Bai E narrowed his eyes. Sensing that the commander was thinking of retreating, he once again threw out the information he found, "In addition, I just saw it. They seem to be restricted by the order and will not take the initiative to pursue them. When they exceed a certain limit, They’ll stop.”

Bai E, who was behind the scenes, observed more information than everyone else.

This discovery is actually very useful in supporting other things...

Normally, in order to prevent intruders from destroying the base, a small number of biochemical warriors should be scattered throughout the base to patrol.

So, was this the order they received from the beginning? A small number of soldiers guard the outer circle, and most of the soldiers protect the central group.

But this is unreasonable... They may not be the only ones who come to this base hoping to restart the equipment. Orcs, beasts, and bugs are all possible. They will not pity human technological creations.

Of course, it may also be that there were more than just these people in the base at first. Most of the biochemical warriors who were originally responsible for patrols died of natural causes in the past few hundred years, and these biochemical warriors were extremely rigid in executing orders and had no flexibility, which led to the current situation. happened.

It's just that this possibility is unlikely in Bai E's opinion.

So the last possibility is quite interesting——

They were given immediate orders.

Someone temporarily changed the order after discovering their team of invaders, asking them to concentrate on guarding the last line of defense.

Who can give them orders? The answer is already coming.

What decision will this speculation bring to the commanders - retreat, or complete destruction?

What abilities does the electronic demon have? In addition to being able to control machinery, what kind of influence can these creatures have on them?

He doesn't even know.

Things get chaotic.

Bai E looked at Minister Leacock, who was still holding the computer and trying to get exact testimony from the data, waiting for his final word.

But before that, people need to be sent to find and contact the other two separate teams.

The other party has already gathered to form a team, but you are still leading alone?

It would be weird not to lose!

Glancing around, Bai E chose to remain silent.

Now that I have a commander-in-chief, I can put my head down...and my mouth.

After listening to the large amount of information provided by Baie, after thinking secretly for less than a moment, Gregory immediately issued an order, "Before Minister Leacock confirms the final result, I need you to find the other two scattered weapons first. Squad.”

As he spoke, he pointed to a fork in the road he just passed by and said: "The roads here are all connected. Leave three of them to guard the minister with me. The rest of you will be divided into three teams to look for the person. Groups of two and two. Be sure to remember We will wait for you to come back from this place of departure. Remember, in half an hour, no matter whether you find it or not, you must return immediately! Don't be reluctant to fight when you encounter the enemy, you can seduce us. "

"Yes, sir!"

Gregory looked at Bai E emphatically again, his eyes full of respect, "95B27, we have to rely on you next. You are also in one of the groups to look for them. If you find that they are being chased, please be sure to save them. !”

"Promise to complete the mission!" Bai E happily agreed.

When leading a large group, there is no way to wander around. I and another soldier act alone. We can go wherever we want. We can improve the exploration of ruins while looking for lost teammates. Perfect!

"Okay, let's go!"

"Bang!" After a long wait, Minister Leacock suddenly pressed a button and finally completed his final cautious analysis.

Gregory, who had been waiting, looked at him expectantly for the first time, "Minister?"

"..." Leacock waved his hand, "Let everyone make sure to turn off the radio first."

"Radio?" Gregory was stunned for a moment, then turned around and ordered, "Turn off the radio completely!"


After completing this action, Leacock let out a long sigh as if all his strength had been exhausted.

After comparing all possible data, he finally confirmed...

"Electronic Demon, back!"

In other words, it has never dissipated.

Hundreds of years of electronic silence have not allowed Him to disappear in silence, or even to fall asleep.

Even if you want to take advantage of his weak sleep and use the rapidly developing network centralized control firepower to steal a wave of chickens and then completely shut down the network, you can't do it!

Humans, after all, still have to face those bugs on their own!

And this base...

"Destroy it!"

Minister Leacock looked at Commander-in-Chief Gregory with a request on his face.

Even if they failed to successfully restart the root server, their coming here was not meaningless——

Those scientists hundreds of years ago also encountered the electronic demon for the first time. Their judgment was wrong after all. Hundreds of years passed and failed to destroy the electronic demon. It showed no sign of death and was still dormant and waiting here. .

Destroying this base is the biggest purpose of coming here for yourself and others!

