Wow! The explosion rate is really high

Chapter 183 Competition Mode

There was a "kudong" sound, and the door was locked.

For a moment, only two beasts were left sizing each other up inside the rough iron mesh.

The two of them walked towards the center of the ring with equal vigilance. The arena was very large, but until they knew each other's exact strength through fighting, tactics such as running around and dragging down physical strength were not yet available.

Tornado is able to make quite a name for himself in a place like this, which is naturally due to his knack.

No matter how angry you are, you must remain rational. This is the first element of black boxing.

The boos from the sidelines, the taunts from opponents... If you can't block out these disturbing factors, you won't even be able to get out of the rookie pool.

Facing the guy with a strange face across from him but who looks like he's not easy to mess with at first glance, he naturally has to be careful, and be more careful.

When dealing with an unfamiliar opponent, the first thing to think about is not how to win instantly, but... observation.

Observe his habits, observe his weaknesses, test them through...

Bai E's breathing was calm and his eyes were fixed on the opponent. His body seemed to be relaxed, but in fact, he was ready to mobilize every muscle in his body to deal with possible attacks.

It should be difficult for people from the outside world to obtain boundary-breaking things like genetic optimization fluid, so 15 points of physical fitness is their upper limit. With 14.5 points of physical fitness and the burst of over-limit drive, they will definitely surpass their opponents.

However, the reflex attribute is their own shortcoming. These people are accustomed to short shots all day long, and they are likely to surpass themselves in this regard. The other thing is the use of skills.

These were the goals he wanted to train for when he came to this place. Facing an opponent whose skills and reflexes were likely to surpass his own, he could only choose to stop quietly.

"call out!"

The distance between the two sides was enough, and the other side tentatively punched his face directly.

Bai E, who was always paying attention to the opponent's movements, easily dodged it with a tilt of his head.

When dodging, the movement of the neck is always smaller than the distance traveled by the fist. This kind of prepared dodge is extremely easy.

And at the moment when the opponent took action, Bai E's eyes became slightly sharp - an unexpectedly familiar voice sounded in his ears:

[Trigger the sparring mission—Black Fist. 】

[Black Boxing: You have participated in an underground fighting match that is full of "lethality" by any means. You must be careful while your opponents are watching you. Each of your opponents has their own different style. Adapt to the opponent's attack rhythm and learn from his fighting experience to win every battle. The brave cannot always win, but the beholder has never experienced defeat! Task requirements: Learn the opponent's combat philosophy during the competition and obtain victory 0/? . Mission completion reward: You may unlock feats in every battle——? ? ? . 】

[Competition mode: You are observing the offensive line of an opponent whose skills exceed yours, and are determined to pay a certain price (combat experience/general experience) to learn the opponent's fighting style. You can open the learning path by consuming: 20 experience points/min. (There is a certain chance of learning the opponent's personal fighting style), and paying every 2 points of combat experience/general experience to exchange for 1 point of corresponding special experience (to improve your own specialization level ability), both must be done at the same time, otherwise the current mode Not tenable. 】

Another brand new model that has never been seen before.

Discuss? The previous final fighting competition in the military camp seemed to be considered a sparring match? Or is it that the sparring at that time was not deadly enough? No matter how real the competition in the military camp is, after all, it is less hysterical and unscrupulous than the outside world wallowing in the quagmire.

The "lethality" highlighted in the task description of Black Fist, a sparring mission, may explain why it is triggered.

Bai E clenched his fists and looked at the gladiator in front of him with eyes that became even hotter.

Fighting ability is difficult to obtain by triggering teaching rounds. After all, real fighting is in a state of rapid response where one's life is always hanging by a thread. Bai E can't imagine what a teaching round would look like if he wanted to learn high-end fighting skills.

The shooting skills that I learned before, including bows and arrows, all have room for continuous teaching, but the fighting teaching that was triggered once from Dan was just a flash, and at most it could only provide basic teaching on simple movements such as exerting force and movement. I have already Specialization abilities above level 1 cannot be improved through low-quality teaching methods.

