Wow! The explosion rate is really high

Chapter 225 Unclean Whisper

"Maybe they really didn't lie." Faced with the determination of the soldiers, the psyker now had a little bit of belief.

"Do you really want to notify the people at the arbitration office?" The officer still hesitated after leaving the room.

The people there are all paranoid lunatics, and some of the "purists" among them even preach that all humans who know a little bit of demonic knowledge must be completely eliminated.

And now the warriors face the devil...

"Armored battalion." The psyker pointed in a certain direction.

Since returning from the last battle with the Zerg, the city has arranged for the executive officer of the Arbitration Institute to come over to help the mecha pilots of the armored battalion train their ability to resist psychic shocks.

This plan has been started for some time. The executives who can be selected to become training instructors may not be so paranoid. It should be no problem to invite them to come and screen them in private.

"That's okay!" The officer nodded.

At least this kind of movement is not big, otherwise it would be a very complicated matter to initiate an application across departments.

It was evening time and there were no training missions.

The invited executive heard that it might be related to the devil, and professional ethics instantly took over the body.


No matter where they are, it is the duty of their executive officers to clean up all elements related to demons.

"I asked you to come here today because I want you to see if there are any hidden dangers of demons in their bodies." Neither the officer nor the psyker went into too much detail. Out of the stereotype of the executive officer of the Arbitration Agency, They also don't want these executives to get too involved in the matter.

It is not their executive officer's turn to make the final decision on matters within the military camp.

"Yes." The burly executive responded briefly, "Where is he?"


Open the door curtain and enter the room.

The soldiers of the joint team were still waiting quietly.

The executive stretched out his hand and took out a crystal ball-like prop from the void. After injecting it with psychic energy, he affirmed his decision.


Each executive has his or her own unique way of identifying demonic auras. If you want to fight against demons, identification is the foundation.

However, no.

"No?" The psyker was a little dumbfounded. He encountered a demon, but he didn't have any hidden dangers left by the demon.

A perfect battle against the devil?

"Really?" The officer was a little dazed at the moment and asked in disbelief.

After having somewhat accepted the fact that these warriors had really encountered demons, he was already thinking about how to arrange the follow-up.

After encountering a demon, maybe not everyone has a problem, but one or two can't escape, right?

This person certainly cannot be handed over directly to the executive officer to deal with on the spot. The people in the military camp should be dealt with by the commander above.

But right

All the plans running through my mind came to nothing, and the ridiculous expectations that followed came back in an instant——

The joint team defeated the high-dimensional demon and died without evidence. Will this military merit be recorded? How to remember?

"Sir...are you sure?" the officer subconsciously murmured in disbelief.

"This is our duty. They are just normal ordinary people, innocent of demons." The executive glanced at him, and the blood that was originally boiling had gradually cooled down.

After doing it for a long time, I was happy for nothing.

It is his duty and his lifelong pursuit to hunt down everything related to demons.

Now that his expectations have been disappointed, he is the one who suffers the most.

"Okay... I'm sorry to bother you, sir." The officer sighed.

"What's going on?" The executive officer was not in a hurry to leave.

Any traces related to demons must not be missed. These warriors themselves may be fine, but they may also be able to be traced back to things truly related to demons.

"Sir..." Anyway, his people were clean, so the officer calmly told the information he had obtained, "They went to perform a mission to meet the refugees, but where the refugees were entrenched, they encountered A demon's true form...and then..."

"So..." The more the executive listened, the more uncomfortable he felt, and his emotions were gradually getting excited. He looked at the officer as if he were looking at a fool, and then turned to the psyker, "You guys Do you believe what they say?"

"..." The psyker was stimulated by his gaze and retorted in a low voice, "We didn't believe it at first either..."

"Do you know what level a demon is that is just repelled but not killed?" The executive stared at the psyker with disdain.

"You know...original devil?"

"Original devil!" The executive laughed angrily. "Return the original demon... Since you know the original demon, you should know how difficult that kind of thing is. Can you defeat an original demon by relying on them?"

That was an existence that their executive officers had to mobilize collectively to deal with carefully. Just one... oh no, just one, a big-headed soldier who didn't even have much relevant knowledge was able to repel an origin. demon?

So what do they need their executive officers to do?

I originally thought that even if these warriors were fine, they might have clues about the demons, but at the moment, it turned out to be purely an inadvertent incident.

"And..." The executive officer was interested in educating the psychics in the military camp to prevent similar incidents from happening again in the future. "You need to know one more thing - how many refugees do they say there are?"

"More than four hundred." The officer responded immediately.

