Wow! The explosion rate is really high

Chapter 217 Unexpected ruins?

The advantage of being omnipotent is that you can collect different gratitudes from all angles.

It's a pity that the recharging points obtained by subduing a person who is originally prejudiced and rescuing a person who is originally admired are completely different.

In the eyes of those warriors who already admired and respected Bai E, it seemed that Bai E's treatment of their wounds had become a "natural thing".

So much so that the charging value provided by all the injured warriors together was almost the same as that of Harold alone.

["Lucky Blow" charge +7. 】

It's okay, even if I just used it once, I still have another chance to use it.

Seeing the charge value of 136/100 and the total experience reserve of more than 8,000, Bai E was satisfied.

Sure enough, every time you go out with a small group, you have a good performance opportunity to harvest recharge. In comparison, what you can do individually during large-scale operations is extremely limited.

"You should also take a rest."

Captains No. 1 and No. 2 came together and stood behind Bai E, who had finished treating the last soldier's injury, and softly persuaded him.

They had no intention of competing against this all-powerful and incredibly powerful warrior.

As natural persons, they know more about the unspoken rules inside the military camp than artificial persons -

It may be difficult for androids to climb to the top, but there are many mid-level and low-level officer positions in the military camp that can be achieved by androids.

I'm afraid it won't be long before this newly born android will be able to climb to a higher position than them, and then all he can do is look up and obey orders...

"Yes." Bai E agreed meekly, walked to the side and sat down, without showing any sign of taking credit or being arrogant.

In fact he wasn't tired at all...

Although the orc trait - photosynthesis is latent, to a certain extent it is still vaguely effective like the previous Zerg trait, but it is not fully capable.

Under the warm sunshine in the sky, Bai E could see that his mobility reserves had recovered by more than ten points during this period.

Into a solar cell...

As more and more skills require the use of mobility reserves, this storage of energy is stretched thin.

Just like before, the full mobility reserve can only support oneself to shoot three arrows. If the number of orcs is larger, then everyone may really have to stay here.

And now there is another way to restore mobility reserves besides eating, which is gratifying.

"Where did you get your archery skills?" Dashan's voice was excited.

The teammates came over. In the short battle just now, the other three people except Hu didn't do much, but they were still full of energy at this time.

"Did that Elf lady teach me after coming off the Zerg battlefield?"

Song Ying subconsciously exclaimed, "It's so amazing..."

His talent is related to shooting, and he is envious of this shooting-related skill.

Bai E said nothing.

Teach people? Feel sorry.

This kind of instinctive operation that is directly instilled into the body by the panel does not have much knowledge at all. If he were to teach it, it would probably be the same as Yueying.

Song Ying does not have the player's system, so there is a high probability that he will not be able to learn it.

"They are driving over there..." Yuzu changed the topic at the right time and pointed into the distance.

The orcs are good people. Not only did they send experience and traits, they also sent eight cars of different styles.

The orcs had no time to care about their cars when they were escaping, let alone compared to their strong bodies, these shabby cars couldn't stop the raging bullets. If they wanted to drive away, they might not be able to leave. of falling.

But now, these cars have become human resources.

How much water a barrel can hold depends on the shortest piece of wood. The pace of the refugees is slow. Most of the reasons are because they have to take care of some of the shortcomings - the old, the weak, the sick and the disabled.

If there were cars to transport those groups, the return trip would undoubtedly be greatly expedited.

"Click, click, click, click~"

The sound of a car starting sounded in the distance.

Listening to this sound, Bai E thought of the tractor he used to ride on in the countryside when he was a child.

The tractor made the same sound after starting the engine with a stick——

"Click, click, click, click~"

The increasingly enhanced insight attribute allowed Bai E to see the vibration of the car shell. It might be more vibrating than a tractor when sitting on it...

Parts of various specifications and colors made up the bodies of those cars. It was obvious that the orcs had pieced together these few things from unknown amounts of waste.

It's a miracle that he can still run.

The soldier who successfully started the car looked happy, "Seven of them are still usable!"

Carrying so many strong orcs to catch up, the life of the car has been exhausted. One of them was completely scrapped and lay motionless.

"Pull out the oil..." Captain No. 1 turned to look at the group of refugees again, "Ask who among them knows how to drive."

Seven vehicles, but the soldiers were obviously not allowed to drive them.

Firstly, there are not that many drivers who can drive, and secondly, they need to be responsible for guarding the area around the refugee group, which makes driving inconvenient.


A soldier replied briskly, then trotted towards the group of refugees who had temporarily stopped to rest.

"Which of you can drive?"



Suddenly, a group of hands were raised either firmly or tremblingly.

Before being driven out of Oasis State Town, they all had their own lives.

It is not difficult to find seven drivers who can drive among a team of more than 400 people.

