Wow! The explosion rate is really high

Chapter 181 Participating in a boxing match

Once again, he gained a level 4 specialization ability, which also verified Bai E’s previous bold guess——

The special attribute bonuses granted by directly adding specialization points to level 4 are just some kind of compensation mechanism for not receiving special attribute bonuses before level 4 specialization.

A warrior who relies on his own training to reach level 4 specialization ability will not have any special attribute bonuses.

I really lost a lot when I tried to light up the light firearms by adding some points myself.

But that was a helpless move when there was no experience. How could there be a later stage if there was no early stage?

It can only be said that if there is a chance to improve, Bai Efa is determined to practice a perfect account!

As for now, let’s take a look at the uses of the three skills unlocked after level 4 long-range weapon specialization——

Concussive Shot, well... control skill.

Power shot, well...output skill.

Vector shuttle, um...displacement skill.

easy to understand!

The art of gun fighting had given Bai E many surprises, and of course he had a lot of expectations for the newly unlocked skill trees.

But the three skills each have their own merits, and Bai E doesn't want to make a choice before encountering a practical application scenario.

He does have a lot of experience stored now, but it is not brought by strong winds. 1,000 experience points are spent instantly, and the experience will be doubled to unlock one more in the future, so he still needs to consider it carefully.

I looked at the sky and saw that it was still early, probably only around three o'clock.

The biggest purpose of returning to the camp was to find Yue Ying and learn her archery skills while improving the progress of the "Yue Ying's Approval" task. Now that the goal was achieved, everything seemed to be okay in the military camp.

So... the underground black boxing mentioned by physical trainer Chavez has been practiced by players before, but I haven't experienced it yet.

I still have the betting money given by Chavez in my pocket, which is not much... only 500.

Go check it out!

Considering that he would be too conspicuous by going like this, and that he had attracted countless attention when he went to the Black Street Tavern last time, Bai E wanted to put on some disguise.

The complete set of clothes and even a mask given by the players last time is good, so take it.

There are no players in the secret base, and it is empty except for the Ratmen.

"What are they doing?"

Bai E picked up his clothes and put them on, while casually asking the boy in the corner who looked quite well-behaved.

"They said there wasn't enough wood... they needed to cut some."

Bai E looked around. The interior of the warehouse, which was made of wood, looked scattered and a bit messy.

[It’s okay to use wood to support it all the time...]

After they gain some capabilities, they can consider building a pure metal base like a server ruins. Hmm... It seems unrealistic. It's not impossible to pour one with concrete or steel bars.

With thoughts swirling in his mind, Bai E asked the Rat Man, "Have you felt anything unusual recently?"

The Rat Man is always associated with the devil, and his physical and mental health must always be taken care of.

The connection between humans and demons is difficult to see from the outside. The first thing to go wrong is always the mind.


"Are you going to get bored staying here?"

"Yes...a little bit."

A half-grown child yearns for the outside world. No matter how much suffering he has experienced, he always yearns for the beautiful and interesting side of the world. He cannot be kept here like a tool. When he saves another person, the future life and future of the other person will be affected. The possible troubles must also be borne.

Bai E nodded to express his understanding. Being able to tell the truth to himself is a good sign, "It's okay. I'll ask them to take you out for a walk once in a while when I'm sure it's okay. But now... please restrain yourself. thought."

"I know, sir!" The Rat Man acted quite sensible.

"……try hard."

Bai E picked up the mask and climbed up the ladder.

The clothes the players prepared for him are pretty good, but a bit sexy...

The black leather jacket lacked fabric and material, and the lower abdomen and chest were empty, exposing the strong and streamlined muscles.

I don't know what kind of mental state they were in when they prepared the clothes for themselves... but they unexpectedly suited the style of the place on the dark street.

The people who live there are either completely wrapped up like the rat people and don't dare to expose the softness inside, or they dress in strange clothes to show their personal style.

To a certain extent, this flamboyant appearance is also a disguise for his usual personality, which is not unacceptable.

According to Chavez, Baie found a man nicknamed "Black Goat" on the black street.

He is a dark, thin, black man in his thirties with shrewd eyes.

Upon hearing that it was the person introduced by Chavez, the black man immediately smiled and led Bai E away from the gathering place on Black Street.

"Brother, is this your first time here?" Black Goat took the lead and asked in an enthusiastic tone while turning back.

"Well..." Bai E waved his arms in a flamboyant manner and looked around wildly. This was the first time he came to the black street during the day.

And as if because of the camouflage he wore, his behavior and behavior also subconsciously showed a arrogant color, focusing on a contrast.

"Do you have any money with you? To participate in the competition for the first time, you need to pay 500 Blackwater coins as a guarantee, which is equivalent to placing a bet on your own competition."

"500?" Bai E paused. The funds Chavez gave him seemed to be 500.

Under normal circumstances, he probably wouldn't have the funds to create a homunculus, so... is this actually the start-up capital he gave himself?

He even said it was to place a bet for the Blood God...

"Of course I brought it!"

With a little emotion in his heart, Bai E strode forward with a bold tone.

"Hurry up, my fists are horny!"

We followed the Black Goat all the way to the so-called "underground boxing arena". The overall gray square cement building stood alone on the barren land, surrounded by yellow sand that made people unable to open their eyes.

Bai E covered his eyes with one hand and tilted his head to look at the huge concrete object in front of him.

"This was originally an apartment building for people outside the city... In the past, the inner city men were ambitious and vowed to implement urbanization to all places where humans have set foot. Unfortunately, the things in this building are nothing but Everything that could not be moved was empty overnight, so they gave up the idea..."

"..." Bai E was speechless.


"But what does that have to do with me?" Bai E crossed the black goat's thin body and strode inside, "There's a lot of nonsense! I'm here to play games, not travel!"

Watching the majestic figure stepping into the building from behind, Black Goat swallowed subconsciously, with only one thought echoing in his mind -

The warrior Chavez introduced this time... has a very fierce personality.

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