Wow! The explosion rate is really high

Chapter 164 War across time and space

"Restart the server!"

The first action that the other party said required cooperation made Bai E frown.

After knowing that the electronic demon has not dissipated, what Minister Leacock of the City Information Department is planning to do is to completely destroy this base and destroy the core of the electronic demon's survival.

There was a huge conflict between the views of both sides again, and a sharp choice was placed in front of Bai E.

"Why do we need to restart?" Bai E asked cautiously, trying to find loopholes in the other party's words. "In the past few hundred years, you have had enough time to complete this step at any time."

He suspected that this was a trick of the electronic demon, but he could not give up the possibility that this was indeed a helper.

"Because time is not enough until now; because the guards here have been controlled by electronic demons, no one can complete the last step."

"last step?"

"Kill me!" The other party's tone was calm and fierce, as if he was pursuing his faith without hesitation. "The 500 years set by Academician Chen are to allow him to adapt to the human body. When he completely transforms his core origin into a suitable When I adapt to a human body, that is when I die with Him. He is adapting to me, and I am adapting to Him... When the transcription is completed, He will completely dominate my body, but I will also trap His core . This is the only chance. He has adapted to me for 439 years, and I have adapted to Him for 439 years. Once my will is completely annihilated by Him, He will have no weaknesses from now on! This only opportunity will never appear again! "

"It's too fantasy..." Although the world itself is quite fantasy, it ultimately needs a reasonable logical explanation.

Bai E's eyes narrowed slightly, "I don't believe it! Prove it to me."

"You dissected the corpses of those soldiers!"

Bai E's heart trembled.

[Sure enough, it was monitored by some means... Is it the team's radio communication? ]

Pixel Man continued, "You didn't find the central control chip in their bodies."


"Because we don't have a chip at all, we are not the first batch of biochemical warriors who were instigated to rebel during the rebellion! We were transferred here later."

[You are learning about the background information about the target ruins (the current information is not confirmed)...]

Bai E's eyes were slightly in a trance, and he followed this idea logically, "So..."

"So even without a chip, the devil can still control people's hearts!"

"What about you?" Bai E stared at the other person with sharp eyes, trying to focus on the two black dots on the pixel head, "Why are you not under his control?"

There was no movement for a long time this time. After a long silence, the voice disturbed by electronic noise showed a heavy sadness, "Because... I am the best warrior of our time. I have been fighting against Him for more than four hundred years, and now... …Even the previous decades of my life have been lost.”

Time flows extremely fast in his consciousness, and the endless information impact day and night has made him wonder how many thousands of years have passed.

In the endless dreams weaved out, he has spent countless colorful and dazzling lives.

The most authentic life experiences of several decades are diluted into thousands of years of different life experiences.

He has even lost his own name.

"I am the best warrior, but I...can't remember my name."

The surging sadness even infected Bai E for a while, but fortunately, "self-suppression" instantly discovered and intercepted the spread of this emotion in his heart.

"..." Bai E didn't want his judgment to be interfered with by his emotions, so he just continued to ask cruelly: "You even forgot your name, but you can still remember these?"

"I only remember this..." The other party's voice was mournful, and even the electronic noise could not cover it up.


Bai E frowned tightly, his brain working at full capacity——

So the problem comes back to the operation of restarting the server itself.

"Why do you have to restart the server?" Bai E squinted his eyes and asked as clearly as possible, "You should know that when the global network is silent and the paradise for Him to live gradually disappears, He also It will gradually weaken. The root server where the electronic demon was born is the last container to store his original information. The two are essentially indistinguishable from each other. If you want to completely destroy him, you should destroy this base... Not a reboot.”

This is what Minister Leacock told himself, and what he saw from the information left behind hundreds of years ago.

The construction of this base was very difficult, so it was also very precious. In order to leave some hope for future generations to use it again, people hundreds of years ago decided to use time to kill the core will of the electronic demon.

This is the founding core of the Electronic Silence Protocol.


"That's fake."

The pixel man calmly told the "truth", "Destroying this base cannot completely destroy its core. At that time, we did not retain this base out of the idea of ​​leaving a gift for you. This was a last resort. The approach... this is a battle between us and the electronic demons, this is a... war that lasts for 439 years!"

"You need to convince me." Bai E looked at the other party steadily.

Without a logical system, he would not doubt the modern scientists who came with him along the way, but trust an ancient biochemically modified warrior who was most likely controlled by an electronic demon.

"The information has deceived you once... We don't have a chip! We are not the first batch of biochemically modified soldiers to rebel. The starting time of the electronic silence agreement is false. The records about the characteristics of electronic demons are false. The final decision on how to deal with the AI ​​rebellion... was all false. It was all a big lie we told to deceive that demon!"

Everything that really happened in history is often more magnificent than the mere words recorded.

