[You have completed a computer hardware maintenance practical operation, and your computer hardware maintenance experience +10. 】

"Do you understand?"


[You have completed a computer hardware maintenance practical operation, and your computer hardware maintenance experience +8. 】

"Do you understand?"


[You have completed a computer hardware maintenance practical operation, and your computer hardware maintenance experience +9. 】



"Think about it for yourself. I don't have time."

The communication signal in the headset was swallowed by the electronic demon that controlled the body of the strongest warrior in ancient times. One of the two warriors who were responsible for going to the power supply room to study how to start the reactor power supply had already ran back.

"The reactor is on and can provide power at any time!"

Bai E speeds up the progress.

There were many hosts, and less than half of them had red lights on, but not many of them had node functions. As the node hosts changed from red to green one after another, Minister Leacock, who was investigating all the way, waved to Baier. Shouted: "Okay, power supply!"

[䱱 Completed a computer hardware maintenance practical operation, computer hardware maintenance experience +5. 】

Bai E also completed the last work at hand——

"Open the gate!"

The excited voice instantly resounded throughout the entire computer room!



Electric current surged in the cables that had been idle for a long time, and the sound of self-checks for each device being powered on resounded throughout the computer room.

"Dong dong dong dong dong dong..."

The big lights at the top of the hall lit up one after another in a row, and the soft white light illuminated everyone's eyes. The soldiers who suddenly fell into the light from the low-light environment showed obvious discomfort.

The pixel people controlled by the electronic demon took the opportunity to make a sneak attack, and in an instant, several figures flew out, vomiting blood.

However, with a part of his origin still stored in the core of the host group, he received the computing power support from the restarted host group. Due to some strange effect, he was also unable to refuse this acceleration.

The slow transcription that had lasted for 439 years suddenly sped up at this moment, so that his body was instantly silent and unable to move.

The mosaic space surrounding his body also began to change rapidly, and the endless data flow was concretely presented in it, full of metaphysical expressions that normal humans could not understand.


Painful screams suddenly sounded from behind everyone. The human psyker Pan Sen, who recklessly tried to analyze the data flow with his spiritual power, was instantly overwhelmed by the nearly endless data flow.

With mere human consciousness, trying to connect data flows that can support the global network level is undoubtedly an egg against a stone, just like a drop of water flowing into the ocean with almost no ripples.

What dissolves is just the water drop itself.

The winding bright red blood snake slowly flows out from the eyes, ears, mouth and nose of the psyker Pantheon...

Bleeding from all orifices.

"B27! B27!"

"Can't be saved."

Bai E replied truthfully.

Things in the realm of psychic energy are not something he can interfere with. Whether it is a blessing or a curse all depends on the creation of the psychic.

And looking at the psyker's sluggish appearance, Bai E even had the urge to give him a shot. Anyway, it was better to die than to let himself explode with a lucky shot.

The chances of exploding a psyker...are not many.

After just one glance, Commander-in-Chief Gregory looked away. The field of psykers is always full of unknown risks.

Opportunities and dangers always go hand in hand, and death, degradation, or strengthening and ascension are sometimes just a thought.

The number of psykers in military camps is always extremely rare. It is not just the reason for the military camps. The risks borne by psykers in the entire human society are often proportional to their own abilities.

Sometimes things related to psionic powers are more addictive to psykers than drugs, and they often lead to their own destruction like moths to a flame.

This is the fate of all psykers.

It's not something he can decide.

Instead, it is the pixel man who has fallen into unknown changes... This existence, which is said to be the "real body" of the electronic devil, is the biggest enemy in front of him.

The electronic demon's rebellion was 439 years ago, and the legacy of the past harm is only recorded in a few words, and what he can see is a very small part of it.

The specific strength and performance ability are not clear, and the unknown... is the most unsettling situation.



The mosaics all over the sky were sucked in instantly like water vapor, and the true appearance of the "strongest warrior in ancient times" appeared in front of everyone for the first time.

He is tall and handsome in appearance, and his body has undergone countless biochemical surgeries to show the most perfect proportions that the human body can express.

Every muscle seems to have been designed to perfection, naked and every detail is displayed.

【? ? ? (Human/???) (Chaos) (Elite) - Use "Lucky Blow" to kill and drop: definitely (fresh meat*1000, biochemical parts*250, combat experience 2500 points); high probability (expertise) : Weapon Master, Trait: Tough Mind); Possible (Trait: Biochemical Body (Binded to "Trait: Three Mouths and One Pig"), Trait: Resist Death)]

A changed explosion rate subtitle appeared in front of Bai E's eyes: There is less experience, and the skills - in the digital field - are gone.

It makes sense, after all, the previous goal of 1 million experience didn’t look like he was ready to be killed...

"Is this a human body?" As if he had never seen it before, the other person stretched out his right hand and looked at it at an elevation of 30 degrees.

"It's... amazing!" When the voice fell, the other party's body was already running towards the passage not far away.


That abominable human's will has sealed his origin within his body. Before the other's will dissipates, he is still unable to arbitrarily switch whether he exists as a human soul or as a pure electromagnetic wave. If he follows the human body in the form of a human soul, Dying together... that's really going to happen.

God falls into the mortal world, and God is no longer invincible.

Not to mention that He is unarmed now, even if He has weapons, He cannot afford to compete with these human warriors for a while.

As long as the original will of this body is exhausted, the entire world will be his kingdom!

"Fire!" Gregory's eyes ignited with raging fire.

demon? How many divisions?

Electronic devil? Even after you have a physical relationship, you will have to wait a long time to meet each other.

The soldiers who had been waiting with their guns pulled the trigger instantly. The loss of the computer room that completed the mission was no longer in their consideration. It was determined that completely killing this electronic demon that had blocked human technology for 439 years was the most important mission at the moment.

No matter how powerful the "strongest warrior in ancient times" is, he is nothing more than a piece of rotten meat when faced with the firepower of several machine guns.

However, the trait of resisting death allows him to hold on to the last drop of blood and wait for possible rescue even if most of his body is broken or hit by bullets.

The mature biochemical transformation of ancient technology has given those biochemical warriors unparalleled combat capabilities.

However, there are currently no teammates and no rescue.

There was only Bai E walking up to him, and the black barrel of the pistol.

[Turn on "Lucky Hit". 】


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