

In addition to the current Justice Tekken Club, no other world has ever been to it. It is easy to get an official identity of a strange world!

No wonder the system made him think of ways to stay here. After he got a day of residency, he asked him if he wanted to go back or stay.

There are only two people in the Justice Iron Fist Club.

This is the ultra-dimensional world that is the easiest to get identity in a short time.

How many secrets does the system know?

Gu Qingshan closed his eyes and pondered for a long time.

Becoming a member of the Justice Tekken Club... but both Bally and Otaru don’t want to pull people together to pay their debts.

He was thinking about it, the club's lights were all extinguished.

Barry grabbed a monster's leg and dragged it out of the club.

"Look, today's harvest." Barry said smugly.

He threw the monster in front of Gu Qingshan and Xiao Yan.

Xiao Yan immediately stopped writing.

She jumped out of the chair and stared at the monster with excitement.

The powerful devil who once destroyed 3,000 civilized worlds, named "Destroyer", is like a dead dog lying on the ground.

"This is the big devil?"

Otaru asked, and he used a pen to poke the monster.

The monster is motionless.

This monster does not look like a devil, but rather a kind of wild boar.

The only difference is that its four legs are much thicker than wild boars.

No matter who you look at, you will think of the word "ham" at a glance.

Xiao Yan walked around the monster.

Barry asked: "Can this thing really eat?"

"It is said that this thing can be eaten," said Xiao Xiaodao. "The commander of the Meilong kitchen said that the powerful devil must have a piece of meat, which is the top ingredient. It is a big supplement to eat..."

Barry and Otaru looked at each other and swallowed.

Gu Qingshan looked at this scene extremely silently.

He suddenly understood one thing.

Perhaps the cosmic monster that had brought the brothers and sisters to the stomach for a few days was also caught and dealt with.

"Gu Qingshan, can you see if this thing can be eaten?" Xiaoxuan turned and asked.

Gu Qingshan looked at the wild boar.

No, the devil.

This wild boar devil is already in a state of death.

Gu Qingshan's heart moved.

He stepped forward and reached out to grab the sword from the void.

"Yes, I am jealous."

When Gu Qingshan said, he waved the sword.

The heavy sword squatted at the devil's soft throat and jumped back.

Gu Qingshan is fully stunned, but he can't kill the big devil who is dying!

The sword immediately conveyed to Gu Qingshan: "This is a powerful devil. You have to inject all your soul into my body before you can cut his neck."

"Good!" Gu Qingshan did not hesitate.

When Bally looked at it, he asked, "Do you need me to shoot?"

"I will try again." Gu Qingshan said.

I saw an invisible wind lingering on Gu Qingshan and eventually gathered in Changjian.

The sword sent a cicada.

It is ready to go.

The soul of Gu Qingshan originally had a thousand and a hundred points left, and all of this was used up.

Both Bally and Otaru are looking for a move.

Unexpectedly, the power of this kid is not his true ability.

It turns out that his real ability is to be driven by the soul.

Soul power... is a source of strength.

When the realm is so low, you can motivate and use the soul.

It seems that, apart from cooking and bartending, it is necessary to re-evaluate this kid.

The brothers and sisters are thinking about the color.

"If you want to eat it, you should deal with it immediately after slaughter, otherwise the ingredients will soon be fresh."

Just listen to Gu Qingshan.

The sword was cut down fiercely.


The neck is cut open and the head is separated.

The pig devil was killed.

On the God of War interface, there are a few rows of fireflies that pop up.

"Your soul has been consumed."

"Beyond the myriad of realms, you have killed the mighty devil named Destroyer."

"You have gained a lot of soul power from the destroyer."

"The devil's soul is too large, and the God of War system is calculating detailed values."

"Hint: With such a huge soul, you will be able to immediately improve the realm, you can also understand the Taiyi sword array."

"Do you start to improve the realm?"

Gu Qingshan grabbed the head of the devil and said silently: "Now is not the time. I need some soul power to mobilize the mystery of all living together to explore the body structure of this guy."

System Road: "Exploring the mystery of the devil's body structure requires 10,000 points of soul power and has been deducted from the extraordinary soul power."

"If you want to become this devil, you will spend all your extraordinary power."

Gu Qingshan immediately said: "I only explore, do not have to become it."

"Understand that 10,000 points of soul power have been paid."

Gu Qingshan grabbed the head of the devil and closed his eyes.

For a moment, he fully understood the devil's body structure.

He found some magical meat pieces that he could indeed eat.

Turning the wild boar devil, Gu Qingshan looked at the body of the wild boar devil.

