Wow! The explosion rate is really high

Chapter 157 I play in a group, you guys guard the house

We can't let him do whatever he wants!

There was no communication between them. As if they were connected, the two biochemical warriors suddenly burst into flames and fought even more violently, directly dragging down five teammates who were already panting and in extremely poor condition.

The only one left went straight to Bai'e, filled with murderous intent.

In this brief confrontation, it was enough for people to discover that he was the most powerful existence among this team of biochemically modified warriors.

"Don't fight him head-on!"

"Run!" his teammates reminded through gritted teeth.

Bai E shook off the bleeding dagger, dried the blood stains with the clothes in his arms, and inserted it back into the scabbard on his calf.

His fighting expertise level is not high, and the dexterity weapon expertise he inherited is naturally not much better.

If you use a dangerous thing like a dagger to face an enemy head-on, you might be the first to be hurt.

It's better to use your fists to do wonders!

As for adding points on the spot... After having the experience of unlocking special attributes through learning, Bai E doesn't want to directly use experience points to increase his specialization level.

It feels a bit wasteful.

The most important thing is that through his short experience against the enemy, Bai E has a general understanding of the abilities of these biochemical warriors, and he has already made plans for the subsequent battles.

The only opportunity to use combat proficiency is now...

Facing the biochemical warriors that rushed towards him, Bai E also made a desperate gesture.

Deliberate punch!

The fist that is full of power hits the opponent's chest directly. The main attack is to exchange injuries for injuries, with the intention of repeating the previous kill.

Knowing that the intruder was not as weak as he appeared on the surface, and that the biochemical warriors contaminated by the electronic demon were not irrational and reckless, he moved lightly and planned to continue the attack from the side.

However, Bai E was just feinting. The moment he dodged away from the opponent, his feet suddenly exploded, and he landed on the ground with a light forward somersault. Bai E rushed directly to help his teammates.

Singled out? Who will challenge you?

This is a free-for-all! If there is a difference in numbers between seven and three, why don't I fight you 1V1?

Bai E's actions were instantly coordinated by his teammates. Even if one of them received a punch, the two warriors risked their lives to drag down a biochemical warrior who was attacked by them together.

The brief restraint was enough time for Bai E to make a sneak attack, and a black tiger hit him in the middle of the back.

Daggers are not easy to exert their strength advantage, especially when faced with biochemical warriors with biochemical body characteristics. The effect of a stab with a dagger is far less than the potential energy impact brought by a fist.

The biochemical warrior, who was hit by a punch and staggered forward, was tripped by Bai E's two teammates and fell heavily.

Just as he was about to step forward to finish off the attack, the biochemical warrior behind him who seemed to be the leader of the patrol team had already caught up with him.

Grabbing Bai E's left arm, the biochemical warrior was already close to the body, trying to use joint skills to completely destroy Bai E.

From what he just observed, Bai E discovered that these warriors from hundreds of years ago were particularly good at these close combat skills. It was difficult for his fellow veterans to gain the upper hand in this kind of close confrontation, let alone a person like himself. A recruit who has just obtained level 1 combat expertise.

Turning around and punching, Bai E tried to use his right arm to save his left arm.

The opponent did not dare to force the attack, but two arms that were as if they were made of steel instantly clamped Bai E's right arm that could not fully exert its strength, and the volley in the middle did not give him a chance to exert his strength.

A familiar scene played before his eyes, and Bai E suddenly remembered that he had seen this scene before——

The showdown between myself and the rose!

[Thanks, Rose. ]

With a sigh of admiration in his heart, Bai E stumbled, turned his arms slightly, used his waist and back to drive his arms in a short distance, and forcefully opened his arms to block a punch from hitting the opponent's abdomen.

[Use melee attacks to break free and repel the target, combat mastery experience +3. 】

[Cause 1 point of strike damage to the target! 】


The over-limit drive had no CD, and every punch was 150% effective. The force made the patrol leader of the biochemical warrior take a step back uncontrollably.

Bai E will not take advantage of the victory to pursue him. This leader is more powerful than the other three, so he has to pick on the weak.

"Huh~" Bai E let out a breath, and used his full over-the-limit drive in several brief bursts. The extra 30% of physical energy consumption undoubtedly greatly squeezed his body.

However, in just one breath, the abundant reserve of mobility has been transformed into physical strength to support Bai E's actions.