The truth is this -

After cleaning up all the chaos left by the Electronic Demon Rebellion and regaining the base immediately, the people stationed here are of course natural people.

But the leading scholars of that era knew that the influence of electronic demons was far from over.

Although the core of His birth is at the root server base, after His birth, His tentacles have been present in all network fluctuations throughout the ages.

Cutting off the Internet is indeed the best way to weaken him, but it cannot be completely eliminated. Unless humans completely abandon the development of smart technology in the future, restarting smart technology at any time will awaken this everlasting demon again!

However, in the blurred memory of this "strongest warrior in ancient times", an unexpected discovery allowed a few top scientists at the time to discover the erosion of electronic demons on normal human thinking.

He was careful and proud of himself, thinking that no one would notice.

Scholars who are worried that humans will no longer be able to use intelligent network technology have designed an alternative war that will last for hundreds of years based on human hearts!

The electronic demon that has just been disconnected from the global network is still powerful. Any record recorded in electronic related equipment or in a place that can be observed by electronic equipment will be known to him... except the human heart.

So some scholars said that they had discovered the absolute weakness of the electronic demon. On the surface, the 500-year electronic silence agreement was suddenly announced, but the real war plan was secretly mentioned——

Human beings have used hundreds of years of disconnection to show their true determination, and during this period of disconnection, they deliberately left a back door for Him to "take a shortcut".

Countless bioelectrical signal stimulations inside the human body form an extremely complex human body feedback loop. The soul born from the brain's thinking is also an electromagnetic wave field. In a sense... it is also an electronic demon that exists in the electromagnetic wave field. There is almost no difference.

The electronic demon who has failed once is eager to break away from the constraints of the human network. Only by transcribing it into an electromagnetic wave field that adapts to the human body and possessing the ability to freely switch between the two at the same time can he gain true eternal freedom.

However, the genetic similarity between humans and pigs is 97.7%, and the gap of only 2.3% creates huge physiological differences between humans and pigs.

The human soul and the electronic demon, both in the electromagnetic field, have a similar relationship. No matter how powerful the electronic demon is in terms of mental power, it is difficult for the electronic demon to directly invade the human body and occupy the magpie's nest. The best he can do is control it.

Unless... there is a target who has a long enough lifespan and a tough enough soul to support His long transcription match that lasts for hundreds of years.

At this time, the "strongest warrior in ancient times" was biochemically modified by humans and sent to guard the base here...

The war between the electronic demon and the "strongest warrior in ancient times" started from that day.

The layout that lasted for hundreds of years was only preparation for the final blow when the successors of the post-era era arrived today.

In the year 439, the world has gone through great changes. The inheritance of being told by one's ear has been cut off at some point, but the lonely warrior is still burdened with his own war.

The 500-year agreement is humanity’s firm determination and plan to cut off the Internet.

The restart in 439 is mankind’s decision and execution of the current situation.

"You're early, but it's just right." The strongest pixel warrior in ancient times said to Bai E calmly, "I don't know how long I can hold on. Your early arrival may be a decision of fate. After getting to know each other in 439, My soul also has enough toughness to adapt to His final accelerated transcription without disintegrating. Turn on the host cluster computing to accelerate His transcription adaptation and allow Him to completely become one with me! Only in this way can we solve this human eternity from the root. Enemy!"

Due to some effect that is difficult to explain in a short period of time, most electronic demons that have completed transcription cannot stop this passive acceleration of transcription.

As for the human body, does the electronic devil think it can come when it wants and leave when it wants?


While the electronic demon compresses its own information level and transcribes its own core to fit the human body, the "strongest warrior in ancient times" is also familiar with everything about the opponent.

The first human being who has been matched with Him for hundreds of years also has a certain ability to restrain Him. This is the only chance that future generations will never be able to repeat!

[You are learning about the background information about the target ruins (the current information is not confirmed)...]

"Future successor, tell me your judgment..." The pixel man stared quietly, and the two dark square dots seemed to have the brilliance of wisdom.

"..." Bai E's eyes flickered and his brain was working rapidly.

The other party's words sounded impeccable, and two completely different developments stood side by side...

He can't tell...

"There is not much time left for you to choose..." Pixel eyes flickered slightly, "Your companions have already made the decision to attack. If you are unwilling to believe or cooperate, I can only stop your sabotage! The base was destroyed before the transcription was completed. Of course, He can only be trapped in the dilemma of waiting for humans to rebuild the intelligent network next time, but we will forever lose the last chance to exterminate Him! Moreover, my time to wake up is running out. "

"Beep~beep~" The red light on the headset flashed gently.

The two recovered teams heard the cold orders issued by Chief Gregory: "Take your weapons, kill everything, destroy everything!"

[As for the true mission carried by the current ruins, do you decide to stick to the original judgment, or choose to trust...]

[Warning: After a misjudgment, the exploration degree of this ruins will be reset to 0 and permanently invalid, and cannot be explored again. 】

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