Wow! The explosion rate is really high

Chapter 195 Training Expertise

Night, black forest.

The moonlight was dim and the wilderness was silent.

The current Bai E is no longer the Bai E he was when he first came to this world...both in terms of strength and mentality.

Facing the wilderness that he had never dared to set foot on at night before, he dared to come alone.

A saber and two pistols were all the equipment he carried.

The saber is used to kill the enemy, the pistol is used to defend yourself, and there is no problem in using gunfighting skills to escape at critical moments.

As for the target... Kuang Xin and the others are always asked to kill the wolf. How can he do it if he doesn't try it himself?

I haven't killed this thing myself, and it has no experience decay, so it should be good for gaining experience.

Bai E still remembers his unfinished "Blind Fight" unlocking method——

It is required to kill enemies in a dark environment to gain 100 points of combat experience, which is just right for this mission that may require a dark environment.

The night wind in the black forest carries earthy moisture.

Bai E deliberately made noises as he walked to attract those possible secret predators.


The fallen branches and fallen leaves were shattered under his feet, and Bai E strode inside.

Until I don't know when, some green eyes were floating in the darkness like will-o'-wisps.

"Hey~" Bai E pulled out the saber from the leather sheath and held it casually.

The specially treated matte black blade is almost completely unnoticeable at night. I don't know if it attracts the attention of wolves, but they most likely don't care.

The terrifying upright ape left his group and entered their territory alone. Isn't this worthy of the other party's friendship for sending meat thousands of miles away?

Surround, approach.

The beast's eyes are fixed on the surrounded prey, waiting for the moment it reveals its flaw.

The most taboo thing about surviving in the wild is getting injured. Even if the target is already in a certain death situation, you have to be careful about his final resistance.

One, two, three, four, five, go into the forest and hunt wolves... six in total.

Stand still and let them chew... That's a bit exaggerated, but with my current physical condition, a mere six wild wolves should not pose any danger.

Bai E took out an airtight black cloth belt from his arms and wrapped it around his eyes simply and quickly.

Tie another knot.

The activation requirement for the specialty is "dark environment". I don't know if the dim light provided by the moon is considered "dark". In order to prevent the work from being in vain in the end, it should be safer to add insurance.

Since it is a blind fight, you must first become a blind person.

The moment the black cloth wrapped his eyes, darkness completely descended on Bai E's world.

There was pitch black nothingness all around, as if he had lost all contact with the world in an instant.

The moment the image disappears, everything around it is completely distant.

It was different from the feeling of entering the depths of the sewer that day. One was an instant separation, the other was a slow adaptation; one's opponent was a rat, and the other's opponent was a wild wolf.

Even though his current strength is far incomparable to others, the primitive fear brought by darkness still makes Bai E feel panicked now.

Although it was suppressed by "self-repression" in an instant.

Taking a deep breath, Bai E began to gradually try to adapt to this environment.

Use your ears, use your breath, use your touch...

Those winds caressing the skin, those fishy odors wafting in the wind, those rustling sounds of grass blades swept by movement.

[You are using your insight ability to observe the environment...]


There was a movement almost at the same time.

No matter how smart a beast is, it is just a beast. Seeing the terrifying Ape erectus sealing the organ that is the largest channel for observing the outside world with his own hands, he thought this was the greatest opportunity.

Bai E sighed secretly in his heart.

[coming! ]

[left! ]

Bai E held the handle of the saber in reverse, estimated the speed, distance and direction, and slashed it to the left!

The solid touch let Bai E know that he had hit the target. The feedback on his hand was slightly hard and the force of the shock was not small. The howl of the wild wolf also sounded in his ears.

With no time to worry about which part he hit, Bai E turned around and swept his leg in another direction.

The six wild wolves launched at the same time, but the actual attacks arrived in steps, and Bai E had some space to maneuver.


The metal back heel suddenly hit the skull, making a dull impact. The momentum was not reduced, but the sweeping leg slightly changed the direction and still kicked the second attacking wolf.

Without a chance to catch his last blow, Bai E turned around and struck behind him again.

But he never thought that his free left hand would be suddenly wrapped around a warm body. Bai E could feel the sound and touch of sharp claws scratching across the combat uniform made of unknown fabric, and the gnashing of fangs of the beast. He wanted to bite off a piece of flesh on his arm.

However, the tenacity of the muscles and the fabric of the combat uniform made it difficult for the beast to accomplish its goal. Only moderate pain was felt by Bai E through nerve conduction.

A simple bite attack is nothing. The weight of the wild wolf, which is half the body size of the human body, is the biggest trouble in containing himself.

Turning the blade with his backhand, Bai E slashed at the wild wolf that had its forelimbs and fangs wrapped around his left arm.

The sharp blade of the saber scratched the strong fur of the beast, but it was difficult to cause much damage to it. At least Bai E did not feel that the blade penetrated the flesh.

Not much damage? The blade instantly changed the direction of attack and stabbed downwards in the direction where the stomach might be.

In pain, the wild wolf immediately spread its claws and jumped back.

However, the tacit understanding between the wolves during hunting was so unimaginable that Bai E barely had any time to think about it before the right forearm holding the knife was severely clasped by a wolf's mouth.

