Worldwide Survival: Begins As An Island Owner

Chapter 202 [How do you want to die] Two in one big chapter

Fortunately, Ji Yanran's city mansion would not leave the venue angrily because of such a small matter.

"Mr. Su, it is better to see once than to hear a hundred times. When I saw you today, you are really magnificent, like a dragon and a phoenix among people."

In order not to make the atmosphere too awkward, Ji Yanran started to praise Su Yu while walking slowly towards where Su Yu and Ji Ruoyan were.

"This woman is really thick-skinned." Seeing Ji Yanran not only did not feel embarrassed, but Ji Ruoyan leaned forward, she had to admit in her heart that she was indeed inferior to this woman in this regard.

"Speak directly." Facing Ji Yanran's flattery, Su Yu said directly.

With Su Yu's current strength, he doesn't need to look at people's faces at all, or make false promises with the other party.

Hearing Su Yu's words, Ji Yanran's face, which was originally smiling, became stiff instantly. She never thought that the other party would be so straightforward.

On the other hand, seeing Ji Yanran deflated, Ji Ruoyan was trying not to let herself laugh out loud, feeling a little uncomfortable.

Forcibly suppressing the embarrassment in her heart, Ji Yanran also saw that the methods she used to deal with the children of those aristocratic families seemed to be ineffective when used on this Mr. Su.

Before Ji Yanran wanted to continue to say something, she suddenly found that Nurse Rong beside her seemed to be trembling.

It turned out that when Ji Yanran was talking to Su Yu, Nanny Rong, who was standing beside her, was secretly using the method of watching Qi, hoping to get a glimpse of Su Yu's luck.

After all, this is one of the tasks she came to Vantone Chamber of Commerce this time.

But at the moment when Su Yu's body was observed by using the Watching Qi Method, a terrifying backlash directly swept over Nanny Rong's soul.

This is the disadvantage of the qi-watching technique. If you try to observe in vain, the strength far exceeds your own existence, or if there is a terrifying existence mixed in your luck, you will be backlashed by the terrifying force of backlash.

"You are so courageous, you dare to try to spy on me." Su Yu, who was observed by Nanny Rong, naturally discovered that the other party had used the technique of hopefulness on him.

It's just that one's own luck can't even be broken by the talent of insight. If the other party wants to spy on him with mere hopefulness, it's tantamount to death.

Accompanied by Su Yu's cold voice, it resounded in the small courtyard, and instantly a terrifying aura swept out from Su Yu's body, oppressing the bodies of Ji Yanran and the others.

Facing Su Yu's body, a small part of the coercion escaped.

Ji Yanran, Wu Jian, who had just entered the realm of Wu Zong, and Nanny Rong, who would suffer serious backlash, were directly crushed and knelt on the ground, unable to move.

The series of things that happened suddenly really made Ji Ruoyan, who was sitting by the side, a little confused.

Feeling the terrifying coercion coming from above her body at this moment, Ji Yanran was stunned. This situation was something she never dreamed of.

However, with Ji Yanran's disposition, she quickly realized that she must have been discovered by Nanny Rong when she was investigating the other party's luck.

Thinking of this, Ji Yanran scolded those elders of the Presbyterian Church bloody in her heart.

A bunch of old bastards, this is what you call the arrogance of Wu Zongjing, they are lying to ghosts!

Even if Ji Yanran was killed, she wouldn't believe that just relying on coercion, she would be able to make a few of them kneel on the ground unable to move, would be an existence in the Martial Ancestor Realm.

"Tell me, how do you want to die." At this moment, Su Yu's gaze was also on Nanny Rong, who was kneeling on the ground and trembling.

Nanny Rong, who was stared at by Su Yu, only felt as if she was being watched by an extremely terrifying existence. She had never felt this feeling in the family, and some elders.

To be honest, Nanny Rong really wanted to send a voice transmission to Ji Yanran, telling her that Mr. Su in front of her was far more terrifying than what they had learned.

The other party is very likely to have entered that level of realm, and is comparable to the existence of ancient sages.

However, under Su Yu's gaze, Nanny Rong felt that the blood in her whole body seemed to be frozen, and the backlash from her spirit was further eroding her own vitality.

"This matter was done by me alone. I have offended my lord. I would like to apologise with death." Nanny Rong, who knew that her soul was on the verge of being broken and couldn't even survive today, directly took everything on herself.

