The battle between Bai E and Rose was the one with the latest outcome. The warriors who had a very difficult time defeating their opponents naturally had no breathing room.

Almost the moment Bai E's victory was announced, the subsequent battle list was arranged.

After two rounds of elimination, the recruits who had stepped up to score points were basically swept out, and the few remaining ones were not lucky enough to be encountered by Bai E again.

"Next game, 95B27, versus 94A17!"

The macho man clenched his fists, making a crackling sound, and stared at Bai E with undisguised aggression.

"I've heard about you, the new member of our orc line, Glory. Don't worry, I will be merciful to you!"

No matter how you look at it, it doesn’t look like you’re going to be merciful...

Bai E's face was expressionless, but his whole body seemed to be standing relaxed, but secretly he tensed up, ready to explode at any time.


The instructor on the sidelines gave an order, and the macho man immediately rushed forward.

Words are just confusing. It doesn't matter whether the other party is affected or not. He just wants to take one step at a time...

[You showed extraordinary skills in close combat to instantly defeat the enemy, and your combat proficiency experience +7 (+1). 】(There is a very small probability of awakening special attributes.)

[The current combat proficiency experience is 42/300, and you can master "Level 2 Combat Specialization" when you reach 300 points. 】

[Causes 7 points of strike damage to the target! Causes the target to fall into a "coma" state. 】

Bai E, who was short and slapped the opponent's chin with a push, slowly withdrew his hand, and the body of the unknown man's body slowly fell backwards.


The body fell to the ground, throwing up a cloud of dust.

No matter how hard your body is, there are always areas where it is fragile.

Bai E was a little disappointed. After experiencing the tempering of Rose, he thought that all his opponents would be able to improve due to the sense of oppression that Rose brought to him.

But right now, it seems that even fighters with a higher level of fighting expertise may not be as delicate as Rose.

It's too rough...or it means that you don't regard yourself as a human being.

There is a price to pay for underestimating the enemy.

"95B27, win!"

[Side mission - final, progress improvement, current reward: general experience +400. 】

[Enter the sixth round...]

If you encounter another soft persimmon, the chances will be great.

But...Bai E's eyes swept across the audience. After several rounds of eliminations, there were only 32 people left.

In a military camp with more than 10,000 people, a group of people with the strongest fighting skills among them are selected. After several rounds of elimination, the chance that the weak persimmons will be picked up by me is probably not high...

Next, there will probably be an unspeakable fierce battle.

His only advantage is probably his physical strength, which is still at its peak until now.

"Next game, 95B27, versus 95A09!"

"Is it the Blood God?"

"That newcomer is finished~"

"It's almost the fifth round and he's unlucky to meet the Blood God."

"If I were him, I would just surrender and suffer less. The Blood God doesn't know how to hold back."

"The Blood God is a ruthless person who survived the batch of artificial humans more than four years ago. This kid is finished..."

The moment the matchup list appeared, there was a voice that was unclear whether it was gloating or a secret reminder.

Bai E's opponent obviously has a lot of background.

In fact, Bai E didn't need anyone else to remind him, Bai E could tell the opponent's level from the explosion rate above his head.

[95A09/Blood God (Human) (Ally) (Elite) - Use "Lucky Strike" to kill and drop: definitely (fresh meat*2400, 2500 combat experience points); high probability (Trait: Regenerative Blood , Mastery: Combat Specialization level +1, not exceeding level 6, Mastery: Dexterity Weapon Specialization level +1, not exceeding level 6); Possible (Skill: Extreme Analgesia, Specialty: Raging Waves of Rage). 】


The panel is incredibly luxurious, I want to explode...

But even if you send it, you still have to touch it.

Bai E lowered his body slightly, his eyes eager, ready to challenge his limits.

The Blood God is a tall white male. His muscles are not bloated, but he is full of explosive power. He looks like an oversized Bai E.

The fist was at least one and a half times as big as Bai E's. It was covered with thick calluses and his skin was yellow, making his skin rough and fleshy.

Able to fight and resist, the pressure from a body that is at least a head taller is enough to suffocate anyone.

Looking at Bai E, the Blood God approached slowly, without any words, but with his lips slightly curled up, revealing a frightening cold light.

If you fight, have a good time!

He doesn't like holding back.

[Hit by the opponent's attack, you received 3 points of damage. 】

[You were hit by the opponent's attack, and you received 4 points of damage. 】

[You were hit by the opponent's attack, and you received 6 points of damage. You have fallen into a "slightly injured" state, and your combat effectiveness has dropped significantly! 】

[You were hit by the opponent's attack, and you received 10 points of damage. Your current thinking reflex is slow, and your combat status has declined significantly. Get out of the battle as soon as possible! Warning, get out of the fight as soon as possible! 】

Just a moment after the battle started, the warning prompts on the panel flashed like running water.

The opponent's attack was like a gust of wind, easily defeating Bai E's entire defense line.

Even though Bai E's all-round abilities have been growing rapidly since he was born, it is still not enough to face such a top-notch warrior in the military camp in a one-on-one close-range empty-handed situation.

Bai E's vision turned black after he was hit by a punch on the side of his face. The Blood God's fist seemed to have tremendous power, and being hit on the face was no better than being hit by a truck.

I don't know if the other party has used genetic optimization fluid. If not... I'm afraid it is also the peak combat power under the 15-point physical limit.

Bai E, whose consciousness was already somewhat blurred, only had this last thought in his mind.


[You were hit by the opponent's attack, you received 8 points of damage, and you fell into a "coma" state. 】

"95A09, win!"

[Side mission - finals, progress settlement. Current reward: General experience +400. 】

[Side mission - final, completed. 】

[Task reward: General experience +400, has been distributed. 】

A slightly noisy sound penetrated into the ears, and it seemed as if some warm tongue was gently licking his face.

Bai E tried to open his eyes, but there was a white light in the white gap, making it difficult to see.

After trying hard to open his eyes wide, the bright and soft milky white light came into his eyes. The dark figure who was close at hand stopped wiping the towel in his hand, and suddenly pulled away with some surprise, "Are you awake?"

The voice is very familiar...

Bai E blinked and finally saw everything in front of him clearly.

It's the nurse who's still studying... Masati, yes, that's her name.


Subconsciously, he wanted to move his body, but severe pain like a broken bone came from all parts of his body. When he glanced down, he realized that his whole body was wrapped like rice dumplings.

The memories before coma slowly emerged, and Bai E's mouth felt bitter.

[The gap is really big...]

"Is he awake?"

Carlos's voice came from the distance again, and he rushed in hastily.

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