Wow! The explosion rate is really high

Chapter 188 Blood Sacrifice Ceremony

Bai E's tone was brisk and upward, "I know."

"It's good to know..." Normal people should know the value of the name Blood God in this arena. A smile appeared on the staff's face, "Now there is a four-on-one opportunity to defeat the Blood God head-on..."

Four against one? front?

"Not interested!" Bai E refused.

Four against one?

You won’t get promoted if you win.

As for the false reputation in this arena? What is he here for?

You can't even increase the charge value of Lucky Blow, what a waste!

In the monitoring room, the person in charge pressed the headset next to his ear and listened to the reports from his subordinates.

"He said he wanted to defeat the Blood God alone and had no interest in four against one."

The person in charge grinned slightly, a cold light flashing, "Arrogant..."


"Leave it to him."

It’s just a difference between one more sacrifice and one less sacrifice. The greatest sublimation requires the best sacrifices, and ordinary targets are not even qualified to be used as sacrifices in this ceremony!

After hearing about the game involving the Blood God, Bai E was no longer in a hurry to go back. He couldn't win, so it would be good to watch that guy's game.

After the battle with the Mad Lion, Bai E deeply realized how big the gap between himself and the Blood God was. Even though the specialization level of level 6 seemed to be not much different, however, the special attribute words attached to his specialization ability I'm afraid Tiao is far beyond what I can compare with.

And in this countless battles he has gone through, his reflex attribute is unsurprisingly much higher than his current level of 12.6.

At that time, even if I had lost all my experience and directly added points, I am afraid that the result of that battle would still be that I would be crushed.

After training for several years and surviving to this day, his actual combat ability is terrifyingly strong. The only thing that may be slightly inferior to him is his strength.

With the over-limit drive, he has a unique advantage in strength, and the Blood God... has not obtained even a single dose of genetic optimization fluid so far.

Even so, in this cruel arena, he still wants to fight one against three?

During the rest period, Bai E had already heard the heavyweight news tonight from other people's mouths.

The only thing I'm a bit confused about is...whether I should use the 500 Blackwater coins given by Chavez to suppress the blood god.

No matter how he looks at the same top-level three-on-one match, his chances of winning are very small. Will his wife lose everything?

As night falls, there are more and more people...

As the news deliberately released in the arena fermented, people from almost the entire underworld and even more gathering places outside the city became famous.

There is not only a gathering place like the Black Street outside the city. It is safer inside the city, but there are also rules in the city. People who don't like the rules live in the city, slowly forming spontaneous gathering places.

Black Street is just the one closer to the military camp.

As the crowds from different places became more and more lively, almost all the floors above and below were occupied by crowds.

An unprecedented fanatical atmosphere enveloped the entire arena, and those cross-current desires even flowed in the air like substance. Bai E seemed to be able to see some kind of evil pink mist filling the air.

[The scale is big? ]

Bai E, who was sitting alone in the lounge, marveled in his heart. The lounge can also be regarded as a VIP viewing platform. As a rising star player, he has this kind of privilege.

It's a can't be cashed out.

Bai E leaned back on his seat, his eyes slightly lost in thought, feeling a little pity.

No matter how fanatical the worship of these people is, it cannot be converted into the charging value of their own skills.

Otherwise, this place can be regarded as a holy place for charging. Every time you win a game, you will probably get a full 50 points of charging, but it is a pity that you can't...

There was a lot of people. In order to cover up the harsh music and the silly beeping sounds around them, everyone spoke louder and louder, and their emotions naturally rose.

It is difficult to control a scene when there are many people. The place is small but there are many people. In the violent atmosphere, a little friction between each other can easily turn into the fuse of a big melee.

It is almost impossible for the organizer's small manpower to maintain order among these chaotic elements.

Seeing that the situation was getting out of control and his subordinates were anxiously asking for instructions, the person in charge took out the cigar from the corner of his mouth and informed with a sinister smile, "Start!"

The host's voice was violently vented through the inferior speakers placed everywhere. For a while, the people who were struggling and struggling stopped fighting.

"Contestants are invited to enter!"

Three-on-one at the top level of black boxing competition!

Three top players besieged one top player, and the result was logically natural, but when it was the Blood God who was besieged, there were another twist.

In any case, bets don’t lie.

The odds are 1 to 1.5. After all, more viewers are optimistic about the trio.