Once again, the journey was uneventful.

When I didn't come, I had the urgency of the task in my mind. As I walked slowly on the road, I actually had the mentality to enjoy the scenery leisurely.

This is the back of the city, far away from the insect nest.

In fact, if it weren't for the existence of an insect nest and the territory of two mechanical tribes near Blackwater City, Blackwater City would have been a paradise.

Not every city has such a harsh environment, and it is precisely because of this that there are still many ordinary people on other lands on this planet who can survive with some comfort.

Blackwater City is the guardian of this large area of ​​land.

Walk until dusk...

Walk until dark...

The rumbling engines slowly stopped, and the refugees, whose buttocks were numb from the shock, immediately jumped out of the seven cars.

Orc technology is shocking... I don't know if it is shocking to people's hearts, but the butt is quite shocking anyway.

Although everyone stopped from time to time during the journey, a necessary long rest was still necessary.

The place where everyone stayed was a small area of ​​ruins in the city. They took a slight detour just to get to this place. This was the route back to the city that was planned in advance.

It is foreseeable that the refugee's movement efficiency is limited, and now the cold wind is blowing on the approaching winter night, and the refugees who do not have many warm items may have to walk a lot if they freeze all night in the open plain.

Although there are no materials left in this ruins, the buildings that have not completely collapsed can provide some protection from wind and rain.

This place was probably just a small town before the end of the world, and the buildings themselves were not very tall.

The traces of past civilizations have been buried by the years, and green vines have long covered the ruins that are only two or three stories high at most.

Some plant branches squeezed out tenaciously from the cracks in the cement and lime. Gray-white dilapidated spider webs hung in the corners of the building, gently fluttering in the wind. Their owners no longer knew where they had gone.

Without human intervention, everything will gradually return to its natural state over time.

The arrival of humans disturbed some small lizard-like animals that flashed past in the gloom.

There are still charred traces of fires on the ground of some houses. These relics of the past have sheltered countless homeless people who had nowhere to go during the collapse of civilization.

Bai E gently stroked the wall with his fingers. Under the erosion of unattended feng shui, the originally indestructible wall shattered like hard tofu dregs.

An unexpected reminder suddenly sounded in my mind——

[Tip: Discover small "ruins" that can be explored. Current exploration degree: 0.1%...】


"Bai'e!" Dashan shouted from a distance, "Here! Let's sleep here tonight."

"You go to sleep first." Bai E waved his hand, feeling that the blood in his body was getting excited.

Exploration in the dead of night... is the best fantasy about the world as a child many years ago.

Explore a whole new world and discover "treasures" whether useful or not.

This is one of the official main gameplay methods of the game, and many players will like it, including Bai E.

Looking at Bai E's back disappearing into the darkness, Dashan muttered casually, "This guy is really tired..."

You shook his head, "He's always been like this."

"Has he always been like this?" Dashan's eyes lit up, a little gossiping, "What has he always been like?"

Bai E joined the team not long ago, and most of the time he has not been with his teammates.

In the only two missions they had, the opponents they encountered were unimaginably terrifying, and there were not many opportunities to fight side by side and get to know each other.

Song Ying calmly unfolded his folded blanket and recalled the scene when they first met on a patrol mission at night.

"Curious..." Yuzu explained softly.

Whether it was his attitude towards the residents from the underworld on the night he was born, or the permission he asked for to leave the camp during training the next day.

Bai E has always been eager to know the outside world.

It's always been like this, never changed.

"Don't worry about him."

Bai E, who was born the shortest, is now recognized as the strongest in this joint team, even strong in all aspects, so there is no need to worry about him at all.

"Take it." Song Ying took his blanket and walked to the two children not far away who wanted to get closer but didn't dare.

He remembered the names of the two children, Killoran and Murphy.

Because they are about the same age as his children, they are both equally smart and agile.

"You...don't you need it?" The boy subconsciously took the blanket, somewhat hesitant to accept this kindness.

"I'm not afraid of the cold." Song Ying turned around and left with a straight face.


"..." Song Ying quickened his pace.

Gone far away...

Kilolan withdrew his outstretched right hand with some regret.

She wanted to ask Lord Bai E what he was doing...

"Sleep!" Song Ying, who returned to his teammates, leaned against the wall and fell asleep without giving his teammates a chance to speak.

Seizing all available rest time to restore energy as quickly as possible is a skill that every special soldier must master.

In the cold and silent night, there were only two pairs of bright eyes looking at the direction where Bai E disappeared.

"What are you going to do, sir?" Kilolan looked curious.

"You'll find out if you go and see it." Murphy was more proactive.

The two of them carefully observed their surroundings and found that not many eyes were paying attention to them, so they carefully slipped away with their heels in hand...

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