"There's a fight over there..."

"The purpose of those orcs is this human settlement?"

A group of players following far behind finally discovered the intentions of the orcs.

"Could they be trying to lure us there?"

"What should we do, boss? Do we want to go?" Many eyes looked at Ren Fengxing, waiting for his decision.

Regardless of whether they do it reluctantly or not, since everyone is here to complete the mission, even if it is not pleasant to be entrusted to others for the time being, revenge must be planned afterwards.

Ren Fengxing frowned slightly, staring at the wilderness oasis surrounded by a simple fence. The light water flowed quietly beside the settlement. The originally peaceful paradise was now shrouded in the clouds of war.

The overturned sparks were scattered everywhere along with the figures who were fleeing and chasing, easily igniting the flammable materials used in building houses.

The boundless screams seemed to be squeezed into his mind from all directions.

This game is so realistic...

So much so that when you witness the plot of this game, you can feel the cruelty and blood that rushes towards you.

Even if it’s a game…

Humanity is being massacred by alien races...

Right in front of you, unable to fight back.

The humans who settled in the wilderness may have some weapons, but they were still somewhat caught off guard when faced with the sudden attack of these aggressive orcs.

The reason why this wilderness oasis can survive to this day is just because of luck...

Letting those orcs consume more energy while chasing down the NPCs in the game is undoubtedly the best choice for you and others.

What does the fate of NPCs have to do with their players?

But... Ren Fengxing held the gun in his hand and felt that his palm was a little stiff with force.

Before the words of decision were spoken, another voice exploded in his ears.

"Fuck! What are you waiting for?" Kuang Xin ran towards the battlefield with two axes in hand.

Orcs? Orcs? Is this a fucking orc?

These green-skinned, pot-bellied things that look like legendary ogres are these orcs?

Where is my beast-eared girl?

Where is my wild little Fury?

Give me back my orc sister!

Looks like a piece of shit! How dare you invade our human territory!

Dai Lian looked at Kuang Xin who was suddenly impulsive, sighed slightly, and turned to fight for others, "They are also resisting. We should fight better while there are NPCs helping us to contain them."

Kuang Xin, who was running alone in front, roared without looking back, "What nonsense are you talking to them about?! This is just a fucking game! You don't dare to fight in the game, when will you dare to fight? You are all fucking cowards!"

Ren Fengxing's eyes flashed slightly, and he felt some changes in his team.

This is not reality, and it has nothing to do with huge interests.

In the game, players' love, hate, and hatred are clear and direct.

Passion is always the easiest thing to infect everyone's emotions in the game.

Ren Fengxing gritted his teeth and said: "Fuck! Beat me!"

Gu Lan had already given instructions to her people, and Sister Yu's voice was clear and crisp on the battlefield, "Charge!"

Along with it, there was the crisp sound of the long sword being unsheathed.


So in an instant, the players, who had no formation at all, suddenly launched a charge with a momentum even more frantic than the orcs.




One of the two men who were carrying the wooden box and shouting to charge received a slap on the head, so that the enthusiastic shouts turned into sobs in the throat.



The two of them looked at Ren Fengxing with tears in their eyes, their eyes full of confusion.

"Are they charging at you too?" Ren Fengxing glared at the two of them and kicked the wooden box they were still carrying, "Plant mines!"

"Hello boss!"

The two turned around and left, but then turned back and said, "Boss, where are you buried?"

"Whatever, find a place that is not a frontal battlefield..." Ren Fengxing paused as he spoke, and felt that it would be better to speak clearly, so he pointed to a piece of land and asked: "If you see it, bury it there! Turn on the switch and bury it. , I will lead people to retreat over there if the situation goes wrong."

"Boss Dele!"

"Bang! Bang! Bang!" Gunshots rang out from all directions on the frontal battlefield.

The orc knew that the player was following him, and the player also knew that the orc had discovered him and others a long time ago, so he kept following closely.

When the decision was made to charge, just a few moments after the decision was made, the distance was already within the range of the firearm.

Chaos, gunfights, sneak attacks, group battles.

All the exciting points for the players were gathered together, and the players who initiated the charge were so excited that they could hardly control themselves.

However, despite their fanatical desire to fight, they did not lose their minds and became beasts that only knew hand-to-hand combat.

Faced with the big and thick body of the orcs, a fool would just go up and fight them with bayonets.

Being able to shoot is not disrespectful. Let’s fly a kite and kill half of their lives first!

The players who dispersed on the long front line were like a tide, but they did not really get close. Only a few players who were enthusiastic about melee combat rushed directly into the face of the orcs and started a 1V1 real man battle.

The settlement is not small, and the orcs who are chasing and invading are also very scattered, and their number is not very large.

So there was a large area of ​​chaotic fighting. Being in the authority, without a high-altitude bird's-eye view, no one knew whether the humans or the orcs had the upper hand.

Xu Ruoguang, who was caught in the chaos and blood rain, did not feel faint because of the bloody smell that filled his nose. Even though everything in this game world was extremely real and the blood splashed on his hands was so slippery and sticky, he did not feel faint. Feeling slightly uncomfortable because of it.

It's as if he was born for this.

"Hoo! Hoo!"

The rough breathing of the orcs filled his ears, and under the rusty ax blade were the extremely painful cries for help from his compatriots.

They also have their own hunting teams, and they are also armed with their own hot and cold weapons.

But facing these strong alien guys, the short spears and long knives in their hands seemed too weak.

"call out!"

A flying ax whirled through the air.

The wind stirred up his hair.

Xu Ruoguang's eyes narrowed slightly, completely focusing on the short ax flying towards somewhere beside him.

The flying ax that rotated at high speed into a small whirlwind seemed to him to be slow-playing frame by frame like a stop-motion animation. He seemed to be able to directly see the dark red scars solidified by blood stains on the axe...

Everything in the peripheral vision slowed down, and the sound seemed to be unable to break through the boundaries of time and space to reach my ears... The world became quiet.

Talent: Bullet Time.

The target of this ax... is the uncle next to me.

The man I met on the day the game came...

Xu Ruoguang turned around quickly. The uncle seemed completely unaware of the flying ax coming from behind. He was holding a thick sword in one hand and was trying to split the defense of an orc with one sword.

He wants to take himself away...

He can't avoid this axe...

Xu Ruoguang's instant judgment made him realize the uncle's next outcome - the flying ax would be inserted into his heart, and his head would be chopped off by the orc in front of him.

Turning back to look at the flying ax that was still spinning slowly in front of his eyes, Xu Ruoguang stretched out his hand.

He held the ax handle accurately.

The turbulent rotation force was transmitted from the ax to Xu Ruoguang's hand at the moment when the two interacted.

The small ax has the power to easily knock someone away...

What a powerful force!

Xu Ruoguang was shocked, but it was not unexpected.

Bullet time... just speeds up your movements and reactions, and a little... speed force.

In interacting with other things, the simplest mechanical theorems must still be followed.

He'd been at a disadvantage in this area...ever?

What other nonsense are you thinking about?

The moment he reached out to grab the axe, Xu Ruoguang's body had already moved simultaneously.

As he rolled over and took off, he tried to keep his body up to the rhythm of the axe's rotation.

Just don't let go and the ax will carry his body with it.

Then...change its direction!

Just a little bit of strength...

The trajectory balance of this kind of flying object is actually quite easy to break!

Fighting turns... the stars move!

"call out!"

The flying ax changed direction and flew back with the same force in the direction it came from...

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