Wow! The explosion rate is really high

Chapter 197 Exploration and Doubts

"There are traces left by humanoid creatures..."

"There is no excrement or smell left by large beasts..."

"There is no trap..."

Judging from the discovery that the penetration was not too deep, Yuzu made the current judgment.

"Maybe the trap is deeper?"

"Or is this not their main living space?"

The terrain of this cave is extremely wide, and the scouts who had previously explored it could only guess the approximate living range of the group of refugees through clues.

If the investigation was wrong or the scouts who came earlier disturbed this group of refugees, it would be impossible to say that they would change places.

Yuzu frowned, and she had her own judgment, "There are no traces of traps even being set up. If it was to guard against wild beasts, there should have been traces. If the arrangement is too close to the settlement, it is easy to accidentally hurt. Maybe... it's the direction. wrong."

Those refugees do not live within the reach of the passage they are currently exploring, so there is no need to set traps in this passage.

As for the traces of people she found that weren't dense... it couldn't be used as any evidence.

The cave passages here extend in all directions, and it is possible that some tunnels are not often passed by people.

Song Ying looked at Hu and asked softly, "Captain?"

Hu briefly thought about it and made a judgment, "Continue to explore some distance further."

The distance entered is not very far, and the discovery at this time cannot be used as absolute evidence to make a judgment.

The members of the other two teams would not approve of it, which would make their already embarrassing situation even more embarrassing.

Since there are traces of people traveling there, it means that the information on the refugees here is basically fine.

Even if the refugees here changed their place of residence due to the interference of the previous scouts, they would have to find the location of their previous place of residence to confirm.

The clues in the passage can prove only a limited number of things. The actual place of residence can be used to determine more useful information including the size of the population, living standards, etc.

In this era, firstly, the level of science and technology is limited, and secondly, human life is not valuable. The information that can be explored with human power often relies on courage and physical body.


You nodded slightly and continued to eliminate dangers ahead.

The team moved forward as quietly as possible, and no one made any unnecessary noise.

Only silence can ensure that everyone can be keenly aware of all information in the environment.

Listen to the wind that is like howling ghosts and wolves, listen to the rustling footsteps in a restricted field of vision, listen to the heartbeat as if you are the only one left in the world, listen to... the fear that comes from the primitive darkness.

"Why do I feel a little leaky..." Dashan rubbed his hands and glanced at his teammates.

For some reason, he always felt that his teammates were moving away from him even though they were walking together and the physical distance did not change.

Further and further away... further and further away...

So far that my breathing becomes long and slow, so far that every time I blink is extremely heavy, so far that my voice is stretched to several syllables and distorted, so far that my heart seems to have forgotten to beat.

I am like an unfortunate drowning swimmer, watching my companions who are still floating on the water slowly and silently sinking to the bottom of the sea...

"..." He opened his mouth, wanting to say something to break this panicking feeling.

But there was no way to make any movement.

Not knowing that reason prevents this behavior, fearing that his noise will disturb or cover up possible information or dangers in the dark;

Or his emotions suppressed his body's instincts, preventing him from mobilizing his mouth and vocal cords.

I can only watch myself getting further and further away from my teammates, gradually being submerged into the darkness...

"Didi didi~"

A series of prompts suddenly sounded in the headset.

Even when there is no necessary information to share, everyone will press a button at fixed intervals to indicate to their teammates that nothing has happened to them.

The sudden sound made Dashan's body tremble suddenly, and everything he felt just now receded like a tide.

When Dashan came back to his senses, he felt that his back was wet, and the sweat had soaked through the cotton vest he was wearing.

He raised his hand and pressed a button on the side of the headset, and Dashan also issued a reminder that he had not encountered any abnormalities for the time being.

I glanced at my teammates, and there seemed to be nothing unusual about them.

Didn't sleep well last night?

Dashan shook his head, as if to throw away the suffocating feeling like drowning that he felt just now.


Yuzu, who was walking in front, warned softly, got out of the way and stopped.

Afterwards, everyone followed the probe, and under the pale green night vision, an underground cave suddenly appeared in front of everyone's vision.

Dots of more fluorescent green plants dotted the inner wall of the entire underground cave, and for a moment the sight was as bright as the starry sky.

"Is this... some kind of mushroom?"

"Artificially grown crops are either food or weapons..."

Either use the toxins in these natural materials as traps, weapons, or they can be eaten...

