Wow! The explosion rate is really high

Chapter 219 The Shock of the Ruins

Bai E raised his machine gun and aimed at the big spider that launched the attack.

First, check the quality, and second, make some noise to see if it can attract the attention of the refugees.

There are monsters in this place, but what about the refugees who are resting? Will it be attacked?

There were only a dozen soldiers, and two of them died in the battle with the orcs. Now that there are not enough manpower, it is definitely impossible to protect the entire team of more than 400 people at night.

In order to explore this ruins, I was a little far away from their location. Perhaps the sound of gunshots could penetrate this distant space and wake them up from their tired dreams.

While firing with one hand, Bai E turned on the voice channel while retreating, reminding all the soldiers of the joint team: "Enemy situation found! Repeat! Enemy situation discovered. A large number of giant spiders appeared about five kilometers southwest of the station, please be alert. "

What is more intuitive than the sound is the sound of machine gun shooting in the background.

The soldiers who were already sleeping were suddenly awakened. No one was more familiar with the sound of gunfire than them.

After all, they spend almost half their lives surrounded by this sound.

It’s Bai E!

He discovered the enemy.

"What's going on...Didn't you search in advance?" Captain No. 1 frowned when he woke up.

They didn't just find a place to sleep. When so many people were sleeping at night, they had to ensure adequate safety.

"Bai E said it was five kilometers away... so far away, but the search was not that detailed."

After all, there are only a dozen warriors spreading out in a circular range. The places that each person can explore are limited. The farther the radius is, the more areas are involved, and they don't have that much energy.


Captain No. 1 did not pursue the matter, but stood up immediately, "Everyone is on alert, wake up the refugees."

Fight if you can. After all, it's not easy to find a place that can shelter from the wind and rain and rest peacefully for a night. The rush during the day makes everyone almost exhausted and needs rest to recover.

But if there are too many enemies and they are too strong, and a dozen of them cannot stop them, then they will definitely run away.

The soldiers who received the order woke up the nearby refugees.

"Hey! Wake up."

"Wake up, wake them all up."

"Bai E has discovered the enemy and may need to move at any time."

The rustling sound spread among the scattered crowd, and some refugees with sensitive ears woke up early when they heard the gunshots coming from far away in this silent night.

"Is there an enemy?"

Elder Gilder called on a few of his trusted confidants nearby, "Check the number of people and see if anyone is missing."

Everyone trusts their own guidance, so you must be worthy of their trust.

No matter when and where, you need to think about everyone in the team.

"Yes!" Everyone dispersed.

Only Gilder stayed where he was, holding the blanket that Killoran and Murphy had taken from him, looking worriedly at the place where the two children were before.

He said he was going out with Lord Bai E, but now that the Lord has encountered an enemy, he doesn't know if he can protect these two little guys while fighting.

But if you are an adult... it should be fine, right?

In the wild far away from the city, you have to be prepared to face various dangers at any time.

After reacting quickly and issuing orders, watching everyone wake up and get ready, Captain No. 1 asked again in the voice.

"Bai E, what is the enemy?"

"Spider..." Bai E's voice was short, and he dodged sideways to avoid the three steel spear-like claws that his opponent thrust at him at the same time. At the same time, the machine gun bullets in his hand did not stop for a moment, and they all crashed into its round body. above the body.

The claws, which are particularly long and narrow compared to the body, are this thing's most powerful weapons.

Faced with Bai E's shooting, the big spider would certainly not be beaten on the spot, but such a thing without much intelligence could only initiate instinctive hunting behavior, and had almost no resistance in the face of machine gun bullets.

The seemingly hard outer shell of the body and the steel needle-like hairs on it were easily torn apart by bullets, and the viscous biological tissues and body fluids were torn apart and brought out by the metal storm.

After a low neighing sound, the eight spear-like claws finally lay flat on the ground and stopped moving.

But Bai E's expression was not relaxed.

The spiders killed by firearms have their general attributes popping up on the panel——

【? ? ? (Beast): HP 0/245; defense 8; mobility 0%; trait: mutated growth...]

[Mutation growth: They were originally native species on the planet and were infected with alien genes. The original genes and alien genes mutated into a perfect mother body under the huge population. Now, they can grow almost unlimited in size, and as long as there is enough food, they can take over the entire world. Current: Large beast (max health +50, physical performance +3). 】

Of course it's not particularly powerful, its strength and speed aren't particularly high, it's not even as good as the previous orcs, it just has a little more blood.

Moreover, the one that attacked him was already the largest one he could see, and the other little spiders might not have the same attributes as it.

The subtitles showing the explosion rate also complement the abilities of these monsters from another angle——

【? ? ? (Beast) - Use "Lucky Blow" to kill and drop: Definitely (Mutated Spider Claw*400, 1250 Combat Experience Points); Possible (Trait: Silk Spinning, Trait: Alien Gene)]

This is already the one with the highest explosion rate...

It can be seen that the single combat effectiveness of this thing is really not good.

But... there are too many.

Just taking the ones that are currently in front of me, there are dozens of them at a glance.

Mutated growth coupled with the terrifying reproductive efficiency of spiders... I don’t know how many of them have not appeared yet.

If you want to restore the normal use of this ruins, it seems that you need to clear out these "guardian monsters" first?

But that's obviously not what should be considered right now.

If he doesn't join his teammates, and he can escape at any time with his gun fighting skills, these two children will be in trouble.


Bai E held the gun in one hand and started shooting at the spiders that were gradually approaching. He took out the pistol from his waist with his left hand and handed it to the back without looking. "Can you shoot? Take it."

The pistol's lethality is limited, but it can be somewhat effective against small spiders.

If such a large number of people really swarmed up, it would be difficult for them to block them all, and they would have to deal with the occasional omissions by themselves.

"Yes." Kilolan's voice was calm and steady.

As he spoke, Kilolan's eyes were fixed on the details of Bai'er's shooting——

The movement of holding the gun, the strength of the muscles, the stability of the posture... everything is turned into some kind of knowledge that can cover the instinct, and is instilled into his body.

She has learned things quickly since she was a child...

"What about you?" Bai E ignored her and asked the little boy Murphy again, "Do you want a gun?"

He had two pistols on his person.

But when he came, he saw that the boy was holding a machete from an orc for self-defense, and he didn't know if he had any special training.

If you have specialization, a machete that can provide close protection may be more protective than a pistol.

"No..." Murphy shook his head. In his mind, he just replayed the scene where Bai E used the war blade on the machine gun to cut off the spider's claw blade. "But I think it should be fine."


These two children are not only strong-willed, but also have the courage to fight.

After the demon incident, the two children's willpower seemed to have improved, and their voices were equally firm at the moment.

They are not afraid of these monsters...

It saves you the step of comforting and encouraging them.

"It's just a spider!" Bai E's voice gave people endless confidence like the warm sun in winter, "Don't be afraid!"


Bai E retreated steadily in an orderly manner, and the three consecutive shots from the machine gun in his hand never stopped.

As if he felt that he could finally see clearly the reality of his prey, the spiders that had been slowly surrounding him from all directions finally stopped surrounding him bit by bit.

Instead, they launched a sprint together!

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