Wow! The explosion rate is really high

Chapter 229 Identity of Natural Person

Hamilton's proposal for this artificial man is——

Transferred to the armored battalion, and is the real core direct descendant of the armored battalion.

Have access to mechas and become an alternative pilot for mecha pilots!

Due to the excellent record of this new artificial man, even faction leaders like Hamilton who are unwilling to admit the equal status of artificial men have to admit the excellence of this individual.

This mission also failed to make the artificial man "sacrifice", so we simply stopped targeting him.

Since you can't stop your opponent from being promoted, it's better to take a step to remove the firepower and make him one of your own.

Previously, Hamilton's targeting of Baie basically only remained in the cognition of these senior officers. The soldier himself was not aware of it at all.

So even if he changes his attitude at this time, he should have no grudges.

Transferring to the armored battalion is just a superficial appearance. Everyone knows that the armored battalion is a reserved place for natural people. The artificial humans who are transferred occasionally are only qualified to do the most common tasks in the battalion, and they have absolutely no access to the Titan-class weapons at the core of the armored battalion-fighting mechas. .

Now allowing an artificial person to come into contact with this thing is essentially giving him the identity of a natural person.

Give the original artificial person a public recognition identity as a natural person, and he will only be grateful.

Weslin put down the proposal, his eyes sparkling with thought——

Hamilton's proposal might not be a bad reward...

The identity of a natural person is actually the greatest reward for an artificial person.

This is class.

A person may be able to easily obtain wealth and honor, but no matter how hard he works, his life will only be limited to a circle that is determined to be dead from birth.

Opportunities to cross class lines don’t come around very often, and each time is a great opportunity.

If it weren't for the excellence of this android warrior beyond imagination, and the fact that he had achieved numerous achievements by chance, this opportunity would never have fallen on his head, or even come to pass at all.

This reward... is enough to show my preference for him!

Indispensable contribution! What a great contribution!

Ok, deal!

But the premise is... he can successfully inject the genetic optimization fluid.

After all, for artificial humans, that thing is actually a double-edged sword.

Just as it was getting dark, Bai E heard the life chief's call outside the tent, "95B27!"

"Arrived!" Bai E, who was in a daze as he slept, had already developed an instinct, and he already responded before he even opened his eyes.

"Take care of your personal hygiene, the marshal is looking for you."


Could it be the genetic optimization fluid we just talked about last night? Coming so early in the morning?

Bai E, who was washing, had some small expectations in his heart.

I have been waiting for this for a long time.

According to the official website of the game, the way to achieve the goal of being able to resist nuclear bombs with one's body relies on something that allows one's body to break through the limits of human beings.

Maybe after this injection of optimization liquid, he will immediately become a saint physically on the spot, raise his hands to nukes his palms, kick his feet and nukes his legs, and become invincible in the world.

"Report, people have been brought!"

The familiar laboratory was the one Helen used before.

Is it really coming?

Bai E's heart was beating with anticipation, but it was restrained instantly.

Gene optimization solution! So close!

"Go in." The officer leading the way signaled.

Bai E nodded, "Yes! Sir!"

Pushing the door open, a familiar white coat stood next to the familiar instrument.

But it wasn't Helen, it was some unfamiliar faces I had never seen before.

Also, Helen is a senior academician of the Academy of Science and Technology, so this kind of grassroots work does not require her to do it herself.

Weislin was also there, and saw a friendly smile on Bai E's face, "Bai E, come here."


Weislin pointed his eyes at the three people in white coats who were making preparations, and explained: "I asked them to come early in the morning about the genetic optimization fluid I told you yesterday."

"Injecting the optimization solution is a time-consuming and labor-intensive matter that requires caution and may take a long time." A man in a white coat interrupted to explain.

The military marshal's face must be coordinated.

"Thank you Marshal!"

"You deserve this..." Weslin waved his hand with a smile and turned to look at the three people in white coats who were preparing, "Are you ready?"

The heavily armed scientific research institute personnel nodded, "Okay, Marshal."

"Then let's get started." Weslin looked back at Bai E and patted his back, "Go, don't be afraid, I'm here."

Bai E obediently lay down on the familiar workbench, looking up and down like a corpse by three people in white coats.

One of them in a white coat came to the top of Bai E's head, looked down at Bai E's eyes and said to him.

"Before we really start, there are some things about the genetic optimization fluid that I need to fully explain to you."

"It's not the real injection yet. We are collecting your body data. Only if we determine through the data that your body is fully prepared can we start the real injection. Of course, whether your body is 'ready' It’s not up to us, nor is it up to you, everything is based on data. If we judge that your body is not suitable for injection now, we will nurse you back to health for three to seven days.”

There was a strange cold feeling all over the body, as if some sharp objects were touching or piercing the skin, but it didn't hurt.

Bai E didn't say anything, nor did he look down. He just nodded to show that he heard.

"Generally, there is no need to worry. Ninety percent of our soldiers can be injected directly." Weslin, who has more practical experience, smiled and reassured.

"Well..." The white coat nodded in agreement with this statement and continued to explain to Bai E, "And even if it is an injection, I still need to explain something to you -"

"The genes of your artificial humans contain alien factors. You were born on the No. 95 artificial human production line. Your genes naturally contain part of the orcs... The genetic optimization fluid adapted to you also contains this ingredient. In After injection, your genes may be expressed differently."

"It may remain the same; it may also be that your human genes have the upper hand and begin to expel the alien genes. Of course, this possibility is very small; more likely, the alien genes begin to spread on a large scale and take over. Once the orc genes completely take over You have the dominance over your body, so I'm sorry...your fate will only be to be completely abandoned."

Any heterogeneous gene is stronger and more aggressive than human genes.

This is also the fundamental reason why genetic optimization fluid is rarely issued to artificial humans in military camps.

Compared with natural humans themselves, artificial humans with alien blood in their bodies are born with original sin.

Genetic optimization solutions are more likely to amplify this original sin, not only waste precious resources, but also create mutant species that bring losses to mankind.

Only when the achievements of artificial humans cannot be ignored will they take the risk of trying injections.

"But you don't have to worry too much... What I say next may be a little less 'scientific', or not quite 'materialistic'... You may not understand it, but you just need to remember - who you are , it’s up to you to decide.”

The white coat on top of Bai E's head looked at Bai E with a pair of serious eyes, trying to make him fully realize the weight of his words, "Be firm that you are a human being, and be firm with your pride as a human being. All alien species will eventually be destroyed." To be completely eradicated from this planet!”

"Do you understand?"

Bai E took his breath slowly and said in a deep voice, "Understood."

He knew the specific manifestations of risk that White Coat was talking about.

The risk of exactly the variant on the panel is...moderate.

Coupled with the inherent flaws of artificial humans that Helen warned before...

Everything comes together at this moment.

In the process of strengthening oneself, the original sin at the birth of the artificial man will also develop and grow as the individual grows and absorbs nutrients.

In a confrontation between genes from different races in the body, which one belongs to humans will win, or will the one belonging to orcs win?

No one knows until the answer is presented.

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