They know that the knife Bai'e holds in his right hand is a weapon made by the terrifying Ape erectus and poses the greatest threat to them.

Once the knife-wielding claws are controlled, the aggressiveness of the terrifying erect ape will be reduced by more than half.

Holding down the wild wolf's head, Bai E kicked it into its soft belly, activating various special attributes of Level 4 Fighting Specialization, allowing Bai E to use any part of his body to launch the attack even without much room to exert force. The attack can also have a certain attack power.

The wild wolf was in pain and subconsciously let go of its teeth with a groan.

There were sounds everywhere in the complex battle, making it far more difficult to detect all the information than the environment in the sewer that day.

The strength of the wild wolves is not strong, and the number of six is ​​not too many, but it is not a big challenge for Bai E who cannot use his eyes to obtain information.

Arms, thighs... The wolves launched uninterrupted attacks from all directions, trying to control Bai E's ability to move, but Bai E resolved them one by one.

The sharp claws were unable to cause substantial damage when faced with the protection of the combat uniform. Occasionally, the fangs that he bit down with all his strength actually pierced the combat uniform, and Bai E, who had the "tough skin" trait, could hardly taste the blood.

Pain is essential.

But just like the pain felt in the black boxing arena, the pain will not make Bai E lose his mind, but will make him fall into a state of cold anger.

Grabbing the fur of the wild wolf and rushing towards it again, Bai E suddenly lifted its body and smashed it to the other side.

The saber has already been inserted back into the waist, and this thing is not easy at all.

The heavy saber is classified as a light weapon. It is not like using a dagger to directly inherit the strength from the combat specialization level.

Only the mastery experience of 99/100 experience reported by players, and not even the level 1 specialization level has been unlocked. It is really hindering to use it as the main force to kill enemies, and it is even worse than empty-handed.

Bai E has no intention of vigorously developing this specialization. Generally, light weapons can only be used to deal with small beasts and fellow humans. They are undoubtedly useless against bugs or uncontacted omnics and orcs. big.

Natural training can improve it, but if you want to invest your own experience to add some points to it, it won't work.

Now, it is also a good choice to use fists to cripple the wolves, and then use the saber to finish the damage.

Bai E, who did not use a saber, was more dexterous in his movements. After grabbing a wild wolf and slamming it onto another rushing wild wolf, he released his fingers and pressed down on the head of the rushing wolf again.

The violent power succumbed to the struggling wild wolf, and Bai E knelt down half-kneeling down and packed a punch with full power to hit it directly on the spine.


The entire wolf body was smashed into the ground, a knife was inserted, the blade was twisted into the body, and the internal organs were flowed to the ground along with blood.

[Successful use of melee attacks to cause the target to become incapacitated, combat mastery experience +5. 】(superimposed)

[Successfully hits the target's vital points, light weapons proficiency experience +3. 】

[Have learned "Level 1 Light Weapons Specialization" and simultaneously obtained potential repair points*1. 】

[Light Weapons Specialization (Level 1): Attack speed +3%, armor breaking +1%. 】

[The current light weapons proficiency experience is 2/300. When 300 points are reached, you can master "Level 2 Light Weapons Specialization". 】

[Hit the target's vitals, causing 27 points of puncture damage to the target! 】

Bai E casually pulled out the sharp blade and smashed it with his hand.

After getting used to fighting in a "dark environment", the ability to improve is not only the collection of information, but more importantly, the confidence brought by the habit of darkness.


The wild wolf that was hit by the sharp blade let out a painful cry.


[Successfully hits the target's vital points, light weapons proficiency experience +12. 】(superimposed)

[Hit the vital part of the target, causing 33 points of fatal damage to the target! 】

[The target's breathing has disappeared and he has lost basic vital signs. 】

[You have killed the target, the battle is over, and you have gained 85 combat experience points. 】(superimposed)

[You are trying to familiarize yourself with combat in a "dark environment". Under these conditions, you can successfully obtain "100 points of combat experience" through "combat", and you can train your specialty - blind fighting. Current progress is 98/100. 】

Unsurprisingly, a large amount of blind fighting progress has been improved.

It's a pity that there are still two points left...the experience has been reduced a bit.

It feels like the decay rate is faster than when killing rats before. Although the initial 20 points of a wild wolf's experience is a lot, the decay rate is too fast because... is it a problem with my current strength?

Bai E used his blood-stained left hand to lift off the black cloth that covered his eyes. He glanced at the corpses lying on the ground and carefully scanned the wounds on the corpses. Only then did he realize how ridiculously crooked his attack was... …

The level is still poor.


[...Progress 107/100, you have successfully unlocked the specialty - Blind Fighting. 】

[Blind fighting (level 1): Insight and expression (hearing) +1 in "dark environment". 】

[You are trying to familiarize yourself with combat in a "dark environment". Under these conditions, you can successfully obtain "300 points of combat experience" through "combat", which can increase the level of "Specialty - Blind Fighting". Current progress 7/300. 】

A leveled feat? This is the first time I've seen it.

Bai was happy, and his eyes sealed under the cloth belt were even more excited.

Wild wolf? sorry!

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