Wow! The explosion rate is really high

Chapter 233 Entering the Armored Battalion

It seems that my decision to break the previous thinking was not wrong.

As for who proposed this proposal, does it matter?

Hamilton glanced at Carlos, who looked a little dull and seemed unresponsive——

Didn’t the person finally fall into his own hands?


["Lucky Blow" charge +2. 】

"I have no objection! This is the honor that 95B27 deserves! He has made so much contribution to the military camp and should have been reused and promoted long ago!" Hamilton was the first to agree, then turned to look at Carlos, "You What do you think, Carlos?"

Normally, there is no need to initiate such a council to promote a natural soldier. The military camp is already the most straightforward force in the city.

The able ones advance, the weak retreat.

The real achievements are there, no one will say anything about it.

It's just that Bai E, the artificial man, was originally the focus of the battle between the two factions. His fate was beyond his control, and he has become a battlefield for the two factions.

Any decisions he makes are likely to be criticized by rival factions.

Not to mention that the decision to promote an artificial person into a natural person has never been made at this time.

For the first time, everyone’s opinions are always required to be voted on together.

Carlos scowled.

He never thought that Hamilton, a purely natural man who seemed stubborn and stubborn, could be so flexible.

This move was something he had never seen before, and it really disrupted his position.

"What? You keep saying that you hope that the android warrior will have a bright future, isn't it just talk?" Hamilton looked at Carlos sarcastically, "Now that he can have a glorious and bright future, you are still hesitating. . Or is it that your previous persistence was actually just an excuse to support artificial humans to pursue your own interests?"

"..." Carlos frowned, knowing something was wrong.

Of course there are flaws in Hamilton's words -

If an artificial person becomes a natural person, whether from the data or from everyone's perception, then all his achievements and efforts in the future will become the glory of the natural person and have nothing to do with the artificial person.

In essence, it is still class...

Only when artificial humans are promoted to "natural persons" can they enjoy the same rights.

But what he wants is that all artificial humans are born to be able to enjoy all the treatment of natural persons fairly. He just hopes to use Bai'e, an excellent artificial human, to set an example and become a warrior who leads the charge under the banner of artificial humans.

The starting point is completely different.

It's just that Bai E himself is also present on this occasion, which is the most troublesome thing.

If he had complained about his promotion, then even if he was forced to stay, there might not be a gap in Baie's heart, and Hamilton would be completely successful.

What a vicious plan!

Carlos' eyes swept across the faces of Weslin and Hamilton. They were the ones who contributed to today's dead end.

The Marshal has always been a neutral faction, but now... was there some kind of deal between the Marshal and Hamilton?

But no matter what, you have to make a choice.

Since you can't keep it... then let it go completely.

He truly sympathized with the tragic fate of artificial people, so he joined the faction that supported artificial people and fought for the lifelong rights of all artificial people.


"I agree……"

"But he can retain his special team members." The old marshal, who had been sitting quietly on Carlos's hand as if he was asleep, suddenly said.

The old man slowly opened his eyes, and his old eyes looked cloudy. "He was born too short and needs more learning. Since he is a natural person, he should learn more about everything about this world."

'Pooh! Old thing! ’ Hamilton spat secretly with some displeasure.

The only thing that the reserve pilots of the armored battalion need to concentrate on training is the Titan-class weapon. It can almost be said that it is a treasure hidden in the battalion and not easily displayed.

Completely cut off his connection with the outside world and let him completely become his own person. How will he be brainwashed by then? Isn’t he the one who has the final say?

But the old marshal's words meant that he still had half the time to contact people from other factions.

When the time comes, where will this warrior who has been promoted from an artificial human to a natural human sit? It's really hard to say.

However, the reasons he gave can be regarded as using his own words to climb up, and they were all for the future of the warrior himself.

Damn it! Sure enough, ginger is still spicy!

"Yes!" Carlos' eyes instantly lit up after being reminded, "I agree that he will be promoted to a natural person and participate in the reserve pilot training of the armored battalion in his spare time, but he must also maintain his special team organization to learn to become a pilot. Everything a natural man needs to learn is the end.”

This is better...

Weislin didn't care, he just wanted to reward Bai E.

After all, Aglaiya said that he deserves all the credit... What's more, the two extraordinary talents seem to be quite close to this warrior. There is no guarantee that they will not miss some of their old friendship when they grow up in the future.

My full support for his promotion may not be revealed right now, but it may come in handy at some point in the future!

"What Carlos said is good, do you have any other comments?"

"No." Hamilton said nothing, but the officer sitting next to him glanced at his face and replied in a muffled voice.

