Minister Leacock's eyes were firm again, and he suddenly looked at Commander-in-Chief Gregory, "Commander, please give the order."

You actually believe in that android warrior so much? Just for the short period of time they entered the support together? What has he done to earn so much trust from everyone who travels with him?

Gregory thought with twinkling eyes, and responded immediately, "I will follow your wishes."

He is a soldier, and it is the duty of a soldier to obey orders.

The last-minute judgment was entirely subject to the instructions of Minister Leacock, and this was the order he received.

"Everyone, put down your guns and get your knives! Fight in!"

In any case, the "missing" soldier's previous judgment about the number of people inside the base was indeed correct. Taking into account the number of independent kills by each team, plus the still stubborn biochemical warriors in front of him, the total difference is only a few hundred people. scale.

The accuracy of this judgment was also an important basic condition for his willingness to obey Minister Leacock's sudden change of mind.

If 95B27 had not shown any signs of reliability before, he himself could not say whether he would follow Leacock's trusting decision...

But there are not so many ifs, the facts are already in front of us.

The soldiers who heard the order immediately put away their firearms, and the roar of fire suddenly fell silent.

It should not be said, but the short-term firepower that opened the way was really enough to lay the foundation for victory.

If it weren't for the care of instruments and equipment, the ancient biochemical warriors without weapons and equipment would be nothing more than a piece of rotten meat under the machine gun.

There were no more than a dozen shrimp soldiers and crab generals left to fear. The melee masters headed by the Blood God rushed forward with knives in hand and carried out the final hand-to-hand combat to clear the area.

Advancing behind the soldiers, when he heard that stopping the destruction was the correct response, Minister Leacock felt distressedly as he touched the bullet marks on the wall.

The steel walls were even dented by bullets, not to mention the fluorescent tubes behind the reinforced glass.

A viscous bluish-purple liquid of unknown substance slowly flowed down from the bullet hole, glowing like gold powder mixed in it.

The soldiers did not deliberately stare at these flowing fire tubes and shoot, but the ricochet of stray bullets in the steel channels would hit with a sufficient probability. This was the reason why everyone was not allowed to use firearms at the beginning of the operation.

Minister Leacock, who was pressing the headset, asked softly into the phone, "We have stopped. What should we do specifically?"

"Restart the host cluster, we need its computing power."

Hearing Bai E's voice slightly panting in the voice, Gregory, who also turned on the voice, asked aloud: "Where are you?"

Just listening to the words in the voice without seeing the person always makes people suspicious.

The opponent they faced was an electronic demon. Although they knew nothing about the actual capabilities of this thing, the opponent's ability to affect radio communications at will was enough to make them doubt the authenticity of voice communications.

Only by telling them face to face can they completely trust you.

This is also Minister Leacock's thinking.

He believed in Bai E, but first he needed to make sure it was the real Bai E.

"Come right over...uh!"

A muffled sound that sounded like an injury sounded, making all the comrades who heard the voice feel tense.

Minister Leacock asked nervously, "What happened to you? Did you encounter an enemy?"

"...It's okay." Bai E gritted his teeth, held his breath, and fired with both guns in his hand.

"Bang bang bang!"

The sound of the pistol was crisp and clean, echoing in the voice channel for a long time.

Bai E tried his best to calculate the trajectory of the bullet and its possible rebound path to ensure that it would not cause trouble for restarting the host group.

Bai E, who was being chased by the "strongest warrior in ancient times" whose will was dominated by the electronic demon, could only rely on the powerful comprehensive ability given by the gun fighting technique to escape his pursuit and reunite with his teammates.

And every time he was hit by a pistol bullet, the pixelated body of the "strongest warrior in ancient times" was visibly beaten to the naked eye.




It is true that he cannot be hit by external attacks, but it is not without impact when attacked.

It seems that converting objects that enter the "digital realm" into forms controlled by it also requires a certain amount of processing time.

This short-term "stiffness" is the prerequisite for Bai E's escape.

"Damn it!" Bai E was distressed secretly.

The pixelated figure whose body was dominated by the electronic demon didn't even have the ability to communicate verbally, but when he chased him, he was worthy of being the template of "the strongest warrior in ancient times".

The movements are swift and violent, and the strength is immense.

He was just punched, not even hit hard. His internal organs seemed to have been displaced and he felt tearing pain. If it weren't for the powerful dodge ability given by the gun fighting technique, he probably wouldn't be able to hold on even half of it. round.

Blocking also seems to be useful. The external manifestation of the digital realm is just the ability to dodge external attacks. When the pixel man initiates an attack, he can still block successfully in close combat and is not affected by the dodge rules.

This combat rule is a bit strange, but it works.

It's a pity that his melee ability is obviously not good enough compared to the "strongest warrior in ancient times" who is controlled by the electronic demon. In one fight, Bai E felt the pressure he felt when fighting against the "Blood God", and even Even more so.

Fighting him in close combat is no different than seeking death. It is better to distance yourself and use gun fighting skills to escape reality.

This is the most frustrating time among the several times I have used gun fighting skills...


Bai E, who received another punch, flew ten meters away on the smooth ground.

[You were hit by the opponent's attack, and you received 8 points of damage. You have fallen into a "slightly injured" state, and your combat effectiveness has dropped significantly! 】


So damn exciting!

Bai E wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and slowly stood up from where he was.

In order to get away from the other party as soon as possible, he chose to let the other party give him a lift.

Even though he was injured, he definitely earned it.

"Blood God, enter!" Gregory's voice sounded coldly from behind.

Three figures jumped over Bai E's body and rushed forward.

Facing the mosaic-covered pixel villains, human warriors will never flinch even if they have never seen them before and know nothing about them!

"B27..." Gregory was about to ask, but was interrupted by Leacock who was even more anxious.

"Bair! What is that!" Minister Leacock came over immediately, looking at the thing not far away in surprise that exceeded ordinary people's cognition.

"Electronic Demon..." Bai E replied softly.

"Is that the electronic demon?" Gregory's eyes instantly flashed with interest.

Electronic Demon Electronic Demon sounds very illusory at first glance.

He doesn't know much about those scientists, but if he has an entity...

How many masters are there in the gods?

All fear comes from lack of firepower. Can a physical thing be called a demon?

"Can't we just kill him?"

Upon hearing Gregory's inquiry, Baie replied seriously, "You can try."

Just try it.

Gregory did not believe in evil. Facing the unknown, brave human soldiers were never afraid to take a shot.

I dare not fire with a machine gun at will because I am afraid of destroying those precious host devices. It is not a big problem to use a more controllable pistol to test the ingredients.

Pulling out the pistol from his waist, Gregory aimed at the gap between the three men fighting each other and shot...




Do not believe in evil!



Do not believe in evil!





Bai E stopped looking at him and just looked at Minister Leacock seriously, "Minister, we need to complete the restart of the host group as soon as possible. The electronic demon is adapting to the human body, and using the computing power of the host group can help him speed up this process. Once When he completely completes the transcription, he will lose the protection of this digital realm and become no different from a normal human being. By then directly killing this body will completely destroy his origin!"

Minister Leacock turned to look at the rows of red and green hosts, nodded firmly and said, "Okay!"

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