Those refugees living in such a place do not have normal crop growing conditions or food synthesis production lines that can use all proteins, starches and the like, so they can only grow these things as a source of life-sustaining food.

Everyone prefers the latter.

Wearing gloves, the pomelo carefully picked a flower and looked at it carefully.

After a while, he compared the target species from the "encyclopedia map" recorded in his mind, "Fresh heart mushroom, which can be eaten between 23 and 60 days after growing. It contains mild hallucinogenic toxins and has slight addiction to long-term consumption. Growth If the cycle exceeds 60 days, the toxins will gradually increase and will gradually become lignified..."

After squatting down and observing closely for a while, Yuyou finally said with certainty: "This field of fresh mushrooms has basically been like this for thirty days. They may not have come to pick it yet."

Dashan hugged his shoulders and had completely come out of the "hallucination" just now, "But this piece of fresh mushroom cannot feed so many people at the same time as the information said..."

"It should be more than just this planting field..." You looked around, "The growth conditions of fresh mushrooms are very low. They should have planted a lot of them. You should still be able to see them if you go further."

"Let's go, keep moving forward."

Hu was slightly excited. Finding artificially grown food meant that he was sure that the previous information was at least partly correct.

Sure enough, large fresh mushrooms as bright as stars were found in several almost adjacent caves not far apart.

"They're right here!" You said firmly.

These fresh mushrooms are easily destroyed and eaten by various wild animals if left unattended.

The planting area cannot be too far away from the actual residence of the refugees, or even if they have to move, they will not leave so many fresh mushrooms without picking them.

"They didn't leave."

"Okay!" Hu nodded, fully trusting the judgment of his team members, so he turned on the microphone and said into the voicemail: "This is the A97 team. We have discovered their plantation. Repeat, we have discovered their plantation."

When Tora reported his findings to the other two teams, Yuzu just looked in the direction he came from, still doubting himself, "But why is there no trap?"

To survive in the wild, using traps to warn and defend the wild environment is a basic requirement, and it is impossible for these refugees not to know it.

This cannot be explained by whether people coming to the city have any ill intentions.

Unless...they're not afraid?

Speaking of which, since arriving in this underground lair, they really haven't found any small beasts wandering around.

It seems that this entire cave terrain is incredibly quiet.

Bai E was closest to Yuyou and heard her muttering to herself.

"Did you find anything wrong?"

"It stands to reason that there shouldn't be any traps..." Yuzu whispered the doubts swirling in her heart.


After a slight noise, the familiar voice of another captain came, "How big is the scale, and how many people can it provide for daily consumption?"

Song Ying calculated silently in his mind and whispered beside Hu: "There are probably more than a hundred people."

Hu nodded and replied: "The scale discovered so far is enough to support the daily consumption of more than a hundred people."



Another voice joined in, "We also found some here, quite large... Wait, we seem to have seen a figure. He wants to run! Chase him!"

The voice instantly became chaotic, and the rapid breathing dominated the rhythm of the voice for a while.

The two teams continued to explore while waiting for the results over there.

It wasn't until the noise coming from the free microphone gradually subsided that the waiting captain calmly asked: "Caught?"

"Run away..." After his rapid breathing calmed down, he replied calmly: "There are too many side roads here and the environment is unfamiliar. He threw us away with just a few turns."

Captain No. 1 was silent for a moment, seeming to be thinking about countermeasures. After a moment, he said: "Continue to explore. Since we have discovered the plantation, it means that the target group is not far away. We have also discovered it..."

There may be more than two hundred people.

Everyone knows the meaning of this sentence.



Captain Huhe No. 2 responded softly and turned off his microphone.

"Continue exploring." Tiger looked at his team members and waved forward.

Everyone who was groping forward on the rugged terrain became quiet again.

Just now, a small team has seen the figure, which means that everyone is heading in the right direction. In addition to being careful about possible attacks by the refugees, they must also be careful about disturbing them.

If you could have lowered your voice and gotten closer just now, could you have caught him?

As long as one can be caught, it is easy to find the main body of this group of refugees if they can communicate with each other.


"There are many side roads."

"Same here." Hu pressed the headset and reported with a serious expression.

In front of everyone's eyes, several dark holes looked like the gullets of ferocious beasts, waiting for everyone to step into them.

"Explore separately, in pairs." Captain No. 1 was a little radical.

He believed in the individual qualities of his team members, "As for you... it's up to you."

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