After finishing speaking, Nanny Rong looked at Ji Yanran with a rather desolate expression, and then directly cut off her heart, dissipated her spirit, and committed suicide on the spot to ask for Su Yu's forgiveness for her offence.

Seeing this scene, Ji Ruoyan, who was sitting next to Su Yu, couldn't help swallowing the saliva in his mouth.

It's not that she has never seen a dead person, but she has never seen a strong man in the Martial Lord Realm, who did not even dare to resist because of a word from the other party, and committed suicide directly.

In an instant, Su Yu's status in Ji Ruoyan's heart was raised by several levels.

As for Ji Yanran who was kneeling on the ground at this moment, her heart was full of panic, apprehension, and uneasiness.

As for Wu Jian, he almost wanted to greet Ji Yanran's family.

"Fuck, what the hell are you doing with this stinky woman and that dead old woman, you dare to provoke such a terrifying arrogance? If you want to die, forget it, and drag yourself into the water."

At this moment Wu Jian swore in his heart that if he could go back alive today, he would definitely make Ji Yanran pay the price.

"Get lost!" Su Yu, who had a strange look in his eyes, did not kill them all, and directly let Ji Yanran and Wu Jian live.

As soon as Su Yu finished speaking, the terrifying coercion oppressing the bodies of Wu Jian and Ji Yanran also dissipated immediately.

After feeling the terrifying coercion oppressing him and disappearing, Wu Jian quickly got up, bowed his body and exited the small courtyard in a panic.

After Ji Yanran got up from the ground in a bit of embarrassment, she didn't dare to look at the body of Nanny Rong who had fallen on the ground, and left the courtyard in desperation.

Regarding Su Yu's decision, Ji Ruoyan watched quietly from the sidelines, without any intention of interrupting.

"Let's go out for a stroll with me." Su Yu said with a chuckle after glancing at Ji Ruoyan beside him.

Hearing this, the joy on Ji Ruoyan's face became even stronger.

As for Nanny Rong's death, she didn't take it to heart at all, it was originally from the competitor's side, and she wished that the other party would suffer heavy casualties.

Su Yu's attitude just now is already very clear.

Ji Yanran was completely out of luck, a game of chess that had some hope, but because of something, it was messed up.

When the figures of Su Yu and Ji Ruoyan left the courtyard, Nanny Rong's body was also dragged down and disposed of by the guard Wu Zong who was hiding in the dark.

But at this moment, Wu Jian, who had already left Wantong Chamber of Commerce, did not return to Wanxianlou to wait for Ji Yanran to return, but turned around and left the capital of the Great Zhou Dynasty alone.

Wu Jian is not stupid. In the previous situation, it was obvious that Ji Yanran was the woman who pulled him over to use him as a gunman. However, before it was his turn to play, it was because of the dead old woman that the terrifying genius was aroused. unhappy.

Thinking of this, Wu Jian also used the ultra-distance communication talisman to send a message back to the family first, that is, if something happened to him on the way back to the family, it must be Ji Yanran's fault.

It has to be said that Wu Jian's brains are not bad, and he understands that this woman Ji Yanran is likely to use methods of framing him, so he sent a wave of news to the family in advance.

At the same time, Ji Yanran, who had returned to Wanxian Tower, did not show any sadness on her face at the moment, as if the death of Nanny Rong had little to do with her.

From the storage ring, she took out a jade talisman that can be used for long-distance communication between the two parties, and after injecting her thoughts into it, Ji Yanran edited what happened today into a detailed message and passed it on.

Although Nanny Rong was at the end, she couldn't send a voice transmission to Ji Yanran to explain clearly what she had seen from Su Yu.

But allowing Nanny Rong, a strong man in the Martial Lord Realm, to apologise with death has already shown Su Yu's horror.

Originally, Ji Yanran thought that she would die too, but in the end, she didn't expect that the other party would spare her life directly. This fact made Ji Yanran a little puzzled.

Ji Yanran would never believe that the other party was kind, so there must be some reason for it.

"Reporting to the elders, Yanran and Nanny Rong have met Mr. Su today. Nanny Rong was suspected of being backlashed when she used the Qi-watching technique, and she didn't dare to communicate with me through voice transmission. Next, commit suicide on the spot as an apology.”

