Wow! The explosion rate is really high

Chapter 103 Covert Military Operations

The adults are gone.

"Why did you lie to me?" Kuang Xin looked at Dai Lian with some confusion and asked.

They haven't met the two people from the arbitration office very much in the past few days. Who knows what they are doing.

Dai Lian looked at the master's back gradually disappearing on the horizon and shook his head secretly, "First of all, I didn't lie to him completely. Although we haven't met him, those rats have become more manic these days. It is most likely that they were forced by the people of the Arbitration Institute. I'm anxious. you think our organization has some problems?"

It's been several days since they joined and they haven't seen anyone else in the organization. If the line to their boss is cut off, wouldn't they become orphans?

And no matter how nice and reasonable the adults' words are, they can't provide any help just to avoid exposing their relationship and let them think of their own solutions... What's the difference between this and confiscating someone?


As soon as Dai Lian stated his guess, he was criticized on the spot...

"Don't say that, sir!" Wenjie was filled with indignation.

The Lord is sincere to me, "This is included in the reward he gave me!"

According to the text description, Wenjie told everyone about the Zerg essence extract included in the mission reward.

"Can you make genetic optimization fluid?"

"What is that?"

"It's equivalent to improving the level in this game." Gong Yan has seen a lot these days, and when he saw that Dai Lian didn't even know about this thing, he explained aloud.

"The degree of genetic optimization on our panel needs to be improved with this thing. A higher degree of genetic optimization can allow us to obtain a higher upper limit of attributes, and those abilities such as specialization and skills need to be higher to a certain level. Attribute support. Genetic optimization is the foundation of everything, and genetic optimization fluid is the core material to improve this foundation."

This is one of the core mysteries of the human body being able to travel alone across the universe in this science fiction world. They have not come into contact with any relevant information since entering the game, but now...the basic raw materials that can make core materials have been directly distributed to them. In hand?

This, this, this...

"You actually need to take drugs to upgrade?"

"The key to unleashing the power of Genetic Optimization Fluid isn't acting, right?"



"Anyway, the boss is awesome!"

"Then the question now comes, how do we send Wenjie into the city."

"I remember someone said that there are tickets for the inner city..." Dai Lian rubbed his chin and glanced at Gong Yan.

Gong Yan nodded in agreement, "I'll go find him and ask."

"By the way, you can also ask him if he has acted with the people from the Arbitration Institute in the past few days. If there is information, it will be more convenient for us to act with the adults tonight."


Bai E hurried back to the camp unhurriedly.

There is no teaching round for players today, so there is plenty of time.

Moreover, the first half of the afternoon training was to strengthen shooting. My level 4 light firearms specialization no longer had much meaning in practicing at the training ground. The sniper god told him not to go there anymore and there was no need to waste time.

But Bai E still found Carlos.

Bai E didn't know about the others, but whether it was the No. 3 note that the other party gave him before going out to fight against the Zerg, or the instructions he specifically found for him before being studied by Academician Helen of the Academy of Sciences, it was enough to show that the other party had true feelings for him. nice.

His well-behaved behavior earned him the officer's trust, so when he made special requests, he was the first person Bai E thought of.

"You want to apply for a bow and arrow?" Carlos looked at Bai E in surprise.

That thing is a special weapon that can only be used in some specific situations. It is far easier to use than firearms and has diversified usage scenarios. This item is not included in the unified training of the military camp.

Bai E nodded and reported truthfully, "Yes... that lady from the Elf tribe taught me some archery skills in private. I would like to apply for a bow and arrow to practice occasionally."

This matter was not deliberately publicized, but Bai E felt that there could not be an airtight wall in the military camp. Instead of being pointed out by others, it was better to explain it himself and establish an honest and responsible image to gain the trust of the superiors.

And although bows and arrows are rare, Bai E has occasionally seen them twice in the military camp. The light mechanical shape of the compound bow is more to his liking than the long bow made of unknown wood by the elves.

The most important thing is that the compound bow Bai E saw can be folded, and it is definitely much more convenient to carry around than the elves' eagle horn bow.

Carlos frowned and thought for a moment before nodding in agreement, "That's okay... Anyway, your firearms shooting level has reached a bottleneck. It's also a good thing to expand your abilities in other areas."