The performance of the human body cannot always be maintained at its peak state. In fierce confrontations, performance levels will inevitably fluctuate due to physical conditions, but the existence of the over-limit drive allows Bai E to maintain peak physical level.

This is the biggest reason why he is confident that he can win this sudden battle without a high level of fighting expertise under the control of his teammates!



A cry of pain came from behind.

The severe pain of the fracture made the warrior scream in agony. From the corner of his eye, Bai E saw another biochemical warrior grabbing the arm of his teammate who had been knocked down, spinning around and suppressing him.

Close combat is extremely dangerous. Even two people of similar skill levels cannot fight for a while, and the result of victory or defeat will come soon, let alone such conditions where the quality of individual soldiers is different.

While Bai E was taking action, the biochemical warriors were also not idle. The six teammates already had injuries of varying degrees. At this moment, they were all relying on will and instinct to hold on.

Fortunately, Bai E, who had forced the team leader back, came to his rescue in time, and the "well-trained" that had been triggered made him move like wind and lightning.

Being small does not have a big advantage. A bloated body will definitely not allow you to move around in a small area quickly.


Bai E kicked the biochemical warrior who was on top of his teammate, then pounced and inserted a dagger into the side of the opponent's neck.

A black shadow came from above, and Bai E had no time to expand the wound, so he had to let go of the dagger and roll sideways to avoid the biochemical captain's fatal stampede.

But enough is enough.

[Use the dagger to hit the target's vital points, and the dexterous weapon proficiency experience will be +5 (+1). 】

[Cause 30 points of fatal damage to the target! The target falls into a "hemorrhaging" state. 】

Kill another one!

Bai E suddenly stood up and unleashed a series of devastating bursts, almost instantly defeating the tactical coordination of the four biochemical warriors.

Can't win!

The remaining two relatively healthy biochemical warriors made a judgment.

The prefabricated orders began to dominate their judgment. Seeing that almost all of his men fell into the hands of the intruders, the biochemical captain who obeyed the orders turned around and ran away without mercy.

He should deal with the intruders by himself when he has the opportunity, and notify more companions when he has no chance. This is a prohibition that he must abide by!

"We can't let him run away!" The lame teammate wanted to stand up and chase after him.

The one who could reach the gun immediately turned on the safety.

If you can't fight, just run away?

A cold light flashed in Bai E's eyes, "Don't shoot!"

He kicked away another relatively healthy biochemical warrior who was trying to fight back and escape. In mid-air, Bai E took off the compound bow that had been mounted on his waist with his backhand, and with a sudden shake, he unfolded the bow.

Bend the bow and nock an arrow, aim briefly...


"call out!"

The arrow flew away like a fish, and the unprepared biochemical captain was immediately pierced through the chest by a sharp arrow!

[Use a long-range weapon to hit the target, causing 8 points of piercing damage to the target! 】

With the blessing of the over-limit drive, the lethality of an arrow shot by Bai'e with all his strength is no longer inferior to that of a rifle bullet.

No matter how strong the biochemically modified man's body is, he can't stop the bullet, but if he misses the vital point, he can only stagger slightly, stagger, and continue to run away.

Bai E, who landed on the ground, took out two more arrows from the quiver without panic.


[Trigger scatter (double shot)! If you successfully hit the same target, the long-range weapon proficiency experience +2. 】

[Causes 10 points of piercing damage to the target! 】

One shot on the back and one on the leg.

The force that came with the arrow made the biochemical captain stagger and almost fall down.

But the quality of resisting death still supports his actions.

"call out!"

Without turning his face, Bai E shot an arrow at the biochemical warrior who stood up again beside him. The biochemical warrior whose head was pierced by the arrow suddenly fell to the ground.

Continue to bend your bow and nock an arrow, aiming into the distance.

"call out!"

[Trigger scatter (double shot)! If you successfully hit the same target, the long-range weapon proficiency experience +2. 】

[Trigger scatter (double shot)! If you successfully hit the same target, the long-range weapon proficiency experience +2. 】

Bai E stepped closer, walked behind the biochemical captain who had been shot into a hedgehog and lay on the ground with more air coming out and less air coming in, and drew the bowstring full for the last time.

[Use a long-range weapon to hit the target's vital points, causing 35 points of fatal damage to the target! 】

[You have completely killed the target, the battle is over, and you have gained 140 combat experience points. 】

This is much more tiring than killing birds...

Gaining the same experience, dealing with these four biochemical warriors is far more troublesome than dealing with those blood crows before.

But luckily, I won.

