Worldwide Simulation Era

Chapter 134: Demons besiege 'Bright Summit'

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The two dragons looked at Chen Fan and were about to explain the situation when they noticed Lin Qiye's gaze.

Although he didn't say anything, his expression was clearly pulling towards a group of diamond-level walkers from the surrounding big forces.

The two dragons suddenly froze.

Now is the time of crisis for Star City.

If they directly speak out about the despairing situation, I am afraid that before the war begins, people's hearts will be completely collapsed.

It is a taboo for both sides to be in chaos before fighting.

"Cough cough..."

The two dragons coughed and whispered to Chen Fan:

"Star City will definitely lose this battle. Your brother knows this well and agrees to let us take you away."

When he heard the sound transmission, Chen Fan looked at Lin Qiye, who nodded at him calmly, confirming what the two dragons said.

Seeing Chen Fan hesitate, the two dragons looked at each other, as if they were discussing something.

After a while, one of them stood up and said to Chen Fan with a dignified expression:

"Well, you go with him and I stay."

As he spoke, his eyes fell on Lin Qiye.

"If I want to die in battle, I must die in front of him, what do you think?"

Chen Fan's heart tightened, the attitude of the two dragons had already explained everything.

That is clearly holding the will to die in exchange for himself!

He really couldn't imagine the situation where even the existence of the immortal level felt that he was going to die and couldn't escape.

"Is it that serious?"

The two dragons looked solemn and looked at Lin Qiye and did not answer.

However, such a reaction was to clearly write the answer on their faces.

That is, extremely serious!

Chen Fan fell silent, and after a while, he looked at Lin Qiye nervously.

"Brother Ye, shall we go together?"

Lin Qiye smiled and shook his head, then patted Chen Fan on the shoulder and said:

"I'm already an immortal-level powerhouse now, they can't help me."


"Why, don't you still believe in my strength?"

Seeing the sly smile on Lin Qiye's face, Chen Fan felt an indescribable feeling in his heart.

There is indignation, bitterness, unwillingness, and helplessness.

He hated the evil spirits chasing them, and he also hated that he was not strong enough to help Lin Qiye.

Although at the moment, you can ask the envoy of the dragon family to take him and Lin Qiye with him.

But he knew that the demon's goal was Lin Qiye, and the demon would definitely not let him go.

And Star City has their friends.

Tell Lin Qiye to abandon his friends and escape alone?

That is impossible.

In fact, when the question was asked, Chen Fan already knew the answer, but the feeling of powerlessness made him feel aggrieved like never before.

Seeing the struggle in his heart, Lin Qiye smiled and said with relief:

"My strength will not be a problem for a few days. When the support arrives, the Star City crisis will be solved naturally."

"It's you, this opportunity is rare, but you must not miss it."

"Let's go with them. In the future, I will point to your strength to improve and fight side by side with me."

In this joke-like tone, Chen Fan did not relax, but clenched his fists and swore secretly.

In the future, we must work hard to improve our strength and stand on the same front line with Brother Ye again!

"Brother Ye..."

Chen Fan looked at Lin Qiye, tears flashing in his eyes.

"Don't be disgusting kid, why are you crying like a bitch!"

Lin Qiye smiled and punched Chen Fan's chest.

Chen Fan squeezed out a smile, raised his fist and said:

"Don't worry, Brother Ye, I will definitely catch up! Maybe one day it will be your turn to chase me!"

"Go go go! Who's chasing you? Are you disgusting me on purpose?"

After a few jokes, the atmosphere suddenly became a lot more relaxed.

The sadness of parting was also washed away.

Until Shenlong was about to leave with Chen Fan, Lin Qiye did not leave any dragons behind.

Instead, let them act together to ensure Chen Fan's safety on the road.

"Take care, Brother Ye!"

Chen Fan left under the protection of the two dragons.

The demons did not stop him.

"Take care of yourself……"

Lin Qiye watched his figure disappear from the sky, and a trace of loneliness was born in his heart.

This goodbye, I don't know when we will meet again.


Chen Fan is gone, but Xingcheng is business as usual without any change.

People from all major forces continue to send people to appease the people in the city.

The news of support is still at the time of being blocked.

The only thing that is different from usual.

The sun never rose again today.

The entire star city was completely shrouded in darkness.

Strange shadows surging above the clouds, just looking at it, it makes people feel cold, as if they are in hell.

two days.

Two full days passed.

From the arrival of the earliest troops of the demons, the demons besieging Star City now have reached an extremely terrifying number.