Although the Blood God is powerful, his three opponents are also extremely powerful and famous people.

Bai E saw the three opponents of the Blood God.

A...mechanical cyborg.

A warrior with an old face but a strong physique.

There is also a desperado who is lean and full of blood.

"Hey! Who are those three people?" Bai E curiously asked the staff not far away.

The staff introduced them one by one, "The reformer's nickname was Viper. He was also a victorious black boxer in the past. Once, he was tricked by someone and lost one of his legs and two hands. He was killed by a war gang in the city. He was replaced with a mechanical prosthetic limb, and now his attacks are extremely fierce, and his strength is much higher than that of a normal person."

"That old man's name is Graves. He is a retired veteran. I heard that he has lived on the front line in the military camp for more than ten years. He is a tough guy. If he didn't have to support a few girls at home, he probably wouldn't come to boxing. "

"As for that skinny guy... he survived twenty-eight battles to the death, he is a proper god of death."

The last one is not introduced much, but the two words "death match" are enough to prove its gold content.

Deathmatch is almost equivalent to the escalation stage of gladiatorial combat. Those who dare to participate in this are real ruthless people, and they have won twenty-eight games in a row in this life-threatening situation...

Undoubtedly, these three opponents are all well-known players in this arena.

Here, reputation means strength!

The staff member who finished the introduction said with a sigh, "I don't understand how the Blood God dared to take this fight. Although it is not a fight to the death...but these masters are really ruthless when fighting, and our people may not be able to control the situation. "

"You don't think highly of him either?"

"It's hard to say..." The staff carefully glanced at the monitor above their heads, then came over and whispered, "Sacrificing some controversial masters every once in a while is also a way to keep the venue warm, sir... If you ever have a day like this in the future, you should be very careful."

"Oh?" Bai E glanced at him and threw two banknotes to him, "You are quite good at caring about people."

The staff member bowed his head to pick it up, "The main reason is that when I saw the master, he looked like a domineering king! If it were an ordinary person, I wouldn't tell him..."

The mad lion, who also had a separate lounge, was holding a girl in his arms while enjoying the service of another girl behind him. The girl's doubts came to his ears, "Young Master, do you think the Blood God has a chance?"

"I don't know..." Looking at the four masters standing still on the field, Paul also frowned.

He knew that with his current strength, it would be difficult to win against any of these four people alone, so he couldn't be confident in his judgment of this truly high-end game.


"Since the Blood God dares to accept it, he should be somewhat confident."

Among the many star players in this arena, only the Blood God satisfied him the most and he wanted to take him under his wing.

The artificial man has a firm and stable character, and he has not shown any dissatisfaction despite being treated unfairly in the military camp for so long. If he can be taken under his command, he will undoubtedly be the most useful top fighter.

The premise is... he cannot be destroyed by those three guys in this battle.

After briefly sizing each other up, the four of them broke out almost at the same time and took action brazenly.

Even with one against three, the Blood God showed extremely comprehensive fighting qualities.

The battle between the four was extremely dangerous.

It can be seen that the three top players who are also masters are fighting together for the first time, and the cooperation is not tacit. This gives the Blood God a little chance to find loopholes in the cracks.

Bai E, who was watching the field from a distance, could not clearly see every subtle movement of the four people, but after the battle started, an obvious fact appeared in front of him.

The veteran named Graves seemed to be slightly resistant to this battle.

Compared to the Reaper, whose moves are as fast as the wind and vicious, and the Viper, whose moves require a slight delay in mobilizing the mechanical arm but are extremely powerful, the veteran seems to be... a bit of a soy sauce.

I didn't see any personal characteristics.

Of course, it may be that his fighting style is like this, and Bai E dare not make any judgment.

The most important thing to observe is the Blood God.

The strongest melee warrior in the camp who did not use genetic optimization fluid may also be the pinnacle benchmark for ordinary humans in this era.

On the field, among the rapidly changing figures, Graves' eyes were slightly distracted. Normally, this would not be allowed in this situation. Any distraction would bring a fatal blow. Only the cover of two teammates of the same level allowed him to He has a certain amount of paddling space.

The words of the person in charge of the arena are still lingering in his mind, "Either you three kill him! Or he kills you three! The moment you step onto the arena, you only need to remember this - kill him, and you will naturally You can get a generous reward; if you are killed by him, I will send someone to take good care of your family. They will never be bullied and grow up safely and happily. I have submitted this agreement to the public council for backup, so you can rest assured. clear?"