"More than four hundred people!" The executive officer sneered, "How can more than four hundred refugees summon the original demon? Or even its true form!? The more powerful the demon is, the more difficult it is to appear in the material world. Ordinary It is difficult for a demon to come to the material world even if it is possessed by will, let alone the original demon! More than four hundred people can summon the true body of an original demon, and this world has long been a world of demons!"

After waving his hand, the executive turned around and left, "They are 100% fabricated. This is your military camp's own business. I'll leave first."

"Sir, walk slowly..."

Before the officer's congratulatory voice could completely fade away, a calm voice suddenly sounded, "But sir, why don't you ask about the detailed combat process?"

It's Bai E.

In fact, he doesn't value the military merit of defeating the demon that much. From a selfish point of view, he would rather do more than less.

But the facts have already happened. Paper cannot contain the fire. Things that so many people know cannot be suppressed.

When the verdict is over in the future, if I ask him why he concealed it, how will he answer this?

What's more, after fighting against the devil in person, Bai E also experienced the disaster of being planted by the devil.

I can only make sure that I am fine, but what about the other soldiers? What about the refugees?

Could it be that there are some hidden dangers in the soul, as the psykers in the military camp said? Is there an opportunity for the devil to exploit the loopholes in the future?

From the bottom of his heart, he hoped that the military camp would pay more attention to this matter.

So it's better to stick to your point of view now. If they take it seriously and still think it's a lie... then just treat it as a lie.

Bai E's speech made the executive who had already taken a step pause, and turned to look at Bai E, his eyes as sharp as a knife.

"You are so brave!"

"I just hope that adults can take this seriously. Of course we have no problem, but we can't guarantee that the same will happen to the refugees... and the few surviving scouts."

On the way, Bai E discovered that their mental state was not very normal, and their energy and spirit were definitely not what a warrior should be.

Are you really beaten down? Or is it because the seeds planted by the devil are still rooted in the corners of their souls?

"Are you teaching me how to do things?" The executive's eyes narrowed slightly, with a cold light flashing.

"If there's any offense, that's not my intention."

"..." The executive officer said nothing more, but stared at Bai E with a gloomy look.

The hustle and bustle of high latitudes kept whispering in his ears.

At this moment, it seems more like it has substance, as if it is saying——

"Kill him!"

"Kill him!"

"Kill this madman who offends your majesty!"

The frightening spiritual pressure surged in the room, the air flowed slowly and slowly, and the cold breath even spilled out of the door.

No one spoke.

No one dared to break the silence at this moment.

Until a series of hurried footsteps quickly approached this place from a distance, accompanied by the familiar voice of Marshal Weslin, "The debriefing room is over here. The joint team that went on the mission just came back. I asked about it." Register the action record here.”


The door curtain was opened, and before entering the room, Aglaiya noticed the spiritual pressure that filled the air.

So as soon as he entered the door, he looked at the only executive in the room.

"What are you doing?!"

The spiritual pressure from the high-ranking psychic instantly controlled the entire audience, and the majestic female voice resounded deep in the souls of everyone present.

Psykers' core abilities vary, but most psykers are actually quite clever.

To support strong psychic power, a sensitive and intelligent brain is essential.

As one of the few A-level managers in the Administration, Aglaia can almost be said to be one of the best ones selected among all the psykers in the entire city.

Both strength and wisdom are top-notch.

She didn't even need anyone to explain. Just by smelling the atmosphere, she could roughly guess why the atmosphere was so solemn.

After all, the facts may indeed subvert the cognition of some ordinary people...including ordinary executives or psychics.

Aglaiya's voice was like a basin of summer ice water, instantly clearing the executive officer's mind.

The noisy whispers in my mind also faded away in an instant.

"Lord Aglaia..."

He bowed his head and stepped back, beginning to confess himself.

Every executive officer of the Arbitration Institute is also suffering from the constant erosion of those unclean whispers of high-dimensional space when fighting against demons.

Just now, he almost fell.

During the time he came to the military camp, while teaching the soldiers in the armored battalion, his silent sense of superiority and irritability made him lose himself.

Maybe he should consider returning to his career of hunting demons...

Aglaia glanced at him and looked back.

Turning to look at Bai E, this was the core of all the low-pressure atmosphere just now.

She didn't need any introduction, she had her sights set on it.

"Are you Bai E?"

The tall Qianying stood in front of her. She was even a few centimeters taller than herself, making the opponent's approach very oppressive.

Bai E looked up, his eyes calm, his voice never wavered, "It's me."

"It's good if it's you." Aglaia pursed her lips slightly, somewhat satisfied with the warrior's reaction.

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