Wow! The explosion rate is really high

Chapter 155 Support Decision

"A black hole...a whirlpool..."

Minister Leacock muttered some words that were difficult for others to understand.

His eyes slowly drifted away from the computer and looked at the silver-gray building in the distance.

There was a little confusion on Chubby's face. It was obvious that the information obtained from computer analysis was being processed in his brain...

"Intercept them all?"


"how can that be possible?"

"It's not like a technological means..."

"It's not that I was disturbed, but... I was 'eaten'?"

Minister Leacock, who was muttering something unknown, was suddenly startled. A possibility that suddenly came to his mind made his chubby body tremble suddenly.

This tremor spread quickly throughout the body, and the panic from the heart instantly activated the body's hormone secretion.

Visible to the naked eye, even the tips of his fingers were trembling rapidly.

"Impossible!" Leacock gritted his teeth, trying to fight against the fear that came out of his heart, "Impossible!"

The minister's sudden emotional breakdown caused all the soldiers to focus their attention on him. One soldier immediately asked nervously: "What's impossible?"

"Impossible! Impossible!" Minister Leacock just muttered this word, stood up and wanted to pack his things, "Let's go!"

The hand that was packing the things turned around for a moment, then shook his head in self-refutation, "We can't leave!"

"Not sure yet... not sure yet..."

So nervous that he bit his fingers subconsciously, Leacock suddenly looked at the silver-gray base again, his eyes sharp, "Need to confirm!"

"What happened? Minister Leacock!" A fireman came to Leacock and looked into his eyes seriously, trying to ask the truth.

After a brief panic, Leacock had stabilized his mind. At this time, he just looked at the other party, and then slowly swept his eyes over all the soldiers in front of him, with a serious tone, "You... dare to disobey orders?"

"Sir, are they in any danger inside?"

"The order we received is to protect your safety." The soldiers asked in confusion.

Leacock looked into the eyes of the soldier who said these words, "But what if you want to say, I have to go in now?"

"Sir, before they send back the news..."

"He couldn't get the message back."

At least not over the radio.

Leacock killed him in one bite.

He is not yet sure whether all the soldiers who entered have really encountered accidents, but it is very likely that they are currently unable to realize what kind of situation they are in, or what kind of opponent they are facing...

It can only be said that if things are really as he imagined, then it is more likely to be bad than good.

People tend to assume the worst about the unknown.

Some soldiers hesitated when they thought of the commander's last secret instructions, "But if none of them can come back, our mission is..."

"Take me away?" Leacock shook his head and laughed.

This is the worst-case plan that was agreed upon before departure. If the enemy inside is too terrifying and the soldiers who enter cannot even convey a message, then all personnel will retreat directly.

We can't lose all the people here. After all, there are risks along the way back. It doesn't matter if all the soldiers die. The military will never allow Minister Leacock, an expert in information technology, to be lost.

Leacock himself naturally knows all these agreements that were agreed before departure, but now...

"No information has been collected. What will happen even if we go back?"

Faced with this terrifying unknown lair, will we send a truly top master next time? It is unknown whether the military has the courage to break the boat.

Or... give up this plan completely?

Leacock was unwilling to give in.

You have to go in and take a look to confirm whether your idea is correct before you give up completely!

"Tell me your answer! Soldier!"

Minister Leacock seemed to be taciturn along the way, and the soldiers' occasional glances with him ended with the other party's peaceful smile.

Only at this moment did this urban information expert, who could be considered a high-ranking person, show his aura as a high-ranking figure.

The audience was silent, and no soldier dared to disobey the commander's order.

Leacock added in a calm voice, "Should you go in with me to pick up your comrades and commanders who may still be alive, or should you continue to wait here for the announcement that is destined to be fruitless? If I go in, I might be able to help them! Tell me your answers, Soldier!"

Bai E silently went to the corner to pick up the quiver he brought.

He didn't know what happened, maybe something terrible happened.

But after all the hard work along the way, wouldn’t it be a pity not to go in and take a look? My mission goal is right in front of me, so it would be too unwilling to leave in despair.

He must be following this minister.

Bai E's silent movements seemed to give the other warriors a tacit guidance to follow. Each of these warriors went to find the weapons they were good at...except for firearms.

"Bring your machine guns, as well as grenades, explosives and other explosives."

Minister Leacock's eyes were stern, looking at the kind-hearted body but now exuding a murderous aura, "If things really come to that point, I would rather destroy the server than let the worst happen!"

That was the biggest goal of this trip, and now I would rather destroy it than bear a worse outcome... Minister Leacock could make such a decision, and the situation he guessed may be extremely bad.

Baie felt heavy and roughly guessed why Minister Leacock was so nervous.

Machine guns, bows and arrows, daggers, pistols... Bai E checked the equipment he could carry one by one.

200 arrows and eight quivers were too much for me to carry, so I turned my attention to Miss Aryan, who seemed to be empty-handed...

The advantage of the Glaive Machine Gun is that it has the capabilities of both a firearm and a sword, and there is no need to carry additional melee equipment.

After confirming that everyone was following Minister Leacock, a fireman called back the two snipers who were still waiting outside the west gate to respond, "AB, Bill, you are also back to reorganize the equipment. Minister Leacock discovered the latest situation , we may have to take the initiative to enter the target base for internal support."