Others don't know, but Lin Qiye used his mental power to detect the arrival of every wave of demons.

Up to now, although no new demons have joined, there are a total of forty-nine immortal-level demons above the clouds!

Except for the demons who came to test it at first, in the past two days, the demons just surrounded and did not attack.

Forty-nine immortal-level demons linked to the sky, blocking the entire star city.

Lin Qiye didn't understand. In terms of their strength, let alone now, as early as two days ago, they already possessed the strength to attack Star City.

But they haven't made a move, which is really incomprehensible.

"What are those demons trying to do?"

At the conference table, the atmosphere was suppressed to the extreme.

A group of diamond-level walkers felt a little breathless.

This is not only the oppression of breath, but also the mental pressure brought about by the siege of demons.

"It's actually a good thing that they don't attack. After two days of delay, maybe the support will arrive."

Someone said something optimistic.

But none of the people present relaxed because of this.

Because the power of the demon has long been enough to crush Star City.

They don't attack, it can only show one thing, that is, the demon must be brewing some terrible conspiracy.

Lin Qiye was sitting in the chief, and when he saw a group of diamond walkers were a little flustered, he finally stood up.

"No matter what the demons want to do, we must not mess up first."

"I'll check it out first, don't act rashly."

It's not Lin Qiye's style to sit still and wait. He intends to test the situation first.

Everyone had no other way, just when they were thinking about making a suitable plan, an urgent message suddenly came from the big screen in the conference room.

"The East Gate is under attack! Request support!"

"Simon has a demon invasion! Request support!"


Bad news followed.

Several lines of defense were attacked by demons without warning.

"What's the matter? Are they going to launch a general attack?"

A group of diamond-level walkers suddenly became confused.

This time is no better than the previous shock.

Leading the team is a bunch of fairy-level demons!

Just picking one out is enough to crush everyone except Lin Qiye.


A cough came, and everyone calmed down instantly.

It was the comfort of the spiritual power.

Lin Qiye glanced at everyone present with a calm expression.

"You all immediately go to each defense area to support. As for the immortal-level demons, their target is me. As long as I am here, they will not go anywhere else."

The people were apprehensive.

But for Lin Qiye's words, it is inexplicable trust.

"Everyone returns to their defense zone! Never let half a demon enter the city!"

Under the leadership of Chief Zheng, a group of diamond walkers quickly returned to their respective positions step by step.

Lin Qiye guarded the south gate alone, staring at the group of demons in the air.

He is not worried that there will be immortal-level demon clones going to other defense lines to attack.

Because in the past two days, he has confirmed that the fairy-level demon has put everything on him.

As a result, forty-nine immortal-level demons were present, and none of them attacked easily.

Instead, they gathered together and stared at him all day and night.

"Are you afraid of me?"

Lin Qiye looked above the clouds, his eyes were extremely deep.

As soon as the idea came to him, he couldn't help shaking his head.

His strength is indeed much stronger than the average immortal-level master, but that is not enough to make dozens of immortal-level demons fear.

"But if you don't attack, our support will arrive sooner or later. What are they planning?"

Lin Qiye was puzzled, and finally decided to test it out himself to confirm what the **** they were trying to do.


"That kid started to hit the seal."

When Lin Qiye rushed out of Star City and attacked the seal covering the city, the group of demons on the clouds immediately noticed his move.

"Want to escape?"

"Go and stop him, don't let him succeed!"

Among the group of demons, more than ten immortal-level demons swooped down.

When Lin Qiye sent another attack on the seal, the clouds suddenly burst open.

A demon swung its long tail and smashed it down at Lin Qiye.

Several more demons rushed faster and had already fallen to the south gate of Star City, forming a siege to Lin Qiye.

The demons attacked at the same time, completely blocking Lin Qiye's retreat.

"Have you finally let go?"

In the face of the attacks of the demons, Lin Qiye did not panic at all.

Lei Mang suddenly emerged from his body, and the [Thunder God Dharma Image] tore through the black cloud and fell down, causing the ground to vibrate violently.

boom! boom! boom!

The attacks of the group of demons landed on the body of the law one after another.

However, apart from setting off a burst of energy storm, there was no way to break the armor on the surface of the Dharma.

"What a powerful defense!"

The group of demons are all children's holes shrinking.

Although the attack they just displayed was not the most powerful killing move, but with the combined force of all the demons, it was definitely enough to easily kill an immortal-level existence in seconds.