Right now... actual combat is the best teacher!

This sudden reminder did not distract Bai E. After realizing what had happened, Bai E could only become more focused for a moment.

Learn your opponent's fighting style? So first you have to let your opponent show off his fighting style.

The characteristics of each specialization ability are different. Fighting specialization has its natural limitations. It seems reasonable that more experience is required when learning and training.

Bai E's mouth curled up under his mask, and he punched the opponent with the same backhand.

[You are paying combat experience to observe and learn your opponent's combat philosophy... (Consumption: 20 experience points/min)]

[You paid 10 points of combat experience during learning, which was converted into 5 points of "combat mastery" experience. (There is a very small probability of awakening special attributes.)】

[The current combat proficiency experience is 124/300. When you reach 300 points, you can master "Level 2 Combat Specialization". 】

Burn it! Anyway, the experience reserve is sufficient now, and the most basic requirements of reflex attributes through actual combat training also require the most peak combat.

Bai E's eyes were blazing, and he made big moves.

Let go of design and let go of your brain.

Rely on reflexes to avoid attacks and rely on instinct to find opportunities.

Use your body to record every attack of the opponent, and use your body to feel the touch of every impact.

Every time he was injured, he would be dealt a heavy blow to his opponent.

A blank piece of paper.

Tornado can feel his opponent's fighting style.

It's like a blank piece of paper without any drawings, without any thought of attack patterns except dodge movements made by reaction.

The best opponent to deal with! On the surface, it seems that it is extremely powerful, but it seems to be just ridiculous gold foil, which can be broken with a poke.

There were also boos outside the court, "Cut!"

"That's it? He looks like a master. He'll only get beaten after doing it for a long time."

"I can do it too."

"Tornado, come on! Use your best storm combo to destroy him!"

"Are the organizers stupid! Are newcomers like this given tornado as their opponent?"

[You paid 90 points of combat experience during learning, which was converted into 45 points of "combat mastery" experience. (There is a small probability of awakening special attributes.)] (Superimposed)

A bit difficult to deal with.

This seemingly insignificant opponent unexpectedly possesses a somewhat troublesome toughness.

Tornado panted slightly and swayed as he tried to find the opponent's weak spots to attack.

There are holes everywhere, and you can attack everywhere, but... you can't inflict a decisive blow.

The opponent attaches great importance to the protection of vital parts, as if complete defense can win the game.

But...that's not how a gladiatorial fight works!

[You paid 80 points of combat experience during learning, which was converted into 40 points of "combat mastery" experience. (Medium probability of awakening special attributes.)] (Superimposed)

[In battle, you can discern the opponent's attack intentions and react quickly to respond, with insight +0.1 and reflection +0.1. 】

"Hoo~ho~" Tornado gasped for air. Attacking was far more energy-consuming than defense, not to mention that his attack method required changing directions at all times.

Although he has maintained an offensive rhythm, he always feels that he is the one being suppressed. This kind of frustration makes people crazy.

He saw it!

The opponent is not a weakling...he, he is just observing his own offensive ideas, and the occasional counterattack in most of the defensive battles is all familiar to him.

The other party is learning his own set of combat ideas that he has summarized through countless actual battles!

Moreover, progress is rapid!

This is not a newbie! Absolutely not!

Arrogant! How arrogant!

Tornado could hear bursts of boos from the sidelines, seeming to blame themselves for not being able to deal with this guy who only knows how to defend and dodge.

This is trust, this is support, this is the deep admiration of those viewers!

But at this moment, he just wants to shut up those voices that used to make him feel happy!

He just wanted to tell everyone loudly——

"Shut up! You! No one knows what kind of monster this is!"

He is learning, he is imitating!

His ability is far superior to mine, but he is trying to use the fighting method I have summarized to defeat me, the master!

How arrogant is this? How arrogant is this?

Even though your strength is greater than mine, this arrogance is the only reason for your failure!

Arrogance will eventually pay the price!

I... am not someone to be trifled with either!

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