The neutral faction has nothing to worry about. If you have merit, you deserve to be in the position. They are the purest soldiers. "Just do what Carlos says..."

"Then it's settled." Weslin finally made the final decision.

The decision came into effect. According to the information records inside the military camp, Bai E's identity has completely changed from an artificial person to a natural person...

From... the dark streets.

Life experience... Orphan.

"Let's go! I'll take you to see the scenery of our armored battalion!" Hamilton put his broad palm around Bai E's shoulders.

Although the result was not very satisfactory, it still made Carlos feel disgusted.

Hamilton glanced back at Carlos and raised his head high, like a victorious rooster.

"Yes, sir!"

Bai E replied expressionlessly.

From beginning to end, he remained silent.

They just asked him to come here to accept the reward, but no one asked him for his opinion.

In fact, he himself doesn't have much obsession with this kind of status. An identity that can help him obtain more resources is a good identity.

Since you can't leave the military camp for the time being, you must find a way to get more things to help you grow within the military camp system.

The genetic optimization fluid just injected proves this point. If you go to other places, who knows where to get this thing?

As for where my butt sits...

We haven’t even seen the world clearly yet, so it’s too early to say this.

If you want to sit, just sit on the human side.


The wide tracks dragged the heavy tank body slowly past the front, bringing up yellow sand flying all over the sky.

Two vague black figures emerged from the hazy smoke and dust.

"Ahem~" Hamilton waved his hand to drive away the dust in front of his mouth and nose, "You also saw... Ahem~ The main training content of our armored battalion is these steel vehicles."

The armored battalion is completely different from the training camp of normal soldiers. At a glance, the entire camp is almost full of those cold and majestic steel creations.

Rows of multi-functional infantry vehicles are displayed quietly. The V3 rocket vehicles carrying missiles are ready for war at any time. The huge tanks move in various ways on the battlefield, and the gun barrels move as fast as possible, trying to aim at something that is not there. The goal.

This is their daily training.

And mecha...

The towering mecha is at the back of the military camp. The mecha that I have seen from a distance countless times in normal training camps cannot be felt until I get closer to the mecha, and I can feel the pressure brought by the behemoth.

Seeing Bai E's eyes scanning the moving tanks with interest, Hamilton introduced in a rich voice, "If you want to train those, you can. When you are free, my expectation for you is that you can An official pilot who is skilled in operating our Titan-class armed mecha!"

"Yeah~" Bai E nodded lightly.

Hamilton's eyes swept across his profile, and he fell in love with this taciturn warrior more and more.

He has always only targeted Carlos and his group from the opposing faction. Does he want to give artificial and natural people equal status?

Once you have status, you will have ideas.

So what is the purpose of making these artificial humans?

In order to resist all natural and man-made disasters in the surrounding area, the city needs to kill and injure so many people every year. If the lives of artificial humans are not used to fill in the lot, how can artificial humans and natural humans compete fairly?

The plan to have four batches of artificial soldiers a year, each batch of 2,000 people, in the military camp was originally designed to cope with this kind of population consumption.

The number of people who die due to war every year is about 8,000, and the artificial humans are produced to plug this hole.

In fact, humans have always had the ability to explode troops, and the maximum efficiency of the artificial human production line is not four batches a year.

But if too many artificial humans are produced and they don’t die in battle, how will they be fed?

It will only encroach on already tight natural human resources.

It is undoubtedly naive idealism to want to give status to a creature that is meant to be sacrificed.

If there is no need for them to die, there is no need for them to be born.

If they need to die, then why pretend to give them human rights?

This is the core political difference. Hamilton has no emotions towards those artificial human beings who are born and die.

But this artificial human is special...

He is already a natural man, and he has come into his own hands.

There is no commander who doesn't like capable and obedient soldiers.

The more I watch, the more I like it...

["Lucky Blow" charge +1. 】


Bai E paused for a moment, "Sir, when can I start participating in formal pilot training?"

That's a mecha!

No man can resist the temptation of a mecha!

"You can do it now, but now the training of pilots is not just about the control of mechas. You saw it when we attacked the insect nest last time. Without a strong spirit, no matter how powerful the weapons are, they are just lambs to be slaughtered."

Hamilton shook his head and sighed, "At this point, they should be undergoing psychic stress resistance training."

"Hello everyone, I am your new instructor."

The girl's clear voice sounded in front of a group of soldiers who stood with their hands behind their backs and remained unsmiling.

Franka, who was wearing a tight-fitting light blue combat uniform, looked at the soldiers in front of her with a smile.

"From today on, I will be responsible for taking care of your training against psychic shock!"

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