Wow! The explosion rate is really high

Chapter 190 A homeless slum with problems?

Normal members of the special team must unconditionally follow the team to perform tasks, but Bai E is a little special. Since joining the team, he has basically not followed the rules and regulations of the special team, so that even if he officially performs a task, Hu still has to find the person involved. Making sure.

"It's okay..." Bai E was stunned for a moment and thought carefully, "It should be okay."

On a mission? It's good to go on a mission.

He likes to go on missions the most. Going on missions... means that he may be able to go on missions.

"What is the mission objective?" Bai E asked casually.

“In the wilderness outside the city, you sometimes find some humans wandering outside the city. They often come here due to various reasons, such as offending someone in other cities, being blocked by wild animals or the environment, or not knowing who they are. City roads, etc., so we often organize manpower to search and rescue humans wandering in the wild. No matter what, even if you settle in a gathering place outside the city, it is always better than surviving in the helpless wild. "

"Yeah~" Bai E nodded, indicating that he was listening.

"The day after tomorrow, we are asked to help a group of refugees in the wild return to the city's influence. The advance information has been roughly ascertained by the scouts. The target community is hiding in a wind tunnel nest, and the number of the group is at least two. There are a hundred people, which is quite a lot. They may be attacked by wild beasts in the wilderness on the way back. It is our mission requirement to protect as many of them as possible back to the city."

Tiger explained the significance of this mission in a calm tone.

Bai E was a little curious and glanced around the tent, "Just the five of us?"

"Due to the large size of the target group this time, there will be two other special teams working with us on this mission."

This is also the largest scale of missions whose main purpose is non-combat. As for sending more soldiers...

The value of more than two hundred refugees is probably not as much as the cost of more soldiers going out to perform a mission.

In this era, countless people's lives are needed to contribute, but life is also the least valuable thing.

This kind of mission is just an ordinary team mission.

Hu didn't go into details. There were some things that didn't need to be understood so clearly by every soldier.

Bai E nodded, "I understand."

"Xiao Bai..." Dashan stared at Bai E with interest, "I heard that you were teammates with the 'Blood God' in the mission a few days ago. How much do you know about him?"

After returning from a successful mission, some secrets are no longer secrets.

Minister Leacock's actions, while reckless, ended well.

Not only did it restart the server, it even perfectly solved the threat of electronic demons to humans. As the executive of this operation, the military can be said to have gained a lot of benefits.

Therefore, the control over the execution of secret missions is not so strict, and those who have some channels have generally heard some rumors.

Bai E was stunned when he heard this, "Blood God? Is he going too?"

If not for this, Dashan would not have mentioned him.

"That's right!" Dashan's eyes shone, "I have heard of his name a long time ago, but unfortunately I have never had the chance to fight with him. Isn't he particularly powerful?"

Xiaobai is also very powerful, but Xiaobai's power is not the same as that of the Blood God.

Dashan is also a man-made human, and the blood god's batch preceded him a long time ago. He has been listening to the legend of the blood god since he was born.

Many warriors with close combat talents almost always regard the Blood God as their ultimate goal, and Dashan is no exception.

This time I have the opportunity to perform a mission together, and the most excited person is Dashan.

"He..." Bai E's mind instantly recalled the scene he saw tonight. The blood god who really broke out was so ferocious that it was unbelievable, so he said with a sigh, "It's really powerful."

"With him here, there will definitely be no problems with our mission this time!" Dashan was a little happy, admiring his idol infinitely.

Experts can always give people the greatest peace of mind. The target information of this mission has been explored by advance scouts, and the route along the way has been clearly planned. Except for a few wandering beasts who can't figure out the rules, there are almost no traces. There will be other dangers.

It's like earning military merit while lying down.

Every time you go on a mission, military merit will be recorded, and in this era, just leaving the city's periphery means danger. It is rare to have the opportunity to steadily earn military merit without risk.

It's pie in the sky.

"Okay..." Hu couldn't see Dashan's excitement, "That's almost enough. Let's have a good rest and make final preparations for tomorrow. No matter who is traveling with us, the first thing we should do is what we should do ourselves."

"I know, I know……"

"As long as you have time." Hu walked to Bai E's bedside and patted his shoulder. "We'll talk about the more specific situation on the road. Please be careful during training tomorrow."


[Feedback from the commission, your insight +0.2. 】

[Feedback from the commission, long-range weapon proficiency experience +48. 】

[Feedback from the commission, light weapons proficiency experience +23. 】

[Feedback from the commission, your reflection +0.1. 】

[Feedback from the commission, fighting mastery experience +27. 】

[Feedback from the commission, your physical energy +0.1. 】

[Feedback from the commission, technology - basic electrical appliance manufacturing and processing experience +137. 】

[Feedback from the commission, knowledge - computer hardware maintenance experience +11. 】

Every time he wakes up in the morning and sees the feedback from the players for their hard work during the night, Bai E feels that his mood for the rest of the day will be extremely good.

Don’t be afraid of slow improvement, just be afraid of not making progress.

A steady flow of water can also bring about a very considerable cumulative improvement, but speaking of it... I currently have four quotas for task release every day.

Apart from the trio, Wenjie is rarely seen in the inner city. When he has time, he has to look for another player to work for him...

Taking the 1,250 black water coins together with the principal, Bai E came to the morning training ground.

Before it was time to gather, Baie came to Chavez and stuffed the money into his hand.

"The bet made last night, the Blood God won."

"I'm back..." Chavez calmly put away the Blackwater coins and pinched them in his pocket, looking a little confused, "Didn't you participate?"


"Is it fun?"


Chavez nodded, and then raised his chin toward the court, "We will train hard when we come back. These boys have been a lot tired since you have been away for the past few days."

"Uh..." Bai E hesitated a little, but said truthfully: "Instructor, I may have to go on a mission tomorrow."

"Another mission?" Chavez was slightly startled, remembering Bai E's true organization, "Yes, you are from a special team, so it's normal for you to have many missions."

Then he asked casually, "What kind of mission is it?"

"Said he was going to escort a group of refugees back to the city..."

"Refugee?" Chavez was startled, then turned to look at Bai E, his face looked a little serious, "Is it the refugee den in the northwest?"

Bai E didn't understand either. After all, Hu didn't explain it in detail. He just shook his head and said, "I'm not sure. The captain informed me."

Chavez frowned, "I don't know about other places. There is something wrong with the refugee den in the northwest. A scout I know said that several brothers are already there. They say they are missing, but in this era, Missing in the wild..."

Everyone knows what's going on.

As a natural instructor, Chavez had deep connections in the camp, and he naturally heard a lot of gossip.


"You'd better ask if it's the homeless den in the northwest. If it is... push it away if you can." Chavez turned to look in other directions. The stability of a natural person dominated his thinking. He was quite confused in the face of himself. As for his favorite soldier, he said sincerely, "It's not worth risking the military glory of a mission."

Bai E nodded, "I will inquire..."

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