Wow! The explosion rate is really high

Chapter 126 Almighty Overlimit Drive

[Overlimit Drive: Through honing and familiarizing yourself with the body, you have mastered the method of exerting output beyond the limits of the body. From now on, you can maximize your body's output power, consume up to 30% more physical strength when making all physical fitness-related judgments, resulting in up to 150% of the actual judgment effect; at the same time, you can recover your physical condition faster and consume "mobility reserve" to convert physical strength. It consumes an additional 50%, speeds up recovery by 200%, and has the ability to actively maintain status. The consumption and recovery ratio are the same; and it is more efficient when exercising any ability related to physical coordination that requires physical coordination, such as: improving "Fighting Specialization" The efficiency is increased by 20% when the "Dexterous Weapon Specialization" is upgraded...]

One... with unimaginable almighty expertise!

Fight, recover, grow...

The enhancement of all-round abilities is worthy of the massive experience gained from oneself.

A complete surprise.

Bai E, who has expertise in the body, can feel the explosive power in his body that is ready to try.

With the same attributes, the maximum power that can be exploded is directly increased by 50% compared to the one before receiving the expertise bonus!

This is a multiplication in the final settlement, which is unimaginably powerful.

The value...has increased again.

Bai'e, who has obtained a new specialty, has no intention of expansion. Over-limit driving is not the end. The purpose of high-level physical training is to improve physical attributes and train them to the limit.

The acquisition of expertise is only a by-product of the process.

Keep training!

The task was completed, and without the completion prompt on the panel, Bai E could only rely on the feeling of his body to continue to feel.

Training is boring and requires concentration and persistence every minute and every second of every day.

If you deal with it, it will deal with you.

[You exceed your own limits during strenuous exercise, physical fitness +0.1, reflex +0.1. 】

"Is the training finished?" Seeing Bai E knocking on the door and entering, Helen's eyes became much calmer.

When she no longer cares so much, her mentality will no longer be so easily disturbed.

Let go of your obsessions and the world will be vast.

"Hmm..." Bai E nodded in agreement.

Continuous good news came one after another, and the joy from his heart was uncontrollable, and his face shone brightly.

"?" Helen, who was putting down the equipment in her hand, was slightly startled, and her eyes returned to the dull-looking warrior again.

She didn't know if it was an illusion, but she always felt that the other person today looked... particularly confident.

This kind of confidence is like sweet nectar, flowing inadvertently from the inside out.

However, if you look carefully, this impact seems to have passed by in a flash.


Helen was in a trance and took off many of the sensors on Bai E. At the same time, she subconsciously said hello, "Today may be the last day I stay in the military camp. There are still many things in the inner city waiting for me to go back and deal with." .”

"Yeah." Bai E didn't show any intention of answering, he just responded in a daze.

Sensing the slightly stiff atmosphere, Helen stroked her curly hair and smiled softly, "Train well, your superiors all like you. You will have a pleasant night tonight."


"Wait a moment." After taking out the sensor, Helen turned around lightly and returned to the workbench. Her voice came from behind, "I will tell you the last bit of analysis. I hope it will be helpful to your training... …”

After two days of familiarity, Helen was already familiar with analyzing this kind of data.

The sound of Helen typing on the keyboard could be heard from time to time in the white laboratory, and time passed in quiet waiting.

"Your situation is much more stable now. It seems that your body has gradually become familiar with this kind of consumption beyond the normal..."

[You are participating in the creation of knowledge - Advanced Physical Training version 3.0, the current creation progress is 60%...]

"In the past two days, I have carefully analyzed how your training method is different from ordinary training methods. Finally, I found that the rhythm of the body and the rhythm of breathing need to maintain a perfect harmony. This state is extremely rare and unique. It is very difficult to promote your own personal training method..."

[You are participating in the creation of knowledge - Advanced Physical Training version 3.0, the current creation progress is 75%...]

"So, even if you are now familiar with this training method, you should still be careful not to be distracted during training. Compared with the conventional training methods of previous fighters, your training method requires more concentration. You All expressions of the body need to be controlled..."

[You are participating in the creation of knowledge - Advanced Physical Training version 3.0, the current creation progress is 90%...]

"Even if your body remembers that feeling, it will still be like this. It goes against human instinct and requires you to always use the power of your will to control it. If you relax even a little bit, it will definitely bite back!"

[You are participating in the creation of knowledge - Advanced Physical Training version 3.0, and the current creation progress is 100%! 】

[You have participated in the entire development of Knowledge - Advanced Physical Training version 3.0. The rewards: Knowledge - Advanced Physical Training version 3.0, scientific research experience +1000 points, and technology points*2 have been distributed. 】

Looking at the android warrior in front of him with his eyes in trance and his face full of confusion, Helen didn't take it seriously. There is a threshold for knowledge.

This is the mission of their scientific researchers. It is their responsibility to turn those obscure knowledge into practical guidelines and distribute them.

Everyone in this world bears responsibilities, they are born that way...

Helen stepped off her overlapping long legs, stood up gracefully, and finally saw off the guests.

"I will report to your superiors about your cooperation with me in fully participating in the high-level physical training plan. From this... you can make any request to them that is not too excessive, and I think they will agree. It is a pleasure to work with you. The relationship during this period of time..."

Helen's back was facing the soft white light, and the light seemed to shine through her translucent skin into Bai E's eyes, "Soldier Bai E, goodbye."

Bai E saluted respectfully, "Goodbye, Academician Helen."

The military camp was bustling at night, with lights and colorful lanterns and bonfires burning.

Everyone is good at forgetting.

People always have to look forward. The passing of life is only concerned about the overall situation. In this era, everyone is used to sacrifice.

What can support human beings to survive is never the emotional bonds to relatives and friends, but only "living" itself.

And "living" is too difficult, so people occasionally need a little encouragement from others to encourage them to work hard again.

In front of all the soldiers, Carlos's voice seemed to be always so passionate.

"...Now, let us pay our highest respect to this hero!"

The wine spilled into the sky, reflecting the flickering firelight.

Standing on the stage with a straight body, Bai E met everyone's most intense gazes.

["Lucky Blow" charge +50. 】

[The charge of "Lucky Blow" has reached 168/100 and is currently available for use! 】

Rose was drinking strong wine, Masati was grilling meat skewers, and Stone was clumsily trying to help...

Song Ying sat with his arms folded in a corner away from the bonfire, Yu's face flushed red as Da Shan poured wine on him, and Hu looked at everything with a smile.

He was drunk that night... stars fell into his eyes.

In the hazy space, it seemed that only a distant voice sounded vaguely and indistinctly——

[Feedback from the commission, your insight +0.2. 】

[Feedback from the commission, long-range weapon proficiency experience +108. 】

[Feedback from the commission, Dexterous Weapon Mastery Experience +14. 】

[Feedback from the commission, fighting mastery experience +32. 】

[Feedback from the commission, fighting mastery experience +16. 】

[Feedback from the commission, knowledge - computer hardware maintenance experience +37. 】

[Have learned "Level 1 Computer Hardware Maintenance" and simultaneously obtained technology points*1. 】

[Computer Hardware Maintenance (Level 1): You are familiar with the specific functions of all computer hardware, you can keenly troubleshoot all possible failures related to computer hardware, and are proficient in disassembling and assembling all related electronic components. 】

[The current computer hardware maintenance experience is 17/300. When you reach 300 points, you can master "Level 2 Computer Hardware Maintenance". 】


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