But Lin Qiye was in the dharma, and he easily resisted all the attacks without even the slightest turbulence.

Lin Qiye looked at the group of demons and sneered:

"If you only have this strength, then I'm leaving."

As he spoke, he made an appearance as if he was about to rush out of the blockade.

But of course he didn't really intend to leave Xingcheng and escape alone, but wanted to take the opportunity to test and figure out what the demon was trying to do.

The group of demons tightened their hearts.

Regardless of whether Lin Qiye really wanted to escape, he didn't dare to be slighted.

"Come and help! If you let this guy escape, everything will be in vain!"

A demon shouted towards the sky.

Suddenly, there was a rumbling sound in the clouds.

One after another, bodies spanning thousands of meters came down.

The sky above the entire South Gate was completely filled with the body of the demon.


All the residents in Star City witnessed the mutation of the South Gate defense line.

Even at a distance of tens of thousands of meters, the terrifying coercion made it difficult to look up at the group of demons.

"It's an immortal-level demon... All of them are immortal-level demons?!"

Some people muttered to themselves, staring at the group of demons in the sky in a daze.

"This is the end, it's over... it's over..."

Fear and despair began to spread.

Even if someone noticed that Lin Qiye was fighting against the demons.

But the 10,000-meter-high [Thor Statue], in the middle of a group of demons, is like a tiger surrounded and killed by a group of lions.

No matter how strong he is, he is alone.

Maybe it can beat two or three, but it is absolutely impossible to stop the wave of immortal-level demons like a torrent.

Can't see the dawn of hope, when people are desperate.

Looking at the stalwart figure who was alone against the group of demons, he couldn't help but start to pray, hoping for a miracle to happen.

South Gate Defense Line.

Lin Qiye was in the Thunder God's Dharma, and the domain was fully expanded, fighting against the oppression brought by the group of demons.

He looked at the group of demons that surrounded him in the center, frowning slightly.

Just now he heard the demon's shouting.

Now I see that they are also mainly besieged, rather than planning to kill themselves.

There was an uneasy feeling in my heart.

Forty-nine immortal-level demons, is it a big threat?

Lin Qiye shook his head secretly.

This force is indeed terrifyingly strong, enough to sweep away some big cities.

But he is now in the 12th Rank Divine Kingdom and is fully capable of protecting himself.

Therefore, it was not the dozens of immortal-level demons in front of him that gave him a strong sense of unease, but their attitude of sieging and not attacking.

This shows that what they are planning, the threat level, has far exceeded everything that has been seen so far.

It is even very likely that it will appear, surpassing the power of immortals!

The expression on Lin Qiye's face was uncertain.

Unable to figure out the reason, he planned to break the situation violently.

"I want to see how you guys can stop me!"

His left eye flashed red.

A gray power of resentment spewed out like spring water.

It quickly merged into the thunder, and the whole body of the law was coated with a layer of strange translucent mist.

After the transformation, the fairy child energy level is not the same.

Even in the face of the energy mist scattered by the immortal-level demon, it was easily torn and swallowed by the power of resentment, like a cotton candy.

"This guy's power is a little weird, follow the plan, don't act rashly!"

Some of the more sensitive guys on the demon side issued vigilant reminders.

Most demons are wary, but some are slightly contemptuous.

They don't believe that Lin Qiye still has the ability to jump around under the siege of so many immortal-level combat power.

However, it was with that dazzling kung fu, Lin Qiye suddenly burst out.

The 10,000-meter-high dharma is as fast as lightning.

In the blink of an eye, he suddenly appeared beside a careless, unguarded immortal-level demon.

Fa Xiang threw a punch.

The demon didn't have time to react, and as soon as he turned his head, he slammed into the fist of Fa Xiang.


Under the close contact between the two, the immortal-level demon was blasted to the ground on the spot.

It fell to the ground, causing a burst of sand and dust, causing the ground of the entire Star City to vibrate violently.

Before the other demons could see the situation clearly, Lin Qiye continued to act.

Several immortal-level demons nearby, although they have reaction time.

But it can only be rushed.

Every time Dharma Xiang swiped his giant arm, a demon would fall.

Those with a slightly weaker strength were directly beaten and shattered on the spot.

If it is not after reaching the Immortal level, the vitality is strong enough.

In just a few breaths just now, several immortal-level demons will perish.

"Bastard! Defend! Don't fight him!"

The few leading the group of demons were frightened by Lin Qiye's ferocity!

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