"In addition, Mr. Su is not in the realm of Wuzong. His strength is at least the peak of Wujun, or a half-king strongman. He may have the appearance of a sage. Yan Ran was lucky enough to save his life. Please reply to the elders as soon as possible and tell us what to do next. action."

This is the message that Ji Yanran sent back to a group of old fellows in Ji's Parents' Association.

It wasn't that she, Ji Yanran, wasn't strong enough, but that the target was really too terrifying, and it wasn't at her level that she could handle it well.

At the same time, in a secret room of Ji's house, members of Ji's elders' association are conspiring and discussing something.

Suddenly at this moment, the Jade Talisman of Communication on the body of the Great Elder in the main position suddenly trembled.

After reading the information in the communication jade talisman, Ji Jin became numb.

Everyone below saw the change in Ji Jin's chameleon-like expression, and their curiosity arose in their hearts.

As a result, when Ji Jin disclosed the information about the Jade Talisman to everyone.

In the small secret room in an instant, there was a complete silence, not even a sound of panting.

It was true because the news that Ji Yanran sent back frightened them a little.

Combined with the information they learned before, all the elders of Ji's Patriarchal Council are trembling at this moment!

Suspected to be in his twenties, a strong man in the half-king realm made a strong man in the Wujun realm dare not even resist and chose to commit suicide as an apology.

This kind of information made the scalps of a group of people feel a little numb.

At this moment, these old fellows in Ji's Parents' Elder Association no longer have any objections in their hearts to whether there is a Titled King Realm behind Su Yu.

"Great Elder, what should we do next!" After regaining consciousness, a group of people also looked at Ji Jin who was above the main seat.

"What to do, what to do, how the hell do I know what to do." Seeing that everyone's eyes were on him, Ji Jin couldn't help but feel agitated.

If Ji Yanran had drawn Su Yu to their side, it would be a happy scene for everyone, maybe Ji Jin would have already started throwing a celebration banquet.

But the current situation is completely opposite. Ji Yanran not only failed to win her over, but offended her, so the matter here is a big deal.

There is such a terrifying existence, backing Ji Ruoyan, the little girl, and she is definitely the patriarch of this generation of the Ji family.

Even Ji Fa, the current No. 1 heir to the Ji family, probably couldn't compare with it.

In addition, the most important thing now is whether the other party will turn around and target their Presbyterians under the bewitching of Ji Ruoyan's department.

This is where Ji Jin feels the most pain.

If the other party really wanted to intervene in the battle between the Ji family's factions, Ji Jin suspected that those ancestors who were retreating in the forbidden area of ​​the Ji family would probably turn a blind eye to the face of the other party's existence.

"Don't make noise, everyone think about it carefully, what is the best way to get that young master's understanding." I understand that the most important thing at the moment is not to let Su Yu completely lean towards Ji Ruoyan's side. Ji Jin yelled at everyone in a low voice.

As for hiring an assassin, or directly killing Su Yu, Ji Jin didn't even dare to think about it.

After all, at present, it is just the death of a Martial Lord, and there is still room for relaxation between the two. If he really dares to invite a killer, the matter will really get out of hand.

Coupled with Su Yu's currently displayed strength, he is definitely not an ordinary killer, and he is competent.

It is impossible to invite the existence of the King Realm, go and kill it!

If it caused the big boss with the title King Realm behind the other party to dispatch, it would not be cold.

It was for this reason that Ji Jin tore out a lot of hair that would be worrying about him.

At this moment, Ji Yanran, who was still waiting for the elder's reply in the Ten Thousand Immortal Tower of the Great Zhou Dynasty, was also very frightened.

Unless this matter is resolved satisfactorily, Ji Yanran will not be able to sleep even at night.

On the other side, on the streets of the Great Zhou Dynasty, Ji Ruoyan and Su Yu were wandering on the streets.

"Why, I wonder why I let that woman go." Seeing Ji Ruoyan's hesitant expression, Su Yu asked a little casually.

Upon hearing Su Yu's words, Ji Ruoyan nodded quickly like a chicken pecking at rice.

"Don't let her go, how can she send a letter to the person behind her!" Su Yu, who didn't elaborate on her thoughts, said a word directly to Ji Ruoyan.

In fact, what Su Yu had in mind was to use Ji Yanran as an introduction, and then attract some old antiques from the Ji clan.

So that he can take control of the Ji family logically.

Of course, Ji Ruoyan didn't know all of this. After listening to Su Yu's words, she nodded with a vague understanding.

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