It’s just a bit miserable to win.

"Are you okay?"

"My hand is broken..."

"My leg is broken..."


Bai E shook his head helplessly, "Just lie down and don't move."

Then he waved to Aryan, who had been watching from a distance, "Bring the first aid kit."

After receiving the call, the young lady immediately ran over with a box in hand and looked at Bai E with bright eyes full of admiration, "You are so awesome."

["Lucky Blow" charge +8. 】

Miss Aryan’s words were also the sentiments of everyone present.

This battle completely overturned their prejudice against Bai E who had to "go through the back door" to join this elite team because of the "fact of losing".

This brother's close combat skills may not be as good as those of professional macho men, but he is many times more powerful than the big guys present.

In addition, he intercepted the flock of birds alone and drove everyone out of danger, and now... he can also heal everyone's injuries?

Why was such a character not chosen? Why was he defeated?

If he goes undrafted, who will the other firepower on the field be?

Are you blind, sir?

Bai E just lowered his head and looked carefully at the damage suffered by each warrior during the battle.

Most of their feelings were not accurate, and only a few of them had completely lost hope of treatment. Human bones are so hard, and most of them were only slightly fractured and dislocated temporarily by the biochemical warriors using joint techniques, so it was not a big problem.

After dealing with it one by one, we came to AB who was sitting alone in the corner.

"Where's the injury?"

AB turned his head and said in a cold voice, "I'm fine."

"It's okay."

Just stubborn!

Bai E pulled away the palm that was covering his chest, reached out and unzipped his combat uniform, and subconsciously asked, "Is life or face more important?"

AB didn't say anything, just looked sideways into the distance of the passage.


The vest is bulging.

It seems there are pros and cons...


AB is actually a woman? !

Bai E quickly raised his eyes and glanced at the other person's expression, but didn't say anything out loud.

This guy's voice is neutral and cold, and he has a handsome man's hair parted in the middle. Who the hell can tell his true gender?

But now it was important to troubleshoot the problem, so Bai E directly pressed it twice.

"Hiss~" The corners of his pale mouth gasped.

"You seem to have two broken ribs..." Bai E quickly judged the extent of the injury. "You can't die, but obviously you can't participate in the battle anymore. Let's withdraw with... and the brother just now."

The soldier with a broken calf bone had his mobility greatly impaired, and it was obvious that he could no longer participate in the operation.

"..." AB bit her lip and remained silent, somewhat unwillingly.

"I don't have time to provide you with psychological counseling. If you continue like this, it will only hinder our actions. I order you to retreat!"


"Did you hear me!"

"It's sir!" AB responded subconsciously.

["Lucky Blow" charge +1. 】

Bai E accepted the title without ceremony and had a plan in his mind. The team should listen to him.

"Everyone, take a rest. You two will retreat on your own later. When you go back, start the vehicle engine and move the medical resources that may be needed to a convenient location. When it gets dark... No matter whether the outcome is successful or not, I will definitely let people go back before six o'clock. Let me inform you. If there is no news, there is a high probability that everyone will be wiped out. You two take the supplies you need and drive away in a car. You must let the officers in the military camp know the danger here. By the way, you two know how to drive. ?”

AB shook his head, but the other soldier agreed, "Yes."

"Okay!" Bai E nodded and felt relieved, "That's settled, the rest will come with me and keep moving forward!"


Everyone agreed simply, acquiescing to Bai E's commanding position.

However, the atmosphere that fell into silence was a little solemn, and the looks in each other's eyes were a little sad.

In everyone's eyes, the appearance of the others was a bit miserable, and the short battle almost showed a one-sided disadvantage.

Without firearms, their firepower skills are indeed limited.

Fortunately, there are only four people on the other side. One more person might not be able to sustain Bai E's great power.

So, what about next time?

It doesn't take much, if the same four biochemical warriors come again, they will all have to rest.

They are not afraid of death, but they are afraid of not completing the task and not being able to make a difference.

"Minister, can you confirm your guess?" the previous temporary commander suddenly asked.

Leacock shook his head honestly and gave up the idea, "No, we have to stay close to the center."


Bai E's eyes swept across the faces of everyone in the gloomy atmosphere, and he roughly guessed the concerns in everyone's hearts.

"You will be responsible for protecting the minister later."

"Ah?" Everyone looked at Bai E who spoke out with confusion in their eyes.

Bai E looked at them one by one and whispered, "I am responsible for killing the enemy."

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