He discovered a natural rune formed by the law of purgatory.

This rune covers the large ribs of the devil.

Gu Qingshan squatted down and slashed the ribs with the sword.

On the God of War interface, a row of fireflies appear in succession.

"The soft ribs of the purgatory big devil."

“One of the finest ingredients in the world of Purgatory, heated by proper cooking, will greatly enhance your physique after eating.”

“This is a fairly rare ingredient that is evocative and nutritious.”

"You have learned the essence of this piece of meat with the homosexuality of all living beings. With your cooking skills, you should know how to deal with it."

Gu Qingshan held the meat and slowly stood up.

"Can this eat?" Barry was uncertain.

"Slightly wait."

Gu Qingshan took a breath and the whole person entered the most focused state.

Charcoal grilled beef ribs are his specialty.

But this is not beef, but the ribs of the pig devil.

Although he already understands all the characteristics of this piece of meat, roasting the devil is still an unprecedented challenge.

Gu Qingshan took a storage bag and took out a whole set of cooking utensils.

He thought for a moment, until he thought about all the details, and he started to process the ingredients.

Barry and Otaru watched quietly and said nothing.

They can feel the seriousness and seriousness of Gu Qingshan.

After half an hour.

A scent of the sky shrouded the entire Iron Fist Club.

“How long does it take to eat?” Barry asked with a slobber.

"Bake the last minute!"

Gu Qingshan kept turning the barbecue chops in his hand and replied in the mouth.

Suddenly, a few people called a loud bang.

A burly big man with an apron suddenly appeared.

"Cheng treasurer!" Barry changed color.

This person has appeared, it seems that Gu Qingshan's charcoal grilled ribs are extraordinary.

The burly big man with the apron stared at the steak and looked at Gu Qingshan.

"Fortunately! Fortunately! Not to ruin this precious ingredients." He was glad.

Then he immediately shouted: "Barry, you give me this rib, and your debt will be settled."

Said, the burly man reached out to grab the steak.

"Don't think about it!" Barry shouted.

He immediately punched a punch and hit it in the void.

The void breaks a big hole.

Just like the eagle catching the chicken, Bally glared at the big man and threw it into the hollow hole.

"Bastard Barry, I curse you for a lifetime can only eat raw cosmic monsters!" The man was unwilling to swear.

"If that's the case, I will let you eat first!"

Bally was not willing to show off the weak return.

He grabbed the ends of the hollow hole with both hands and pulled hard in the middle.

The big hole suddenly closed and disappeared.

When Barry did all this, Gu Qingshan’s devil ribs had been completed.

Gu Qingshan divides the whole piece of meat into three parts.

Barry, Xiao Yan, Gu Qingshan, one person.

"Can you eat?" Xiao Xiaodao.

Gu Qingshan sprinkled the last season on the barbecue.

"Yes," he said.

The three were carrying barbecue ribs.

Gu Qingshan did not move.

Xiao Yan is still smelling the aroma of the steak.

A moment of silence.

Bally first moved.


Barry jerked his head up and his eyes shed tears.

"Brother, what's wrong with you?" Xiao Yan said nervously.

"Good hot!!!"

Barry wiped his tears.

Gu Qingshan said without words: "If you just baked it, you won't wait for it to be colder."

The three waited for a while.

Bally moved again.

"It's so delicious, can I eat such food, is it that I am dreaming? Who will wake me up? Ah!!!!" Barry screamed.

When I saw it, I let go of my heart.

She is no longer hesitant.

Began to eat!

Otaru took a few mouthfuls, but he began to wipe his tears silently.

"Why? Why is there a sorrowful sorrow in the last moment of my eating?" Xiao Yan muttered.

"Because I finally sprinkled a thin layer of garlic." Gu Qingshan explained.

"No! I also know some cooking, just garlic, I can't reach this realm!!!" Xiao Yan knocked on the plate.

"Then you listened well, my garlic is soaked with vinegar, this is the exclusive secret, I hope you don't rumor." Gu Qingshan whispered.

"It turns out!" Xiao Yan sighed.

Three mouths, three steaks, ten seconds.

The meal is over.

Gu Qingshan sensed it.

This piece of meat is amazing, his body is getting stronger!

Such a body is already close to the realm of the same level of martial arts.

It’s amazing, and surely, the inherent thinking of the practice world cannot be speculated between hundreds of millions of worlds.

Barry also stayed there, and some lost.

This piece of meat does have a very good effect on the body.

He felt his wounds healed faster.



"Let's move."

"You are crazy? Where do you want to move?"


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