Wow! The explosion rate is really high

Chapter 138 Distribution of Contribution Points

On the way out of the camp, Bai E quickly figured out what he needed to do today.

It is necessary to issue tasks, and the previous +1 improvement in psychology allows him to issue two days of tasks to those three players.

The ruins and ruins don't sound like they are very close to the military camp.

If you can really use your privileges to travel with the team, you will definitely not be able to get it back in a day or two. This +1 quota is just a stop loss at most, and you will probably still lose money.

As for the type of tasks...the tasks I posted yesterday worked well, so I will continue to do so today.

There is also... harvesting experience.

The teaching session the night before yesterday had to be terminated because the weapons of the three players were not suitable. If I didn't seize the opportunity to harvest it today, I would have to start with only more than 2,000 points of general experience.

Facing the unknown road ahead, it is always more reassuring to have more experience on hand to add to it at any time.

I just don’t know how well their warehouses are being mined. If it’s about the same, I can give them some contribution points and let them take the initiative to learn from me. Otherwise, if I offer to teach them, the price will be quite low.

The familiar figure arrived as expected, and Kuang Xin, who had been waiting for a long time, had some excitement on his face.

After working hard last night, he felt a little depressed and unhappy. Only an adult could help him with this problem.

Of course it may not help.

The problem is that properties...

Since the physical attribute reached 13 points, through daily activities - even strenuous physical labor, the efficiency of improvement is completely incomparable to that at the beginning.

too slow.

This problem seems to be a problem that everyone in this world needs to face, otherwise the ordinary people in the black streets should have reached the peak of their human body attributes.

Anyway, according to his experience in the game in the past few days, no one can answer it. The only answer is to engage in actual combat without risking one's life - such as those big-headed soldiers in the military camp.

Many of the top soldiers in the military camp look like gods of war to ordinary people in the underworld. The reason is that they often go on missions and have a lot of actual combat.

Of course, I heard that the top soldiers in the military camp have their own unique methods for exercising their physical fitness. The scientific training methods developed by the City Research Institute guide their daily progress. This rumor is also an important reason why Kuang Xin has hope for adults.

"grown ups……"

Seeing Bai E's arrival, the three players' eyes were full of joy.

Everyone gained a lot from last night's mission, the mission rewards were generous, and the game content developed was far ahead of its time.

The feedback on the improvement of personal strength and exploration of game content far exceeds that of other players who are still struggling, indicating that they have obviously embraced an unimaginably thick leg.

Bai Er smiled gently and walked towards the entrance of the underground cave. "How is the digging going?"

He is more concerned about this. If the dig is not big enough, he will not be able to find opportunities to give out contribution points. After all, the current contribution points will only be more in the future. He cannot afford the exchange items of corresponding value, so there must be a certain threshold.

And finding another reason for teaching can easily lead to a price drop, which is quite a headache.


Standing at the entrance of the cave and glancing down, it is difficult to see the whole thing clearly without stretching your head down. Only by climbing down the entrance can you visually see that it has an area of ​​at least dozens of square meters.

With the arrival of the Ratmen, the progress of players building warehouses has indeed increased significantly, and the little experts at digging holes have lived up to their reputation.

After falling into the cave myself, I was surprised to find that the layout of the cave was clear, and the load-bearing pillars were arranged in an orderly manner. There were even several small camouflage compartments dug out that were enough for one person to hide.

Is... afraid that if someone discovers this place, they can provide preparations for the rat people to hide and avoid without exposing their relationship with Kuang Xin and the others?

Quite cautious.

"Well done, your efficiency is beyond my imagination." Bai E nodded with satisfaction.

In this way, it is logical to distribute power contribution points.

[Side mission - Build a warehouse (construction commission), the progress will be improved. 】

[Task reward (stage): Force contribution (Dawn) +40, has been issued. 】X3

Bai E carefully gives out rewards based on the contribution required to redeem items.

Among the primary exchange items, except for the most expensive long-range weapon guidance "famous teacher guidance" which requires 50 points, all others can be redeemed.

Famous teacher instructors can teach two special attributes at the same time. Bai E estimates that the short time at noon and the players' experience reserves may not be enough to support them to directly learn two special attributes.

Being able to learn either scattering or arc strike is already their greatest expectation.

Everything is designed!

After all, the exchange items are all his own family property, and he needs to consider the future. If there are not enough exchange items for them to exchange in the future, he, the leader of the organization, may be embarrassed by them on the spot.

The three players who received the reward prompt were ecstatic.

Finally, there is organizational contribution. It is not easy to gain the trust of the organization...

"I want to exchange it!" Kuang Xin was the first to shout.

"Huh?" Bai E looked at him with a smile.

Consumption, consumption quickly, give me all your experience.

"Sir, I want to learn a method that can quickly improve physical attributes."

"..." Bai E subconsciously wanted to agree, but then realized that this was not in the redemption list.

Are you playing with me here?

"This is high-level knowledge, and your current contribution is not enough. Although this knowledge should be shared free of charge in the organization, we must set rules for contribution based on connections such as dedication and recognition."

Things must be given to them, even for the purpose of harvesting them, but the rules set by oneself cannot be changed.

[There really is! ]

Kuang Xin asked casually excitedly.

When I heard the adult confirm it personally, I felt a little happy.

The various contents in the game are not afraid of difficulties, but are afraid of no future prospects for improvement. As long as there is a definite way forward, it is not a problem.

Brush! What a big deal.

As for the contribution value that adults mentioned, are you even ashamed of it?

Isn't this what TM should do? What things in the game should not be played? It is already difficult for people to understand that there is no krypton gold mall in this game. If there is no threshold for obtaining various good things, players may even suspect that this game is for charity.

"Then Sir...can you tell me how long it will take to redeem it?" Since killing his enemy last night, Kuang Xin now only feels that the world is wide with his thoughts, and he can ask any questions he wants.

"Well..." Bai E thought for a moment and made a decision, "After you have our first teaching friendship."


understood! The next level mentioned in the power store is unlocked!

Redeem exchange!

"Sir, I want to redeem it now! I want to study!"

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