Wow! The explosion rate is really high

Chapter 106 Knowledge - Advanced Physical Training Version 3.0

Helen's arrival did not disrupt the order of training, and Bai E even felt that his ears were much cleaner.

As for his performance attracting the other party's attention...

emmmmm, didn’t it attract enough attention before?

The last time he was studied also gave Bai E a general understanding of some of the scientific research strategies in this world. There are not so many technology geeks who want to slice into pieces if they disagree. As long as he is willing to cooperate with the research, things that are not too outrageous should not be a big problem.

Now this matter... shouldn't be too outrageous, right?

Anyway, I must train with all my strength, it involves a powerful specialty, not to mention the attribute improvement brought by the training itself.

"You continue to train at your own pace, don't worry about anything else."


Bai E climbed over her with an expressionless expression, as if he didn't hear anything at all.

He knew that Academician Helen was probably interested in the training effect in his experience-corrected state.

However, the accumulated experience was about to be exhausted. He could not always use experience to assist training. He could only rely on his own memorized ability to be his true strength.

So... unmoved.

I go my own way.

You can make up the difference between the two states by yourself, that's how I am anyway.

Bai E abandoned all distracting thoughts and tried to recall his previous feelings.

Current simulation completion: 99.99%!

Current simulation completion: 99.999%!

Current simulation completion: 99.9999%!

There was no panel prompt, so Bai E guessed on his own.

Why hasn't it been improved? Isn't it a case of fighting together?

His little impatience failed to break through the blockade of self-restraint, and Bai E's breathing rose and fell in accordance with the rhythm of his body.

[Current simulation completion: 100.1%]

[Current simulation completion: 101.3%]

"It's strange..." Helen's emerald-green fingers pointed at her white chin, her starry eyes under the glasses were lost in thought, "I've obviously told him not to be affected anymore..."

The thermal imaging in the glasses can clearly distinguish the difference between Bai E's body now and when Bai E exercised just now.


Is it because he can't maintain a stable exercise rhythm? Or did he instinctively choose this training method?

But if it is an instinctive choice, then what is the reason why it has to be so?

Think carefully...

get conclusion--

"Do you need a rest?"

Maintaining high-intensity training all the time may be too much for the body, just like after a strenuous long-distance run, you still have to slowly run forward for a certain distance. Maybe this slightly gentler training is a way to warm up the body?

After all, if you train until you faint every time, you really have to be careful about the possibility of any hidden injuries to your body.


Seeing Bai E coming down from the checkpoint after training, Helen took the initiative to greet him with a smile on her lips, "Can you please come with me for a moment? I need to check your current physical condition."

The general who followed Helen the whole time looked at Bai E, who was still a little confused, and quickly issued an order, "Soldier 95B27! You must obey Academician Helen's orders unconditionally, do you understand?"

"Yes, sir!"

"No need..." Helen waved her hand, looked at Bai E's face and asked with a smile, "I'm just asking..."

"No problem sir!"

Watching Bai E follow Helen and leave behind, Tobyin, who had just rested and was about to start the second round of training, approached Chavez and asked curiously: "Instructor, what are they going to do? Are the academicians going to teach the White Doom training in person? How?"

Being favored by academicians is truly a great white misfortune...

["Lucky Blow" charge +1. 】

"..." Chavez looked at Tobyin strangely, "What did you call him just now?"

"White doom..."

Chavez rubbed his chin and asked, "He called himself this?"

Although the android warriors have various names for themselves, this one is even more abstract among abstractions.

"No, I took this...don't you think it's cool?"



Toby was still curious as he watched the figure gradually disappearing into the distance, "Instructor, what on earth was he called over for? Does the academician really want to personally teach him training methods?"

"..." Chavez recalled what he had just heard and felt that the opposite might be true. "Maybe... maybe... the academician wants to learn training methods from him."


["Lucky Blow" charge +2]

With the instrument running, Helen once again obtained Bai E's physical data - physical fitness 14, insight 11.4, and reflexes 11.9.

Last time it was - physical fitness 13.5, insight 11.3, reflex 11.4...

How long has it been?

About a day and a half?

0.5 physical growth, 0.1 insight growth, 0.5 reflex growth...

What kind of terrifying attribute improvement speed is this? The awakening of the perfect alien gene that has never been seen before can actually achieve this level of improvement?

A perfect template for the original body, but why...does it have fatal shortcomings?

95B27's melee training performance is not excellent, which is always a thorn in his heart.

The Primarch as the ancestor must not have any shortcomings in any aspect. Countless mutations will occur in the gene inheritance process. The Primarch as the model must be extremely perfect to ensure that even if small-scale mutations occur in future generations, Mutations can also inherit the potential of a sufficiently good original body.

Helen's eyes were in trance as she looked at the data.

It took a long time before he blinked and woke up from his reverie.

The improvement efficiency of 95B27's attributes is terrifying, but the effect of physical exercise adjustments derived from genetic instinct cannot be ignored.

Gene awakening is an individual miracle, and its optimized training methods in high-level physical training are great discoveries that can benefit the whole.

"Now I will mount some small sensors on your body. Don't worry, it will not have any impact on your body. It will only record the specific data of various aspects of your body during exercise. There will be some coldness and slight tingling during the process. Pain is normal, don’t worry.”

Bai E nodded and said, "Okay."

He has no room for resistance. Instead of struggling, it is better to let go and accept.

Bai E, who had taken off his shirt, was displayed in front of Helen at close range. When he was wearing clothes, he had a slender figure, but after taking off his clothes, his figure was surprisingly well-proportioned. The muscles that were tight but not bloated seemed to contain explosive power. .

Helen stroked her fingers gently, but she felt like an electric current was flowing through her body...

Perfect body!

"Next...we also need to mount some below."


Bai E didn't have any charming thoughts at all, and Helen's expressionless face made Helen's thoughts, which were a little red, gradually settle down.

[What are you thinking about...]

Annoyed to herself, Helen lowered her head and concentrated on her work.

"Okay, you can continue training... come here after training, and I will help you take off the sensor."

"Okay sir."

Bai E, who walked out of the door, reached out and touched the black round sensors fixed on his skin through his clothes. The cold skin feeling made him feel a little uncomfortable.

[You are participating in the creation of Knowledge - Advanced Physical Training Version 3.0. The current creation progress is 0.1%. After completing the full participation, you will receive: Knowledge - Advanced Physical Training Version 3.0; scientific research experience +1000 points; technology points*2. 】


I never expected that the lost combat experience could be compensated for in this unexpected way from other places.

Although we are not scientific researchers, compensation is better than no compensation. Rat hoarding will never go out of style!

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