"Hey! Is it quite big?"

Bai E was a little surprised by the sight of the cave in front of him. The original timbers were spaced at equal distances as supports to prevent the cave from collapsing. At least the space of more than 20 square meters no longer felt as cramped as last night.

Is it all the fault of Mouseman alone?

Players may also have helped to a certain extent.

The progress has indeed accelerated a lot, so it’s time to give them some confidence...

Aren’t rewards for construction tasks based on progress? In fact, you don’t have the final say on the progress, so let’s settle part of it for them first.

"You did a good job." Bai E nodded, with obvious satisfaction on his face.

[Side mission - Build a warehouse (construction commission), the progress will be improved. 】

[Task reward (stage): "Formal member of the force (Dawn)" qualification has been unlocked. 】X3


The players who followed Bai E down to the crypt received this prompt and instantly looked at each other, with obvious surprise in their pupils.

The construction tasks are done enthusiastically every day but there is no immediate feedback. It is very different from other instant feedback mechanisms in this game, which makes people feel a little unmotivated.

at the moment……

Official members can always see what can be exchanged for in the faction store, right? They worked hard and sweated and shed blood for Dawn, and they were just some special resources for the Tu organization.

Although most of the effort and bloodshed are due to the mission, that's not important!

Let me be healthy...

[Heavy weapons specialization tutorial, price - basic guidance: 20 points of power contribution. 】

[Light firearms specialization tutorial, price - basic guidance: 20 points of influence contribution; professional guidance: 30 points of influence contribution. 】

[Long-range weapon specialization teaching, price - basic guidance: 20 points of influence contribution; professional guidance: 30 points of influence contribution; famous teacher guidance: 50 points of influence contribution. 】

[Firearm maintenance, price - basic guidance: 25 points of power contribution. 】

[Bandaging (first aid) teaching, price - basic guidance: 25 points of influence contribution; famous teacher guidance: 40 points of influence contribution. 】

[Unlock the redemption items of the current level and then unlock the redemption items of the next level, so stay tuned...]


"How can there be good and bad in this?"

The three players looked at Bai E with confused eyes, waiting for the final interpreter of ownership to speak.

"The organization's manpower is temporarily limited, so the options it can currently provide are also limited, but you can rest assured that as you come into contact with more and more things within the organization, your authority will become higher and higher."

Bai E is quite satisfied with the store rules that he has carefully polished in his spare time these days.


The three players nodded in understanding.

In their view, no matter how human-like the characters in the game are, they are not real people.

These mechanisms can't be decided by the NPCs themselves, right?

Probably the system integrates the services currently provided by the organization, as well as trust level, human resources and other information in the background, thereby showing them a panel of such a powerful store.

There is nothing to compete with this kind of rigid system setting. I can only honestly follow other people's rules.

And looking at it this way...didn't those teaching bureaus that they hired for free as temporary members make a lot of money?

They have been in this world for some time, and they also know that the NPCs in this world value various skills and knowledge and will not teach them casually.

So this wave is still making a lot of money. If I had known earlier, I would have unlocked the official membership status later...

Not just players, Bai E is also a little strange.

He was also stunned when he saw the message popping up on the panel the moment after the official membership of the force was issued.

[As the leader of the force, the bond between you and the members of the organization has increased. Sociology +3]

[Sociology +3: The population under your jurisdiction has a greater sense of identity with you, and the content of entrustment authority has been improved - the general experience limit of a single entrustment of basic combat-type entrustments has been increased to: 50~200 points, and the general experience of entrustment in a single day has been increased. The quota authority is increased to: 50~700 points; the single entrustment quota authority for basic resource-based entrustment is added: 0~50 scientific research experience points, and the single-day entrustment quota authority is added: 0~150 scientific research experience points. (Effective when the commission is newly issued.)]


Paths never imagined.

The new changes were somewhat beyond Bai E's expectations, but they had no impact on the implementation of the established plan.

He needs to first confirm the boy's threat, which is related to his subsequent arrangements for the tasks issued to the player.

Bai E's expression remained unchanged, and he ordered to the three players who had just come down: "You go up and be on guard first. I have something to say to him alone."

The boy, who was wearing a tan-like hemp blanket, seemed to be huddled in the corner after a night of hard work, his nose opening and closing gently, sleeping peacefully and peacefully.

Even the quiet conversation between Bai E and the three players failed to wake up the child who had suffered so much.

In the many days of panic, this seemed to be the most peaceful night he slept...since his sister left.

"Yes! Sir!" Dai Lian took the lead in responding.

He was a little excited about the official membership of the force he had just unlocked, and more ideas about the organization seemed to be around the corner.

"What do you want to talk to him about?" Kuang Xin, who climbed to the ground last, asked curiously.

Dai Lian glanced at him disdainfully. After knowing each other for a long time, the relationship became familiar, and he became rude when he spoke, "Why don't you go eavesdrop?"

"Aren't you curious?"

Gong Yan put on the disguise of the cave without saying a word, then smiled and said: "What's so curious about this? What you are worried about is nothing more than the trouble that Fernandi may cause in the future. Naturally, you have to ask me to make sure." There are no hidden dangers.”

"Swallows are still smart." Dai Lian praised, and then turned to what he cared about most, "It seems that the construction of the warehouse with the rat people has to be accelerated. You need to earn some power contribution points as soon as possible to unlock the subsequent exchanges. thing."

"You don't even know what's behind, so you're in a hurry to unlock it?" Kuang Xin seized the opportunity to fight back.

"Mortal wisdom." Dai Lian sneered, "Do you still remember how you got that trait?"

Kuang Xin was eager to see how cool his arc gun could be, but Dai Lian was also eager to see how Kuang Xin's "well-trained training" could substantially improve his combat effectiveness in melee.

This advanced ability was obviously not specially taught by adults, but this piece of shit possessed by the European Emperor was judged by the system to have learned it from an unknown one-in-one probability without paying any price.

And it can be expected that not only "well-trained", there must be other advanced abilities of the same level waiting to be unlocked and discovered.

This kind of game exploration method, where you can find surprises from time to time by opening blind boxes, can best arouse players' curiosity.

Not to mention that even elementary exchange items are quite necessary to exchange.

The graceful manner in which the officers of the arbitration office were forced to retreat with three arrows is still vivid in my mind. They are so handsome!

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