"Have you received the order from the commander?" Bill's voice sounded a little confused.

Before anyone could explain, AB's cold voice sounded first, "Okay."

Now that the decision was made, in just two minutes, the seven soldiers who stayed outside were assembled and ready to go.

The fireman in the same vehicle as Gregory then consciously stepped forward to become the temporary commander of the team. "When you go in later, try not to shoot. Wait until Minister Leacock confirms whether the situation is serious or not, and then listen to my orders." Decide whether to let go of the fight completely! Do you understand or not?”


In times of emergency, no one has the slightest intention to fight for power.

When facing a war, there is often no choice between right and wrong, only whether people's hearts are united.

"Now...let's go!"

Four veterans who felt that they had excellent close combat abilities in the hands of the firepower left behind walked in the front to explore the way. Bai E, the thin-looking AB and another unknown veteran walked in the rear. The seven of them led Minister Leacock and his assistants. The lady protects them in the middle, ensuring their lives are as safe as possible.

Gently jumping open the two so-called cyborg corpses at the door, everyone truly stepped into this centuries-old ancient ruins.

The erosion of time has not brought much vicissitudes to this base. The door and walls made of unknown metal are still shining with a matte silver-gray color.

[You have entered the ruins, current exploration level: 0.5%]

The moment he actually crossed the threshold of the gate, Bai E heard the prompt message from the panel.

But he didn't care. Being the last one, he just looked back at the two corpses on the ground——

The body structure of the biochemically modified people is indeed as stated in the information. Their flesh and blood bodies are also unable to withstand the powerful sniper rifle. The different parts of the two corpses that were hit were blown to pieces by the powerful sniper rifle. Exposing some of the metal structures implanted inside the body underneath.

A milky white liquid that may be used as engine oil or lubricant flows out from those half-metallic, half-biological structures, mixed with the bright red blood, and the color is quite shocking.

As for the so-called prosthetic modifications that modify the eyes or skin to be able to sense air changes and have functions such as infrared and thermal scanning, no clues have been found.

Maybe even among these biochemically modified people, the degree of modification is graded?

With these thoughts of exploring new discoveries in his mind, Bai E followed the team into the deeper passage.

The interior of the base looks a bit cold. The silver-gray matte metal that is almost the same as the exterior wall is almost the only background here, and the light green light source with only minimal emergency lighting also makes the soldiers who have just entered here from the sun look uncomfortable. adapt.

"There is still energy in the base..." Minister Leacock had to trot quickly among the crowd to keep up with the rhythm of these soldiers. His eyes scanned the interior of the rumored base, trying to detect any observable clues. Information available.

Even emergency lighting needs to be powered by a separate power supply line.

For hundreds of years, these biochemical warriors have probably tried their best to protect the base from completely incapacitating their "master"'s "body".

The temporary commander walking in front encountered the same problem as the invading combat team just now——

Soon after getting started, you are faced with a fork in the road.

"Minister Leacock?"

Glancing at the screen of his laptop, Leacock shook his head, "We still have to go deeper."

Nodding, the temporary commander made a quick decision, "Main road, move forward."

Commander Gregory took this path. No matter how quickly he went to the commander-in-chief to report changes and situations, it was always the right choice.

There are many passages inside the base. Before you go out, there is another three-way intersection. Behind you is the road you came from. The sides are unknown and the front is unknown.

The temporary commander gritted his teeth and said: "Continue going straight."

"Tap tap tap~"

The sound of metal combat boots in the passage was difficult to eliminate. Even though everyone had consciously stepped lightly, the sound still spread far into the depths of the square passage.

They are all fierce men charging forward on the battlefield, and none of them usually practice the trick of hiding their voices.

Walking not far in front of Bai E, Miss Aryan, who was carrying six barrels of arrows and some equipment on her back and seemed to be staggering, turned back to look at Bai E curiously, "Why don't you make much noise when you walk?"

Women have delicate minds, and at this moment when everyone is extremely nervous, they still have time to notice details that others don't care much about.

Bai E shook his head and made an excuse, "I'm underweight."

Of course, it was the effect of the 63 points of concealment experience contributed by the players... Although it was not enough for him to completely restrain his voice, compared to the soldiers around him who were completely unable to suppress the movement, it was definitely a crushing level of performance.

It's okay if Aryan doesn't say it. At this point, Bai E's heart suddenly tightened.

It was quiet inside the base, but their footsteps were obvious...

Before the vigilance in my heart fermented, there were heavy-sounding footsteps in the side passage.

Not the stiffness of military boots.



Some soldiers subconsciously opened the safety, but as soon as the sound of bullets being loaded was heard, the temporary command stopped them, "Back off! The situation is not confirmed yet, so try not to shoot."

Not to mention that once a shot is fired in such a quiet environment, I am afraid that it will not only be the upcoming group of patrolling biochemical warriors that I will face.

"Hidden!" the temporary commander lowered his voice, "Leave one person to protect the minister, and the remaining six will respond to the enemy. Let's fight quickly!"

The order was given, and the seven soldiers reacted instantly in tacit understanding, clinging to both sides of the T-shaped passage. Six soldiers on the left and three on the left waited with bated breath.

Only Bai E, the "little brother", was left at the end to protect Minister Leacock and Miss Aryan from attack.

Listening to the target getting closer, the temporary commander gestured to everyone with his mouth: "Get ready..."

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