Bai E's level is obvious to all. His performance in intercepting spore mines fired by Zerg cannon bugs on the battlefield is probably about the same as his own. It is also a good choice to enlarge his talent and learn more diversified abilities.

"But there is one thing I need to explain to you first." Carlos was actually considering something else, but he decided to leave the choice to Bai E himself. "This special equipment is not a standard supply. Whether it is exchanged for bows and arrows now, Whether you need more arrow supply in the future, your military merit will be consumed. Military merit is the only way you can obtain genetic optimization fluid."

Android warriors generally have no concept of property. After all, even their lives are destined to be dedicated to all mankind. But if they have... military merit, it is the only property of the android warriors.

Of course, the highest priority thing that can be exchanged for military merit is genetic optimization fluid, which represents the future.

Although he spoke up for Bai E several times and requested to apply for genetic optimization fluid for him, he knew in his heart how difficult it was to obtain it, especially for artificial humans.

Military merit is only the basic requirement. After obtaining sufficient military merit, you have to apply to obtain the consent of most officers in the military camp. Then the scientific research institute will send people to verify and review whether the soldiers themselves are qualified to receive the baptism of genetically optimized fluid.

These are all troubles, and military merit is the most inconspicuous and basic condition.

But first... they need to get the basics down.

Many artificial humans are destined to have no chance of this thing from the moment they are born, so they can spend military merit at will to exchange for related items that they are interested in. It doesn't matter.

As for Bai E, a warrior with strong potential and excellent abilities, it is possible to obtain genetic optimization fluid. He performed well in a trial, performed air defense on the battlefield and rescued people. His performance was seen by everyone, and he has accumulated a lot of experience. Many military achievements are just one step away from meeting the minimum application requirements.

There are not many occasions to obtain military honors. Sometimes, the difference may be a lifetime difference. There are many artificial warriors and natural warriors in the military camp who can meet the application requirements in just one step. However, this gap will always be fixed on the battlefield.

Military merit is not easy to obtain, but it must be used and cherished.

After explaining the key points, Carlos looked into Bai E's eyes and asked sincerely, "So, do you still insist on exchanging bows and arrows?"

[Regarding future development, you decide...]

"I still want to redeem it."

While Carlos was narrating, Baie thought carefully about all the key points.

Military merit is not earned by accumulation; it is the current strength that determines future opportunities.

What's more, he doesn't entirely rely on the military's charity. It's impossible for him to have the raw materials and not have some thoughts of his own.

As Hu said, there are not many opportunities for artificial humans in the military camp, and it is impossible for him to put all his chips on the care of the military generals.

If it was discovered at the beginning that the player's behavior could only bring him attribute growth, now Bai'e has paid more and more attention to the development achievements that players can achieve in the outside world.

As long as the guidance is good, the player is almost equivalent to his own clone. This is the core reason why he just encouraged the player to continue to contact other NPCs.

Hearing Baie's firm answer, Carlos's face burst into a gentle smile.

He was very satisfied with the answer Bai E gave.

Courage is the greatest gift from God to mankind.

Merit in battle does not depend on the accumulation of buttons, but on the courage and fearlessness of marching forward.

Obtaining enough military exploits is only the first step to obtain the genetic optimization fluid. After obtaining it, can we just hide in the military camp and wait to die?

The genetic optimization fluid increases the upper limit of personal abilities rather than the lower limit, and military merit is an honor that accompanies a soldier throughout his life.

As long as you have the faith and courage to win, military merit is only a record for the brave.

"I'll take you."

A series of complicated things such as registering with the quartermaster and receiving them were easily completed if there was someone above. Bai E felt the pleasure of going through the back door for the first time.

"The bow body is made of one-yuan alloy and is almost undamaged." Carlos said with a smile.

The Yuan Alloy series is the highest strength alloy that humans can synthesize. It has excellent hardness and flexibility. Its weight is about one-fifth lighter than aluminum alloy of the same volume. It is more flexible in complex and changeable combat environments. light.

Even the most basic one-yuan alloy in the series is a precious material that the outside world cannot imagine. For this kind of special weapon with a small amount of use, the arsenal is still willing to use materials.

Bai E held the bow tightly.

The blackened bow made of light steel fit perfectly into the palm of the hand when held in the hand. The bow flicked open with a sudden shake, and the bow, which was about one-fifth shorter than the eagle horn bow, stretched out.