The Blood God doesn't fight to the death.

But why should a warrior who doesn't fight to the death be exposed to this kind of life and death situation? But he himself is still unknown.

Graves couldn't bear to see the simple android warrior with a calm face who was only focused on fighting.

"What are you thinking!" Viper's cold voice reminded in his ears as the bodies were intertwined, "If we don't kill him, we will all die."

"I know." Graves responded dully.

He knew the outcome the moment he signed the agreement, and even consciously made enough mental preparations. However, after actually playing, he still saw his former appearance in the opponent's warrior.

Clenching his fists tightly, Graves took advantage of the empty door left by his teammates and suddenly stepped forward, "Drink!"

A momentary surge of spiritual energy disrupted the space, and the strong suction force forced the Blood God to move, and he was almost choked by his left hand.

But even if he broke free, the sudden interference caused the blood god's movements to deform.

In this thrilling situation, any distraction is enough to usher in a fatal blow.

For just a moment, the Blood God was in a precarious situation.

Except for the blaring music, the arena was eerily quiet for a while.

The four masters competed on the same stage with a murderous intent that was like a real life-and-death fight. The spreading cold murderous intent made the usually noisy audience feel palpitated and silent for some reason.

Looking at the blood god who was struggling to control himself from the monitoring room, his subordinates looked at the person in charge with some doubts, "Boss, will the sacrifice chosen for him be too strong?"

Those three people were the chosen sacrifices and were an important part of the sublimation ceremony. But with the current development going on, it seems that the sacrifices could bring down the "protagonists"?

"So what? So what?" The person in charge had an evil smile on his lips, as if he was completely indifferent to the situation on the field. "Only a blood warrior who completely embraces fighting can become a servant of the Lord! If you can't cross it, you will die. It’s dropped!”

If you can't face your heart in battle and embrace the power that comes from bloodshed and killing, then you will die!

How could an unqualified sacrifice elicit the hottest and purest desire to kill!

The Blood God is not the first, nor the last.

This arena has never existed purely for profit. It is a hotbed for cultivating servants for the Lord, which is the only meaning of its existence!


The soldier who had always looked calm and cold suddenly burst out into a roar.

Deep blood color flashed in his eyes, and his speed and strength instantly increased several levels visibly to the naked eye.

The sudden explosion caught Viper, who was contending with him, off guard, and his semi-mechanical body was instantly thrown far away.

Viper, who relied on mechanical prosthetics to quickly stabilize his body, immediately regrouped and looked at the figure that was entangled by his teammates in time with fear.

[Becoming stronger again...]

How can it be?

Someone has long analyzed the blood god's ability. Unless he obtains genetic optimization fluid, his combat power is already almost at the peak level of a normal human body.

The peak level of a normal human body cannot compete with the strength of a mechanical prosthetic limb with built-in energy!

I heard that he just returned from a mission two days ago. Could it be that he finally got through the stubborn officers in the military and was injected with the genetic optimization fluid?



"Don't hold back!" Looking at the veteran who was still hesitant to take action, Viper growled.


When someone is destined to die, you can't die yourself...

Graves's eyes were covered with a layer of misty gray fog——

Psychic talent.

The lowest level of psychic talent.

If he is not really old and is still a natural person, the military will never let him leave the army... This is also the premise that he has never used the military's psychic and genetic resources. Otherwise, even if he dies, he will have to die. In the army.

As an opponent, no one can understand his opponent's intentions better than the Blood God.

This is just a gladiatorial match... Following the ban on artificial humans implanted in his bones, he has never been willing to kill any natural person without military orders, so even if he exercises his abilities in this black boxing venue, he has never He has killed any opponent and will not participate in any death duel.

He will fight seriously, but he will never really make a killing move.

But right now...the three opponents no longer hide their determination to kill.

Do they...really want to kill themselves?

The most instinctive emotion of survival surged up in his heart, and violent rage began to overwhelm his originally calm mind.

Just a game...just a game...

why why!

The fanatical and evil atmosphere that permeated the entire set seemed to be invading his bone marrow invisibly.

Anger surges!

Bai E's eyelids twitched slightly in the lounge, always feeling that something terrible happened in front of him——

One against three... did that guy really win?

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