As the time for the 500-year agreement gets closer and closer, people's hearts are finally unstoppable and they have their own ideas. There is no guarantee that someone in other cities will also want to restart the network.

Maybe they don't have the geographical advantage of Blackwater City being close to this base, but even if they decide to do self-research, after reaching a certain scale, the electronic demon will come instantly.

By then it will be even more out of control.

There is no endless mechanical army to block it, and there are only less than a hundred biochemical warriors guarding it. The opportunity to completely eliminate the electronic demon is right in front of us. What the ancestors have not made up their minds to do will be borne by the younger generations!

Even if it doesn't work this time, I have to go back and report to the military region so that they can send people over to completely eliminate it!

Of course, a large-scale dispatch of the military region consumes countless manpower and materials. What people like myself can do, there is no need to trouble more soldiers.

You have to give it a try before you are willing to do it.

"Are you sure?" Gregory didn't know much about technical matters. As a soldier, one or two bases that could be torn down and rebuilt countless times was no big deal.

The order he received was to cooperate with Minister Leacock's actions at the last moment. Whether to restart or destroy was just a choice for the other party.

Leacock's eyes were full of gray determination. He decided to make this important decision and shouldered everything, "I'm sure!"


Gregory nodded in agreement, "Please wait a moment, waiting for our most loyal warriors to return, and we will completely destroy the base here!"

"found it!"

The soldiers acting together with Bai E found the team who were hiding in a room to recuperate temporarily.

Everyone moved in different directions. Most of the areas this team invaded were living areas. After losing the power supply, all the doors to the rooms of the original personnel stationed in the base were opened, giving them a place to hide.

The team members who were hiding in the room to rest were all injured and in a bit of a mess. It seemed that the opponents they encountered were quite difficult.

Bai E looked around among them, but he didn't see anyone he knew... not the group led by the Blood God.

"We have been ordered by the commander to take you to gather. Now come with us." The soldier with Bai E explained to the team with a smile.

"We found that the voice was cut off before, so did something happen?"

"Okay! Let's go now!" The members of this team were a little surprised. Without the commander's order, they were also a little confused as to how they should act.


When he passed the intersection, Bai E paused slightly, took another step back after walking past, and raised his head to look at the endless horizontal passage with no end in sight.

"Brother?" Bai E's unusual behavior made the soldiers accompanying him a little confused.

"Take them to see the chief first."


"You take them to see the commander first, I have other tasks." Bai E retracted his gaze and explained calmly with a straight face.

"?" The fellow soldiers asked in confusion? Number.

"The commander asked me to ensure the safety of my comrades in the two separate teams. I need to find my comrades in the other team."

"..." The soldiers who were accompanying him were at a loss for words.

The commander was right in giving him the order, everyone was present. there anything wrong with acting alone?

But I can’t tell.

Bai E urged expressionlessly, "Go quickly. Don't keep the officer waiting. I'll go find another team."

"Then be careful." The soldier who didn't have much opinion could only follow Bai E's instructions. After all, Bai E was also his "commander" in the short period of time.

"rest assured."

Watching the fellow soldiers and the small team drifting away, and finally completely disappearing around the corner at the end of the passage, Bai E turned around and walked towards the passage he had just seen.

After spending a lot of time wandering around this base, he had a pretty good idea of ​​the overall architectural shape of the base.

All the places I visited seemed to have been dispelled by the fog of war, and everything was unlocked based on the model of the ruins base in my mind.

[You have finished exploring the target ruins living area, current exploration degree: 70%]

The exploration mission does not require him to walk through every corner of the ruins with his own feet. If he roughly explores a large area and understands its general functions, he has completed the exploration.

At the moment, the only fog left is the central computer room area, which is where the commander and the others tried to enter but failed.

Is it difficult to get in? It's really hard.

But now is an opportunity.

There are traces of the roads in the base. If you go all the way through this forked passage, it happens to be the entrance to the concentric passage closest to the main computer room...

It's difficult to kill a large group of people, but wouldn't there be a chance for one person to sneak in?

He had just felt the commander's retreat. Facing hundreds of biochemical warriors, the commander obviously wanted to be on the safe side.

He was safe, but what about his mission?

If you go back, you will no longer have room to make your own choices. If the commander decides to retreat, will you listen or not?

Disobeying military orders and ruining the mission.

Life, sometimes you have to take a chance.

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