The overall shape is slender and light, and the grip is much better than the heavy Elven Eagle Horn Bow. However, it seems to be slightly less lethal, but more practical.

[Military Compound Bow - Quality: Green (Long Range Weapon)]

[Basic parameters: range 800 meters; attack power (type: puncture): 5+ (physical energy -12)*2; output energy level 5+ (physical energy -12)/2; durability 12/12]

[Usage requirements: Physical fitness 12 (can be used). 】

[Characteristics: The bow is light and easy to control, shooting speed +5%; shooting kinetic energy +1. (The upper limit of the pulling force that can be withstood: 22 points of physical fitness)]

[Stainless Steel Arrows—Quality: Green]

[Basic parameters: Attack power modification +2, additional bleeding effect on hit. 】

[Requirements for use: Crossbow types are available. 】

[Characteristics: Built in one piece with a lathe, shooting accuracy +12%; maximum range +100 meters. 】

To a certain extent, human beings' basic mechanical craftsmanship is not inferior to those of elves who live a slightly primitive but more realistic life. The carefully crafted hand-made products and human crafts only have their own advantages and disadvantages.

But there is no doubt that Bai E needs some training before he can become familiar with the use of new equipment.

"I'm going to train."

Bai E has no intention of building a relationship. What the other party values ​​will definitely not be his face and flattering words. Strength is the only bargaining chip.

Carlos seemed to have other instructions.

"Wait, you come with me."

It was training time, and it was quite easy to find a place in the military camp where there was no surveillance and no one around.

After taking Bai E to a deserted corner, Carlos turned around and revealed the gossip to Bai E with a solemn expression.

"Normally, there are very few opportunities to obtain military merit, and the fact is that your status as artificial beings will make it difficult to obtain enough votes from officers even if you obtain enough military merit... You need to make something more satisfactory to them. The possibility of obtaining genetic optimization fluid will be greatly increased. There is an opportunity right now, and you must cherish the opportunity to perform."

Even if some officers are always hostile to androids, they can only keep their mouths shut when faced with the facts of their outstanding achievements.

For Bai E, Carlos was very heartfelt.

95B27 has always been reassuringly gentle and controllable, and its abilities are uniquely outstanding among the many android warriors Carlos has seen.

Bai E blinked slowly, with a slightly confused look on his face, "What opportunity...are you talking about?"

Carlos' tone was low and his face was cautious, "It is related to a secret military operation. I can only tell you that it is to explore an ancient ruins. It is not convenient to reveal the details to you now, but you only need to know that if this operation If you can compete for a spot and successfully complete the mission, coupled with your current accumulation of military achievements, it is almost certain that you will get the genetic optimization fluid."

"..." Bai E fell into a daze.

Secret, confidential, unknown...

These words seemed to burn through the CPU of this simple new soldier.

Carlos was a bit dumbfounded and patted Bai E on the shoulder, "Anyway, I just want to let you know in advance. The specific details are still being finalized. About tomorrow, you will hear some rumors about competition and selection. This time the military The number of participants in the operation will not be too large, and only the best will be admitted. If you are interested, then perform well and work hard to get it."

As he spoke, Carlos looked into Bai E's eyes and asked again uneasily: "Do you understand?"

Bai E turned his head for a while, and then his eyes gradually became brighter and turned twice, "I understand."

It’s so clear!

remains! In my main mission, I need to explore the ruins by myself. I was originally worried about where to find the so-called "ruins", but I didn't expect it to jump right into my face.

"Just understand." Carlos Laohuai was pleased, "Anyway, you make the decision yourself. If you can, try your best to get it. It doesn't matter if you can't get it. There will be other opportunities in the future."

"Understood! Sir."

"...Okay." Carlos sighed secretly. Everything about 95B27 is good, but this seriousness is both gratifying and helpless. "Do you have any other needs?"

"No more sir!"

"Then let's go train."

"Yes, sir!"


Military conference room.

Weslin pressed his hands on the table and glanced at the officers in front of him. "All the information about the ruins has been sent to everyone. In terms of combat plans and staffing, everyone will share their thoughts."

Minister Leacock gave some suggestions from professionals, but the suggestions should not be used as tactics. The actual planning and implementation of the details must be planned by themselves.

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